[قبر التنين]|The Dragon Tomb|البحث عن مدينة التنين في الصحراء | مغامرة / تشويق / أكشن|YOUKU

[Great Tang Records on the Western Regions] (The Great Tang Records on the Western Regions) [Qiuci] (In Qiuci,) [The Ninth Day] (The Dragon City will hold) [The Dragon Tomb] [This is a work of fiction] Master. Tianyou, mind the miasma. Tianyou, are you okay? No worries, Master. [Guyang Town] [Huixian Tavern] Just like us quacks, the tomb raiders also have different sects. The four major sects are Faqiu, Mojin, Banshan, and Xieling. Excuse me, the bill, please. Okay.

The tomb raiders are so sophisticated. Old geezer, don’t spout nonsense, alright? You brat, what did you say? Get out. Shut up. Please, go ahead. Drinks are on me. Sir, two jin of bath chaps, please. No problem. Wait a minute, please. Each of the four sects has unique skills. As the saying goes,

Faqiu has officers with the seal, Mojin has soldiers with the amulet, Banshan has Taoist monks with special techniques, Xieling has battle mechanics with outstanding craftsmanship. Hey, bro. It’s me, bro. What’s up? Bro, just got some small goods. Please check these for me. Are these real, bro? Where did you get these?

Baigu Hill. [* “Baigu” means one hundred valleys] Someone found an ancient site there. All the senior raiders went there. I was late, so only this junk was left. They look good. Should be worth something. Really? How many silver coins are these worth? Maybe around 30. Thirty? Bro, I’m going to find a buyer.

I’ll buy you a drink when I come back. Let’s have a look. It might be something interesting. Let’s go and check. Take your time, sir. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Miss Xiangling. Invited by the Government of the Republic of China, she came to our Guyang Town to do that… that…

Right, the archaeological excavation. Now the archaeological team needs a lot of talent. Everyone is welcome to sign up. Archaeology is just an excuse. Isn’t it tomb-robbing? How much is it a day? If the pay is decent, we will do it. Right? -Yes. -Yes. How much is it?

You are here to cause a scene. If you don’t pay us, I won’t do it even if the authority is here. -That’s right. -That’s right. No one would do it without money. So many mobs. Mr. Huang, leave it to me. If you join us, all meals will be included. Each person

Gets one silver coin a day. One silver coin. That’s too little. No one would do it. Exactly. What a joke. That’s right. What are you talking about here without money? Let’s go back to drinking. Come on, let’s go. You… -Let’s go. -The pay is too low. Mr. Wang, What’s going on?

Why are they all gone? Isn’t one silver coin a day enough? Miss Xiangling, it’s not enough indeed. Tell me, how much is enough? Five silver coins. That’s a lot. So infuriating. Guyang Town is full of mobs. They want five silver coins a day for an odd job.

Do they really think our money grows on trees? Piaopiao, I’m talking to you. Lingling, come here. Look at these bottles. What’s so special about this bottle? These ancient porcelains were found in Baigu Hill. The patterns on them are peculiar, aren’t they? Piaopiao, look at this. What is it? Brahmi script. The Dragon City.

Miss, the man has arrived. Okay, I’ll be right there. Tianyou, Miss Long is an archaeologist who has returned from abroad, and is excavating in our Guyang town. I know you are a talent. So I recommend you. Mr. Wang, I’m just an ordinary man who runs a tavern. As for archaeology,

I have no idea what that is. I’m afraid I can’t help you. Miss Long, you’d better find someone better qualified. Well, I have to deal with some issues in my tavern. Excuse me. Zhang Tianyou, I know who you are. The last disciple of the Faqiu Sect.

You’ve been raiding tombs with your master since you were a kid. A once-in-a-century genius among raiders. Searching for the dragon vein and the most auspicious spot is against God’s will. Raiding tombs undermines one’s credit in the netherworld. I’ve been out of the Faqiu Sect for years.

Now I just want to live in peace. Sorry. You… Piaopiao, he… Asking for Zhang Tianyou’s help is just for extra security. Since he is not willing to help, we can’t impose on him. Lingling, go get ready. I’m leaving early tomorrow morning. [Huixian Tavern] Labyrinths. [Guyang Town] Tianyou,

Long time no see. Fake Taoist. I’ve been out of the Faqiu Sect for years. Don’t bother me again. Tianyou, Faqiu Sect is the head of the four sects. We normally fight on our own. Only when we encounter a tricky issue, will we get together.

For generations, Faqiu Sect has been cooperating with the government. So, Faqiu Sect is naturally in the leadership position. If you quit, there would be no descendants of the Faqiu Sect. Survival and extinction are meant to be. Tianyou, do you know that an archaeologist is in our town? She has some skills.

She excavated many ancient sites in the Gobi Desert. As far as I know, she’s here for the Dragon City. The Dragon City. In the Western Regions, there is a country named Qiuci. In Qiuci, there is a Dragon City. That’s right. It is exactly the Dragon City mentioned by Xuanzang

In the Great Tang Records on the Western Regions. Fake Taoist, the Dragon City is merely a legend. It doesn’t exist. What if it was true? Tianyou, after laying low for ten years, don’t you want to do something great? I’m not interested. What our ancestor had is the seal of Faqiu, right? Yes.

The seal of Faqiu is the most valuable treasure of the Faqiu Sect. The seal can fend off both gods and demons. Unfortunately, the real seal of Faqiu was lost in Yongle Reign. I think I have seen it somewhere. Really? Hands off. [With heaven’s blessing, no evil shall befall thee]

Name your price, Miss Long. Name a price? Piaopiao brought it at an auction in London last year for 10,000 pounds. Pound, you know? It’s incredibly expensive. Can you really afford it? Lingling. I didn’t expect the small gold seal is the lost treasure of the Faqiu Sect. Zhang Tianyou,

If you promise to help me, I can give it to you. Okay, I promise I’ll help you. But I need some help. Okay, no problem. Go back and get ready. We’ll leave tomorrow morning. Piaopiao, this is your favorite treasure. Are you really going to give it to Zhang Tianyou?

As long as he can help me find the Dragon City, I can give up anything. Go, Tianyou. Illusion. [Inn] Everybody, make sure you have everything. Don’t forget anything. Pack that blanket and that kettle too. You have to tie this up tightly. Wait, wait. Be careful. Boss, what’s this? It’s so heavy. Dynamite. Okay. Tianyou. They are… My friends. They are here to help. Miss Long, the camels are all ready.

Zhang also came. Alright. Thank you, Mr. Wang. Let’s go. Where are we going now? Baigu Hill. Ling’er. Here you are. Ling’er, what are they doing? Geographical detection. What? They are scoping out the area. Ling’er, how knowledgeable you are! I’m thirsty. Wait a minute. I’ll get you some water. Hey.

What’s going on between the two of them? You guessed it right. No way. Xieling and Mojin have always been enemies. I can’t believe they’re together. That’s what I thought. Say, if the old men find out about this, will they have a fight? What do you think? I think they will. Wait, Ling’er.

I have some more candied fruits here. Try them. They are sweet. You should have some too. Sweet, right? Yes. Piaopiao, it’s getting late. Baigu Hill is just ahead. I’ll take them to the front and set up camp. You are so thoughtful. Go ahead then. Okay. Have you had your fill?

Hey, you two and you. Follow me. Who are you? Why should I follow you? You… Miss Xiangling, what’s up? It’s getting late. I want to take people to the front to set up camp. Okay, I will go with you. No need. You stay here to protect Piaopiao.

I only need these three to come with me. Alright, then. Li. I know. I’m not going. Girl, don’t cause any trouble if you want to be rich. Listen to Mr. Zhang. Master. Master, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. No, it’s not your fault. I am the one to blame. Our ancestor was right. Almost no one can survive in the Land of Ruined Spirits. Tianyou. Tianyou. Master. Remember. From now on, don’t step into the Land of Ruined Spirits. Hey, let’s go. Zhang Tianyou,

Do you still want the seal of Faqiu or not? Why are you three just sitting there? Do your job. What are you doing? I’m tired so I’m having a break. Zhang Tianyou. Miss Xiangling, what’s the matter? Look at your people. They keep slacking off. And one even got cranky.

Don’t be angry, Miss Xiangling. I’ll talk to them later. Want to escape, huh? Still trying to escape? The seal of Faqiu is rightfully the treasure of Faqiu Sect. I just want to give it back to its owner. I didn’t expect Miss Xiangling to be so good at martial arts. Zhang Tianyou,

Stop flattering me. We invited you to join us, but you betrayed us and tried to use sleeping gas on us. What the heck are you thinking about? Zhang Tianyou, I need an explanation. It has nothing to do with Mr. Zhang. It was all my idea. Do what you want with me. And me.

Nonsense! Miss Long, I apologize to you two on behalf of Ling’er. But it really has nothing to do with Mr. Zhang. Miss Long, since I promised to help you in exchange for the seal of Faqiu, I will never break my promise. Even if Ling’er steals it back, I will return it to you.

These three guys are also skilled raiders. Banshan, Xieling, Mojin, the only purpose of them is to get money and nothing else. It’s rare to see all four sects gather together. I am also responsible for what happened. I promise you it won’t happen again. As long as you help me find the Dragon City,

I can forgive and forget. Besides, you can have all the treasures. Okay, it’s a deal. Here it is. This is where the treasures were found a few days ago. Are these things useful? Hey, you three. Go blow up everything on the ground. Go. Ling’er, gold coins! We’ll be rich. There are more.

That wasteful woman… -has ruined all the good stuff. -There are so many. Martial Uncle. Look! All good stuff. It’s not here. Ling’er. This necklace is really nice. Look at it. Let me take a look. Does it look nice one me? Yes, yes. It’s such a pity. It’s all good stuff. Look at this.

Doesn’t it look like a dagger? Since humans discovered metal, bone weapons have been obsolete. But don’t you think it’s special? Why is it still being used in modern times? Miss Long, can I ask you a question? Yes. Why do you have to find Dragon City? What is your purpose?

Do you know about Troy? Troy is a city in ancient Greek mythology. It was destroyed by war. In the past, everyone thought it was just a legend, but there was one man who believed in its existence. He formed a team of archaeologists and spent five years on it.

Eventually, he found Troy in Turkey. What he found shocked the world and made him the greatest archaeologist in the world. He was Schliemann, a German. I see. You want to be famous. Yes. I want to be a great archaeologist. If I find Dragon City, my dream would come true.

You all know that I found many ancient sites in the Gobi Desert, including many clues about Dragon City. I drew this map based on these clues. These marks are on the position of Kan. [* Related to Chinese geomancy] In terms of Yin, Yang, and the Five Elements,

Metal is Qian, Wood is Zhen, Earth is Kun, Fire is Li, and Water is Kan. Miss Long, what you’re really looking for is the Dragon Pool, right? In the Western Regions, there is a country named Qiuci. In Qiuci, there is a Dragon City.

In the Dragon City, there is a Dragon Pool where dragons live. This is recorded by Xuanzang in the Great Tang Records on the Western Regions. You want to find the dragon, but it’s just a legend. For us in archaeology, legends often mean truth. In addition to archaeology, I studied biology as well.

If Dragon Pool really has the dragon, it’s probably a species we’ve never encountered before. If you could help me find it, the seal of Faqiu is yours. The topography shown on this map is very similar to that of Baigu Hill. I’ve checked the county annals.

This place was once called White Bone Hill. [* “White Bone” is also pronounced as “Baigu” in Mandarin] Miss Long, you mean this white bone? Yes. Hundreds of years ago, citizens often dug out bones and weapons from here, so it was named White Bone Hill. What’s the difference? Isn’t it all the same?

The discovery of human bones and weapons shows that a battle took place here. The architectural relics around indicate that there was a city nearby. Miss Long, it’s said that the Dragon City was destroyed by the Qiuci King and Turkic people. It has been over a thousand years.

The landscape would have changed vastly during this period. I’m afraid the real Dragon City is no longer the scene in front of us. Mr. Zhang, I believe you have a way to find it. Sir, they disappeared. What to do? Don’t worry. We will find them.

[I’ll leave a mark along the way. Don’t kill people.] The sun shines brightly on the dragon, climb high and look far toward the peak, if there is a spiritual phoenix looking back, then the dragon lies in the middle. What’s he doing? Finding the ultra Yang spot.

Why not use Yin Yang Jue? [* “Jue” means pithy formulas here] This is called the Emperor’s Prediction Technique. It’s more powerful than Yin Yang Jue. Really? This is called the search for the dragon in the name of the Emperor, the true unique secret skill of the Faqiu Sect.

Kan of the West, Zhen of the East, Kun of the North, and Qian of the South. The upper heaven contains the purest Yang energy. Why is it in Qian of the South? It’s definitely correct. In the Five Elements, Qian represents Metal. Remember, Metal can produce Water. So, I’m sure that the Dragon Pool

Is in Qian of the South. The Great Tang Records on the Western Regions once mentioned that on the ninth day of every month, the Dragon City will hold Dragon Pool Gala. Unmarried women would dress up and sing and dance at the altar by the pool.

If the dragon has a crush on the woman, he will turn into a human being and start a love relationship with her. If the legend is real, the man that dragon turns into must be so handsome. Trespassers will be killed. Hey, Zhang Tianyou. Are you sure that Dragon Pool is inside?

Miss Xiangling, are you afraid? Who’s afraid of that? It’s gloomy here. It doesn’t seem like a nice place. Zhang Tianyou won’t plot something bad again, will he? They won’t. Let’s go. Bro. Maybe the three of us will stay out of the trouble here. What do you mean? Fake Taoist,

Don’t you ever want to meet a real dragon? As the saying goes, all disasters are caused by excessive desires, ignore the root cause and the disaster will disappear. The Dragon City was destroyed by Qiuci King in alliance with the Turkic people. The cause is the Dragon Pool.

Look at all the skeletons all over the floor. It’s a warning against trespassing. Yes. We can always make more money if need be, but if we lose our lives here, that will be the end of the story. Exactly. You want to run away after getting the money? You must be dreaming.

Miss Long, let them go. I’ll surely help you find the Dragon Pool. They can’t be forgiven for reneging. Forget about it, Lingling. You can go. Martial Uncle, I don’t think we’re being very nice here. Forget about that. What really matters are our lives. Come. Let’s go. Piaopiao.

These weapons are all made of bones. Qiuci flourished in the Han Dynasty and became extinct in the Song Dynasty. People entered the Iron Age long ago. Why are there weapons made of bones? What animal’s bone is this? No idea. But from the looks of it, it would have been a very large creature.

It could be the bone of a dragon. Stop kidding around. How could this be the dragon bone? I don’t believe you. Be careful. Something’s wrong, run. Lingling. Piaopiao. You stay here and I’m going to save her. Hold tight. I’ll get you out there. Mr. Zhang, long time no see.

We are in danger, you know? Quit joking around. Just pull me up. Okay, okay. Listen to me. I say one, two, three, and let’s do it together. Get ready. One, two, three. Are you okay? Yes, let’s go. Fake Taoist. Why are you here? After looking for the dragon for so many years,

I finally have the chance to see the real one. Of course, I should stay and see it. That’s right. What? Piaopiao. M-Miss Long, are you all right? Mr. Zhang saved my life just now. You all know that I grew up abroad. The etiquette there is hugging. Miss Long, stop talking. We all understand.

I saved your life too. Here, let me give you a hug. I won’t hug her. Lingling, don’t be angry. Let’s find a place to rest. Let’s have a rest here. Okay. Sit there. I’ll help bandage your arm. No worries. Just a minor injury. Just sit. Be careful. What are you looking at?

Miss Ding Ling, thank you for saving me just now. No worries. Does it hurt? No. Thank you. What’s this supposed to mean? This gold seal is the sacred item of your Faqiu Sect. But I used it to take advantage of you for personal gain. Now, I shall return it to you,

Its rightful owner. Well… Just take it. Which way? The left path leads to death and the right one to survival. Take the left path. Doesn’t the left path lead to death? Why go left? If you want to live, just follow me. Xiangling, let’s go. Don’t touch it.

It’s the Sirius Lock of Turkic people. If you move it, the whole cave would collapse. Can you unlock it? No problem. Mind the miasma. Ling’er! Ling’er! With heaven’s blessing, no evil shall befall me! Miss Long, Miss Long. Are you okay? You are still alive. You were all affected by the miasma. Ling’er, you’re still alive! You scared me just then! Let go. I’m not dead. How powerful the miasma is! Miss Long, the Dragon Pool is in there.

Do you want to go inside? Let’s head back. Who’s there? It’s hard to gather all four sects of tomb raiders. I’ve been looking for this Dragon Pool my whole life. Thank you for your time today. It’s you. Senior. My junior, it’s been a while. Li. We were from the same sect,

But many years ago, he broke the rules of the sect and was kicked out by our master. And we haven’t heard from him ever since. People die for money, while birds die for food. I’m not to blame for what happened then. Guys, please. You’ll have to defeat me first! Xiangwu!

I’ll shoot you dead, believe it or not. Dad, stop it. You promised me you wouldn’t kill anyone. Why are you going back on your word? Shut up. I sent you abroad to study archaeology just because of this Dragon Pool. You’re turning your back now, helping the outsiders instead of me. What a joke. I can’t believe I saved an ingrate. You are a traitor. Dad. Lingling. We’ve been friends for so many years, but you betrayed me. I…

Bullets in guns don’t have eyes. Don’t play games with me, okay? Lead the way. So big! You, go. Sir, we’ll be rich. We’ll be rich. They are all mine. Pack them up for me. Hurry and pack them up. We’ll be rich. Watch out. Don’t break anything. We’ll be rich. Hurry up. What’s this?

Brahmi script. What does it mean? They are all mine. I’ll be rich. Hurry and load them up. Quick and pack. I’m rich. Run. Run. Dad! Dad. Dad! Go quickly. Tianyou! Tianyou! Tianyou! Be careful. Piaopiao! Xiangling! Xiangling! Xiangling. Run. Xiangling! Go, go! Let’s go. Darn you! You guys, run! Go! Go! Tianyou! Go! Tianyou! Tianyou! Tianyou! Tianyou! Tianyou! Tianyou. -Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang. -Tianyou. Tianyou. Mr. Zhang. Tianyou. It hurts. Pull me out of here first. What exactly does the inscription say? It contains the truth about Dragon City. Titanoboa looks like a dragon, so it was used to fool the citizens in Dragon City to offer sacrifices.

They then used snakeskin and bones to make armors and weapons. Later, Qiuci King found out the truth, so he joined forces with the Turkic people to destroy Dragon City. Then bronze doors were built to seal the Dragon Pool. Why didn’t Qiuci King kill those man-eating pythons? In ancient times,

The snake is the symbol of the dragon. Qiuci King could not kill it but seal it. [Huixian Tavern] The bill, please. Okay, one sec. Hope you enjoyed your meal. Take care, sir. Tianyou. It’s been a while. Fake Taoist, you must be here for a reason. So tell me, which site? [The Nether Palace]