[قناص]|Sniper|قناص خارق يقاتل بشغف في ساحة المعركة المثيرة!|أكشن / الحرب|YOUKU

[August 1937] [Luodian, Shanghai] Qiang! Qiang! Lad. Lad. Sir. Sir! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Sir. Your face! Hurry to the sniping point. Hurry! Suzuki! Where was the bullet shot from? 11 o’clock. Finish him. Sir. Cover me. Fire! [Sniper] [November 1937] [Fall of Shanghai City] Reporting. Speak. I want to pee. Sir. I…

Pee in your pants. A sniper on the battlefield can only do two things. Breathing and shooting. Wind direction 3/4. 2.5 seconds delay. Ready. Lock on. Shoot. Sir, I hit it! Why did you miss on the battlefield then? Oh, dear. Haotian. Another nightmare? You dreamed of the war again? Yeah. And my superior.

Don’t dwell on it. If he didn’t take that bullet, you’d be the one who got shot. It might’ve been better if I took the bullet. Staying alive is all that matters. Don’t think about going back to the army. The road to the west has been sealed by the Japanese. I heard

Anyone they found with calloused fingers will be executed without question! You are but one man. You can’t defeat the Japanese. Just pull your rickshaw. We still have work tomorrow. Go rest for a bit more. Hold this. Come on! I’ll head off first. Go rest up. [Immigration Checkpoint] (Citizens of Shanghai.) Stop! Stop there! You, stop running! Hey! Where did that girl go? That way! All right. Quick! That darned Nighthawk Group! How dare they wreak havoc under my very eyes! You useless bunch! We are very sorry! Report the losses. It was the armory that got attacked this time. All of them… Tighten the security.

Yes, sir. Keep everyone’s mouth shut. Yes. We must not further embarrass the Empire of Japan. Yes. Professor Hagel. Hey, Lin. If every student is like you, working so hard, there would be no invasion. A wolf always eats. But we need to change, right? Professor, I have a question. Oh, go ahead then.

Last time, you said the physical process of splitting an atom can produce huge energy. I heard that in Europe, there are a lot of people who are wondering if we can weaponize it. Where did you hear this from? This is wrong. Don’t think about it.

See, the fission of atomic energy is too powerful. And if you use this on weapons, there will be no more war but slaughter. So, if you use this on both sides, and the Chinese and the Japanese have weapons like this, then this is self-destruction for humans. I see. [Strategic Map of Shanghai Area]

This is Shimada. Yes. Order received. I will see that the hero of the Empire is duly conferred his honor. Yes. He will be awarded in Shanghai. The Empire’s sniper, Major Suzuki Masahiro. His performance was exceptional when attacking Shanghai. The Emperor has ordered to confer him honors in Shanghai.

With the current situation in Shanghai, should we keep the news from getting out? No. Instead, I think this is a good chance to deal with the Nighthawk Group. Come on! Jin! Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! Would you like a ride, sir? Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! The Nighthawk Group strikes again!

A high-ranking Japanese officer was killed in Pujiang Hotel! Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! The Nighthawk Group strikes again! A high-ranking Japanese officer was killed in Pujiang Hotel! Paperboy, I’ll take one. Here. Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! The Nighthawk Group strikes again! A high-ranking Japanese officer was killed in Pujiang Hotel!

[Assassination? Murder in Pujiang Hotel] Newspaper! Newspaper! Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! [Tiger of the Empire: Suzuki Masahiro] Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! The Nighthawk Group strikes again! Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! Newspaper! Newspaper for sale! Haotian. Haotian. Haotian. Where did you get this?

What’s this for? Self-defense. Self-defense? Looks more like trouble to me. Leave me alone. Haotian, I’m the one who saved you. Don’t do anything stupid. How is it stupid? You call killing those Japanese invaders “stupid”? You! You… Don’t forget. You’re a commoner now. Things like defending the country is none of your business. This…

It’s a disaster if you keep this. Give me. Give it to me! Even if I’m pulling a rickshaw, I’ve got to have a backbone! Let go! Cigarettes for sale! [Welcome, Major Suzuki] Cigarettes for sale! [Welcome, Major Suzuki] Cigarettes for sale! [Line up to enter the station] [No pushing] Cigarettes for sale!

Cigarettes for sale! Cigarettes for sale! Cigarettes for sale! Cigarettes for sale! Cigarettes for sale! Thank you, sir. Would you like some cigarettes? Cigarettes! Miss, over here. Mister. I’ll take a Tiantan cigarette. Sure! Mister, I heard a high-ranking officer will be arriving at 7 PM? As if!

We used to fall in formation outside when a high-ranking official arrives. Today, they summoned all of us into the station. Who knows what those Japanese are up to this time? Thank you, mister, thank you! Would you like some cigarettes? Hello. Do you have a ticket to Nanjing? Mister. Cigarettes? Do you have “camels”?

I’m sorry, we’re just out of “camels”. We have quite a lot of Asahi cigarettes though. Would you like to try them? No, thanks. Alright, sir. Cigarettes for sale! What’s wrong with you? I’ll… I’ll wipe it clean! I just came out of the station. They’ve increased the number of Japanese troops inside.

The situation is bad. Inform all to fall back. Enough, enough. Watch where you’re going. Thank you, sir. It’s almost 7 PM. The Nighthawk Group should act anytime now. Come with me! Come on! Are you entering or exiting the station? -Entering. -Exiting. Didn’t you promise me that you’ll never see your cousin again? What?

I can’t believe you told me it was a business trip! You even bought her a gift? Hand it over! Let go! Excuse me! Stand there! Give it back to me. There’s an ambush. How do you know there’s an ambush. This is not the place to talk. Follow me.

I’ve made arrangements for Major Suzuki to arrive two hours later. Are you sure the news didn’t get leaked? Stop! What on earth are you doing? Does it still hurt? The Japanese are behind. Hurry. Hey! Freeze. What are you holding? Let me check it! Let’s go! A veteran and excellent at shooting a gun.

Mrs. Li. You’re back. Be careful. The news on the papers is fake. They’re trying to lure us out. You guys… Who are you people? Mr. Liu. You’re making stinky tofu? You’ve got a keen nose, miss. I’ll save a piece for you. Sure! Where are you taking me? We’ve arrived. -Don’t move! -Dashi! Douhua’er!

He’s one of us. One of us? Give it back. One of us? Why is there a “one of us” that I don’t recognize? Sir. He’s the one I mentioned before. The rickshaw puller who killed four Japanese to save me. This is the secret hideout of the Nighthawk Group.

Why did you bring him here? He almost fell into the ambush in the station. I can’t just leave him in the lurch. Also, he’s skilled with guns and determined to fight the Japanese. I want to recruit him. You’re too reckless. What if something goes wrong? A Type 38 Rifle? Type 38 Rifle?

Not bad, bro! What? Who’s your bro? If anything goes wrong, I’ll bear all consequences. That darned Japanese kicked me twice after slapping me! My buttocks still hurt! I’ll avenge you sooner or later. The cannon sound at the station was them covering for us. Who are you guys? Have you heard of

The Nighthawk Group? You mean the group that deals with the Japanese troops? The explosion at the Dispatch of Japanese Troops’ armory, the train incident at Wusong Railway. These were all done by the Nighthawk Group. This is our leader, Li Fuguo. Cui Dashi. Douhua’er. Zhuang Shuisheng and Chen A’gen. My name is Lin Yizhen.

The 88th Division Sniper of the 9th National Revolutionary Army, Yang Haotian. The 88th Division? The 800 heroes! Courageous and patriotic. They deserve all the respect! Shanghai has fallen. May I know… do you have any plans? I… We had a close shave today. Why don’t we… Have dinner! Let’s have dinner! Come on!

Make yourself home! Eat all you want! Here. Thank you. Here, here! Come on! Guests first, goodness. Here, sir. Thank you. Dig in. -Yeah, eat more. -Eat up! It’s hot. Is it good? It’s really tasty. Have some more then. Of course! My mom’s pickle-filled dumplings are famous in Northeast China! Am I right, Mom?

You guys are from the northeast? Yes, we are. After the 918 Incident, we escaped to Shanghai from the northeast. Where’s your father? My father… His father escaped with us. But he went back for a parcel and never got out. Mom. Thanks, Mrs. Cui. I’ll help you. When I was in the army,

My master once told me that when the war is over, he would make dumplings for me. It’s a pity I’ll never get to eat them. The Japanese owe the Chinese too many lives. They will pay us back sooner or later. Here, eat up. Thanks, Mrs. Cui. Eat more, kid.

Only then will you have the energy. We’ll fight the Japanese together! Yeah! That’s right! Eh? Mrs. Cui, where are my dumplings? Oh, my. Look at me! I’m really getting old. Coming right up! All right! These pickles are really good. Your dumplings. Have some garlic. This is also a dead drop?

Be it in the downtown or countryside, there are a lot of people like Mrs. Cui who play their parts to fight the Japanese. Aren’t you worried I might tell someone else? Someone who dares to kill the Japanese on the streets. If we can’t even trust someone like that, who else can be trusted?

Here, here, here! Wash it down with its soup. What do you say? Join us. Sure. Count me in. Here, eat more! Eat more! It’s really good. [Banquet Hall] This man is our target. [Zhou Yuyan] [Charity Event] The traitor, Zhou Yuyan. Till now, we are still unable to pinpoint his exact residence. The board member of Huanyu University, Mr. Zhou Yuyan! However, everyone, you must be careful. If we fail, it’ll be difficult to get another chance like this. While protecting Hagel in secret, observe Hagel’s attitude towards Zhou Yuyan. Dashi. You must keep watch and make sure that all exits are secured. Once Zhou Yuyan is on stage, Any questions about the division of work and the course of action? What is my assignment? Shuisheng. The Nighthawk Group is indeed different. A German original. Karabiner 98k. An effective range of up to 800 meters. With this, I alone would suffice. That won’t do. There will be a crowd.

We must not hurt the innocent. Rest assured. I’ve got this. It’s better to play it safe. Also, once the sniper fails, assassination at a close range would be even harder. You are our last resort. All right, then. We’ll split up. Yang Haotian, you’ll be with me.

I don’t know why they would organize such a party. Why are we all invited here? Good evening, Professor Hagel. What I asked you back then. Did you manage to give it some thought? No need for that. I will never align myself with the invaders. Professor. Why would you call it an invasion? Furthermore,

This is a battle between China and Japan. You’re Jewish. I remember you once said that science has no national borders. Science may have no national borders, but the scientists have. China is my second motherland. I will never do anything that will harm the Chinese. I have a question for you.

Are you Chinese or Japanese? Mr. Hagel. Please don’t forget this. In your most precarious times, Huanyu University took you in. Humans must reciprocate the goodwill extended to them. I will repay this kindness to the honest and upright Chinese. Not someone like you. People of Huanyu University, major news outlets, and our friends from all walks of life. Good evening. Thank you for gracing this event. There is a saying. “The more advanced the technologies, the stronger the country.” I wish to offer my strength to help the students in my homeland. It’s nothing to brag about.

Everyone should know that the current situation is chaotic. As China and Japan are unable to reconcile their political differences, they point their guns at each other. However, to preserve peace and to realize the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, I am willing to give my life and my all for the country! Mr. Zhou!

Is your motherland China or Japan? Your donations are bestowed by the Japanese, no? That’s right! Are you really doing this for China? Of course! I hope China and Japan will be at peace forever! What are you doing? How uncouth! Quick! Leave, leave! What are you people doing? Assassins! Leave! Stop him! Target spotted.

On my instructions. How could you fire when there are people out there? What if… There are no “what ifs” for snipers. Cover them. Roger that. Haotian is back! Anyone injured? We’re fine. Tian, your skills are amazing! You killed two birds with one stone! Two in one swoop! Teach me! You?

You’ve got a big head and a big butt. If you ask me, he’s better as a rifle butt. Am I right? Douhua’er, that’s mean! Straighten your hat! You’re still in the mood to joke? If not for Yang Haotian’s snipe and cover, tonight’s operation will be a complete failure! You’ll all lose your lives!

How are you going to save the country? Sir. We’ve all had a long day. Everyone’s famished. Why not we eat first? We’ll debrief when we come back. What do you think? Yang Haotian. Comb the area within the 200m radius unit by unit. We must find where this sniper fired his shot. Yes!

Mr. Shimada! With such a small investigation area, I’m afraid we won’t have many findings. What do you suggest, then? The sniper used 7.92mm point bullets. From the depth of the hole it made in the wall, this shot was fired from at least 400 meters away. 400 meters.

He nailed his target from that far away in the city? If he gets the right spot to shoot, a competent sniper can definitely achieve this. Major Suzuki. You should be preparing for the ceremony. Why are you here at the assassination scene instead?

It’s the duty of a Japanese soldier to get rid of enemies for the Empire. The Nighthawk Group dared to challenge the Imperial Army in Shanghai. There is no reason for me to sit by and watch. This is the first time the Nighthawk Group used a sniper. What do you think?

Allow me to feel them out first. That sniper might be an old friend of mine. I’ll leave it to you. Yes. [Yang, Lin, Rendezvous] This is our new target. It really is you. Do you come here often? Sometimes. You’ve got something to say? Kind of. If you won’t talk, I’m leaving. My mirror!

I’ve been looking for it! Why is it with you? I picked it up when I… first met you. I guessed it was yours. You even glued it back. Thank you. Look, those lights are really pretty. Half of it is brightly lit, another half dotted like starlight. What do they have in common?

They are all lands that belong to China, but none of them belongs to us. That’s right. However, there will be a day where we get them all back. Yeah. Like this broken mirror. We can fix it. One day, we will take back everything we’ve lost. The gun. Where did you get it from?

Where did you get the gun? Say it. I’ll forgive your mistakes. Lord, I really do not know! I’ll repeat. Gun. Whose? It’s me! The gun. I picked it up. What a coincidence. The owner of this gun is a soldier of the Empire of Japan who was killed by the Nighthawk Group.

Follow me to the Military Police Corps. We’ll talk in depth. Who told you to shoot? I’m sorry! Damn it! We finally found some clues about the Nighthawk Group. Now, it’s gone again. Major Suzuki has already got everything ready. As for the rest, we should handle it. Bin. Here. It’s for you. Zhen.

I brought Baijiu. Where’s Du? Why’s his bed all cleared? What happened? Du, he… What happened? Tell me. Something happened to Du. Yesterday, the Military Police found a Type 38 Rifle in our shop. Their captain, Shimada, killed our fellow workers to force an interrogation. I don’t know what’s gotten into Du at that time.

He lunged at the gun and was killed by the Japanese. That guy Du will never do something like hiding a rifle. Just now, I ran into that Shimada at the train station! I got so spooked that I ran back straight away! I’m exhausted! Haotian? Haotian! Where are you going? Tian.

What’s wrong with him? I thought we have no assignments? Tian! Where are you taking the gun? Tian! Tian! Tian! This is a sniping spot you’ve used before. Our leader said you must not reuse it! Leave me alone! I must kill Shimada today! Tian! You must leave with me today! This is too dangerous!

Dashi! Dashi! Tian… Dashi! Run… Run, hurry… You’re going with me! Come on! He got away. Dashi, wake up. We’re almost home. Haotian. I think… I smell my mom’s dumplings… Pickled fillings… Your mom cooked dumplings for you. She’s waiting for us at home! Hang in there, you hear me? Hang in there! Dashi.

We’re home. We’re home! Dashi! Dashi! I’m bringing you home. I’m bringing you home. I’m bringing you home. We’re going home. Going home. Going home. Going home. Dashi! Your mom cooked dumplings for you! She’s waiting for you to come home! Dashi! Get up! Get up! Dashi! Dashi! Dashi! Dashi! Please come in! Hello,

Professor Hagel. You are…? Mr. Zhou who has passed away was my friend. He has dedicated his whole life to the academic collaboration between you and Japan. I have taken over his work to fulfill his mission. Collaboration? All you want is for me to help you make weapons to kill people!

So what if that’s the truth? Only under absolute oppression can there be absolute peace. Only then can they be fit to enjoy Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity! This is not peace! This is slaughter! I will never ever help you! Once you arrive in the Empire of Japan, you will agree with what I said.

Professor. Please get your materials ready. The ship leaving for the Empire of Japan is ready. This is kidnapping! You’d better cooperate with the Empire of Japan. Otherwise, both you and I will suffer. What’s going on? Hagel. Hagel. What are you doing here, Lin? This is dangerous! I’m here to save you! Go hide.

Go hide! Hagel escaped! Come with me. Dashi shouldn’t have died. We must avenge him. If Yang Haotian hadn’t acted on his own, Dashi wouldn’t have died! Dashi was killed by the Japanese. How could you blame Haotian? Enough! Professor Hagel! The Japanese army has made their move? Wait a moment. Lin,

What’s going on here? And who are all these people here? We are the eagles, the Nighthawk Group. Mr. Li. The fabric you ordered has arrived. Would you like to collect it or should I deliver it? This is mentioned many times in my newspapers. -I see. -That’s right, Professor.

We’ll keep protecting you in the dark and we will help you leave Shanghai tomorrow. Thank you very much. So you can have a rest. Thank you, really. You’re welcome. Shuisheng. Bring the professor upstairs to rest. Please. Sir. Did something happen? Dashi is… He is dead.

The superiors have instructed us to transfer Professor Hagel immediately. There is a ship headed for Hong Kong, China tomorrow. It’ll dock at the Shiliupu Marina. This mission will be extremely dangerous. Everyone must be prepared for the worst. The only thing I’m afraid of is the Japanese chickening out!

Come one and we’ll kill one. Come a group, and we’ll kill a group! Yeah! We must avenge Dashi! Then, what about Haotian? He’s no longer a part of the Nighthawk Group. Everyone must remember. You must follow the plan for tomorrow’s operation. Whether Japan gains control over nuclear technologies

Is directly related to the fate of our people. No matter how volatile tomorrow’s situation is, we mustn’t let Professor Hagel fall into enemies’ hands. Are you guys confident in the mission? Yes! Haotian. Stop thinking about it. It’s not entirely your fault. If I had listened to Du, He would still be alive.

If I had listened to Dashi, he’d still be alive too. I’m the one who should’ve died. I deserve to die. Even if you died, would they come back to life? Only the Japanese would be happy about it! We’ll be smuggling Professor Hagel out tomorrow at Shiliupu Marina. Should our mission fail,

There will be more people like Dashi falling before the Japanese’s guns. We need you. Our country needs you too. If I don’t make it back tomorrow, keep this mirror as a memento. Mr. Shimada! What are you doing? Hagel is an important bargaining chip for the Empire to secure an edge in the battle.

However, I allowed him to escape. I have failed the Emperor. We just intercepted an intel. Tomorrow afternoon, the Nighthawk Group will transfer Professor Hagel to Hong Kong, China. What are your plans? [No smoking] [Shiliupu Marina] They’re finally here. The marina is a little too quiet today. Everyone, stay alert. An ambush! Sir!

Don’t mind me! Protect Professor Hagel! Go! A’gen! Don’t be afraid. A’gen! A’gen! I won’t let you get away again. Stop! Enough! Stop! Hagel… No… Don’t go out there! Stop! Stop! Haotian! Haotian! Yang Haotian! Get up! Pull yourself together! I’ll find him for you. No. Don’t go out there. No. Don’t!

[Six months later, North China] Shuisheng. Can you hang in there? Comrades! Are you ready? We are ready! Charge! [This film is made in memory of all the nameless heroes who were unafraid of sacrifice] [and bravely dedicated their lives to the country] [during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.]