“الثعبان 3 معركة الديناصور والثعبان”|Snake 3|تشن زي هان و لوه لي تشون يقاتلان الوحوش العملاقة!|YOUKU

Mr. Chen. You’re finally here. It took me several days to travel by plane, train, and ship. I’m exhausted. There’s no choice. You have the final say in this matter. Hurry up. Don’t ruin the goods. Testing completed. The signal tower operates normally. Finally, there’s a signal. What terrible weather. It’s so unpredictable.

I know, right? Mr. Chen, this way. The climate here is odd. Especially this island. It’s different up and down the hill. Are you developing here or excavating? Mr. Chen. Please wear a helmet. Be careful. One more person here. It’s troublesome. The paleontologists said these are fossils. We almost fell behind the schedule.

There are skeletons everywhere. We’re not sure about the geology below. It’s very firm. We imported a batch of explosives. Come on. Give me the map. This. One more person here. Take a look, Mr. Chen. [Explosives] It’s the blasting plan. These imported explosives are powerful. They can even explode a mountain. Great.

I don’t dare to take action first. Mr. Qian and you have the final say. The explosives have been buried. Mr. Qian. I’m at the site. Let me tell you. The ground is too firm to settle. We should use explosives. And the project payment has to be made quickly. It’s three months in arrears.

Are you done yet? Too much nonsense. Hurry up. You’ll get paid as soon as it’s done. Well, no. Mr. Qian. What’s going on? Chief, the explosive line has been laid. Mr. Chen. Do you think we should blow it up or not? Be bold. Just do it. Look, Chief. We still can’t dig it.

Get out of the way. Why is there something hard again? Look, Chief. What skeleton is it? It’s huge. You two go down and take a look. Hurry up. Be careful. Look. It’s alive. It’s moving. Let’s run away. [Snake 3: Dinosaur vs. Python]

[Cretaceous fossils discovered on a new island] (I promise that Qian’s Group) [Press Conference of the Desert Island Paradise ] will make Desert Island Paradise the world’s largest ancient ecological theme park. According to BBC’s field reporter, Qian’s Group is fully prepared. Desert Island Paradise is my dream and my son’s dream.

[Mysterious Prehistoric Python] The International Palaeontological Association [Its body length is 70 meters,] is jointly suing the group’s president, Qian Cheng. [exceeding the largest known Titan python] Rumor has it that the capital chain [Unknown New Carnivorous Dinosaur] of the Desert Island Paradise project has broken. [Its body length can reach 60 meters,]

[and its weight is over 80 tons.] It is proposed to protect rare fossil resources. [Paleontologists search for the origin of beasts] Qian’s Group is on the verge of bankruptcy now. [Mass Extinction] [Battle of Ancient Emperors] [Director: Lin Zhenzhao] Your adaptability has improved. The training works. But you also noticed

That the support has seriously affected your action. If you encounter danger in the wild, you can’t protect yourself at all. Therefore, let’s cancel the travel plan this time. You promised me. You can’t even walk well. How can you go? Yes. I’m a cripple. I can’t go anywhere. Kai. The doctor said

You have post-traumatic stress disorder. As long as you enhance rehabilitation, your legs will get better. When you recover, I’ll take you out again. I’m not a kid anymore. What you did only made me think that I’m useless. I’m going to rest. [Desert Island Paradise] Dear customers, now we’ve entered this ancient island hidden for hundreds of millions of years. It’ll soon be developed into the world’s largest natural ecological park. I’ll lead everyone to experience the prehistoric world. Am I a dog? Watch your mouth. It’s for your own good. We’re in the wild. It may be dangerous. I’d rather stay at home. Didn’t you want to take me surfing? There’s no signal at all. How can I live stream? Don’t worry. Qian. Qian. Didn’t you say there’s a signal? I can’t even play ranked. Mr. Bai. Don’t worry. There’ll be a signal later. Maybe the signal tower doesn’t cover here. Don’t panic. It’s just a flock of birds that were migrating. How can a bird be so huge? [Alarm clock] (What… What is it again?) Drink some water, Kai. Kai. I saw a dinosaur. Whatever you see, you have to drink water. Take it. Kai, are you okay? How is it? Let’s get off. Go down and have a look. Sorry about that. There’s a landslide. It’s inevitable. I almost died. A short break is for a better start. Aren’t you driving? Why are you drinking the beer? Miss. It’s alcohol-free. Mr. Bai. Look, Mr. Bai. No virtual technology can replicate the ecology of this island. It will be well worth it to develop this island. Mr. Bai. Qian. It’s great. Let’s talk later. Well. One, two, three. Sir. One, two, three. Where’s the washroom? There’s no washroom. Let me take you to the woods. Let’s go. What’s with physical tourism? You’d lose a lot of money. Just pee here. Can’t you make it? Do you want me to help you? Sir. Stop it. Sir. Sir! Hey, everyone! It’s alive! Just say it. We’re all waiting for it. H…Hurry up. He’s trying to say that we have to leave quickly. We also want to. Don’t worry, guys. The island has been examined. It’s perfectly safe. Yes, perfectly safe. Where’s he? Qi. Wasn’t he here just now? Qi. Qi. Save me!

Hurry up. Get on the bus. -Run! -Hurry up! Get on the bus now! -Be quick. -Hurry up! Hurry up. Hurry up. Close the door! Some didn’t get on yet. Kai. Kai. Kai. Kai. Don’t move. It can’t see static things. [Beelzebufo] It’s prehistoric Beelzebufo indeed. It looks goofy, yet it’s fierce.

It’s good at ambush. It’s very creepy. Don’t move at all. Don’t move. [Ancient Desert Island Tour] Sir. Sir! Pangu Python. We entered its territory. We’re going to die. Mom. Mom. Pull yourself together. Kai. Wake up. Wake up. Kai. Wake up. Take it slow. Lei. Lei. Kai. Has anyone seen my son? You… You’re still smoking. I did everything for you. Yet you wanted to kill me.

Didn’t you say there are others here? Where are they? I don’t know either. We can’t get in touch with the construction team. And there’s no signal. Why didn’t you tell me earlier? What’s going on exactly? Stop it. Let’s leave here by ferry first. The island hasn’t been fully developed yet.

The ferry was rented temporarily and left early. It’ll only come to pick us up three days later. What? It was him. He told me to lie to everyone to make the experience video. I want my husband back! Aren’t you going to do a gimmick for financing? Here you go.

-(Guys, stop arguing!) -Take a funeral portrait. There’s a discovery. Hurry! Come on! Hide! -Come over here. -Hurry up. Dinosaur. Snake. There’s still a chance. There’s still a chance. There’s still a chance. There’s still a chance. What do you mean? The construction team built a signal station on the top of the mountain. As long as we send a distress signal,

The ferry will return to pick us up. Come with me if you want to stay alive. No. I haven’t found my son. Look. Take a look. There are so many of us. Do you want all of us to give up just because of your son? Please! Miss. We all want to go home. Please. -Go home. -Let us go home. Everyone, hurry and pack your things. Get ready to go. What are you doing? Shoot everything on this island. It’s the best project plan. With this, you can live a rich life and cover your mom’s surgery costs.

If I don’t believe you, who else can I believe? You may go to the signal station. I can do it myself. I still owe you a life. But let’s be clear. How are you going to find him? The positioning function of the watch has been activated. Even if there’s no signal, the location of Kai can also be shown within five kilometers. Calm down. It’s us. Why are you following us? I’m the chief consultant of Project Shanhai. Just call me Jia. This is my assistant, Lei. Who’s your assistant? You’ll be soon. Many hands make light work. Nice to meet you. Catch up with them. Shall I help you pull it out?

Have you been burned as well? Just like my mom. [No Burning] The signal tower collapsed. We can’t call for help. How can this be? You liar! How can it be? I want to go home. Mr. Qian. Find a way. Come on. What else can we do? Find a way. Come on.

Film it, quick. Film it. This is not the time. Are you crazy? Run! We walked for so long. You haven’t told me your name. I’m Zhang Yang. How about you? Xiao Nan. Since fate brought us together, do you want to consider joining Project Shanhai? Old man. Stop talking. Keep up. The location shows that Kai is nearby.

Don’t go yet. Something has been eaten here. There are large predators nearby. Kai. You said you always train him. Surely he will be able to protect himself. Yes. Nature will take care of him. There’s something on your back. Tyrannobdella rex. Luckily you found it early. Or your life will be in danger.

Use this. Tyrannobdella rex will secretly attach itself to the prey, suck blood, and then paralyze the prey with poison. It’s an old wound. How did you get it? Mom. Mom. Mom. Something’s approaching us. Put out the fire. It seems that a more powerful creature is calling it. Mom. Mom. Listen.

I just observed the ecosystem of this island. Hold on. It used to be covered by glaciers. The Triassic ecosystem is preserved. Many prehistoric creatures lying underground were awakened somehow. Do you know that according to evolutionary theory, those who are more adaptive can survive rather than the strong? The more foolish it is,

The more powerful its evolution. This is… Step back. What a perfect snake slough. It was probably left here not long ago. It seems to be preparing for something. It’s getting more and more interesting. This island is so dangerous. That kid might have encountered danger already. Old man. Just a slip of the tongue.

He must have survived from danger. That’s what I mean. He must be over there. Kai. Mom. I’m here. Don’t be afraid. Indominus Rex. It really is Indominus Rex. Not bad, old man. Right? Let’s go. Let’s go. Come on. Indominus Rex has poor steering ability. Run around and get rid of it. Run separately.

Let’s go. Old man. Luckily there’s dinosaur dung on me. Come on. Kai, hurry up. Run. Come on. Let’s run. Hurry. Hide here. Come on. Mom’s here. Don’t be scared. It’ll soon be okay. Go. Kai, let’s go. Get out of there. Let’s run away. Come over here, quick. Hurry up. Give me your hand.

Come on. Let’s go. Come on. Let’s hurry to the signal tower. Don’t we help the snake? What are you thinking about? Be careful. It should be alright now. Have a rest. My bones are falling apart. We’ll reach the top of the mountain soon. Old man. You should exercise more. Take care of the old folk.

I dragged you down again. What are you talking about? Mom, aren’t you afraid? I do. I am afraid. Then why do you… But I’m more afraid of losing you. All right. A real man doesn’t cry, okay? As a little man, you still have to protect me.

The surface temperature of the island may be rising. That’s why the water temperature is rising. This place is getting more active. That means many dormant prehistoric creatures are slowly waking up. Hurry up. Let’s get out of here. Come. I’ll take you home. Look. The signal tower they mentioned should be here.

Has the rescue team come? The signal tower seems damaged. Is it still working? As long as the transmission core of the signal tower isn’t damaged, my device will be able to communicate with the outside world. Okay. Another Pangu Python. It doesn’t seem to have died of natural causes. There should be

A more powerful creature ruling this place. What are you talking about? It’s getting ridiculous. Old man. The soil composition here seems different from that below. Yes. You’re right. When we first landed on the island, the ground was mainly the paleosol layer. But here’s mainly volcanic rock. It’s so unscientific. Unless… Unless…

The two regions are independent. Pangu Python and Indominus Rex rule their respective territories. They were isolated. There was a collision between the island due to a severe crustal movement. The invasion of Indominus Rex broke the original ecological balance. I presume that the two prehistoric beasts have been fighting for supremacy on the island

For generations. Indominus Rex is highly aggressive. If its population recovers, it’ll be a calamity to the current ecology. Was the giant snake defeated? Not necessarily. The snake slough we saw before shows that the Pangu Python is in metamorphosis. If the metamorphosis is successful, it will be hard to tell

Which of the emperors will win this battle. What happens after metamorphosis? That’s a good question. I don’t know either. Stop talking nonsense. Let’s find a way to leave here. Kai! What are you doing? Let go of my son. Mr. Qian, calm down. What do you want? Don’t move! Mom. Don’t move! Xiao Nan. Don’t move, please! You all can’t leave. If you tell others what happened here, my efforts will be in vain. I’ve tried hard. Why would this happen? Calm down.

He’s gone mad. My dream will come true soon. Look. You can’t go. My dream will come true soon. Kai. Look. Run! Don’t go. Don’t go yet. Get in the car. Lei. Get in the car now! The physical paradise doesn’t work? You all know nothing! Virtual technology. Now that’s an immersive experience! Come on.

Hurry up. It’s the King of Indominus Rex. There’s no record in the notes. I just named it. You’re quite good at driving. Not a big deal. Where’s the dinosaur? The dinosaur is gone. It almost catches up with us. Look ahead. The brakes failed. Mom. The giant snake is still alive.

Help me get off. Although the Pangu Python has completed its metamorphosis, it’s still no match for species suppression. We have to find a way to help it. The King of Indominus Rex can swim. If it leaves this place, it’ll be a calamity to the current ecology. Use the explosives. Come on.

Bring the explosives to the car. Lei, go and help. Okay. I found the remote control. As soon as I jump out of the car, you detonate it. Okay. Can you do it? Is there any other way? I know you can take good care of yourself. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom, don’t go.

Let go of me. Mom. The legs are the weakest parts of the King of Indominus Rex. As long as it loses its balance, Pangu Python will have a chance to turn the tide. Press it now! What’s going on? It’s not this one. Why are there so many? Kai. Mom! It’s not right.

Which one is it? Not this one. Not this one either. Stop looking for it. None of them works. I’ll detonate it. Lei! Be careful, Lei! Kai! It’s dangerous, Kai. Kai! -(Kai.) -(Get back here.) -Kai! -Kai! Kai. Kai. Mom’s here. Wake up, Kai. Kai. Kai. I was wrong. I should have believed you. Please. Wake up, Kai. Kai. Kai. Kai. Kai. Kai, you’re awake. Mom. Kai. [After Dark] (The activity starts in April this year) [Starring: Zhang Yang] You can submit it to the Shanhai Project website. [Director: Lin Zhenzhao] [Screenwriter: Zhang Shengfan, Huang Mengmeng, Niu Huan] [Director of Photography: Xia Xiaoming] [Art Director: Shen Zijun] [Special Effects Director: Wu Shangbin] Professor. The signal here is very strong. Right. The signal intensity reached its peak. Oh, my goodness. I know there must be other ancient creatures on the Dead Bone Island.