[غزو النحل القاتل]|Killer Bee Invasion|إنقاذ موت النحل القاتل في جزيرة الصحراء!|كارثة/مغامرة|YOUKU

[70 years later] It’s here! Over here. Come on. It’s here. Legend has it that the Giant Bee Amber has the power of death to summon bees. What a joke. Can bees kill humans? [Killer Bee Invasion] [The Island of Death, South Asia] What’s wrong? After moving through the woods, the lab will be right in front of us. Everyone be careful. Where do we hide next? Shh! Stop talking. Okay. It seems to have quieted down. What’s wrong, baby? Everyone be alert. What is this? I don’t want to die here. Come on. Man up.

Just wait a little longer. The rescue team should be on their way. The thing that attacked us. Do you remember that old myth? Shut up. Believe in our purpose to start the N17 project. We have successfully extracted 28 chromosomes from the embryo within N17. The 28th chromosome has shown vitality.

But we can’t analyze the components of the venom. We’ll test that. The male gene has perfectly combined with the N17 sequence. As we know, the living gene in the N17 chromosome is what’s going to extend human life. There’s indeed a sign of life in this amber. This is unbelievable!

If we can create genes that extend life, we are going to make a fortune! We will be rich! I mean, rich! [Warning: Abnormal barometric pressure] [Warning: Abnormal barometric pressure] What happened? Mike. Mike! Scott! Grenade! I’m coming! Come close! Take turns to cover. Retreat! Captain, so many of them have died.

We won’t make much money. That’s right. I’m quitting if there’s nothing in it for me. Follow me if you want to make money. Get out of here if you are too scared. The remaining ones will have a bigger share. Don’t forget. N17 is the most valuable reward.

You don’t want to come here for nothing. Right? Move. This place is hell. If we can make it out alive, marry me. Wait till we actually get the money. Renfeng, search the outer area. Jason, the lab. Who’s there? I’m from the rescue team. You are from the rescue team? There’s just you?

Dr. Tang Lingfei. Calm, collected, and proud. I couldn’t tell it was you. I’m Qin Tian, the captain of the security team sent by Bumble Group to rescue you. Captain, I’m Luo Yu. You guys are finally here. Dr. Luo Yu. Hi. She is the one I’m here to rescue. Follow me. Someone’s there.

The Island of Death. The Island of Death. Say something! Calm down. It’s Dr. Shi Mu. Captain. We found a survivor. Dr. Shi Mu. I’m glad you are okay. The aseptic laboratory. N17! Luo Yu. How many protective suits do we have? Two. We have our own. Jie, Coster. Luo Yu.

The mice are still alive. The air here should be safe. Oh, no. It’s all over. What do you mean? Where’s N17? Among the 28 sequences extracted from N17, 5 of them were incomplete. One of the sequences remained intact. We combined these five chromosomes with different bee genes. One of the bee groups

Showed a relatively stable state of life. It’s also highly aggressive and venomous. In the bee incubator, a group of genetically modified bees are highly venomous. We haven’t found the antidote for this bee venom yet even until now. You will die in two hours after getting stung. It’s also highly reproductive.

If the bees infested the continent, the consequence would be disastrous. We have to find these venomous bees as soon as possible. I’m asking you. Where’s N17? N17 is gone! Are you sure it was here? Captain Qin, you still don’t understand. If we don’t find those bees… Calm down! Tell me. What attacked you?

I have no idea. It’s Professor Larl. He’s a virologist. If we could find him, we might find ways to exterminate those venomous bees. We have to save him. The paramount task is to find N17. We can’t delay anymore. Captain. Professor Larl is an important target. He’s the most valuable one.

We have to go. Fine. Rescue Larl and find N17. The venomous bees though, I’m telling you again, don’t waste our time. If you can find Larl, the experiment team will exterminate the bees. No. It’s here. The signal is on our left. Go this way. Renfeng. It’s a dead end.

Get out of the car. Captain, look. There’s an unknown sign of life. Be alert. Bees are warm-blooded animals. We have coolant sprays with us. It might be useful to carry it with you. Keep going. It’s here. Wait! Look. This is the totem of Champa. My teammates once sent us a similar totem.

According to our research, the Chams used bees to destroy the sun. The prophecy of the Island of Death never goes wrong. All island intruders will be punished. Are you done? We are running out of time. The Chams won’t let us off. So many people have died. It’s been proven to be true!

I’ll believe it if it comes true right now. I’ll shoot you if you keep spouting nonsense. Coster! Hold him down! Coster! Coster! Jason, kill me. Kill me! Please kill me! Was he stung by a bee? Yes. When did it happen? About two hours ago. Please kill me! Please kill me! Kill me!

What did you do? I did him a favor. Will you believe me now? How important is it to exterminate the bees! Gosh. That wasn’t the bee venom. Dr. Shi Mu! It’s true. What happened today cannot be explained. In ancient India and Egypt, bee totems were found on the relics from early civilization.

Bees represent the acceptance of the soul. In other words, this is the divine punishment from the God of Death! In all ancient civilizations, the Cham culture has always worshiped the God of Death. We took N17. That is the biggest blasphemy against the God of Death. But from what I know,

People always think that divination is all about making up myths. Nobody has the concrete evidence to prove anything. Don’t you see it? The Cham script on the stone wall and the attack from earlier. The Chams were real! Dr. Shi Mu! I never believe in such nonsense. What I know

Is that one of my teammates just died. Stop explaining his death with your strange theories. Help me. I think it’s Professor Larl. We have an important job now. Follow up. Who’s there? It’s me. It’s me, Larl. Thank god. Larl. Come on. We have to get out of here. There are dogs everywhere!

Captain, what is that? Jason, cover us! I’m on it! The true Chams have revealed themselves. The bees! So many of them! Dr. Shi Mu. Hurry, go! Catch! Hurry! The road has been blocked! Use the coolant spray! Use the coolant spray! The bees are gone. Jie! Jie! It’s too late. The bees are here.

Help, Captain! The grenade. The grenade! Go! We need to recover our stamina. We will camp here tonight. All right. Jason, Lin Na, and Renfeng. Take turns and stand guard. We will rest here. We are the only ones left. We’ll have a bigger share. When we get back, give the money to their families.

Have a seat. Thank you. Professor Larl. How did you get here? The dogs chased me in here. They nearly killed me. Captain, you are hurt. It’s no big deal. You are hurt. I’m fine. Let me see it. I’ll treat your wound. It’s done. Thank you. I should thank you instead. What’s wrong?

I didn’t know you had a cute side. It belongs to my daughter. She must be adorable. She’s critically ill. I need money to save her. She’s the most precious gift to me in this mundane world. What about your wife? You are risking your life. Have you not thought about her feelings?

She’s dead. I’m sorry. In this world, there are so many we can’t do. The only thing I can do now is to protect the people around me. The Chams barged into the cave and burned the bees. Then a massive swarm of giant bees attacked them. A few days later, those who were attacked

Died as their bodies festered. Therefore, the Chams think that it was a punishment from the god. The Cham priest knelt in front of the God of Death. The God of Death led the bees and blessed the priest’s soul. The priest lay down in the coffin, the God of Death placed the amber

On the priest’s head. The priest came back to life. It was miraculous. Captain, I managed to hit one of them. The speed, the agility. What are you trying to do? No matter how terrifying it was, it can’t bite me anymore. Based on the totem on the tunnel,

This dog is called the Night Dog. It’s raised by the Chams. According to the Cham legends, it is also the messenger of the bees. It’s believed to be immortal. Immortal? Then what did I just kill? Hold on. When the venomous bees appeared, the dog didn’t seem afraid.

There’s a special substance in the dog’s body. Luo Yu, collect the specimen. Me? Go. Go. You coward. Go Captain, let’s leave this place. We’ll bring these scientists along. This is enough money. Honey. The bigger the risk, the greater the reward. Captain, am I right? What do you think, Renfeng? I’m with you.

You can leave if you want. A coward, a woman, and two old men. Do you really think you can save the world? I’ve been through hell. I’ve been chased by Night Dogs. I’m frightened. I just want to go home. Larl. How can you say something so irresponsible? That’s right.

Our target is willing to leave with us. What did you say? -Get lost! -Quiet! Nobody can leave without N17. Sleep, all of you! Sleep! If I can get you home, I’ll be rich. Larl, you sneaky man. Qin Tian was right about you. You’re going back with me now.

You know the N17 and I are worth more than them. Well, the N17 is worth more than you. So if I kill you and take it, it will be enough for me and Lin Na to live happily ever after. Don’t do anything stupid.

This is worth a lot more than what you are being paid now. And you will get a whole bag of them. One hundred diamonds. I made so much discovery. Luo Yu! Luo Yu. Look. Do the Chams in the myth truly exist? That’s right. Wait! Thank you.

Why do you make Jason follow Professor Larl? Firstly, it’s suspicious for Larl to come to such a remote cave alone. Secondly, on the survivor list of the lab, he was the only one missing. The surveillance cameras were damaged. He is trying to reach the sea at the moment, he’s probably trying to escape.

Do you suspect that the N17 is with him? We will find out soon enough. Captain, you put a tracker on Jason. Do you not trust him? See for yourself. Maybe he’s just following Larl to the sea. Follow closely. Jason is leaving the island with Larl. Hurry up. What’s the matter? What’s wrong?

The engine’s not working. There’s no way to get out. If you don’t get me off this island, you get nothing! You’re threatening me? The bees are going to come if we don’t go. Don’t play tricks with me. Get me out of here first. I really need to go there. It was a deal!

Darn it! It’s the bees! The N17 must have attracted them. We’ve got to go! We’ve got to go! Come on. Come on! We’ve got to go! The bees! The bees are coming! Come on! Come on! Over there. Hurry up. Jason! Lin Na! Replace the clip. Jason. Jason. Jason! Jason, come on.

Just leave me. Hurry! Professor Larl. The bees are here! Lin Na, hurry! The bees are behind you! Hang in there. Jason! Jason! Come on! Walk! This is the place. The written record here matches with the totem in the tunnel. I believe you’re willing to learn about the Cham culture now. The Chams are the first beekeepers. They worship the bees. The Cham legend stated that bees are the guardians of souls. 70 years ago, scientists came here

To search for the bees mentioned in the legend so that they could conduct genetic research on longevity. The Chams think that these scientists were sinners who angered the god. So they killed all of them. This is absurd. These myths had so many scientists killed. I have a plan now. What is it?

According to a Chinese scientist, there’s a plant called Mumi grass. It can neutralize bee venom. Burning it will maximize its effect. Mumi grass is the only way to exterminate the bees. Tang Lingfei is right. These venomous bees can kill a person in two hours. If we are infected,

It will make it even harder to exterminate them. Captain Qin. My teammates are all dead. Renfeng and I are the only ones left. What do you expect me to do? It’s fine. Look. This is Mumi grass. Mumi grass can be found in the Cham village.

Mumi grass is the natural enemy of the bees. Therefore, the Chams think that it reduced the population of bees so they started to damage it. If there’s really Mumi grass in the Night Dog’s stomach… If the Night Dogs can find it, it means that it hasn’t gone extinct.

We have to locate the Chams in order to find the Mumi grass. How are we supposed to find their village though? I have a plan. But we will run into many Night Dogs. Listen to my command now. The Night Dogs have poor vision in daylight.

They can only locate their enemies with their sense of smell. We will find a type of pollen with a strong scent and make it into explosives. Renfeng. We will lure the Night Dogs. Tang Lingfei, Larl, and Luo Yu. You will act accordingly. Follow closely. Don’t fall behind. The grenade. Throw the grenade!

There’s more of them! Professor Larl. The N17 must have attracted the bees. If we follow the bees, we will find the Chams. It looks like the Chams are attacked by the bees too. We brought N17 back to this world. We killed them. Without the Chams,

We no longer have to worry about the Night Dogs. We have to find the Mumi grass quickly. This is the hall where the priest came back to life. Mumi grass must be around somewhere. Look. I think there’s a tunnel there. N17. The bees are gone. The N17 is not important anymore.

But I have to exterminate all the bees. If my daughter knows that her dad saved the world, she will always be proud of me. I trust you. Captain! Go! Live a good life! Go. Go. Go! Go! Let’s go. Stop! These are Mumi grass. How do we lure the bees in?

Do you remember the sensor on the female bees? We have to return to the lab to see if we can fix the sensor and locate the female bees. If we can find the female bees, we’ll be able to attract many venomous bees here. Let’s go. Captain Qin, get yourself together.

We need your help. -Let’s go. -Let’s go. Let’s go. Go to the filer room. Why can’t it be turned on? I think it’s the generator. Where’s the power system? It’s outside. Dr. Shi Mu. Try to fix the electricity generator. Okay. I’m on it. Luo Yu, find out the tracking code, 0380. Okay.

Captain Qin. Get the protective suits and tracer. Come on. I will atone for the sins committed by the Chams. I found it. I got it! Let’s go. Dr. Shi Mu. Dr. Shi Mu? Dr. Shi Mu. Dr. Shi Mu. Dr. Shi Mu! Dr. Shi Mu! Dr. Shi Mu!

The bees are right in front of us. You don’t have to go. Be careful. It’s here. Hold on to this. The beehive. Hurry up! I found it. Time to put an end to all of this. Go. Check this. Go. Tang Lingfei. Be careful. Don’t forget the tracker. Okay.

What are you trying to do? Open the door! Qin Tian, open the door! Open the door, Luo Yu! Let’s go. Qin Tian! You jerk! Open the door! -Be careful. -Okay. Over there. Give it to me. Why are you doing that? Captain Qin. You should head up first. I need more time

To attract all the bees. Tell Fei that I’m a real man. What are you talking about? Get up here. Stop. You are a father. Your daughter is waiting for you at home. I’m alone. I have nobody to worry about. If heaven really exists, I believe I will meet my mother there.

Give me your hand! It’s too late. Look. I have already been stung. I’m going to die soon. Go now. Luo Yu! Luo Yu, come here! Luo Yu! Tell Lingfei that I don’t regret coming to this island to do the experiment with her. The time I spent with her on this island

Was the happiest time of my life. Go. Go! Luo Yu! Go! [No animals were harmed in the making of this film.] [The animals were portrayed using special effects.]