[إحياء العصر الجوراسي]|Jurassic Revival|تحدي البقاء على قيد الحياة في جزيرة الديناصورات!|YOUKU

A few days ago, an ocean exploration team has landed on a ghost island which appeared after a submarine volcano erupted because a meteorite hit the ground tens of years ago. Scientists have found plants of the Jurassic Period on the island. A professional escort team has landed on the island a few days ago

To ensure the safety of the scientists. Our channel will continue to monitor the progress of this scientific research [Ghost Island in the Pacific Ocean] in hopes of new discoveries within this century. It moved. It just moved. I saw it moving just now. That’s right. It was moving just now.

Today is 13 June 1980. Friday, sunny condition. On the eighth day the research team had landed on the island, we’d gotten our hands on a large egg by accident. It might be hatching soon. I hope it’s not… Today is 13 June 1980. Friday, sunny condition. The temperature is… Hey! Hurry up! Faster!

Come on! Everyone, don’t run! Protect the base! Dinosaurs do exist! I’ll blast you into pieces! Run! Dr. Zhao! [Jurassic Revival] Where exactly is it? [Marine Research Center of an Unknown Country, Southeast Asia] It’s 800 degrees. I know that. I’ll head upstairs first. Okay. Hey. By the way, there’s a guest in your room.

A guest? Put it down! Do you even have manners? I told you to put it down! Didn’t you hear me? Hello, Dr. Zhao. You do have quite the temper, huh? Do you need anything? The ghost island. I don’t know what you mean. [Ph.D. Thesis] I’m sure you know what’s a meteorite, right?

Dr. Zhao, these two satellite pictures were taken by the Soviet Union and America in 1987 and 1988 respectively. I believe that with your intellect, you can surely find some clues from the two pictures here. I’m sorry. I don’t think there are any clues on the two pictures.

I can’t help you out with this. I have plenty of other things to do. Please leave. This is the spot. [Pulau Doangdoangan Besar] What are you doing? Dr. Zhao Xueli, you’re such a bad friend. You didn’t notify me even though you’ve found out where the ghost island is. I’m just afraid you guys might die in vain. I can’t find the meteorite with this map alone.

That has nothing to do with me. Don’t tell me you don’t want to find out where your father is? How did you know about my father? What a pity. Let’s go. Fine. I promise you. We can head to the ghost island together. However, you need to promise me this.

You are to stop the operation immediately when we encounter any danger. Alright. I promise you. I’ll ask my men to make arrangements for the boats right now. We can’t reach the ghost island with boats alone. Dr. Zhao, let me introduce him to you. This is Laka, a genius demolition expert.

The person beside you is Sangji. He’s a wilderness survival expert. He will be in charge of your safety. But of course. You can’t just survive on the ghost island when you’re only good at bullying women. Dr. Zhao, you don’t need to worry about that. Look outside the window. The people on those planes

Have been my trusted aides for many years. The flight has reached the boundary point. Please prepare to jump. I’ll pick you guys up in two days. I won’t wait past the deadline. Good luck! Good luck my foot! Stabilize the plane for God’s sake! Let’s go! Jump! Boss, here’s your satellite phone. Don’t worry.

I’ve landed on the island together with my team personally. We will surely find the meteorite in two days. Dr. Zhao, where should we head next? Follow the others! Don’t fall behind! What’s wrong? Let’s go. Qiang! What is this? I’ve been to many desert islands, but this is my first time seeing these insects.

Why is there Guguo on this island? What’s a Guguo? It’s a dangerous organism that should have been extinct since the Cretaceous Period. Qiang! Be careful! What are you doing? He’s useless now. Shut up! Just give him a quick death. We’re in a primeval forest. Benevolence has no value here.

Don’t go near his body. Stop! Sangji, what’s the situation? Mr. Du, there’s a fork in the path. Jack, you, and you. Iwan, Scorpion, stand guard. Stop shooting. Stand back. Run! Move your legs! Hurry! Get up! Run! Stop shooting! Scorpion! Scorpion! Scorpion! Run! Watch out! You, go and scout the top area. Go!

It’s alright now! You guys can come out now! Stop shooting! Iwan, go and check if there’s an exit. Alright. There’s an exit over here! Run! My goodness. It was actually a live dinosaur? Scorpion, Jack, I’m sorry. Iwan, no matter what, we have to get out alive. We have to stop the expedition immediately.

I decide when to stop the expedition! Are you out of your mind? That’s a dinosaur! Forget about the dinosaur. I will find the meteorite even if it means I have to cross paths with the King of Hell! You promised me before. You are to stop the operation immediately when we encounter any danger.

I really do admire how innocent and pure you scientists are. Must I keep my promise just because I made it? You’re sacrificing everyone here in order to fulfill your selfish desire! Didn’t everyone here come to the ghost island to fulfill their own selfish desires? Do you dare to say that you’re an exception?

Fine. If you won’t leave, I will. Anyone else wants to leave the ghost island? Come out right now. Let’s settle it all together. Laka? Please, I’m just here to make things explode. Please don’t drag me into your fights. Sangji, what do you think? Mr. Du, you’re too serious.

Dr. Zhao was just joking with us. This island is so dangerous. Where else can she go? Great. If that’s the case, I’ll leave Dr. Zhao to you. However, if anything happens to her, I’ll hold you accountable for it. No matter what, you should follow the team for now.

You’ll die for sure if you leave the team. Why do you eat that all the time? Because it tastes like my hometown. I’m sorry. You saved me time and time again even though I misunderstood your intention previously. Thank you. Don’t thank me. I only know how to bully women.

That’s how I make a living. I like it more when women bully me, especially my mother. If I stood my ground back then and refused to work with Du Zhe, maybe everyone wouldn’t need to… I was the one who brought you here by force. How could it be your fault?

Du Zhe was right. I did come here for my selfish desires. However, I wasn’t thinking rationally back then. I just wanted to get on the island and find my father as soon as possible. If you don’t even intend to find your father, that means you’re heartless. I will never take that.

What if you were caught in another sticky situation? This is my principle. Your head. Tilt it to the side. Come out. Are you done eavesdropping on us? According to the current situation, I think it’s too dangerous. Yuzi, we’ve been backed into a corner now. There’s no turning back. Are you afraid? Godfather,

You were the one who saved me. I will ensure your safety at the expense of my life. What is that? This watch belonged to my father. Little girls like you tend to cry a lot. In the base, every intel we had regarding the island had gone missing. I believe

That there must be survivors around here. Who do you think it will be? Sangji, make haste. Pack your things. We’ll depart in a second. Retreat! Run! Hurry! Get on to it! Run! Watch out! Yuzi, go! Run! Sangji! Sangji! Iwan! Just go. Iwan! Xueli! Pull the trigger! Do it! Hurry!

Time for you to die! Let’s go! Are you okay? Let’s go! Run! Come on! Let’s go! We have to stop the bleeding right now. The dinosaurs are especially sensitive toward blood. If we don’t stop the bleeding right now, they’ll discover us easily. My brothers, the dawn is right upon us. Pull yourselves together.

Regroup and get ready. We’ll depart immediately. According to the coordinates, the meteorite is right here. As for its precise location, you can find it yourself. You can kill me at any time. Dr. Zhao, you better don’t infuriate me with your words. Search the surrounding area. You guys have two hours.

You guys must find it before time’s up. From now on, I won’t help you to find the meteorite. What did you say? Brat, you must be kidding me, right? Don’t forget, I was the one who paid you for your services. All of my brothers have been sacrificed.

Your money means nothing to me now. Our priority right now isn’t to locate the meteorite. Our priority is to ensure everyone’s safety. That T-Rex might return at any time. Run! That hurts, you know? Just go! Do you guys truly exist? Are you guys living humans? This is the smell! Are you guys okay?

Hurry! Duck! Take cover! Bite it! How was it? Buddy, are you okay? It’s fine. They’re good guys. They aren’t baddies! It’s fine! Calm down. That’s right, calm down. Simmer down. Relax. Stay quiet. That’s right. Calm down, it’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. Look. You can feed it. It’s very obedient. Look.

Everything’s fine now. It’s okay now. It’s fine. Don’t be nervous. Alright now. It’s okay now. Alright, get up. Alright, everything’s fine now. Go now. Go and take a nap. A miracle. This is truly a miracle. Let’s go. Meiling! You haven’t changed at all, even after so many years! Dad, I’m Xueli! Xueli? Yeah.

Xueli! That’s right! My baby daughter! I was muddled-headed. Where’s your mother? Mom? She passed away seven years ago. She passed away in peace. My Meiling! Xueli. I didn’t expect I could see you again in this lifetime. Dad, it’s been so many years. What have you gone through?

I managed to survive all these years thanks to that T-Rex. I was the first person the T-Rex saw when it hatched from its egg. Due to that, it formed a unique bond with me. All these years, I was able to avoid the other dinosaurs all thanks to that T-Rex. Xueli, in a sense,

You’re its elder brother! No, I mean elder sister! It’s your younger brother! It’s pretty crowded, isn’t it? This… Are you guys trying to develop the island here? Dr. Zhao, this is truly a miracle. I didn’t expect to see you again after a decade had passed. I’m truly fortunate. We’re friends, right?

Let’s talk over this. Shut up! Mr. Du. Yes? What do you mean by this? Sangji, he’s our savior! Dr. Zhao, I need you to do me a tiny favor. Do you wish to try some leaves too? Dr. Zhao, you’re so humorous. It would be great if your daughter

Was half as humorous as you. Oh, by the way, I’m sure you know where the meteorite is, right? Tell me where it is. Sure. Didn’t you see it by the riverside? It’s everywhere! What are you guys doing? Don’t hurt Xueli! Dr. Zhao, I don’t have time to waste on you.

I won’t make things difficult for you two as long as you tell me where the meteorite is. You mustn’t remove the meteorite. Its magnetic field is related to the life of the entire island. If you remove the meteorite, every living being on the island will perish! Dr. Zhao, my patience is limited.

If you don’t decide right now, I cannot ensure that my next shot will miss the mark again. I will do as you say. What kind of hellish place is this? Dr. Zhao, you better don’t fool me. A submarine volcano is actually right under the island. Due to the influence of the magnetic field,

The flames generated by the volcano will be released through these cracks. It lasts for around 10 minutes. It has a rest period of 10 seconds. After that, it’ll resume again. Let’s go! You scoundrels! You went back on your promise! Du Zhe, you scoundrel! You scum! Move! My precious, I’ve finally found you!

Du Zhe! You already found the meteorite! Hurry and release my daughter! What’s with the rush? We can talk about it once I’m done removing the meteorite. Laka! I’m sorry. This is all I can do for you guys. Sangji. Just run. Don’t hesitate. Just run, okay? Laka,

It’s time for you to showcase your skills. Look at this baby. It’s the toughest thing in the entire world. It’s time to prove your worth! Laka! You should stop risking your life for his sake! I’m not doing it for anyone else. Making things explode is what I was born to do! That’s right.

You can only prove how good you are during moments like these. Blast it into pieces! Reduce it to dust! It’s completely unaffected. Laka, use everything you have! Everything? That’s right! Everything! You mean all of it? That’s right! All of it! Don’t come near me! Wild Dog, shoot them! This is bad!

These scums are waiting for the flames to extinguish as well. Boss, watch out. Wild Dog! Get the flare! They’re so intelligent. Let’s go. Let’s hurry. No. You guys can leave first. I have to stay. Dad! Be careful. I have to stay here and stop Du Zhe. Dad, I won’t leave without you. Xueli,

I wished to see you so badly for the past decade. But I was afraid that the world might know about the ghost island’s existence. I was the cause of everything that had happened until now. I have to stay here and defend the ghost island. Sangji, take Xueli with you! Dad,

I won’t leave without you! Enough. Stop arguing. None of us will leave. Du Zhe should be the one leaving. Wild Dog? Wild Dog! What’s wrong? Where are you? Wild Dog! Are you okay? Are you still alive? Wild Dog! Wild Dog! Are you okay? Wild Dog! Wild Dog! Are you okay? Godfather!

You scoundrel! How dare you! Where’s your handkerchief? It’s inside my pocket. Laka, are you done? Hurry up! I’m almost done! Give me just a moment! Bear with it. Why are the velociraptors running away? Yuzi, deal with those scoundrels immediately. Alright. Use this to defend yourself. Yuzi, just give up.

You want me to give up? Over my dead body! Godfather! I will avenge you! Miss Scientist, you finally went against your principle, huh? Xueli, watch out! Give me the gun! Yuzi! Yuzi! I know you’ve already done your best. I will surely avenge you. This is really unexpected. Dr. Zhao,

You actually knew how to use a gun to kill a person? When I obtain the meteorite, I’ll make you pay for what you did. You will pay with your life! Don’t come near me! Don’t do it! My heart! Laka! What are you waiting for? Hurry and blast the meteorite into pieces!

Don’t do it! No! If you do it, the entire island will sink into the volcano! All of us will die! Is the meteorite more important than your daughter’s life? Mr. Du, you’re sacrificing your life for the meteorite. Do you think it’s worth it? It’s worth it! Of course, it’s worth it!

Do you know something? After you’re used to having a luxurious life, it’s impossible for you to return to the poor days again! I will sell this meteorite and lead a luxurious life forever! Laka, what are you waiting for? Do it! No! Laka, don’t listen to him!

But I came here for this very purpose! That’s right! Laka, you’re right! We’ve been waiting for this opportunity for so many years. Our goal was to demolish this meteorite and get our hands on a huge amount of uranium! Once we obtain uranium, we can create bombs with extraordinary explosive power!

Wasn’t that your dream and passion in life? That’s right. Creating explosions is my art. I cannot go against my own principles! Principles are set up by humans, you know? This is? Xueli? Sangji? You guys… Do you guys intend to bribe Sangji with those two coins? What a joke! Hurry, Laka!

What are you waiting for? Do it already! Laka! We’re friends! Laka! Come out. Are you done eavesdropping on us? You… You two saved my life today. If you guys need any explosive favors from me, just give me a shout. This is a token of our friendship. Friends. We’re friends. Friends?

You guys became friends in just a few days? Laka, if you don’t do it, I’ll kill her! Don’t do it! Mr. Du, I’ve made up my mind. I won’t detonate the bomb. The switch is here. I’ve set up the bomb. You can detonate it yourself. Xueli and Sangji saved my life before.

They’re my friends. Please let Xueli go. Please let us go, Mr. Du. That’s right. Mr. Du, you can detonate the bomb if you like. That’s right. You should let Xueli go for now. If you let Xueli go, we’ll move the meteorite pieces for you. That’s right. Very good.

You guys better keep your words. Xueli! Are you okay? Stop right there! All of you, stop immediately! If anyone dares to take a step forward, I’ll kill him! If I can’t get my hands on the meteorite today, no one shall leave this island alive! Laka, you’re something else, huh?

How dare you trick me? Do you think this is a game? Do you believe that I’ll slaughter your entire family when I get back? You forced me to do this! Get down! Xueli, do you regret coming to the ghost island? Dad, do you regret it then? Actually, I feel pretty regretful about it.

Yeah. Too many lives have been sacrificed during the course of this trip. We shouldn’t interrupt them. Humans aren’t the rulers of this world. Neither are the animals. No one has the right to invade each other’s territory. Enough already. Stop being sentimental. You’re not doing a great job at it.

I’m getting goosebumps, you know? Hey, I think the four of us should form a professional expedition team. If so, we definitely have to include my T-Rex in our team. Dad, I wish to ride it. I thought you didn’t even dare to ride horses? By the way, between Sangji and Laka,

Whom do you like more? Dad, why are you asking me that? [Laka, Zhao Xueli, and Sangji were sentenced to six years in prison for breaking the local law.]