[الأخطبوط الكبير]|Big Octopus|طفرة جينية في وحش أعماق البحار! أكشن / مغامرة / كارثة|YOUKU

Fat Cat, the life ring. OK, life ring. Fat Cat, come on. Come on. Hurry up. Pull back. Give me the fag end. Hold tight. Don’t let go. Let me kill it. Are you stupid? Dead things are worthless. Do we sell it by weight, or by quantity? Is it edible?

Nothing else on your mind? Putting it into alcohol… Brother Feng, is very nutritious. What’s the point? He broke up with Zi Mo already. Oops. Stop airing his dirty laundry. Brother Feng, I have an idea that can help you get back with Zi Mo. Hi, Zi Mo. I told you

That Zi Mo would be interested in this thing. Good for you. What do you think? Not even you, a scientist, have ever seen such a big octopus before, have you? Brother Feng, what are you looking at? That two bulbs are too bright. Hey! Let’s get out of here.

What do you want to eat for dinner? Hands off me. It looks very unusual. It’s not a common octopus. What are you going to do with it? A gift for your research. What do you say? But you’re having dinner with me in return. Otherwise, I’ll have to sell it. Sell it? You can’t.

I just don’t get it. Why do you care more about this octopus than me? The only thing you care about is your research. Am I less than a fish? What secret has it got? You’re so full of crap. I warn you. Do not sell it yet. No matter who wants to buy it,

Or how much they pay. Is it clear? OK, OK. Help. =Big Octopus= Move faster. Tell me everything you know. Where is it? Tell me. Any idea why they kidnapped you? They know about my experiment. Old friend, let’s keep going. Can’t hang around. Come on. You have work to do. (WAWASAN Ⅰ) Thousands of samples all escaped. (WAWASAN Ⅰ) (WAWASAN Ⅰ) Thousands of samples all escaped. Where does the hole come from? Zi Mo, I’ve got the report. All samples were tested (DNA TESTING REPORT) and an identical DNA sequence was found. This is very abnormal. How does the wound simulation go? The researchers of marine animals simulated the residue of the break in the fishing net. They found that there’s no biological data of such a large size in the ocean.

Is it really a sea monster? Are you sure? Due to the low visibility at the bottom of the sea, Zi Mo and her team were not able to see it clearly. We can’t determine what kind of creature it was only based on the wound. Turn on all detection sonar systems.

We have to find it this time. Yes, sir. Hurry up. Who gave you permission to enter my lab? Get out. Mr. Lin wants to see you. Who got our great scientist pissed off? Please get out of here. You’re not welcomed here. I can cover all the cost

Of your research for you for the next five years, only when you help me get this project done. Mutated gene is not my field. Zi Mo, could you please just let me finish? Calm down. We’re just studying the mutations first, then the antidepressants. Just changing the order.

I heard that you’ve lost all your samples. Are you going to give up already? I’m afraid I’m the only one who are capable of providing you with this many samples. Call me when you made up your mind. By the way, it’s said that Shao Feng caught a big octopus.

Let’s go check it out. We shall prepare a big sample for my junior sister. Yes, sir. Excuse me. Your food is coming right away. Coming in a minute. Go go. Gang Zi, there you go. Where did he go? Got kicked out. The others? All got kicked out. Mr. Lin!

To whom do I owe the pleasure? Have a sit. Take a sit. Come on. Have some. Help yourself. Eat it. Come on. You rich people don’t want to get your hands dirty. Nice view. I don’t think this shitty restaurant worth this much money. Not your restaurant. I want the octopus. The octopus?

No problem. I have as many as you want. All you have to do is make a phone call and I will personally deliver them to your door. I bet you can’t make this much money in your lifetime with this restaurant. Trust me. This is the best price you can get on this island.

You want that famous octopus. No. That’s the signature dish of the restaurant. Shao Feng. It’s time to prepare a great wedding for Zi Mo. Brother Feng. Brother Feng. Come here. Excuse me for a second Mr. Lin. Zi Mo is here. Well, Ever since I caught this octopus, you’re coming here every day. I’m not sure if I should be happy or sad. Was Mr. Lin here? Yes. He took a whole box of money to buy my octopus. You sell it to him? Absolutely not. I’m counting on it to have a dinner with you.

I’m serious, okay? There was an attack on the beach yesterday. Are you aware of that? They were swimming in the ocean. People went missing. It’s an incident. It’s still under investigation. I found something off in nearby waters, which are likely to be related to that octopus.

It might not be good for you to keep it. You’d better let it go. So you mean, there’s a monster in the sea? God, it’s so dangerous. Come on. Let me get you home. Let’s go. You’d better watch yourself. Listen to me carefully. You must get that octopus tonight,

Or you’ll all be thrown into the sea to feed the fish. Come on, ladies and gentlemen. Have a lovely night! Here you are. Don’t forget to come next time. There you go. Here comes your dishes. Here, here goes your fish. OK. Enjoy it. Your shrimps. Trust me. It’s fresh-made. Try it.

How was it? Tastes good, right? Yes. Hey, cheers. Cheers. Zi Mo, (Greeo Biotechnology) Sister Zi Mo, (Greeo Biotechnology) the shadow appears again. This is the satellite image we detected. It’s moving. Find the corresponding sea area immediately. OK. From 031 to 043. It locates by the Romance Bay. The Romance Bay? Brother Feng’s restaurant is there! I’ll be out for a while. Just a second. Your food is coming right away. One sec. Help me. What happened? Weird. Run! Hu Zi! Shao Feng, what happened? The octopus got snatched. Go get it! Hurry up. Drive! Watch out. Get closer. Be careful, Shao Feng. Zi Mo. Zi Mo. Are you okay? Hey. Are you hurt? I’m fine. A restaurant in the Romance Bay was attacked by an unknown creature. Dozens of people were injured

And were taken to nearby hospital for treatment. No word yet on whether anyone has died. Police have urged the public to stay away from the coast. Numerous tourists have left the island. We will continue to report on this matter. Shao Feng, don’t worry. I will sell my house to pay your debts.

I’d rather go to jail than letting you sell your house, paying debts for me. Shao Feng, I’ll be with you. Brother Feng, we put out to sea. We can definitely make a comeback. The wind is strong. Be careful. Don’t worry. Emergency! Get away! Get away! Emergency! Emergency!

Why do you have to do this? If you had sold it to me earlier, none of this would have happened. It’s your nemesis. Let me take care of it. Hurry up. Get it on board. Shao Feng, why did you do this? Answer me! You don’t need you sell your house now.

Didn’t we agree not to sell it before? Which one is more important to you, the octopus or me? For an octopus, do you have to? Do you know how serious the consequences of selling it are? It is not an ordinary octopus. It has a certain connection with the unknown creature

That attacked your restaurant. Ridiculous. How ridiculous! Do you want me to watch you moving from the villa to the slums? Do you want me to see Hu Zi and Gang Zi fishing in the sea? Do I have to pretend that nothing happened? I’m not that selfish.

Is it not selfish to sell the octopus? It’s my nemesis. It ruined my life. Shao Feng, you’ll regret. If you are not willing to face the reality because of your pride, then listen to me carefully, I will never marry a man who puts his pride first. Gang Zi. Get up, Gang Zi. Fish!

Gang Zi. Fish! Fish! Hurry up. Come on. So many fish! Go for it. So many! Gang Zi. Hu Zi. Gang Zi! Hu Zi! I understand you were close friends. I know you’re in pain. I’m sad, too. Were they both dead because of the octopus I caught? All the things I feared before have all gone ture. If this matter is indeed related to the big monster in the sea, then not only you and I,

But the whole island will be in danger. I will definitely avenge them. Give me some time. I will find out the truth. OK? Luna, turn on all sonar systems immediately. What are your plans after graduation? No idea yet. You have the potential to be an outstanding female scientist. Join my company.

I’m guaranteeing you the top-class research equipment. Thank you. But, I study antidepressants, while your company focuses on biogenetics. They are different. Let me think about it. Join us any time. Call me when you made up your mind. No. What? It has four eyes? Mr. Lin, it’s incredible! Dissect it now. Mr. Lin,

Don’t kill it for now. It can bring us a large amount of data, which is very important to study the mutations. You’ll be the greatest scientist. Sweetie, I didn’t expect you can repair your own wounds. Zi Mo. According to the shipwreck and the attack on the restaurant,

As well as the DNA of the unknown creature on Hu Zi and Gang Zi, after comparing with the DNA of this baby octopus, four sets of genetic data show that the unknown creature is related to it as mother and son. According to the length of chromosome telomeres,

The age of the large octopus is about 75 years. Common octopus can survive three to four years. If it has lived to be 75 years old, what could cause the mutation? Luna, when was the earliest nuclear leak? The possibility of nuclear radiation mutation has been completely ruled out. No radioactive elements were detected

From the baby octopus. The record of DNA research covers only nearly 60 years. Had someone already studied it before this? Greed Biotechnology, Inc. released a significant information before the market opened this morning. The leader claimed that significant progress has now been made in the study of human mutant genes. The commercial value of this achievement is incalculable. OK. Alright. Sure. Got it. Alright. OK. OK. Sure. Hold on. Boss. Boss. I found the clue.

General, attention! Move. Yes, sir. Go. The leader of Greed said that the latest research results of the mutated gene will be announced today. We will continue to report on this matter. Mr. Lin. Following this news, Greed’s share price has set a new record. Once the mutant gene research is successful,

Human life expectancy will also be extended. See? Your report is the core. Everyone wants to see our research. We’re changing this whole world. The greatest biotech empire of mankind has been born. A company that violates science, ethics and morality will eventually be rejected by the world. You’re destroying the world. No.

The mutated genes we study will make humans more powerful. You’re insane. One is either crazy or vulgar. The evolution of organisms is originally a process of mutation. I’m just taking a shortcut, faster than others. But the quickest shortcut is often the wrong one. Cheers. Lin, where are you? Gell, what do you mean?

The results of the mutated gene are on my computer. You’ll earn a lot of money with it! But now you’re pointing a gun at my brothers. What does that mean? You’ve been keeping a secret from me, Lin. And I can’t trust you. I’ve seen far too much.

I don’t want any of your money. I wanna know about this experiment. Now, what do you want to say about yourself? OK. Now it’s all up to you. You’re in charge. Lin, who is the person you admire most? My grandpa. If my grandfather had succeeded, the father of DNA would not be Watson. Find her. Give me the report. Nice match. Good boxers. Next time the boss will provide a special venue for you to compete. 3 points scored. OK. Hey. How much are you going to bet? This is not for betting. I heard that you have a fast boat. (PRINCESS) I heard that you have a fast boat. (DIVE TIOMAN) I’ll pay the double (DIVE TIOMAN) and you take me to a place. and you take me to a place. Can you make it faster, please? I’m in a rush. OK. Explain this. I never thought you would be the one who sold me out. Why did you do this? She got paid plenty pennies. General. General. Trust me. General. What is this? Do I look a big moron to you? OK. I’ll tell you everything I know. But you should get her out of my sight. OK.

Take her to meet her maker. No. General. General. You can’t treat me like this. General. I will never allow betrayal. These photos were left to me by my grandpa. He was a doctor of biology studying in Germany. He was forced to follow his mentor to participate in Nazi military research on mutated genes.

They wanted to make their militaries to be more powerful. It was a secret research. They studied this on kinds of marine animals. But they failed. At that time, a small octopus that was injected accidentally escaped. World War II ended before the results of the study were available. This military research base was abandoned.

All these years, I’ve been looking for this octopus. Once we capture it and compare it with the reagents, we can know whether the experiment was successful back then. For so long, I’ve been looking for its other half. It’s you. Do you remember your kidnapping? Any idea why they kidnapped you? They know about my experiment. Why? Why do they want? Old friend, let’s keep going. Can’t hang around. Come on. You have work to do. So, you set this up? I’ve always suspected you. Time to get the whole of that reagent.

Full speed ahead. Bring up the little octopus. Everyone, aim your weapons to the surrounding of the little octopus. Grab him. Throw him into the sea. No. General. No. Shao Feng. I love you, Zi Mo. I will marry you in another life. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Fire. Come on. Go get off the rocket. Yes, sir. No. Everyone, aim on its head. Fire! (RV Discovery) Fire! General, over there! Zi Mo, I’m so sorry. I tried my best, but I can’t save the baby octopus. They didn’t hurt anyone before. Why did humans do this to him? Because of the greedy desire. Gell’s ambition is bigger than Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin is just a science geek.

But if a pervert like Gell gets the mutated gene, we’re all screwed. General. The octopus is coming. Abandon the ship. Bring the octopus’ DNA. We must stop them. Abandon the ship. Move. Zi Mo, come here. This way. When the Fascists lost the war, they destroyed the exit below.

We can only go down the tunnel through this hole to get to the military base. Let’s go. Zi Mo, promise me. You need to get out of here alive. Stop. Everyone, take a break. You, and you, stand guard. Move. Go. Go. Zi Mo! Zi Mo! Are you okay? Let’s go. Move. Come here.

Come here. Watch your head. Go. Fat Cat. Fat Cat. Fat Cat. Go! What is that monster? How can it still stretch so far inside a cave! Run. This is so amazing. We found it. Lin! Come and verify it was born 75 years ago. Sure. Of course. Lin, find the reagents. Doctor,

Prepare the test. Everybody, prepare the battle of the monster. The time has finally come. We fight till the death. Let’s move! Yes, sir. Hurry up. I’m gonna explode it. General, I found it. This is it? The day of reckoning. We’ll change the fate of humanity, forever. Doctor. Impossible. Impossible. General. Lie to us! Come on. Zi Mo, let’s go. Go. Go now. Run. Faster. Leave me alone. Just go. Run together. Run. Zi Mo, close the door. Come on, beast. Where are you? Where are you? We seem to be back to the original point. Move. Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin.

This is the last reagent injected into the octopus. My grandpa put it with the failed tubes to keep it out of the hands of the Nazis. If the Nazis get the mutated genes, it will be a catastrophe for humanity. If Gell gets the mutated gene, it will also be a disaster. Zi Mo,

Help me prove that my grandpa had succeeded. Shao Feng. I may have to miss your wedding. Lin. Lin. Lin. Lin. Where are you? You’re dead. Come on, beast. Zi Mo, take this reagent, and follow the escape route on the drawing to escape. No. I’ll distract Gell and get the detonator he’s got.

I must stop him. I’ll go with you. Don’t worry. I’ll meet you later. Run now. Shao Feng. OK. Let him go. Then prepare the final test. Use the real reagent this time. Then don’t hurt him. Please. Right now. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Do it. No. Run. Do it, now. OK. Shao Feng.

Where are my results? I’m running out of patience. OK. Come on. No. Come on. Come on. General. I got it. General. Give it to me. Give it to me. Zi Mo, go now. We all die sometime. Run. Run. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. You promised me. You can’t die. Shao Feng. You’re going to be a dad. Shao Feng.

Wake up. Shao Feng. Shao Feng. Slow down. It’s okay. Mom, the story Dad told me about the little octopus saving us, is it true? Let’s go. Let’s go home.