[اختراق]|Break Through|معركة القناص البطولية المثيرة!|الإجراء|YOUKU

[Golden Triangle, Mae Hong Son Province] Are you afraid now? As long as I’m here, no one dares to touch you. Please. [Mae Hong Son Land Transfer Agreement] Help yourself. To good business. To good business. You tricked me. I didn’t! It wasn’t me. Another bloody battle? I thought this was supposed to be a mild one.

It won’t be this easy. You… Are you all right? Are you done staring? I’m sorry. Ahead of you again. His gun has always been wonky. More to come. And prepare to evacuate. Gela’s backup is here. Evacuate now. Evacuate! Fire! -Yes, sir. -Roger that. Cross cover. Retreat to the back. Let me check. Wait for my order. I’m not in a hurry at all. Move! Go! One. Two. Four. I got two. Save one for me. Hurry up. This one is for you. An explosive one! Report the situation. Answer me now. All is good? They need to try harder. Hermit. Hermit. Hermit! Move aside. Help me. Come.

Get me out of here. Save me! Hurry up! Stop running around. Shield yourself! Asura, what’s the situation? There’s a sniper. What should we do? Hermit. Execute Plan Five. Five seconds. Is that enough? It’s all up to you. Whenever you’re ready. Come on, baby! Darn it! This is more than five seconds already!

It’s more than enough. Quick. Back into hiding. Wait for orders. I’ll locate her. All clear. Move! Move. Darn it. Sit tight, young lady. Careful. Gatling gun. Oh, my! We shouldn’t have crossed Gela at all. Here comes a car! Help me out! Take this! Awesome! Do you have to go this far? Hurry! Beautiful! Quick! Just run into them. No! Don’t risk it. I didn’t get paid enough for this. Run into them. I’ll pay you extra. If you say so. How dare you! A rocket launcher! Hide! Go back. Yes, sir. Noted. Fire whenever. [Break Through] ♪Life is short. It’s like a game♪ ♪Sometimes you’re serious, sometimes you’re carefree♪ ♪Some will like you, some will badmouth you♪ ♪Don’t care too much and you’ll have a free life♪ ♪You work all day and you complain your car or house isn’t big enough♪

♪You complain about the dishes and the look of your wife♪ ♪When you drive a sports car, you fear someone will steal it♪ Darong. The best bodyguard in South East Asia, and you saved my life. ♪Your girl will run away with someone♪ ♪Life is short. It’s like a game♪ How did you guys

Take out all those assassins? ♪Sometimes there are troubles, sometimes there are none♪ Thanks to this. ♪You asked me what’s my secret♪ What is that? My daughter gave it to me. I brought it with me to every operation. It calms me down. As a sniper, other than a good weapon and a good aim,

The most important element is a strong heart. It’s my protective charm. A grenade! Hermit! Cover for me. Hermit. Hermit. Move! Retreat! It’s packed with assassins outside. We might be surrounded. Where are the rest? Rooftop. Tank! Tank. Tank! Tank! Knight! There’s a sniper. A sniper! Don’t run! Knight! Careful, there’s a sniper! Run. Knight. Run. He’s the bait, okay? I’ll lure him away. You’ll rescue Knight. Bishop. Knight. Knight. Knight. [Eight Years Later]

[Chongqing Noodle Shop] They sound so silly. No idea what they are talking about. You’re an idiot. You have been in Thailand for many years but you can barely speak any Thai. Find yourself some female teachers to give you a proper lesson. What’s so funny? You have no idea. I’m only staying here

To hide from my enemies. And now, a decade has gone by. The only thing that keeps me going for the past decade is Darong’s noodles. Darong. Mr. Liang. Thanks for the meal. Mr. Liang, I should thank you. We’re all Chinese. In my eyes, you’re always the VIPs. You heard him? Yes.

The Chinese have to look after each other in a foreign country. Mister, a bowl of noodles, please. Coming right up. Mr. Liang, eat your noodles. Let me get him the noodles. Sure. I’ll have my meal. Coming! Enjoy. You finished early today. Are you hungry? Do you want some noodles? Again? Eat them yourself.

What about some soup? Qiqi is taller than you now. When she was little, she resembled me much more. But now, she started to take after you. Almost identical. Are you happy? [Eight Years Ago] Dad, you’re awake. Darling, how do you feel? How is my husband, doctor? You have to thank this coin.

If the bullet went any deeper, he could have died. Darong. What are you doing, Darong? Darong? Darong? Darong? Darong, don’t go. Darong! Darong! Mom! Mommy. Mommy. I have had enough. I don’t want to stay at home anymore. I just want to leave that place and start anew. I know.

Once I save enough money, we’ll leave together. Oh, right. Can you help me retrieve an urgent package? It’s near the toy factory? Another legwork? I have to open the shop’s door this afternoon for the restocking. Please. This is the last time. It’s on your way back. Just go to this address. Love you.

May I help you? I’m here to retrieve the package. Where’s Saiban? He’s busy. Careful. It’s extremely valuable. Okay. Nice legs. You’re back. Sorry for the long wait. [Chongqing Noodle Shop] Let me help you. Qiqi, you’re helping your father? Yes, Mr. Liang. You’re a darling. Oh, my. Look how clumsy this young man is.

Come. Let me help you. Leave it. Let me help. Just stay there. Let me do it. Any more? One last bag. Careful. So, no more? No more. See you. Thank you. Thanks. Thank you, Mr. Liang. Don’t mention it. Just call me if you need help. Okay.

The Chinese have to look after each other in a foreign country. Thank you, Mr. Liang. You’re welcome. I’ll leave then. Okay. Take care, Mr. Liang. See you. Bye! If there’s no breakthrough, I’ll take your life! Hey, Mr. Gela. Hello there. Where is my supply? I already have it delivered to you.

This new drug will be delivered to a Mexican drug ring. I spent five years in Mae Hong Son five years cultivating the ingredient. Explain this bag of fertilizer to me. What? You got a bag of fertilizer? Yes. Don’t worry, Mr. Gela. There must be a shake-up somewhere. Give me some time.

I’ll find your supply, all right? Go find it! Tell me. Where is it now? I don’t know. I already delivered it. I did. Think harder. Where is it? I have no idea. I have no idea. You have no idea where you delivered it? Speak! Where is it now? Where? It wasn’t me.

I didn’t… Speak! Speak. Speak! Who are you? Don’t come near me. Where is it? I’m asking you. Where is it? Where? Where is it? What thing? I don’t know. Tell me where it is now! Where is it? Where is the package? Kong! No one can stop my lucky streak. It’s fishy.

Just accept it. Accept it. Your hands bring misfortune so don’t go blaming others. Look! Do not move. Are you looking for a beat? Be civil. What are you guys doing? -That won’t work. -Come on. Something did happen this time. Why are you taking Qiqi away? -Let her go. -Stop right there.

Don’t you leave! -Come back. Let her go! -Let go of her. Qiqi! You said she knew. She said she doesn’t. Interesting. Where is my package? In your tummy? Qiqi. It’s okay. No need to be afraid. The package you received last afternoon. Where did it go? Speak. Tell us. You… You’re a drug mule?

You made me into a drug mule? Sorry. I didn’t mean it. I just wanted to earn more money so that we could leave together sooner. Qiqi. Think harder. If you lost it, we would die here. Qiqi. What is this drama? Are you taking me for a fool? Are you? Sir, I beg you.

Are you taking me for a fool? I beg you, sir. Where is my package? Let her go. Free her! Where is my package? Let her go! I saw some people take Qiqi away with my own eyes. Who did she cross? How many were they? Four. Yes, four. Any special traits? Delinquents

In floral shirts. They look like locals. They drove a silver van. What is the plate number? I couldn’t see it properly. But there is a huge Buddha token in front of the car. You know those Thai Buddha tokens? A big bundle of them? You know what I’m talking about, right? The tokens. Mister.

Mister. I’m looking for this man. Go away. I never saw him. Look closer. They took this photo in front of your shop. Are you done? I said I did not see him. Tell me now. That kid is called Saiban. He works part-time here. I’m not close to him.

However, I heard he’s associated with a toy factory. Who’s there? How can I help? Where is my daughter? Who the heck is your daughter? Go away. What are you doing? Tell me now. Where is my daughter? No idea. Tell me now. Where is she? I don’t know. Check it out.

Lay down your gun. Lay down your gun! Back off. Dude. Where is my daughter? You actually dare to show up. Where is the package? I don’t care who you are or why you are here. Set my daughter free. Otherwise, I’ll wipe you all out. Wipe us all out? My friend.

You watched too many action films. You’ll regret this. Qiqi. Qiqi. Save her. I’ll shoot you, all right? Mister, I failed Qiqi. I failed her. It’s all my fault. I’m sorry. It’s my fault. Sorry. Mister, give me another chance. I know where the buyer is. Have you heard? The seller’s hideout was wiped out

By a single man. Don’t worry. It’s not me who lost the package. Business is getting tougher nowadays. Who are you? Do you have a death wish? I’m looking for my daughter. Your daughter? Do I look like one? The girl that delivered the package to you. A delivery girl? I don’t know her. Leave.

Come at me then. Where is my daughter? I don’t know. Where is my daughter? Where? We found the supply. It took the bait. Where is it? It was swapped. Swapped? He’s strong. Strong? But you’re still breathing. Where is the supply? Mr. Gela. This is her daughter. She’s pretty. Sir, a call.

What a shame. Hello? Where is my daughter? You have a beautiful daughter. It’s a pity. If you touch her, I’ll kill you. Speak. Dad. Dad! Qiqi. Qiqi! Dad! Qiqi! Tomorrow morning. Bring the package with you and find me behind the quay. If I don’t see my supply, she’ll be beheaded.

No one knows where the package went. What can we use to negotiate with them? Guard this girl. I don’t want to see any screw-ups this time. No problem, Mr. Gela. Run a background check on him. Once I have my supply, make him disappear. Do you hear me? Rubbing the tip off

Will expose the lead core. When this kind of bullet enters a human body, it will split into a mushroom shape, thus increasing the radius of the injury. It’s common knowledge. Mr. Liang. Darong. I was so worried. Have you found Qiqi? Not yet. Give us the delivery package.

How did you know I had one? Give it to us! Hurry up. Here. I bought fertilizer. I haven’t even opened it. Hand it over. This is… My goodness! What should we do? Call the police, of course! We can’t possibly sniff it. No. Qiqi will die if the police know. What should we do?

I’ll bring it with me to the quay tomorrow morning. Careful. A sniper! Guns are involved too? This is freaky. Go now. Move! Go. Leave now. Let’s go. Careful! Run. Retreat. Freeze! Keep your hands in the air! Save my daughter. She was kidnapped. Save my daughter! Drug. Lock him up. Don’t move. Back off.

Don’t move. I just want to save my daughter. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Give it to me! Now! Don’t touch me. Oh, missy. Are you lonely? Huh? Don’t touch me. I can kill you, you know? You’re his dearest daughter. I’ll make it tougher for your father.

Let’s see how he can save you. Who’s there? Mister. It’s me. Why are you here? I want to save Qiqi too. Mister, bring me with you. I can help you. I don’t need your help. Whether you bring me there or not, I’ll be there. I will rescue Qiqi. Do you really love Qiqi? Or do you want her to die?

Look at me. Do you truly love Qiqi? Yes, I do. Then why did you sell drugs with her? Are you crazy? Sorry. I was enticed by money. I just wanted to earn more money so that we could leave sooner. What? You would leave with Qiqi? Qiqi asked me to.

This won’t be a fair trade. They won’t set Qiqi free even after they get the drug. Therefore, be prepared. Why are you standing still? Don’t make me regret this. There are eight of them. Four each in two groups. If you kill one group, the other one in front of the trees will notice.

What should we do? Take them out before they find out. Someone is closing in from 50 m away. Approaching. He’s here. Calm down. What should we do? Hide properly. Wait for orders. Stay vigilant. Noted. I’m in the ten o’clock position. I’m ready. Eleven o’clock. Hide. Ten meters above you. Someone’s approaching. He turns.

What should we do now? Observe. What is going on? Check it out. You two. Follow me. Yes, sir. Let’s go. Sir, he’s here. Tell Chalong not to kill him before we double-check the supply. Yes, sir. Go. Quick! Grenade. Come out now. I know you’re good. Give me my supply

And you shall be reunited with your daughter. Or else, I’ll beat her to death now. Set my daughter free. You’re still alive. Put the gun down. Where is my supply? Open it. I want to see it. I’ll give it to you and you’ll set her free. Stop dallying. Open it. Toss it over.

You’ll be blown to pieces. Hurry. Go. Sit here. Come. Here. Dad. I have a bomb on me. Just trust me. Dad. Let me see. Don’t be afraid. I don’t want to die. I miss mom. Don’t worry, my dear. I’ll always be by your side. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. We’re running out of time.

No, we’re not. We’ll be together for more than a decade. I’m scared. Don’t be. Trust me. Trust me. All is good now. Careful. Don’t worry. Let’s go. Follow behind me. Chalong. I got the package. Escort me and retreat. If the police came, we wouldn’t be able to escape. Chalong! Chalong! Chalong.

Are you all right? Mr. Liang, why are you here? Are you two safe? Is Qiqi hurt? No, she’s fine. Good. Don’t worry. The Chinese have to look after each other. Thank you. All right. Let’s not waste time. Follow me. Let’s go. Hurry up. Hop on. Hop on. Mr. Liang! Mr. Liang! Mr. Liang!

Mr. Liang! Mr. Liang! Mr. Liang. Mr. Liang! We’ll go to the hospital soon. Mr. Liang. The Chinese… Mr. Liang. have to look after each other in a foreign country. Mr. Liang. Mr. Liang. Mr. Liang. Mr. Liang. Mr. Liang. Mr. Liang. Saiban. I’ll leave my daughter to you now. Leave with her. Dad.

Where are you going? Qiqi. I failed your mother. This is the last time, I promise. Mr. Liang died for us. I cannot just walk away. I have to settle the score. Stand up on my mark. Mr. Liang. Saiban, now is not the time to be emotional. Move! Move! Dad! Come on! Dad! Dad!

Knight. Knight. [Darong turned himself in to the police.] [Using the tips he provided, the police] [eliminated the biggest drug ring in the region.] [Darong made up for his wrongdoings] [and received a 12-year prison sentence.]