[إعادة توحيد: العظيم في الهاوية]|Reunion: The Great in the Abyss|أكشن / إثارة|YOUKU

Long long ago, a legend once circulated among the Mumaru tribe on the Sino-Burmese border. According to legend, there is an ancient God named Nagas in the deep woods, who could lure people by controlling insects. Therefore, it was worshipped as Insect God by the Mumaru people…

Langman on the Sino-Burmese border in the 16th century What happened to him? Reunion: The Great in the Abyss I want to trade fish with you. No, this fish is hard to catch. With this. I want your dagger. I can give you a lot of things for fish. Include this?

This is an antique. It was very expensive. You have to trade all the fish for it. And help me kill the fish. Children can’t be too greedy. This dart is worth the fish. Deal. Little brat, you are very good at doing business. Who taught you Chinese? You are so cunning.

Some people in our tribe can speak your language. My mother is one of them. She taught me. Let’s call it a day. Blind. I come to see you. I told you I’d only welcome you. Strangers are unpopular. You didn’t forget me, did you? Blind. So you and Wei were classmates in Germany.

Later, you became doctors without borders together. That’s when you met Blind. Afterward, you spent all your money. Then you went back to Beijing and became a freeloader. Why didn’t you start your own business like others? Boss. Let me. Wei broke our agreement. We made an agreement that

We don’t work for capitalists this life. I don’t think you’re abiding by it very well. Mr. Xie is not my boss. You’re the boss. Are you satisfied? This is Jiang Han, my colleague. He’s also my student. Bai Shan, Lima. Several years ago, I asked them back to work on the projects together.

Great. We haven’t seen each other for years. Your business is getting better and better. I’m getting older and older, too. Come on. You are loyal. Acquaintances used to come to me and asked me to do what I don’t want to do. Only you guys are here to drink with me.

There was once a South Vietnamese aristocracy who appeared in this jungle. They left some incomplete historical materials. One of them says that the Mumaru tribe suffered a kind of special parasitic disease in the 16th century. And in the places where parasites appeared, these sacrificial effigies were found. It was engraved

With the mysterious death of people after being parasitized. The ancient Mumaru tribe believed that this was the punishment of the ancient gods. So they started carving these effigies to pray for peace. The disease disappeared soon. But it caused tens of thousands of deaths. Wei thinks These kinds of parasites

Still exist in the depths of the primeval jungle. It’s a good thing. Why are you still looking for it? Blind. I found some records from the notes of some missionaries. These parasites can produce a special secretion. After extraction, it can repair the nerve. Some of the blind regained their sight after being parasitized.

With it, I can do more clinical studies on rare eye diseases. Mr. Xie funded this project. Blandy. I hope you can join us. I’ve heard the legend. I have also looked for it. But found nothing. These materials are newly found. There are more clues in it. In those days, some missionaries

Falsified some academic reports to get more money from the royal family. I have checked all the materials. It’s worth a try. We need you. You need this technology, too. I don’t need it. How’re your eyes? I can still see you. Sir. We are sincere. Please help Wei. I’m sorry. I can’t help you.

I can take you into the jungle. I won’t waste time myself. He has been defeated by his disease. It seems you knew I’d be here. So you prepared these things. Is there really nothing in that place? I’ve checked. There’s nothing. As long as there’s a little hope, we have to try it.

No hope. I checked those people who had the parasitic diseases in those days. Although they regained sight, it wasn’t long before they died. It can’t be cured. Science and technology are different. No parasite can be absolutely fatal. This is a primitive tribe. Some are so absolute. Do you like this place?

I like it very much. Thank you for your efforts. But I think let’s stop here. You said if you were blind, you couldn’t live longer. That’s not what I worry about. The woods here are very primitive. But you can handle it. I’ll take you there by water tomorrow.

You can get through the rest of the jungle without me. Is there anything else you want to say? The Mumaru people like to mark with stones in a dangerous area. If you come across a stone pile like this, don’t go any further. Sometimes, these piles of stones

Are easy to be concealed by the jungle. This thing is worth a truck. There are plenty of them there. Over here, don’t put it in the room. How do you divide the money when you get it done? Is it Wei who gets the most? Lima gets the most. Missionaries’ notes

Are from his family. My ancestors once came here as missionaries. Several have died of this disease and were buried here. It seems you are going to dig up their graves for money. That’s right. They should leave me a legacy. What did he say? He asked me who you are. What did you answer?

Fishermen. I sent you a message. You pretend you didn’t receive it, don’t you? You know the consequences if you don’t pay back the money. A week. Give me another week. I’ll pay you back with interest. Get down. Don’t move. It’s all right. They’re crack shots. They are practicing with us. Don’t move.

Occasionally, they will miss. Don’t jump. The more scared you are, the more excited they are. Bye. Does it happen every day? I paid for the toll in private. Otherwise, we are not allowed to go. They’re good at shooting. Even though they shot at us, they didn’t hit us.

That’s not a dereliction of duty. We could go where we want to go. Are you sure? Don’t worry. I’ll ask them for a refund tomorrow. Wei. Wei. You signed and withdrew that money. Now you can’t pay it back. Mr. Xie’s money is not in place.

There may be a mess in the lab right away. I’ll get it done. Don’t rush me. It’s raining heavily. Have a good time. You are not afraid we’re all dead? I’m sure you’re a cautious man. As long as you don’t walk around. Your porters know this place well.

Remember to stay close to them. What are you doing? I’m sensing my ancestors. Tomorrow, I will get fresh fish ready for you in the town. When you get back, let’s enjoy it. Those who were killed by parasites have been fully dehydrated and become dried corpses. Parasites will lie dormant inside. So

As soon as we find a dried corpse in the jungle, we will have a chance to find the parasites. There… There is a dried corpse here? How’s it going? Any parasites? We may still have to go further. Yes. Blind advised us not to walk around. If you see a stone pile like this,

Don’t go any further. This is the forbidden area mark made by the Mumaru tribe. He’s not here. He has no right to speak, right? You have a problem with his words? I dare not, boss. It’s already dark. Three more hours. Return immediately if we cannot find it. Looks like he was right.

If not, let’s find another way. Boss. Let’s go further this way. Maybe there’s a clue, right? Hold on a little longer. Bai Shan. Let’s go. Come on. Come on. It’s getting dark. Be careful of the insects here. I’ve been bitten several times. It is really painful. Mr. Xie, have you been bitten?

I’m fine. It’s not serious. How did we get here? It’s dangerous here. We can’t go any further. We can’t go any further. We can’t go any further. Well, what’s so terrible? I don’t think they want to go further. Talk to them. We need a guide. You need to go with us. Sir.

I don’t think I’ve done anything illegal. We found a body. Ruby said you had contact with the victim before he died. So go with us to the police station to identify the body. You are not afraid we’re all dead? I’m sure you’re a cautious man. Do you know this man?

His name is Lima. He’s a French scholar. Or a missionary. We found his body in the underground estuary. When he was found, he was holding this cloth in his hand. This underground river is connected with the mountain crevice painted on this cloth. This crevice is in the deep of the jungle.

They’re in the Mumaru tribe’s forbidden area. Why did they go so deep? I have no idea. I don’t remember any crevice. That’s the secret of the Mumaru. Does anyone know where it is? Take me there. I pay. They won’t tell you. It’s their holy land. That depends on finding the right person.

These are for you. Find another two people. I want to go to this place. This is our sacred place. Ancestors said there are demons. My friends are in dan… Pay me more. You little brat. Someone destroyed the mark. Be careful, everyone. There may be something strange in the woods.

How did this man die? I don’t have a clue. It’s not the same here. Don’t move. What the hell is that? That’s terrible. It looks like it has no eyes. It looks blind. Just now, we didn’t make a sound, nor breathe. It didn’t seem to sense us.

I heard there’s Nagas in the woods. Is that Nagas? They repeated a word, Nagas. What does it mean? Nagas is the ancient God of our people. The Mumaru people feel frightened for Nagas and also revere it. Just 30 years ago, we have to sacrifice for it every year.

Or we will suffer its punishment and damnation. Is it Nagas? I’m young. I haven’t seen it. Have you come here to offer sacrifices recently? Some people have. These things look new. Maybe my friends’ porters just offered sacrifices. They could be in the cave. Come here. You all go back. I’m going in alone.

Give me some ashes. Hurry up. The ancestors will bless us. What are you doing? Our patriarch discovered a break-in at the holy land. So we were sent by him to investigate the situation. You take my money. That’s the cost of bringing you here. You are naïve. Sure enough, they went down.

The ropes are hanging here. It could be complicated down here. How are you going to find them? Cats leave footprints. It’s raining heavily. Have a good time. Bengui. Bam, come here. I guess right. Try not to make a sound. Remember to hold your breath when you meet it. Is it…

Is it the thing we met in the woods? That thing should be Nagas. Nagas. What do you see? Just follow me. Don’t ask so many questions. How do you know that? Your patriarch has to treat me to dinner. I quit. I’m going back. I’m going back. Quickly. OK. Hurry up. This way. Come on. Get in there. Go, go, go. Take it. Pay me after we get out. Little brat. Blind. Blind. I have said that we couldn’t do it without you. If you had come earlier,

We wouldn’t get in so much trouble. I told you not to run around. We didn’t see any parasites on the road. We didn’t see the stone mark you said, either. Lima read the notes. It says there was a crevice deeper in the jungle. There may be an older cemetery inside.

But when we got to the crevice, we didn’t know why Lima suddenly went down like crazy. We were in a hurry to come down and save him. Lima was lost. Later, we were attacked by something in the dark. He’s dead. The police found his body in the underground estuary.

Do you see what’s in the dark? It’s a giant monster. If you see it, it will change your worldview. Stop it. Don’t talk so much. Blind. When you came down, you should also have seen those steps. I suspect there’s an underground palace ahead built by the ancients. And it’s a large scale.

I surmise there may be a clue to the parasites. Blind… No need to continue. We should go back now and enjoy the fish. Prepare to go back. Boss. Boss. Boss. Boss. Lima said where there are older cemeteries, there are parasites. What he said is right. There must be parasites in there. Boss.

It’s only a few steps away. Not afraid of the thing that attacked you? I almost failed to save you. Blind. You’re here. You can handle it. I can’t handle it. Come down. Come down. Come down. Come down. Come down. Come down. We must go now. Who doesn’t want to go would surely die.

Blind. Wei. Do you never listen to advice? Wei. Get away. You used to be like that. Now you’re going blind. But you still want to be the boss. No one can leave. Come with me. Get away. Wei! Wei! Wei. You know me well. If you can’t control your emotions,

I will let you stay here forever. No one will know. Blind. I’m going down. If you do this for the patent, I don’t agree. I just heard something. It asked me to go down. Come down. Come down. It’s Nagas. Nagas is punishing them. Wei. If we don’t, we will die. Blind.

Trust my instincts. There’s something down there. We must go down and have a look. Bai Shan. Come down. Bai Shan. OK. Let’s go down. Wei. Are you all right, Wei? The sound is gone. What’s the matter with you guys? Why didn’t I hear anything? I do not know.

But we have to go down. What the hell is wrong with you? That slime may be toxic. We’ve been caught in it for too long. You don’t look poisoned. It’s like being possessed. Go down and we’ll see. The answer must be there. All kinds of religions. Why? They are Dorje Drolos.

Their stone statues were used in the underground palace. Judging from the carving technique, they’re supposed to be left by the South Vietnamese. This palace is built by South Vietnam, isn’t it? So many Dorje Drolos are used to subdue the demon. It seems that it is not an easy thing.

Look, there are murals here. It seems that the South Vietnamese are even better. The purpose of their building this palace is to cut off the water vein. It seems that the monster moves through this underground water system. And this palace works like a dam, blocking its way

And getting it trapped in that pool. That should be the underground palace below, right? Bai Shan. The entrance to the underground palace is hidden well enough. There is also a mural here. What the hell mural is this? Can you see clearly what’s on it? Why does it melt? Be careful! What’s going on?

This is not a mural. It’s a trigger. Look carefully at the lines on the mural. They are actually very fine grooves. The grooves are filled with highly inflammable fire liquid. The outside is covered with a layer of insect wax with a very low melting point. At normal temperatures,

This insect wax is in solid form and seals the grooves in the mural. Once the temperature rises, it will change from solid to liquid. Put out the fire. When Kan meets Gen, there is a danger in the mountain. With upper Kan and lower Zhen, it’s a mess.

With upper Qian and lower Li, someone helps. The entrance is in the Qian position. Lead the oil to the middle. Xun. Gen. Zhen. Give me the torch. Let’s go. What’s that sound? Maybe insects. Insects? Maybe insects. Jiang Han. They’re the parasites we’re looking for. Bring me my box. Bengui. Bengui! What’s the matter?

Squat down and cover your head with your clothes. Go. Go. Crowbar. I have one in my bag. Push the door. Hurry up. Get in there. Come on, Wei. Hurry up. Hurry up. Bangui. Bangui. Bengui. Bengui. Bengui. We found it. Mr. Xie, we found the parasites. You have to fulfill your promise.

As long as your funds are in place, we will proceed to the next step of research. No worries. As long as we can get out of here alive, I’ll give you the money. Before we get in here, my team has gone to your lab to check the accounts.

As long as there is no problem with the accounts, the money will be in place. Get in. Get in. Wei. Get in. Do you hear something again? None of you are in a normal state. I suggest you check up on yourselves. We’re parasitized. Just now? From the look of the wound,

It’s been a long time. Outside the cave, you would have been bitten. It’s getting dark. Be careful of the insects here. We need to get out of here. Otherwise, the infected people will die. We can sterilize the blade with fire, cut the skin directly and get the parasites out. It doesn’t work.

According to historical records, parasites are full of toxins. If you kill them under the skin, you will be immediately poisoned and die. He is right. Get in. Bai Shan. It asks us to get in. We have to keep going. This could be an illusion caused by poison. This may not be an illusion.

That thing is talking to us. I don’t hear anything. Only the parasitized can hear it. It let us in. It also said if we don’t listen to it, all of us will die. Parasites are outside now. I think we can only move on and see if there’s another way out. Let’s keep going

And find a way out. Wei. Why don’t we tell them the truth? We can’t hide it. I’ll handle it myself. Do you find that Wei has changed? If I led the team before, he’s already dead. Why do you suddenly change? He is not a good man. But he’s a good doctor.

The South Vietnamese build this hall in the shape of a talisman. They made a geomantic layout here. Why did they build a geomantic layout here? The purpose of their building this palace is to cut off the water vein. It seems that the monster moves through this underground water system.

And this palace works like a dam, blocking its way. Just like the Dorje Drolos, it was used to subdue the demon. The locals call this Nagas. The core of this layout is the coffin. Inside this coffin, it’s definitely not a person. It’s something that can deter Nagas. Otherwise,

The monster has already destroyed the palace long ago. Is there any basis for your statement? No, it’s just my speculation. Right or wrong? Open it and we will know. If you dare to open the coffin, you’ll never get the next payment. OK. OK. Look what I found.

It’s time to watch the mural again. What does the mural say? The South Vietnamese found that their ancient God Jemorah was killed in a crevice. They brought it back to the village. At night, everyone dreamed that Jemorah was communicating with them. Jemorah told them he was killed by an ancient God named Nagas.

Jemorah was not willing to die like this and wanted to take revenge. It asked the South Vietnamese to come to Nagas’ den and took the opportunity to build the palace when Nagas was seriously injured and dormant. It also asked them to put its body in the palace, making Nagas think it is here

And waits for an opportunity to ambush it. Jemorah is much more powerful than Nagas. Nagas did not dare to fight head-on. They fought, but we suffered. Why is there an alchemy furnace here? Maybe they thought they could become immortals if they are buried with an ancient God.

So while guarding the palace, they began to cultivate immortals. I prefer to believe that these people imagined it to find a spiritual sustenance before they died. Open it. Open it. Bai Shan. It made us open the coffin. It made us open it. Geya. Or we will all die.

Something must happen if we open it. And it must be something bad. It’s forcing us to open this coffin. Open it. You can’t. Why? Why does Nagas force us to open this coffin? Nagas doesn’t know the thing in the coffin is dead or alive. So it doesn’t dare to approach.

But it seems to detect the problem. Between Nagas and the parasites, there should be a very delicate relationship. It spreads these parasites and forced you to come down. It aims to control people and let them open it. Then you can’t open it. You’re gonna die. Go out with the samples

And heal your eyes. Live another hundred years. Stop it. Open the coffin. Stop fighting. Little brat. It gets angry. This palace will be knocked down soon. Get ready to go. It must be very unhappy. If you knew that you had been cheated for thousands of years, you would be pissed, too.

Go. Come on. Wei, let’s go. Wei. Wei. Go. Come on, Wei. You go ahead. It’s too late. Go. Geya. Let’s go. Hurry up. Hurry up. With the funerary objects, I don’t have to worry about money. Where are the funerary objects? Where are they? Where? Funerary objects… Come on. Kill them. Kill them.

Kill them. You open the coffin finally. At least you’re still alive. How long? 20 minutes. If this is a dead end. Bai Shan! Run! Run! Hurry up! This is a temple. I think it’s Nagas’ den. There are dead ends all around. It’s Jiang Han. Jiang Han…

We have to find a way to bypass Nagas and go back to the underground palace. You see Geya? Sir, how do we get out? Nagas is blocking the road. We can’t get out. What should we do? There’s no other way out here. There are reliefs. Where? Does it say how to get out?

What is the meaning of this carving? It seems that this monster can kill us easily like we kill ants. Are we doomed to die? There is another way. Kill Nagas. Are you crazy? That thing is so big. What’s your plan? With our equipment, if we want to pose a threat to Nagas,

This is the only way. And there’s only one chance. If that’s the case, we can only bet once. Run! We really have nothing at all. I did this to save you. But we still have gunpowder. You are still alive. Look. This is the oldest black powder made of saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur.

This is the alchemy furnace in the underground palace. Geya. If the amount is enough, we can plan it. The ideal way is to let it explode in Nagas’ belly. No one can control Nagas. It won’t open its mouth. Not always. We have to lead Nagas to the abyss.

Or this place will be blown down. The quantity of black powder is limited. This is our last chance. We must divide our work. This is the thing which makes Nagas open its mouth. I’m here. I’m here. Xiaohua! Blind! Xiaohua. You’re still alive. We beat it. We beat it.

He is exhausted and passes out. Blind. I may not be able to get out. We’re all hurt. We can’t climb up. Maybe we will die here. Let me check it. If Wu Xie knows that we die here, he’s gonna be very happy. Xiaohua, listen. The sound of water. Do you remember Lima?

We found this body in the underground estuary. This underground river is connected with the mountain crevice painted on this cloth. Maybe we still have a chance. Take a gamble. Take a gamble. Geya! Geya! Geya! Here. Fresh fish. It smells very good. Have a taste. No wonder you like it so much.

It does taste good. Sure. I will go back to Beijing tomorrow. Conditions here are limited. Go back to get a good treatment. I’ll wait for you to come back. By then I’ll treat you again. I have checked Wei’s flash drive. His studies were not completed.

There is no way to completely cure your eyes. Treat diseases with parasites? I didn’t think it was reliable. In the underground palace, the sound of Nagas you heard is just an illusion after you got poisoned by insects. So I hope you can go back to Beijing with me tomorrow.

Let’s find a way to cure your eyes. I think only the fish here smells so good. Blind. We all know clearly it’s not because of the fish. Xiaohua. I’m over it. If I need to choose a place for myself, I want it to be comfortable. Remember.

When you come back, I will only welcome you. Not even acquaintances. Have a safe trip. I’m going. Why don’t you go with him? He cares about you very much. If I leave, who will teach you to fish with hands? Are you really willing to teach me? Of course. But now

I have an important thing to do. To: @ Wu Xie Wei owed a lot of money. So he wanted to finish his studies at any cost. He even deliberately took you into the most dangerous forbidden area. You’re a smart guy. Why didn’t you find it at that time? I suspected him.

But I may subconsciously want to keep looking. Russia Next time, can we not come to such a cold place? St. Isaac’s Cathedral. Let’s go.