[الرحلة القطبية]|The Polar Odyssey|البحث عن كنز “حجر نووا” في القطب الشمالي!|YOUKU

[Somewhere in the North Pole] Go get some rest. Okay. Hello? Hello? Hello? [The Polar Odyssey] [Ten days ago] [A country in East Asia] [News: The Metropolitan Museum was robbed and an ancient Chinese silk book was stolen] [An Asian researcher was killed] Hey, you want more drinks?

Use your useless life to make some money. Amazing. I won again. Now, I feel sorry. Hey. What… What are you doing? Give me your camera. Hello? Chinese, piss off. You’re Chinese? Hold this. You got some moves. I like that. Let go of me! The camera. Give it to me. You can’t do that.

This is a robbery. I can’t? Can I? Can I? What do you think? Work for me, and you can have the girl. I’m not interested. Don’t be so ungrateful. Then it’s your lucky day. I’ve got some skills as well. No. No. My friends. My friends,

There is an old Chinese saying that peace brings wealth. Look at you. You are being very violent. That will make it easy for you to get angry causing an imbalance of yin and yang, headache, insomnia, bitterness in the mouth, and blood vomiting. That will also make you feel bloated and fart frequently.

If things get serious, you might also have menstrual disorders. Why not live in peace? What was that? Get him. Who are you? Take it easy. Take it easy. We can talk. Let’s talk. Yuan Zhen, it’s been a while. Go there. You’re a good hider, aren’t you? Why are you here?

We’ve got to talk business. Let’s go. Thank you for your help. Once we arrive in the town, I’ll buy you the best Korean barbecue. Zhen, aren’t you going to introduce her to us? I am Luo Lan, a journalist. This is my press card. Your Chinese is pretty good. My father was Chinese.

What a knight in shining armor. Why did such good things never happen to me? Me, Husky, I’ve traveled all the mountains and seas. But I’ve never met a girl who was interested in me. Where is fairness? We’re going to make a deal here. Join us, Zhen.

It’s time to get back in the game. I’m not interested. Yuan Zhen, it’s been two years. You need to move on. It was just an accident. How long do you plan on hiding here? This deal is about a silk book. If it’s about the silk book, will you be interested?

After the book was stolen in the United States, it disappeared. I’ve used all my resources to locate its position. Zhen, Jiang sacrificed her life for this book. Aren’t you interested at all? Husky. Who wants the book? You know the rules. I’m in. Where is it? In the underground market.

I think we need a translator. What about that girl? Translator? No problem. Tell us. How much do you want? I don’t want money. But I have one condition. After the deal, I’d like to interview him. So where exactly are we going? We’re going to one of the darkest, nastiest, and most chaotic places. [Chinatown] Darn. This place stinks. Be careful. Aren’t you coming? I’ll wait outside. Let’s go. Aren’t you a journalist? Don’t worry. Zhen is here. You’ll be safe. Go. Let’s go. Is it a genuine article? Hello, sir. Little brat. I’ll slap you. Let him go. Are you Master San’s friends? Yes. Come with me.

She asked us to go with her. Let’s go. Have you brought your money? They want to see the money first. We’ll check the goods first. Zhen. Thank you. Hold on. We still have unfinished business. Sir, didn’t we just close our deal? Is there any unfinished business? Someone paid for your lives. Wait.

You guys are really good at running. Keep running. Here, I am the king. Go get them! Take them down. Hurry. Come on. Do it! Why don’t you move? I have delivered them to you. Aren’t you the king here? Take care of them yourself. I’ve paid you a considerable amount of money.

You want to play on both sides, don’t you? Stupid teddy bear. Kill them. Don’t you dare. Wait. Keep him alive. I want a souvenir. Sir, we’ll leave you to it then. We are not going to bother you. Goodbye. Sir, what else do you need? Leave the thing. Why? I saved your lives.

Shouldn’t you thank me? Thank you, sir. Thank you. Forgive our impoliteness. -Thank you. -Thanks. You come here and kiss my hand. No, no, stop. Sir, you could have said that earlier. Nowadays everyone is a fan of French culture. Let me do it. Let me kiss your hand. I’m not interested in you.

Do you really want me to do this? I do. Run. Kill them. Zhen. Go. Let’s go. Gorgeous, you go first. I’ll help Zhen. Shoot. Shoot him. Zhen, let’s go. Go after them. Hurry. Hurry. Oh, my God! This building is so splendid. Good job. Mr. Jin is in a meeting right now.

Please take a short recess. Thank you. Mr. Jin is in a meeting. She asked us to rest first. Please come with me. This Mr. Jin lives in such a big house alone. I bet he is weird. Shut up. Come in. Can I help you? You agreed to be interviewed. Are you available now?

I don’t have any stories to tell. You are a famous explorer, who hides in South Korea and does illegal boxing. How can you not have stories to tell? I have something for you. How come you have it? I found it in the Boxing Club and asked a watchmaker to fix it.

Why did you ask people to fix it? Does this watch have great meaning to you? The person who gave me this watch passed away two years ago. I’m sorry. Did she have an accident? If I had been with her, there wouldn’t have been an accident. Was she an explorer as well?

She was an archaeologist. Two years ago, she asked me to go to the United States to work on the silk book with her. At that time, I was buried in my own stuff, so I didn’t go. So two years ago, she was one of the staff members

Who died in the robbery of the Metropolitan Museum. Mr. Jin can see you now. You may leave. Guys, good job. He said, “Good job.” We did more than just a good job. We almost sacrificed our lives. You need to tell him to pay us more. Husky. No problem. I’ll double your payment, okay?

Mr. Jin, you can speak Chinese? I spent some time in China a long time ago. Sorry, Mr. Jin, please don’t mind him. Sorry, please forgive my rudeness. Mr. Jin, may I ask you a question? The silk book is one of China’s lost national treasures. Why do you want to buy it?

Honestly, I have no obligation to explain it to you. I can only say that it’s very important for personal reasons. I’d like to buy the book. All right. Now it’s my mealtime. If you are interested, please let me entertain you. We can talk over dinner. Please. Mr. Jin,

Thank you for trusting my team. I’ve heard a lot about you guys. Death Valley, Krubera Cave, and Uyuni Salt Flat. You’ve been everywhere. Master San represents professional work. Mr. Yuan’s life experience also deserves my admiration. What about me? Let’s get down to business. Many years ago, I went to China. Back then,

I was Ke Qiang’s assistant. After Professor Ke Qiang got the silk book, he studied it for several years. Eventually, he found out that the silk book is not only the record of China’s creation myth, but also a record of a legendary treasure in a certain way. The silk book. Nuwa. Can it be…?

Yes, the Stone of Nuwa. Oh, my God. It is said that the Stone of Nuwa can reverse time and space, and send people back to the past. I promise to return the silk book to China unconditionally after finding the Stone of Nuwa. That would be great. Thanks. Thank you.

However, before finding the Stone of Nuwa, I won’t give you the silk book. How do I know that you’ll keep your promise? If you don’t believe me, you can go and find the Stone of Nuwa with me. Once I find it, I will give the silk book to you. Mr. Jin…

I’ll go with you. If you’d like, you can stay at my place. We can talk about the secret of the silk book. About your watch, I’m sorry. It’s okay. I overreacted. May I ask you a question? Go ahead. If you were able to go back in time, what would you do?

You would find her back, right? What about you? What would you do? This. It was a birthday present from my parents when I turned eight. They bought it from a very famous old Korean craftsman. But soon after that, they passed away. So I’ve kept it as my amulet

And taken it with me everywhere. Maybe this thing is too old. It broke some time ago. Well, can it be fixed? I was going to buy a new one. But that store was closed. That old craftsman also passed away. The stars in the sky are gorgeous. When do you think we’ll be able

To go up there? You can explore them and I can find stories. Those are all fixed stars that will make us evaporate like water as soon as we get close to them. Can’t you be romantic? No wonder you’re single. You aren’t angry, are you? I get it. What do you mean?

These light spots do not appear to be randomly distributed. They may be related to the Stone of Nuwa. You mean the light projected by this book is what constitutes the real treasure map. Could be. Think about the content of the book. God will stop fate from giving human benefits.

When fate brings disasters upon human beings, God will give benefits. It’s related to astronomical phenomena. Celestial Sphere Stars Map. But it didn’t mark the true location of the Stone of Nuwa. Indeed. Thuban. What does it mean? Thuban, in the modern astrological system, is called Alpha Draconis. It’s the Polaris recorded in ancient China.

According to the Book of Changes, All natural creatures are born in the East. January is the first month of spring. Arcturus is the first star of the Lunar Mansions. It is said that in 3,800 BC when Nuwa mended the sky because of a hole broken in it.

The North Pole was ruined, and the earth was split. So the Stone of Nuwa fell at the North Pole. Wait. It’s been almost 6,000 years. The position of the North Pole should have changed. Let’s assume the North Pole has moved at the speed of 15 Angular seconds a year.

It’s now at 66 degrees north latitude, 22 degrees 13 minutes east longitude. It’s in Banak, Norway. Right in the Arctic Circle. It’s the year of Mouse, the best time to cross the gate of the heavenly palace. Get ready. We are going to the North Pole. Sir, they’re going to the North Pole.

Relax, you will be safe. Take a deep breath with me. Relax, Master San. Wait, I… Feeling better? Much better. We are here. Close the door. Close it. My noodles are cold. Stop researching. I promise you’ll take it back. Gorgeous, how do you keep your promise? What is this? What’s wrong? No signal?

The dense fog is like a black box. Be careful when you go in there. Miss Korea, hello. Hello. It’s so foggy here. I don’t understand. Translator, translator. Please tell her that I think she is very beautiful. Thank you. Whatever he says, just smile and nod. Understand? Thank you. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

I like you. Okay. Do you like me? Okay. Let’s exchange our phone numbers. Zhen, take a look. Don’t look. The team member that went missing. The fog is getting thicker. We can’t stop here. Wait, guys. We should be close. We are at the North Pole 5,000 years ago. Zhen,

There’s a cave mouth here. We can’t break it open. Get ready to blow it up. What did they say? They will blow it up. Okay, okay. I’ll leave it to you. Yuan Zhen, I have something to talk to you about. Please come with me. Luo Lan. Come here. What? Sit down.

I want to give you this. To me? To keep you safe. What about you? My parents will protect me in heaven. Do you still remember what we talked about on the balcony that day? I remember. If we could go back in time, there’re some things I would do differently. Yuan Zhen, I mean…

Actually, I also have something to say. I had been living in the past, and refusing to move on. But now I’ve realized that some people are doomed to remain in our hearts forever but not necessarily by our sides. I wanted to say… I’ll check it out. Wait for me. Zhen, it’s open.

Nobody moves. Does anyone else want to resist? He kept waiting for us to find the location before he showed up. The Stone of Nuwa also interests me. Help me find the Stone of Nuwa, and we will be even. Stop. Sir, we could talk. It’s not a big deal, right? They’re all yours.

Even the North Pole is yours. Am I right? Zhen. Zhen. Let’s go. Hurry up. Go. Go. Hurry. After them! Hurry. Come on. They didn’t come after us. Let’s take a rest here. I’ll check the surroundings. -Are you okay? -I’m fine. Zhen, what do we do? Who is there? I don’t want to die.

Please let me go. I am just an employee. Let me go, I’m begging you. Come out. In China, there is an old saying, don’t make this harder than it has to be. No. No. Stop. Yuan Zhen, what are you doing? You can’t burn the silk book.

Do you still want the Stone of Nuwa? You won’t burn it. What are those? So poisonous. Once they bite us, we are bound to die. Don’t get bitten, guys. Don’t move. Shoot them. Thank you. Help me. Help me. They are scared of fire. There is an exit. Let’s go. Go. Come on. Go.

Come on. Try harder. Save me. It’s too dangerous. Push, you stupid fat. It’s too dangerous. Go now. Check what’s ahead. Go. Give me the ropes. Hurry. Wait. Hurry. Go. Luo Lan, what are you doing? Come here. Left. Zhen, hurry. This way. Master San, you go first. Gear up. Block the hole with this.

Be careful. Watch out. Master San. Zhen, I’m afraid the rope can’t take that much weight. We have no time to hesitate. Hold on to the rope. Hang in there. Give me your hand. Master San. Hold on. Hold on. Master San, hang in there. Hold tight. Tighter, tighter. Yuan Zhen, let me go.

I won’t. Yuan Zhen, if you don’t let me go, we’ll both die. What are you doing? Don’t let go. Master San. Yuan Zhen, let me go. No. Master San! It’s out. The fire’s out. Zhen, move. Go. Just leave me alone. Hold the rope. Zhen, we’ll be best buddies again in the next life.

Husky! Yuan Zhen, give me your hand. Yuan Zhen. Yuan Zhen. The Stone of Nuwa. Where is the Stone of Nuwa? Old man, move aside. They lied to you, you idiot. She’s been lying to you. Jin Yongzhe is Luo Lan’s grandfather. Luo Lan, the Stone of Nuwa is mine. Yuan Zhen,

Get me the Stone of Nuwa. Get it for me. Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me! Grandpa! Move! What are you doing? Stop. Let go. Luo Lan. Luo Lan. I… I am sorry. I’ve been wanting to tell you.

Give it to me! Master San. Husky. Hold tight. Zhen, we’ll be best buddies again in the next life. Great. Yuan Zhen, get me the Stone of Nuwa. The Stone of Nuwa is way too powerful. You can’t control it. You’ve tried it, haven’t you? We can’t change our fate.

We must learn to accept it. I don’t care. Luo Lan, help Grandpa get the Stone of Nuwa. Do you know everything? I’m sorry. Luo Lan, are you going to disobey me? If we go back in time, I might not exist anymore. No matter what changes, I’ll always be your grandpa.

No, you’ll be someone else. But I don’t have time. No. Luo Lan, how are you? I’m sorry. It’s fine. Grandpa. I’ll wait for you in the past. ♪The autumn wind in my memory♪ Thank you. ♪I take you to the window♪ ♪The sweet first kiss♪ ♪It’s exciting whenever I think about it♪

♪I keep thinking about you♪ Master San. ♪I miss you a lot♪ It’s me. ♪How is your memory♪ ♪If I love you♪ ♪If you think it’s a pity♪ ♪Please come with the autumn wind♪ Thank you. Thank you for bringing the silk book back to China. -Thank you. -You are welcome. Thank you. Thanks. Zhen,

How did you know that the silk book was in the underground market? Guess. Guess? Why do I sense something weird about that? You didn’t do anything behind our backs, did you? Stop guessing. Let’s go. At the thought of having donated such a valuable silk book, my heart starts bleeding.

Can’t you be a little patriotic? My God, does the sun rise in the west today? A businesswoman talks about being patriotic. Master San, the more I get to know you, the more I admire you. Piss off. You two go first. I have some personal business. Look, look.

I told you he’s up to something. Shut up. I won’t inform you if I have business in the future. Come on, Master San. I have… I still have to pay my mortgage for ten years. Master San. Aren’t you that… It’s me. Hello, may I have an interview with you? Of course. Thank you.

Then let’s begin. Hold on. I need to ask you a question. Is this yours?