[افتح التابوت]|Open the Coffin|فريق هان دونغ يو جيانغ تشاو للقتال من أجل القضية!|الإثارة|YOUKU

Move it! That thing is catching up! Faster! Hurry! Check the surrounding mountains when hunting for treasure, one mountain is one hurdle. Stop messing around. Pry the door open! Put your strength into it! Hurry! Hurry up! We’re running out of time! Faster! Push! Hurry! This way, hurry! Go! What’s the thing on the walls, huh? I don’t know. What is this? This tomb is too sinister. Are we going to die here? Shut up. There are bodies, bodies… Why are there so many corpses? They should be the craftsmen who built the tomb. They had been force-fed with mercury

And buried within the tomb. Terrible for the doers’ credit in the next world. We needn’t be afraid of these. Be careful. Baldy. Help me take a look. Okay. This condition… Don’t move! When something is half-buried, disaster may strike. Be careful of an anti-theft mechanism. Ah? Don’t move. That is the good stuff.

Pretty poor and stingy. Such a large tomb for just this one coffin? This coffin is made of dragon-scale stone used by royal families. Why is this coffin suspended? The coffin is suspended vertically in the air in order to suck in the dragon’s pulse and let their descendants thrive. But by doing that,

The corpse would also have accumulated a lot of resentment because it has absorbed too much underground Yin Qi. (* Negative energy) “An accident shall fall on the person who opens it.” This-this is too sinister. Come over here, you coward. What if we let something out by opening it?

It’s now 1:40 in the morning. Chou, Zhong, Gui, Xin, Ji, Tu, Tong. (* Referring to the sexagenary cycle) Between 1 AM and 3 AM, the trigram of Mountain “Gen” appears. Earth bears Metal, Metal collects Water. Most favorable for opening the coffin. What are you waiting for? Come on.

Baldy, keep the light on it. Why are you spacing out? Come and give us a hand. Please don’t blame us, we’re borrowing money to overcome troubles. Please be tolerant. Did it move? Don’t be so easily surprised and frightened! Come help us. Come here What is this liquid? Don’t panic. This is coffin liquid,

Used to prevent the corpse from rotting. Open the coffin. Take it easy. Don’t break the contents. This woman has been dead for so long. Why does her skin still look so soft? It’s like she’s just asleep. Scar, stop talking nonsense. Get the goods. Don’t panic.

This corpse has been sealed for more than a thousand years, of course, it’d oxidize when exposed to air. It’s fine. Move aside. Then what are we afraid of? Beast-blood agate beads of the late Tang Dynasty. Come on, let’s get digging. We’re going to be rich. Bro, it’s gone. Isn’t it right here?

The woman in the coffin is gone! I said we shouldn’t open it. Now we’ll be punished. Where did it go? Where did she go? A ghost! What ghost? There is movement below. Bai! Bai? What’s that sound? It seems to be coming from behind us. They’re coming to life! They’re coming to life!

The corpses are coming to life. [Open the Coffin] [Public Security, Police] [Han Chuang] (Captain Han isn’t here.) Hello? [August 2009, Jiangming County] Captain. Didn’t sleep well again last night? Tell me what’s going on. The deceased is called Scar. Single. His parents grow tea in the mountains. The body was found by a nearby villager. Here. Apparently, the dude was killing chickens in the middle of the night. It’s been noisy all night.

No one answered the door in the morning. When they went inside to take a look. He had been long dead. These are the basics. Captain, this way. Captain, the forensic specialist, Ms. Han, is already here. She’s surveying the scene. Han, what have you found? Judging by livor mortis, his time of death is around 4 to 5 o’clock this morning. The victim has nails inserted between the brows and at the top of the head, but there is very little bleeding, suggesting the nails were put in after he had died. Additionally,

Judging by how much his pupils have dilated, it’s highly likely that he died of extreme fright. The scene has been badly contaminated, we’re unable to extract anything useful at the moment. But he seemed… What? He seemed to have been performing some kind of mysterious ritual. He had been in a tomb. Liang. Take that down. Okay. Here. Here. He really was a tomb robber. Quite the set of tools. He was a repeat offender. Probably had accomplices. Could it have been strife between tomb robbers? They even did a ritual to confuse us? Take these back. Yes, sir.

My child! My child! Who let her in? Come here, ma’am. -My child! -Ma’am. Come with us. You must get justice for him! Officer! Officer! My son came to me in a dream, he said his soul was gone. Gone! Sir! You also think that this case isn’t that simple, right?

Let’s talk about it when we’re back. Bring the body back to the station. Get the autopsy report done ASAP. Okay. Wait. We’ve been cracking down on tomb robbery in recent years. Who still has the guts to go rob tombs? Liang. Gang. This way. Captain Shen! [Police] Captain Shen. He’s the one who reported the crime. He’s the owner of a Chinese pharmacy. Captain Shen. You have to believe me. This must be Ghost Hand’s doing. Gang, who is that? His name is Lin Rusheng. He used to be in the antique business.

He has provided the Bureau with a lot of clues on tomb robbery cases. Three years ago, his wife and child were killed in a hit-and-run. He always thought Ghost Hand did it. Lin. How come it was you who reported the case? How can you be sure that Ghost Hand did this?

I always thought this guy had something to do with Ghost Hand, so I’ve been following him in secret. He slept during the day and came out at night, smelled like soil, he had definitely been to tombs. It must be Ghost Hand. Let’s talk at the station. Ghost Hand? The biggest tomb robber

In the Jiangming area? It is said that no one has ever seen this person before. Several large tombs was robbed by this person alone. We have been investigating this case for so long, but have yet to find anything. An officer was killed in action, too. Yes. That officer

Was Ms. Han and Captain Shen’s master. Captain Shen. Stop smoking. Smoking is bad for your health. Consider quitting? Every time you want to smoke, have a piece of candy. You’ll be able to quit it in no time. Your master was the one who taught me this. Try it? Captain it. I’m telling you.

Ghost Hand has really returned. Ghost Hand does things solo and would never team up with anyone else. Captain Shen. Have you ever thought that Ghost Hand may be more than one person? I-I-I… I’m just guessing. But I’ve asked those who have come into contact with Ghost Hand, and they all said something different.

They weren’t describing the same person at all. Get ready. A foreign, unknown substance is found on the victim’s skin and around his eyes, nose, and mouth. Preliminary results suggest signs of poison. Sores and blisters are found in various places on the body. This may be caused by a foreign substance.

Take a sample for testing. Two 55 mm steel nails were hammered into the victim’s forehead and crown. The internal organs of the body are intact. Take a liver sample for testing. Also, did you notice the nails in Scar’s body? Those are called soul-sealing nails. It’s a type of folk sorcery.

As long as the nails are put into the body within three hours of their death, that person’s three spiritual and seven physical souls can be sealed. Scar was… Lin. That’s feudal superstition. You believe those superstitions? Hasn’t Ghost Hand always relied on these evil ways to rob tombs?

Moreover, haven’t you had to study these things these few years as well, Captain Shen? So, I think… As criminal police officers, of course, we have to read these materials. Alright. Don’t get involved in this case. Chuchu, I’m going to write the autopsy report. I’m leaving the rest to you. Okay. Captain Shen.

My wife and child, as well as your master, were all killed by Ghost Hand. Lin. Yes. Help me keep an eye on the antique market. I’ll make the arrests. Okay. Captain Shen. Take this lollipop. Be sure to tell me when you have new information. Captain! Something happened! What happened? I turned around

And this happened. This seems to be a very rare saprophytic fungus. It may have been sealed in an airtight space before. After coming into contact with air, a catalytic reaction occurred and it suddenly germinated. What is the cause of death? Acute respiratory failure caused by alkalosis. This was scraped from his sinuses.

Only the Provincial Public Security Department can confirm its main components. To prevent tomb robberies, the ancients would set traps in the tombs, on the coffins, even on the corpses. He probably got poisoned while he was inside the tomb. The fungus may also have come from the tomb. Since

He already died from the poison, why still put in the nails? How much must the suspect hate him? If we want to know the answer, we must find the person who put in the nails. That car is the key. Understood. We already have someone checking. May be more than one person? My son was murdered! Today’s case is related to Ghost Hand, right? It’s so late, why haven’t you gone home yet? Don’t change the topic. Just tell me whether it’s Ghost Hand or not. Judging by Ghost Hand’s modus operandi, this case doesn’t seem like his style. True.

If it were Ghost Hand, the crime scene would have been cleaned afterward instead of being left there in a hurry. But look at this, Scar has the Ghost Hand symbol on his body. Looks the same as the one Master drew. Then Scar is Ghost Hand. Lin Rusheng said that Ghost Hand

May be made up of multiple people. They share one identity. Then Scar is a member of Ghost Hand. As of now, that’s my guess. [Criminal police captain went missing investigating a tomb robbery case] Master. Today is your apprentice’s birthday. Wouldn’t it look bad if you don’t go? You young people get so crazy.

How can my old bones stand it? Oh right. Come to that abandoned factory with me tomorrow. Master. Tomorrow is the weekend. We can have some time off. Besides, if I drink too much tonight and can’t get up tomorrow, I’d have to ask for time off. Also, I don’t think

There’s anything wrong with that place. I’m telling you. What is the most easily overlooked is the key to solving the case. We’ve searched everywhere, still haven’t found Captain Han. Captain Han’s badge. [Han Chuang] If it wasn’t because of me, Master’s whereabouts wouldn’t still be unknown to this day. Don’t carry the burden alone.

You still have me. Let’s go. I’ll treat you to dinner. Captain! Speak. The car has been found. It’s in Linggen Town. It’s less than a twenty-minute drive away. Right next to Niujiagou. Tell Gang. We’ll leave immediately. Yes, sir. Release the wandering soul. Everything about ghosts. Four birth forms bask in the light.

Those with heads will go beyond. The headless will rise. Bagua shines. Away you go. Soon be reborn. Male or female, bear your own consequences. Rich or poor, beckon your own fortune. Hereby order you, be reincarnated at once. Hereby order you, be reincarnated at once! Here. Honey. Have some congee. Here.

You’ll feel better after you drink it. Swallow it. There aren’t many surveillance cameras in Scar’s village. We asked an old mechanic from a nearby auto body shop to take a look at the tire marks, he came up with the answer right away. An old Nissan manufactured in 1998, the tires have been changed.

That model isn’t suitable for mountain roads. It’s a relatively rare model. There are less than twenty manufactured in the same year in our county. The owner’s nickname is Skinny Monkey. Born in 1974. Just got married over a year ago. Everyone, stop. Don’t move. What a coincidence. Isn’t this Mrs. Shen? It’s so late. Stop watching. Disperse the crowd. Protect the scene. Go on home. You didn’t learn anything about the law at the detention center last time, did you? Squat down! Swindling people with this feudal superstition stuff again? Leave. Officer.

The evil spirit took his soul. Go home. You interrupted the soul-conjuring ritual, he’s going to die. Nonsense. Behave yourself. Squat down. Don’t move! Stay where you are! What are you doing? What are you doing? Don’t move. You’ll kill my husband by doing this! His soul hasn’t come back yet! Don’t move. Don’t move.

Why is the wind rising? What’s going on? Don’t move. -Too sinister. -Stay down. The Heavenly Grandfather is here. (* Alternative name for the Jade Emperor) The Heavenly Grandfather is here! What are you doing? Squat down. Shut up. Squat down. Stay down. Don’t move. Honey! What’s wrong, honey? Liang, go to him! Yes, sir!

Skinny Monkey. Come with me. You took my stuff, so you need to come with me. Come on. You wouldn’t let me live! You have to die too! Stop it. Let go. -Don’t move. -Honey. Honey, what’s the matter? Honey. Let go of me! Honey! Save my husband! Honey! What are you doing?

No photos allowed! No videos allowed! Honey! Delete all the photos you took! Delete everything! Captain. The car is behind the yard. Take him to the hospital ASAP. Yes, sir. -Take him with you. -Let’s go. Let go of me. Captain. Look. As expected, everything is here. Remember to report the situation to the Bureau.

Yes, sir. These tomb robbers really don’t take relics seriously. Just throwing them around carelessly. Liang. Take these to the Evidence Department and have them determine the era. Yes, sir. Captain. I found this in the car. [Daliushu Ghost Market] (* Big willow) I’m telling you. -Behave yourself. -Let’s go. I didn’t break any laws.

What did I do wrong? Move! Answer me. What did you do to Skinny Monkey? Officer. I just had him drink the divine water that exorcises evil spirits. It’s a cure-all. Look at what you did to him. How can it exorcise evil spirits? That evil spirit has too much resentment.

I almost drove it away. Don’t move. Your ophryon appears black, brows are tightened. I’m afraid disaster will definitely strike in the recent days. You’re the one who will be suffering in prison first. Feudal superstition. Move it. Move it. Officer, trust me! Trust me, Officer! Officer! How long did I sleep? A while.

Ms. Han called and said… Said what? Skinny Monkey died on the way to the hospital. What is the cause of death? It may also be acute respiratory failure. Someone put nails in him too. In the knees and the soles of his feet. When were they put in? Before we got there, I think.

Captain. Could it be Mrs. Shen? Officer. I was wrong. To tell you the truth, the drink I gave Skinny Monkey was just normal talisman water. It’ll give him diarrhea at most. But Officer, I had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with his death! Now you know to behave yourself? Weren’t you all cocky before?

That was all feudal superstition. I was just trying to make some money. The nails in Skinny Monkey, you put them in, right? No… What nails? I didn’t see them. When I got there, he was already in that state. Oh right. According to his wife, he visited the Daliushu Ghost Market.

[Ghost Market] After he got back, he became all crazy. You can go there to take a look. This is as far as I’m taking you. Bye-bye. Captain. The atmosphere of this place is foul. How will we find any clues? Lin is familiar with this place. Why didn’t he come?

He said something came up at his shop. He asked us to find someone called Half-faced Hunchback. Don’t know if this will work out. [Half-faced Hunchback] No strangers allowed. Half-faced Hunchback? Half-faced Hunchback? Half-faced Hunchback. Where is Half-faced Hunchback? Where is he? The two of you entered uninvited, did you come in by mistake?

You are Half-faced Hunchback? We heard you know everything. You’re the most famous footman here. Just to put food on the table. We came to you to move some bricks. Hey! Why are you wearing a mask? Playing tricks? The men’s world has laws, as does the nether world.

Every line of work has its own rules. There are only ghosts here, no humans are allowed. Whatever you want to ask, just go ahead. We want to find the owner of this stall to buy some “raw pits”. (* Newly dug-up, still rusty, copper relics) You’re here to investigate a case, aren’t you? Officer.

You even know this? This case has been the talk of our line of work. I heard about it as well. Have you seen these two people? I haven’t seen them in a long time. Those who disturb corpses and damage their own credit in the next world are bound to meet terrible ends.

Do they have more accomplices? I don’t know about that. I’m just a footman. I’m not really good at anything, I just help people to ask around. Do you know the soul-sealing nail? Men have Heaven, Earth, Life, three spiritual souls, and seven physical souls. According to some kind of folk sorcery, the soul-sealing nails

Can be used to seal the three spiritual souls and seven physical souls in corresponding locations of the body after one’s death. Why do that? To collect souls during the period of time that corresponds to the five phases. When the Yang energy is at its peak, take the Heaven soul;

When the Yang energy has lessened, take the Men soul; when the Yin energy is about to turn into the Yang energy, take the Earth soul. For the three spiritual souls to gather, the seven physical souls also need to meet. It is said that if one is able to collect all these,

One can borrow the souls to be reborn on the seventh day of the lunar month during the Hungry Ghost Festival. That’s only five days away. Hey. If you keep promoting these messed-up feudal superstitions, I’ll take you back to the police station for a lesson! But some people really believe in these.

You can only find the answer by following their ideas. This is the soul-conjuring talisman. It might be useful to you. That’s all I know. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. Captain, why did you pay him? This kind of person will prove useful in the future. He’s just a huckster.

The more attention you pay to him, the more he can make up. You don’t really believe him, do you? Whatever they say, I’ll listen as long as it can help solve the case. You sure see the big picture, Captain Shen. These are all from a big tomb. I’m telling you,

The stuff from a big tomb is definitely different. Where did these come from? Liang, stop him! I know! Stop! Screw you. Don’t touch these! What are you doing? Is anyone going to put a stop to this? Wrecking the place? I’m going to make you leave on your knees today. Stop right there!

I’m going to get you! [Public Security] What are you doing? Move back! Police business! -Move back! -Don’t move. Behave yourselves! Pretty brave, huh? Dare to assault a police officer? Where did you get this? I-I found it. Where did you find a national treasure? I’ll go find one too. Let’s go. I forgot.

It’s alright. Take your time. We’ll have you sent to jail. You can tell me once you figure it out. Officer. I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you. This is my brother-in-law’s. I stole it from him. Where is he? He died. Liang. Call in to report the situation. Yes, sir. Get up.

Let’s pay your brother-in-law’s place a visit. Stop crying. Let’s go. [Memoriam] Alright, stop crying. Baldy’s wife. Try to let it go. Take care of yourself. My condolences. You still have so much time ahead of you. Right. Don’t cry so much that your health suffers. You still have to live on. Baldy’s wife.

Baldy’s wife, the coffin sealers are here. Baldy died a sudden death. If the coffin isn’t sealed before midnight, it’d be unlucky. Exactly, Baldy’s wife. Don’t wait for your brother. Get the coffin sealed right away. Seal the coffin. Come in. Seal the coffin. Let’s go. Slowly. Put it down. It’s a little past twelve.

We didn’t break any taboos, did we? The coffin has been sealed, what can happen? Come on. Let’s go. Let’s all leave. Let’s go. Keep going. What’s with you? There was a sound. Did you hear it? Officer. Officer. I didn’t lie to you. I didn’t know that a jade pendant was so valuable.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been selling it. He stole it. I had nothing to do with that. Shut up. When you’re not asked to speak, don’t open your mouth. I really didn’t know. Captain. If Baldy is dead as well, this case would have three victims and we still haven’t made any progress.

The corpse has moved! Be careful! Run! The corpse has moved! It’s biting people! Run! Liang, drive! Yes, sir! Get out of the car. Keep an eye on him. Yes, sir. Stay put! Captain. Everyone has run off. Did something really happen? You believe that? Let’s go take a look. There’s movement in the coffin.

Liang. Open the coffin. Captain. What? I heard the elderly in the village say that… that reopening a coffin once it has been sealed will bring bad luck. Feudal superstition. Aren’t we unlucky enough? Why is this coffin open? What’s this sticky stuff? Someone’s there. This way! Come out! Who’s there? Who’s there? Officer.

Who’s there? My husband, he… he came back to life. What do you mean? Who’s there? Captain, someone ran over there. Go take a look. Yes, sir. Stop! Stay here, don’t move. Stop! Captain. Let’s split up. Who’s there? Captain Shen. Is that you? That scared me. Who’s there? Liang! Is this his brother-in-law?

Take him to the hospital. Okay. Officer. My darned fool of a husband, how is he? He’s already been sent to the hospital. Once he recovers, he’ll join your brother and you in prison. Ah? That darned fool. I told him not to rob tombs, not to rob tombs. He just wouldn’t listen to me.

He wouldn’t listen to me. What happened inside the tomb? I don’t know. When he came out, he was already insane. He said they shouldn’t have opened the coffin and they ran into ghosts. The punishment came to us. We shouldn’t have opened that coffin. They want my life. They want to take my life.

Take my life. Take my life. Take my life. Take my life. I wanted to keep what he stole from the tomb, so I came up with the idea of having him pretend to be dead. He was fine when he went in there. Who knows why he went crazy when he came out?

How many accomplices does he have? How do they contact each other? I don’t know. He always answers the phone in the middle of the night and then runs out. And he will go to the west side of the city, I think. Where is the tomb?

You don’t have an answer to any of the questions? I’m telling you. You and your brother, one harbored a tomb robber, one sold national relics. If you cooperate with the police on the investigation of the case, your sentence may be reduced! Do you know? I really don’t know.

If I asked even one more question, he would hit me. When did Baldy get this tattoo? What does it mean? He has had this tattoo for many years. I really don’t know. I don’t know anything. I don’t know. Don’t know. I don’t know. Captain. Baldy and the rest all have the same tattoo.

Can we infer [Ghost Hand] that those with the Ghost Hand symbol [Baldy, Real name: Li Fei] are the suspect’s targets? Could there be another possibility? The members of Ghost Hand are killing each other. Their purpose is to keep all the stolen goods. Uneven distribution of the stolen goods? Gang.

Take a team back to the crime scene, see if there is anything else we missed. Yes, sir. Liang. Sir. Go to the hospital to keep an eye on Baldy. Let me know if anything happens. Yes, sir. You’re all leaving? Not going to have any food? Leave one set. Thank you, Mrs. Shen.

Who is Mrs. Shen? Thank you, Mrs. Shen. The report from the Provincial Public Security Department came. That black powder is highly refined henbane powder. It’s highly poisonous. It makes people go into mania, develop hallucinations, [Characteristics: highly poisonous] and die from respiratory failure. But there was also aconitine poison

In Skinny Monkey and Baldy’s blood. Aconitine poison? All traditional Chinese medicine. They can heal and kill. As per the “Compendium of Materia Medica”, the person who took henbane went crazy because of hallucinations and killed his entire family. Aconitine is more common. You mean that this henbane powder is a hallucinogen? Yes.

“Compendium of Materia Medica” also says this kind of hallucination can be relieved by licorice. Eat first. [Ghost Hand] [Soul-collecting talisman] Soul-collecting talisman? What is it? Feudal superstition. Do you believe that one can borrow souls to be reborn? Some people will believe these things when they’re really desperate.

They may want to seek psychological comfort. But some people really believe in these. You can only find the answer by following their ideas. [When the Yang energy is at its peak, take the Heaven soul] Chunhe? Chunhe? It’s 3:00 PM. Hello, Captain. I was just about to call you. Baldy didn’t make it. Liang. Go to the morgue right now. Excuse me. Get out of the way. Let me through. [Name: Li Fei] [Mortuary] Who’s there? Come out! Don’t move! Get up! Liang. Luo Liang! Get a doctor! How have you been running this investigation? All three suspects are dead. One of our own is injured.

The tomb that was robbed and the identity of the murder suspect are still unknown. [Law enforcement for the people] (that the suspect is a member of Ghost Hand.) [Skinny Monkey] Master. You brat. Your case is going nowhere again? Impulsion and anger cannot solve the problem. Don’t let hatred blind you. Stay calm at all times. This way, you can see the truth from those overlooked clues. [Ghost Hand] [Autopsy report] [Baldy] (related to coffin-making.) Chen Hong said [Baldy] Baldy always liked to go to the west side of the city. [West of the City] But look. Skinny Monkey, Baldy, and Scar’s [Scar] homes are located [Skinny Monkey, Baldy] on the north, south, and east sides of the city. This indicates that someone in Ghost Hand

Lives on the west side of the city, and this person [West of the City] is the suspect. [Public Security] [File envelope] Here, open this. What’s over there? Is there anything else? That’s all I know. What is it? It’s nothing. Track the suspect’s every movement. Captain. After checking, we’ve locked in on a coffin shop on the west side of the city. Its owner is Zhang Jimao who has a limp. He hasn’t been in Jiangming County for the past three years. He suddenly popped up a few months ago. The time of his disappearance

Coincides with the time of Officer Han’s murder. Seal off all exits. Search the house. -Yes, sir. -Yes, sir. Captain. I found his tomb robbery tools. Take all the evidence back to the station. Yes, sir. What’s that smell? Why is it so bad? Everything is moldy. Is this place habitable?

Why are the walls so corroded? [Grand Master Lu Ban] (* God of carpentry and masonry) Let’s go down to take a look. Why are the walls so corroded? Be careful. These are pictures of the victims. What is Zhang Jimao doing? This is the ritual for borrowing the souls of others to be reborn.

This was set up relatively recently. He has collected three spiritual souls, he still needs seven physical souls. Then his final target should be in here. Han Bing? Why is this happening again? Miss. What happened to your car? I don’t know what happened, I can’t get it to start. I think it’s a battery problem. I happen to have some cables. I’ll give it a shot. Thank you. Hello? Han Bing. Han Bing? Ready to move in anytime. SWAT is also on its way. Without my order, do not act rashly. Stop running! Stop running! Stop! If you keep running, I’ll shoot! Han Bing. [Police] Captain Shen. Gao, there’s noise coming from that way. Hurry. It’s Ms. Han’s car. Go get her! Hurry! Han! Han! Gang… Gang! -Gang… -Over there! Han! Be careful! Don’t move! Go get some ropes! Let’s go. Han Bing. She’s not here. I have checked your birth date.

Bing-Chen year of the dragon, month of the dragon. [Shen Chunhe] (have come into contact) You are the most suitable body for rebirth. Open the coffin. The evil spirits will definitely find you. The Hungry Ghost Gate has opened. It’s time for you to die in my place. Don’t move! What’s going on? What’s going on? In this world, there is no evil spirit demanding lives at all.

The henbane powder on the coffin made you develop hallucinations. Consuming henbane [Highly poisonous] makes people go into mania, develop hallucinations, [Go into mania, develop hallucinations] and die from respiratory failure. As recorded in “Compendium of Materia Medica”, a licorice leaf can cancel out the hallucinations. Because glycyrrhizic acid

Can neutralize the alkaloid poison in henbane. Zhang Jimao. You are the leader of Ghost Hand, right? In order to be reborn, you’ve killed your accomplices. The soul-borrowing ritual can’t save you. This is all feudal superstition. You don’t understand! I’m running out of time, you know?! Zhang Jimao. Calm down.

It’s the poison in your body that’s affecting your nerves! I just found someone to replace me. The ritual is just about to be completed. Spare me. Spare me. Spare me. Spare me. Zhang Jimao. Spare me. What are you doing? I’m telling you. This is all your hallucination. It’s all fake! You’re lying!

Move back! Calm down! Zhang Jimao. Come back to the police station with me. You’re borrowing souls from a police offer? You’ve got some nerve. Mr. Hunchback. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Let’s begin the ritual right away. I can’t take it anymore. Hurry. What are you doing? The police officer is right.

Borrowing souls to be reborn is fake. What do you mean? Fake? I clearly see it haunting me, demanding to take my life. How can it be fake? Is it really a hallucination? What do you want? I want your life. Because you deserve to die! Don’t move! Lin Rusheng? Lin Rusheng. You’re…

You’re a Half-faced Hunback? Why? Why? Three years ago, my wife and child were in the car you hit. Don’t move! This is all karma. They deserve it! Lin Rusheng. Put the gun down. This is taking justice into your own hands. You’ll go to prison for this! Go to prison? Let me kill him

And I’ll even go to hell! Lin Rusheng! Calm down. Calm down. Shen, I beg you. Get out of the way. Get out of the way. I beg you. Alright? Do you know how these three years have been for me? Every night, I dream about my wife and child asking me to save them.

I want to kill him. Torture them. Have them die in pain! I understand. I understand everything. But think about it. If your wife and child were still alive, they wouldn’t want to see the way you are right now. They died. He killed them. Lin Rusheng. Give me the gun. The system

Will give do them justice. Let me kill him. Justice will not bring my wife and child back. Zhang Jimao! Go to hell! Lin! Hold on. Shen. Let go. Hang on. I killed your master. Let go. Hang on, Lin. Captain Shen. Lin? What’s going on? How’s Han Bing? She’s no longer in danger.

How did you find this place? We found the hole dug by the robbers through search and rescue. What the heck happened? Call an ambulance first. Three years ago, Zhang Jimao asked me to help him check some stuff and ask about the Tang Dynasty Tomb. [Summer, 2006] Why are you so late?

I still have to take my wife and child fishing. Don’t talk nonsense. I’ve brought you the stuff. Don’t move. Police. [Danger] Lin? What are you doing here? And you, take off your mask. My leg! Why are you just watching? Come help us! If we go to jail, your wife and child will die! I did everything you asked me to do. When will you let me out of the car? My wife and I are supposed to meet at the intersection ahead. Mom. Where is Dad taking us for fishing? Just up front. Stop blabbing! You killed someone and you can still think about fishing? Stop talking.

What happened? Hurry! Drive! Scar and the others hid in the city. Only Zhang Jimao ran off. You can’t stomach the Tang Dynasty Tomb by yourself. Who said Ghost Hand is one person? Name a price. Give me my share after you come out. Baldy. Hold him down. Take Scar home first. I’m going to find that darned Hunchback! Impossible. You must have touched something that shouldn’t be touched.

To be targeted by an evil spirit, you must have broken a taboo. You probably won’t last seven days. Think it through carefully. [Borrow Souls to Be Reborn] Four lives for one life. I never expected Bai to die in the tomb. One person short. Zhang Jimao found you because of that.

Why did you give me the clue? I… Where is my master? Captain Shen. Open the coffin.