[ الوحوش البحرية]|يقاتل القراصنة الاقتتال الداخلي ، وقلوب الطاقم تتصاعد. من سينجو حتى النهاية؟|YOUKU

[22nd Century, Liha Island, Southeast Asia] live stream contest of the 22nd century! Dear fans, have some octopus and gain some luck. The Ninth Octopus Mukbang Contest starts now! Missy Zhu is in the lead now. Remember to like and follow me! My phone! Whose child is that? Kid! Give me back my phone! No! Stop running! Okay. Run! Smile! Keep running! The bride looks gorgeous! Did you hear that? He said that your wife is gorgeous. Of course. My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world! Look over there. My goodness! She’s hot.

Not bad at all. She’s so fair. She’s so hot. Despicable thugs! What’s your problem? Which pigsty are you from? Hey! Don’t think that I don’t dare to hit you just because you’re a woman! My goodness! What’s going on? The sea looks strange. What’s with all the rubbish flying out of the sea?

Hey guys, what about me? I’m stuck! Honey! Get in the car. Hubby! Hurry! Hold on! Stop waiting for him! Honey! Hubby! No! No! Hurry! No! Drive the car! Hurry! No! No! [Sea Monster] [Southeast Asia, sea area near Liha Island] How dare you! Master, your style is pretty exquisite, I must say. Jindong, why are you messing around together with them? Master, you’ll retire right after this voyage. This is your last birthday on the boat. We just want to liven up the atmosphere for you. Guys, am I right? -That’s right! -That’s right!

Captain, I have something to tell you. What happened? How did you end up like this? It’s all thanks to those scoundrels. They joined hands and pulled a prank on me. I’ll get more tissue papers for you. Captain, our slogan is “One boat, one united group”. That’s why everyone must stay united. United?

You guys are just united to pull a prank on me. Dad, this is the last time we can celebrate your birthday for you on the boat. You should relax tonight. We should have some fun. That’s right. That’s right. We need to drink to our hearts’ content.

-We need to enjoy ourselves to the fullest. -We need to enjoy ourselves to the fullest. Enjoy my foot! You guys wasted such a delicious cake by pranking me. How can I make a wish with a cake like this? Master, we have a cook with us, you know? Cook! Yes?

Can you sort this out? You can count on me. By the way, Dong, I’ve prepared a surprise for everyone. Look at yourselves. You guys don’t look like you’re here to celebrate my birthday. You look like you’re here to mourn me. He’s right. Go and wash your face. We’re celebrating his birthday. Come, Master.

Sit here. Captain, take a look. I’m talented, right? Our cook prepared this especially for you. Tortoises are symbols of longevity. I wish you longevity. Why do I feel like you’re insulting the captain? If my father is a tortoise, what does that make me? Where did that darn cook go? He ran away.

He was afraid you might skin him alive. He’s hiding right now. Come on, Master. You should make a wish first. Come. Master, happy birthday! Come on. Happy birthday! Come on. Happy birthday, Dad! May we all stay happy. Come, let’s record a short clip. Okay. Master, come. Let’s shout our slogan. -One boat, one united group! -One boat, one united group! Alright, I’ll send the clip to everyone. Seeing you guys doing so well,

I guess I can retire in peace now. Master. Hmm? Aren’t you afraid that we’ll sell the boat away and split the money evenly? You’re always the witty brat, huh? I’ve spent most of my life on the sea. I think it’s enough for me. It’s time for me to enjoy life. That’s right, Dad.

You can bring Mom with you and travel around. Go and explore the world out there. Just leave the boat to me. I’ll make sure there are no problems. Although Boyang is my son, when it comes to taking responsibilities and capabilities, I still think that Jindong is the better captain candidate.

You guys must cooperate with him. Jindong, I know what’s on your mind. Don’t feel burdened. Just lead everyone and do a good job. Of course. We will surely support the new captain, am I right? That’s right. That’s right. Captain, Boyang is your son, you know? He’s too rash. He can’t be the captain.

Master, you should stop joking around. When it comes to capabilities, Boyang is way better than me. I think Boyang should be the captain. He Jindong, I don’t need your sympathy! Li Boyang, what are you doing? Master. It’s fine. Boyang is just playing with me. Li Boyang! He Jindong! Boyang! Let go!

Li Boyang, let go of him right now! Who should we side with? This is a tough situation. We’ll be done for if we pick the wrong side. Get up! You guys can go ahead. I’ll see when you guys will stop messing around. Long, you should hide in the cockpit for now.

I’ll assess the situation. Okay. Long. Eat up, okay? Time to eat. Big Brother? Is that you? Did anything happen? What the heck was that? What kind of taste was that? It’s gone sour. What is this? Let go! This is bad! Long? Long? Long, is that you? What happened to you? Dalong! Dalong!

What’s going on? Hide here. Gosh. He Jindong. Long! How did you end up like this? Min’er. Xue Min’er. Yes? You’re the boat doctor. Take a look at Long. See what’s wrong with him. Okay. Give me a second. Dalong, pin him down. Long! Don’t move! Please don’t move! These are parasites.

These parasites possess great reproductive capabilities. Once they enter the human body, they can lay tens of thousands of eggs within seconds. Not only can they control the human brain, but they will also cause our genes to mutate. Then how can we cure him? This drug can alter our genes and suppress the parasites.

But I’ve never used this on humans before. Why do you have this with you? I was a biological scientist before I became a boat doctor. You’re still in the mood to take pictures? I was once… I’ll choke you to death! How dare you take pictures when Long is in that state?

Have you no heart? Let go of her! Dalong! I’ll choke you to death! -(Let go of her!) -(Calm down, Dalong!) Stop messing around! Dalong! Xiaoning, how do you feel? Are you okay? Long has escaped! Master, you guys should escape first. I’ll hold him off. Go! Just go! Hurry! Jindong! Don’t hurt my brother! Dad, hurry! Jindong can deal with him alone! Okay! Jindong, be careful! Jindong, are you okay? I’m fine. Dongbei,

Find the nearest port to dock the boat. Yes, sir. Stop! Captain, the pirates are here! Stop! Go over there! Stand there! Behave yourselves! Who’s the captain? Who? Who’s the captain? Say it! Don’t answer them. Me! Take us to the cargo hold. What is inside? Speak! Hurry up! Wait! There’s an infectious victim.

He needs to be quarantined. Go in! Hurry up! What are you looking at? Don’t move! Don’t move! Hurry! Dong? How did you manage to come out? Here you go. We’ve dealt with them. Jindong, are you okay? How’s the situation in there? I’m fine. They’ve released Long. They released him? Put down the gun! What are you saying? Can’t you see that they’re our hostages? You put it down first. Boyang! You know what to do, right? Dalong!

I’ll say it for the last time. Put the gun down! Cook! Cook! Put down the gun! Long! Long! Long! Long… I can’t just leave you here! My little brother! Dwarf! Keep shouting and I’ll kill you! Hurry up! [Gigitar Island, Southeast Asia] Go! Go! Hurry up! Go! A two-headed shark?

What the heck is that? Why does it have two heads? Hurry up! Quickly! Quickly! -Captain! -Dad! -Boyang! -Don’t be rash, Boyang! -Dalong! -Dalong! -Dalong! -Dalong! -Dalong! -Dalong! Dalong! Don’t move! Boyang! Welcome to Gigitar Island. Take them away. You, go over there! Go! Quickly! Second Brother. Where are they from? I don’t know. I can’t understand their language. Why did you come back alone? We met a sea monster on our way here. This is great! We’ll butcher it tonight! Big Brother. Xiaoning! Xiaoning! Don’t move! -(Jindong)! -(Jindong!) -Jindong! -Jindong! Go back! Don’t try anything funny!

Let go of me! Where are we? You’re still asking that? They’re using us as bait to lure the sea monster out. Stop looking. We can’t escape from here. We should pray so that the sea monster doesn’t come. It will come for sure. It’s very sensitive to light. Look at the number of torches out there.

How did you know about that? It’s a sea monster that has undergone mutation due to nuclear waste. During spring, it’ll seek human hosts to lay its eggs inside them. It first appeared on Liha Island three years ago. Three years ago, my boyfriend and I went to Liha Island to take our wedding photo.

The sea monster appeared out of nowhere. To save me, my boyfriend… That’s why I’ve been investigating it for the past few years. I quit my job at the hospital and came here to be a boat doctor. I… I found out that we were heading to Liha Island this time.

I wanted to change our course initially. But I’m fully prepared. I can surely kill it. So you are the reason we’re in this plight! Boyang! Boyang, calm down. Let Min’er finish her words. He’s right. Boyang is right! I landed everyone in this plight! I truly didn’t know that things were going to end up like this!

But Boyang, do you know something? Do you… Do you know how many people it had killed on Liha island? Do you know that? Boyang, I’ve already lost my family. I must make sure no one else loses their family members again. That’s why I must kill it.

Is that why you want us to die together with you? Are you out of your mind? Boyang! It has already happened. It’s meaningless even if you kill her right now. He Jindong! Have you fallen for her? Don’t spout nonsense. Did you forget our slogan? One boat, one united group!

But our boat is gone! The boat is in our hearts. As long as you have the boat in your heart, the boat will always exist. I’m your son. You’re still siding with him even at this time? How am I inferior to him? The sense of responsibility! You lack the sense of responsibility

To stand up and protect everyone during dangerous situations! I do have it as well! Why do you say I lack a sense of responsibility? Do you remember the moment when the pirates boarded our boat? Who’s the captain? Me! Jindong! Who was the first person to stand up? Save your breath! What should we do about Xiaoning? I was the cause of everything. I’ll save Xiaoning… All of you, stop arguing! We should think of a way and save Xiaoning together! Seems like the sea monster won’t appear tonight.

Anyway, I must capture it no matter what. You ugly scum! Don’t touch me! Let go of me! Help! Dongbei! Dongbei! Dongbei! Let go of him! Let go of Dongbei! Let go! Dongbei! I can’t… hold my liquor. Hurry up. Just a little bit more. Hurry up. Watch out! Good grief! Boyang! Help him out!

I can’t pin him down for long! You guys, hurry and run! Hurry! Stop pinning him down! Just run! Boyang, run! Boyang, watch out! Where’s Xiaoning? Boyang! Are you okay? Dongbei! Where are you going? I’m fine. Just run! I’ll catch up soon. You guys, just go. My brother, I think I’m drunk. Why does he look so ugly? Dongbei, just come with us! You ugly scum. Dongbei! Dongbei! Dongbei! Just run! We need to leave! We need to hide! Hurry! Hurry!

Let’s go! Please take me with you. I know a safe place where we can go. Everyone, be careful. Be careful. What kind of place is this? Hurry! Let’s go! It’s here. Go inside. Watch out. Hurry. Be careful, there’s mud down there. You guys better catch up. Hurry up! Let’s go! Master! Dad! Don’t come here! Okay! Understood! Master. Let’s go. We should leave after dawn. It’s too dangerous to leave right now. Dongbei. This will be your home now.

I guess I’m too old. I was incapable. I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry! Thank you. My brother, we’ll be leaving now. What about the female pirate? She saved us last night. Let’s part with her after we leave this place. Get in the car! Okay! Watch out for the tree!

Be careful! The tree! Cannibal beetle! Once a cannibal beetle enters a human body, it will move and bite the human to death. I want to go to the toilet. Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! You guys should run. Master, I’ll hold him off. Let’s go! Go! Hurry! Brothers, I will avenge you!

You guys should hide first! Be careful! Let’s run! Hold on tight! Are you really holding on tight? I wish to do so too! Dad! Master! You beast! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Master! Captain! Captain! Master! Captain! Captain! Master! Always remember this. We’re a family. One boat, one united group. Master! Dad. Captain. Dad! Captain.

You mustn’t leave us! Did you guys hear that? It’s the sea monster. Thank you for saving me. We have a lifeboat near the seaside. You guys can leave if you want to. Min’er! Min’er! Listen to me! You won’t be able to kill it if you go there alone!

At most, I’ll die together with it. Min’er! You’re just digging your own grave! Do you think you can face the people whose lives had been sacrificed? All of them died because of me! It’s all because of me! Dad. Hurry. Boyang, listen to me. It was yours all along. Jindong!

Are you out of your mind? What are you doing? Jindong! He Jindong. My father was right. This cap does suit you. I will never let you off if you knock me unconscious again. Don’t forget, our slogan is “One boat, one united group”. I know you guys can never forgive me. After killing the sea monster, I’ll offer up my life as penance. Seems like

You guys are trying to join me in my suicide mission. We still have a chance. All these years, the other researchers and I have been studying the mutants. They became mutants due to nuclear waste. Everyone had put in a lot of effort in the attempt to defeat them. Where’s the drug? Hurry and take it out. I had it with me originally. But I lost it when we went ashore. Let’s search for it then. It’s the sea monster. How about this? Let’s not panic for now. We should split up. You guys can search for the drug.

I’ll draw the sea monster away. Let me follow you. I’m familiar with this place. Let me go together with you. Let’s go. How about this? Boyang, you and Xiaoning will search for the drug. Let’s move. Take care, okay? Here you go. Let’s go. We need to move quickly. Jindong, hurry!

The bigger the fire, the faster the sea monster will come. It’s coming. We need to leave. Let’s go! Let’s search that area! Isn’t this the bug hole? My leg is cramping up! Are you crazy? Why were you panicking? Let’s go! Search over there! I found it! The syringe is here! Help! Xiaoning!

Boyang, watch out! Watch out! This drug can alter our genes and suppress the parasites. But I’ve never used this on humans before. Prepare the drug! Okay! Xiaoning, hurry up! Hurry! I think it’s working! Long! We need to help them out! Hurry! You should hide first! I’ll hold it off! Go!

To hell with you! Boyang! Boyang! I’ll draw its attention. You guys need to retrieve the syringe! Okay. Over here! Go and hide. I’ll help them out. Boyang. Boyang! Why were you so silly? Everyone, I’m sorry. You guys were implicated because of me. What are you trying to do?

I’m doing what I was supposed to do long ago. Beast, let’s die together. No. No! No! It’s not dead yet. It’s still moving. Inject the drug! I’ve prepared a surprise for everyone. Look at yourselves. You guys don’t look like you’re here to celebrate my birthday. You look like you’re here to mourn me.

-One boat, one united group! -One boat, one united group! Great! Dongbei! Hahaha! You mustn’t leave us! This cap does suit you. Do you know how many people it had killed on Liha island? Do you know that? Boyang, I’ve already lost my family. I must make sure no one else loses their family members again. That’s why I must kill it. If the trash in your hand

Is a weapon that could destroy the world, will you still litter? Did you hear that? He said that your wife is gorgeous. Of course. My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. Jindong! Come here! Come here! Jindong! Jindong! Come here! Come on! -Come here! -Come here! Come here!

We’re waiting for you! Jindong! Jindong! Come on! Coming! Come on! Come on! ♪When your past beliefs shatter♪ ♪Your life, stopped by a car accident♪ ♪In Nepal♪ ♪The snow mountains jostle against one another♪ ♪The multidimensional door of time and space is opened♪ ♪We should pay the price for a new life♪ ♪Looking at the red battle dress♪ ♪Following his lead♪

♪The Golden Compass crashes into the buildings of New York♪ ♪The magic that withers away at dawn♪ ♪It’s a showdown with your life on the line♪ ♪The home you cannot return to♪ ♪An awkward identity♪ ♪Whose plot were we involved in?♪ ♪A slight deviation in plans♪ ♪A blessing in disguise♪

♪As the helmet touches our face♪ ♪The ants become our ride♪ ♪Smaller than dust♪ ♪Yet on equal terms with tall towers♪ ♪Unknown heroes♪ ♪Are harder to defeat♪ ♪Quantum and void♪ ♪Transforming in a flash♪ ♪Waiting for an answer♪ ♪Unexpected occurrences in the story♪ ♪Witnessing the shattering of a family♪ ♪It only takes a moment♪

♪For the young man to grow up♪ ♪With our fragile bodies as chips♪ ♪And hot-blooded tears♪ ♪We will eradicate♪ ♪All evil♪ ♪Exploring the vast universe alone♪ ♪Struggling with all our might♪ ♪Triggering our tiny power at any moment♪ ♪Hiding somewhere far away♪ ♪Under the guise of primitiveness♪ ♪That is heaven on earth♪

♪The Wakanda in our dream♪ ♪Answering the pretenders with a sharp edge♪ ♪Splitting the barrier♪ ♪We’re not afraid of battles♪ ♪To protect the country♪ ♪The agile shadows of black-clothed men♪ ♪Spilling blood and sweat♪ ♪We’re born with this heavy responsibility♪ ♪No need for extra words♪ ♪Our bodies change shape according to our hearts♪

♪Understanding the errors♪ ♪Forbearance and decisiveness♪ ♪May become weakened♪ ♪Unknown, yet great♪ ♪That’s what we call a hero♪ ♪As the stars descend♪ ♪Flowers bloom across the desolate plains♪ ♪After passing through the dark and desperate situation♪ ♪Justice will arrive♪ ♪And support the heavens and earth♪ ♪Will you be the next hero?♪