[كارثة الفئران]|Rat Disaster|الفئران تغرق فيها. كيف ينجو البشر؟|كارثة / رعب|YOUKU

[Viewer discretion is advised.] [North Weifu Station] You will operate the train on your own next month. Stop being so careless. Have you got the knack? Sure. Close the front angle cock. Then the rear one. Be careful. Disconnect the air duct. Lift up the hook. I am out of my apprenticeship now. Excuse me.

The situation is volatile. I will drop into the Health Administration when we get to the provincial capital. You must get in touch with your aunt, OK? I will, Dad. Have you heard from your younger sister? The school said that she hadn’t been in class for two months.

I don’t know what is going on in her mind. I tried hard to get her into medical school. Not for her to skip class. Next time I meet her, I must teach her a lesson. Dad, don’t say such things. Ling Ling is no longer a little girl. Let her do what she wants.

OK? I should blame you for having spoiled her. This way. Let’s board there. This way, Boss. -It’s here. -Excuse me. Look at what you did. How careless! I’m sorry, sir. Is everything here? Father, military supplies are running tight lately. This is all we can sneak out. Fine. Get on the train. Dad.

-Sister Ling. -Dad. Let’s go. OK. Stop that train! Stop! Stop right now! What’s wrong? A train is not supposed to come here. Stop! The two of you, go and stop them. Yes, sir. Master, how come a train would come in at this point? Hurry up! Go! Go! Go! The two of you, climb up here. Yes, sir. The rest of you follow me. Yes, sir. Pry the door open. Take care! Come back early. Darn it! I was calling your name. Are you pretending to be deaf? [Rat Disaster] What are you doing! Dad, are you OK? I’m fine. You are quite a spicy girl. You want to help her, right? Let me teach you a lesson. How dare you! I don’t take silver coins. Just be more forgiving. Dad, let’s go. Go. Even cats don’t catch rats nowadays. Such a scene has been common. When to shoot the francolin?* (*Argot: When to commit robbery?) Take it easy. Someone here is hard to deal with. Bad luck. Sir, thank you for your help just now. You are welcome, girl. I am Du Da Shan. Thank you, Mr. Du. Let me tell you… Dad. Where are going? Take care of your little brother. And don’t talk with dubious men! I… I’m sorry, Mr. Du. It is typical of my dad. It is the same case with my dad. Mom gave me a bracelet. -But I have worn the same one for too long. -OK. I will buy you something new after arriving in the provincial capital. Don’t worry. My aunt is a very nice person. I believe you will become very good friends. Why are you here? Come back with me! What are you doing? Do you have any idea how much time I’ve spent looking for you? Ling Ling, who is he? I don’t know him. You don’t know me? Fine. I’ll teach you a lesson today. Let go of me! Stand still! Let go of me! Freeze! Let go of me! Si Don’t try anything sneaky! Get him out of here. Go! Ling Ling. Come back with me! Go with us! Let go of me! Get inside! Let go of me! What are you doing to me? Go over there. Are you bandits? Stand still! Set me free! Listen! Our officer is head of the garrison of North Weifu. We can decide whether one is a bandit. Got it? Nonsense.

Have you no respect for the law? Miss Su is the fiancée of Major Tang. You are just a low-class man. How dare you pass off as her dad! I am her dad! You are going way over the top. Who is there? Stand still! How did you get in here? Huang. Huang.

Do you hear the sound on the roof? I think it’s from rats. That is not possible. Please go and check it out. No. I am frightened. I won’t do that. Are you afraid of rats? I’m afraid of rats? Just check it out. Check it out. OK.

This ride has already cost me 20 silver coins. Now I have to catch rats by myself. What is he doing? Why does he get so serious about rats? Get off of me! Help me! Master, what’s the tune you are humming? The tune is from Visiting the Qingshui River. This tune helped me win the affection of my wife. Master, can you teach me to hum it? OK. Listen carefully. When peach leaves grow sharp, willow leaves have already been prosperous. Mr. Cheng, the weather is really changeable.

At one time it was sunny. At another, it becomes cloudy. The weather may change fast, but not faster than a woman’s countenance. Do you agree with me, Mr. Wang? You tasteless guys. Always make fun of women. See? Her countenance changed suddenly. -That’s true. -Stop being naughty. Sir, this is going too far.

-Got you! -Stop making fun of women. Help me! It happened faster than expected. Father. Hurry. Take away the stuff. OK. Take away the stuff. Ling Ling, get out of here! Step aside! Follow me, Ling Ling. -My dad was left there. -Just go! Dad! Get the suitcase. Get the suitcase. Hurry along! Hurry! Hurry!

It’s the key. Go away! Hurry! Hurry up! Help me! Please help me. Please. Good boy. Get out of the way! Step aside! What are you fussing about? Rushing to your grave, huh? Step aside! Rats. There are rats on the train. Run! Step aside! Out of my way! What’s the matter with them?

This train ride is awful. Rats? Where? Rats are coming. Run now! Rats are coming. Get out of here! -Rats are coming. -It’s nothing new to see rats in daylight. Get out of here! A grown man fears rats? How ridiculous. Darn you! Yue Sheng. Yue Sheng. Yue Sheng. Yue Sheng. Yue Sheng. Come here.

Come here. Get out of the way! Yue Sheng. Come to me now! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! What? Get out of the way! Hurry. Ling Ling. Ling Ling. Sister. Go! Go! -Rats are coming. -Get out of the way! Rats. Rats. Rats are coming. Run! Run! Rats are coming! Rats are coming. Run! Run! Rats are really coming. A man is scared by rats like this. Isn’t it funny? Dad. Jeez! Hurry! Go! Dad. What’s wrong? Get out of here! Dad, what’s wrong with you? This man is dead. What is that? What is it that is moving?

What is that? A rat! A rat! There is a rat. Wow! There are so many rats. Out of my way! Dad. Out of my way! Get out of here! Hurry! Hurry. Go! Open the door! What are you doing? Open the door! Hurry! Open the door! Hurry! Open the door! Open the door! Hurry! Father. Let’s go. Hurry! Son, hurry! Mom! Don’t close the door! Son! Mom!

It’s out of control now. Detach the train. No! My family is still in there. This is going to kill them. Tang. Miss. Tang. Tang! Don’t do that! Tang! Once you open the door, there will be no way to close it. Son! Bring my son over there! Tang! Mom! I beg you to save my dad, please. Don’t move around, miss. Major Tang. It is no time for hesitation. This is an order. Step aside! Bro. Stop doing that. I see the doors before us are locked. We are running out of time. Get through from the top. Hurry! Be careful! Don’t be afraid. Hurry! Don’t be afraid. Be careful! Be careful! Hurry! Be careful! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Pull me up! Hurry! Help me! Go! Go that way!

Dad. Hurry! Come over here! What is happening back there? Master. Rats. Too many rats. Open the door. Tang! Don’t move! Calm yourself, miss. Hurry! The train is detached. Hurry! Girl. Hurry! Be careful. Dad. Hurry! You killed my son. Bring my son back. Keep your hands off of me! Hands off of me!

Pull yourselves together! Hands off! Come on! What are you doing? You have all seen what happened. Without him, all of you would have died. Is this how you treat a hero? Nonsense. Didn’t you see we were making our way here? Boss! What’s wrong with him? Boss! What’s wrong with him?

This is the symptom of Yersinia infection. It’s contagious. Contagious? Have a check on yourselves. Those who were bitten by rats must be quarantined immediately. Otherwise, all of us would get infected. She was bitten by rats. I wasn’t. I wasn’t. Dad. There’s something wrong with Yue Sheng. Yue Sheng. Yue Sheng. What should we do? It’s him! It’s him! Quiet! We have the medicine to save you. What did you say? Medicine? Where is it? I work in the National Health Administration. Last month, we placed an order with the U.K. for some Sulfanilamide for trial use. It’s an effective cure for the disease. We will arrive at Xiaobaihe Station,

Where the medicine can be found in foreign-funded hospitals. Well done. Sir. We can be saved. We’ll have the medicine. None of you shall go there! Are you scaring us? Why should we listen to you? These lives need saving. I dare to tell you that according to some secret order,

The defense army has been defeated. These rats were infected by unknown viruses. We are not able to handle it. This train shall not stop! If you were to survive… What are you doing? All of you stay where you are. Do you hear me? We must get the medicine and save these people.

Put down your gun. Nonsense! Don’t you dare to try! A life for a life. Guess whose life deserves better? Tell them to lay down their guns. Do you hear me? Lay the guns down. Lay down your guns. Hurry. Put them down on the floor. Don’t panic.

All of you can be saved if only we get the medicine. Now please listen to me. Those who are not infected go to the next-door carriage. Let’s go. Please trust me. Okay? Trust me. Do we really have to go there? Don’t stand still. Now do as you were told. Take care of Boss.

-I will go with them to get the medicine. -No. You take care of Boss. I will get the medicine. This is very urgent. What the heck are you waiting for? Those who are not infected must leave here. If you stay, we shall all die. Go! Go. All the uninfected here must leave. Go.

Hurry. Go! Tell your people to leave first. Ling Ling, let’s go. Let go of me. Ma’am. It’s OK. It’s going to be all right. Go. Boss, wait for me. -Stop! (-I will get the medicine.) You stay here. Go! Hurry! You come here. What do you want? Go with me. Don’t you know how dangerous it is to get infected?

I must save them. Who’s there to save you? You are spoiled by your mother. Other than blaming my mother, what else can you say? Is this how you speak to your dad? When Mom carried me on her back to the hospital, where were you? When she had the difficult delivery of Yue Sheng, where were you?

You have no right to blame her. Just because of you, I don’t want to go back home. Fine. Do as you want. I shall not regard you as my daughter. Ling Ling. Let’s go. Sister Ling, are you going to leave again? Good boy, Yue Sheng. I’m not leaving. Hmm. Go. [Xiaobaihe Station]

Do we have more of these? Here. Throw them out. Throw some more. Underboss. We have thrown the suitcases out. Well done. There’s no place left for those beasts to hide. Master, what should we do now? Saving people comes first. OK. Bro, I will go with you to get the medicine. Wait.

I will go with you. So will I. Underboss. Take care of Boss. I will get the medicine. Two hours later, whether you come back or not, I will start the train. I must take into consideration the safety of all these people. Dad. What are you doing? Can you do without me? Stop it!

Go back. Go back! Dad. Ling Ling and Yue Sheng have lost Mom. I don’t want them to lose you as well. Don’t tell me we must go across this place. Hang on. Only by going this way can we come back in time. Hang on. Hang on. Are you OK? Hang on.

We will get there soon. Cross the alley and we will get there. You are not talking about this alley, are you? It turns out that they are afraid of sunlight. We won’t make it from down here. Before the sun goes down, let’s go from up there. Watch your step. Be careful. Help me!

Sister Ling. Can we go with Dad to buy sugar-coated haws on sticks? Sure. Open the door! Open the door! Check if he’s infected. OK. He is clear. Come on. Don’t be afraid. Tell us what happened outside. All of them died. Everyone died. No one survived. What the heck is wrong with the weather?

What on earth is it that happened? Those things hide in shady and cool places in the daytime. They don’t come out unless there is food. What? Stop talking! Take it easy. What do you mean? When there is no light, especially when the sun goes down, those things come out and bite people.

All of us will die. All of us will die. Please start the train. Please come up with some solutions. Let’s go. Please come up with some solutions. All of us will die if we stay here. Did you hear that? All of us will die if we stay here. Shut up. Since when you are allowed to speak? It won’t help even if you kill me. However, I must remind you that they got bitten by rats but we didn’t. Why do we stay here and wait to die with them? He is right. Buddy, I don’t want to die. -Let’s go. -I don’t want to stay here and die with them.

I don’t want to die. I have a life to live. How are we going to survive this? I don’t want to die yet. I will never seduce Underboss’s wife again. In fact, she seduced me first. Go ahead. They are coming again. Hurry! There is no way forward. How strong are you?

I got it. Hurry! Go ahead. Hurry! Go ahead! I wanted you to push down the wooden boxes. Oh, crap. Time is running out. Come on! They are coming again. Hurry! Dad. Come down. Hurry! You go first. We leave together. Hurry! Hurry! Mr. Du. Mr. Du. Let’s go. The door won’t open.

You should pull the handle. Hurry! What a mess! How can we find medicine in such a place? Bro, the medicine is really here? I’m not sure. Girl. Be careful. Watch out. I’m OK. I practice martial arts. Keep your voice low. You practice martial arts? Buddy, calm down. Calm down. Darn it.

You scared the crap out of me. Enough. Keep your voice low. Enough. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Who are you? We came from the Xiaobaihe Station. Some people on the train got bitten by rats. They are waiting for us to get the medicine. You mean people who are bitten can be saved?

I work in the National Health Administration. There is a batch of medicine that can cure the infection. That’s great. Go. Dear. Dear. Our son can be saved. Dear. Our son can be saved. He can be saved. Is it true? Yes. Do you know where the medicine warehouse is? Yes, I do.

I am the keeper here. I will show you the way. Don’t be afraid. These are dead people. Dead people can’t hurt us. What is this place? Before the hospital was reconstructed, this place was a prison. After the epidemic broke out, this place was used for quarantine. That’s how many people died here.

Wait a second. So many rats. Go ahead. Let’s go. These rats are afraid of light. Watch out for danger at the rear. OK. We are almost there. Stay close. How come they haven’t come back yet? Yes. How much longer does it take? Why is it…? They are not in sight yet.

Will they come back? Otherwise, all of us will die here. Only you can help us get out of here. What are you doing? What are you doing? The night is coming. It will be too late if we don’t leave now. We can’t do that. I have promised that gentleman. Two hours. I have worked as a train operator all my life. In terms of punctuality, I have never missed… Old man. Keep the train still and you will lose your life.

It is not too late if you start the train now. The rats are all over outside. We can’t get out after the sunset. Right. You must think about your loved ones. Do as he said. Hurry. He is right. I don’t want to die here. All of you! Anyone who stands in my way of survival will get shot in the head immediately. Set him free if you don’t want to die. Go to the next-door carriage if you don’t want to live. Only this carriage can leave. Bring whoever wants to stay over there

And we will detach the carriage. Don’t do that. Tang, how can you do that? Why are you still standing here? Get it done! Go. Do as he said. Where are you going? Keeps your hands off of me! Leave me alone. You can’t leave. You must stay and drive the train. Master. Off you go. The sun is about to go down. Let’s detach the train right now and leave immediately. It won’t be too late. Since when you may give orders? Darn it! Who saved you just now? You forgot it? How dare you speak to me like that. You want to rebel? I don’t care who you are. Dare me again and I will kill you. You can’t escape without me. The rats are all over out there.

I am the only one who knows where the safe place is. Right. Save your breath. Get out if you don’t want to live. Poor you. So what? Are you intimidating me? You left me with no choice if that’s so. If you don’t want to live, think about… think about the rats outside. I don’t want to live. Come on. ♪This story is set♪ ♪At the Indigo Region in the west of the capital♪ ♪At the Indigo Region’s firearm factory♪ ♪Lived Song Lao San♪ Stop her! ♪Song Lao San and his wife sell opium♪ ♪They have no sons♪ ♪But a girl named Chan Juan♪ ♪This girl…♪ Ling Ling, help me! Help me!

Ling Ling, help me! Help me! Ling Ling, help me! Help! Ling Ling, help me! Help me! Ling Ling. Help me! Help me! This is the den. If it’s disturbed, we will be in big trouble. The newly-arrived medicine is on that floor. It’s a waste of time. There is no way up.

I find that these rats are in the period of lactation. They are quieter than those outside. We have fire. We can make it. Let me do it. Stay here. Take care of Ting Ting. Shall I go with you? More people make more sound. I’d better do it alone. OK. Please. Be careful.

Be careful. Yes. [Compound Sulfamethoxazole] [Medicine Description] I found it. Hurry. Come down. Bring it down. Dad. Watch out. Don’t go there. Throw it to me. Don’t go there. Hurry. Dad! Throw it to me. Catch it. Let go of me. Dad. Don’t go there. They are coming out. Buddy, come up! Don’t go there.

Dad. Dad. Quickly! The fire is going out. Come over here. Quickly! What are you doing? What are you doing? What? What are you doing? I’m sorry. Rich people will buy the medicine. I won’t let my wife and child suffer anymore. I’m sorry. Open the door! -Come back! -Open the door! Open the door!

Open the door! Let’s crash it open. Go! Run! You bastard! The rats are coming. Go! Dad. Leave! Now! Bring the medicine with you. Dad. Leave! Come on! Hurry! Go, go, go! Get in the car. Hurry! Come on. You can drive it? Turn on the ignition. Press the accelerator pedal. It’s very simple.

How come I never know you can drive? So much more you don’t know about me. Let’s go. Girl, are you sure you can drive? No problem. I just need to get familiar with it. It doesn’t matter. Take it easy. More of them are coming. They just keep showing up. Speeding up. Hold tight.

They are about to catch us. Faster. Speed it up, girl. Faster. Faster. Faster. Go ahead. The sunlight is over there. -Ling Ling. -Boss. Sir. Ling Ling. Ling Ling. Boss. Yue Sheng. Boss. Ling Ling. Boss. Yue Sheng. Boss. Finally. Have you got the medicine? Yes. They’ve got the medicine.

How come the weather changes again?! Hurry! Get on the train. Come on. Get on the train. Dad! Give me the medicine! Close the front angle cock. Then the rear one. Disconnect the air duct. Lift up the hook. He has gone crazy. Stop him! I can’t die!

Bring the medicine and get on the train! Dad! Get on the train quickly! Go! Hurry up! Son, we’ve got medicine. Run! Dad! Dad! Come on! Get on! Come on! Get on the train quickly! Dad! Dad, take my hand. Dad. Come on! Mr. Du! Hurry! Mr. Du! Come on! Girl! Mr. Du!

I like you! Mr. Du! He is a good man. Thank you. No problem. Do you feel better? Boss, bear with it for a bit. I’ve seen so much. This is nothing… The rats are still behind. Why did the train stop? Yes. The rats are still behind. The front is blocked.

Get out of the train and push it together! Those rats will catch up! If we get off, we’ll die for sure! Let’s go! Clear the railway together! Come on! We’re out of time! Move! Let’s push the block away together! Let’s move! My son, let’s not toss about it anymore.

Just stay with me a little longer. Oh, my! Dad! Hurry up! Push it! What are you doing down here! It’s dangerous out here! Go back! Dad. Stop talking. Just push. I know you’re scared. So am I! But where else can we hide? Family members of many of you are already gone.

But they want us to live well. So can’t we… can’ we work hard together to survive? I’ll go. I’ll go. I’ll go as well. Me too! Me too! My son. I’ll go too. Everyone, on my order. One. Two. Three. One. Two. Three. Harder! One! Two! Three! One! Two! Three! Come on!

Push it harder! Push it! One! Two! Three! One! Two! Three! I have suffered all my life! Do you think I am afraid of you petty rats? Pal! Push! Push it! We have to survive! Let’s go! Get on the train! Hurry! Go! Come on! Move! Move! Get on the train quickly! Hurry up! Move!

Follow up! Get on the train! Get on the train soon! Hurry up! Come on! Go! Let’s move! Get on the train! Come on! Hey! Wrench the railroad switch! Wrench the railroad switch! Hurry up! Otherwise, the train will drive to the dead end. [Stop! Dead end!] Hurry up!

[Stop! Dead end!] Wrench the railroad switch! Wrench the railroad switch! Wrench the railroad switch! Dad! Get on the train now! Dad! Quickly! Dad! Come on! Dad! Run! Hurry up! Get up here! Quickly, ask the driver to stop. Go! Run! Dad! Don’t stop! Hurry up, go! Dad! Come on! Get on the train!

Dad! You’re almost here. Dad! Come on! Come on! Catch my hand! Hurry up! Dad! Come on! Please! -Ask the driver to stop the train! -We can’t stop. Hurry up, go! Dad! Run faster! Dad! Don’t stop running! Dad! Ting Ting, you’re too sensible. Dad! You’ll suffer in the future. So don’t be too sensible!

Get on the train if you have anything to say! Dad! Ling Ling! I’m worried about you the most. A girl shouldn’t be too tough. Dad! I’m sorry! Get on the train quickly! I’ll never make you angry again. Please! Get up here! Dad, I was wrong! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Sister Ling,

We can never go home again, can we? Home… is wherever we are.