قصة (ريتا) وحبيبها تؤثر في مشاعر (شياو فاي) و(تونغ وي) 😢 | مقطع من مسلسل المفاوض

Hey kids i made you breakfast are those your friends you could invite them to join you if you want Rita what’s the matter thank you for taking such good care of us we have to get going i know they’re just saying in chinese that all good things have to come to an end but i wish i didn’t have to say goodbye to you two already

But i can’t stop you from pursuing your happy life it’s been so nice having you here i do have one favor to ask you though so this is my famous wall with all the photos from all over the world wedding photos from couples that they’ve given to me

I’d like to ask you to do the same What’s wrong rita we’re never going to get married but you love each other so much why not get married the truth is we’re over as soon we leave this house oh goodness what happened i’m sorry rita we shouldn’t have lied to you this has been our break up trip all along Your vehicle can’t be together because of circumstances lou has some of the best memories the last couple of days okay i don’t mean deprived but can’t you tell me what on earth happened that made you both want to break up We’re sorry we really shouldn’t have lied okay come here come i want you to sit down come on sit there wait sit right there sit down since you lied to me i’m going to stop feeling guilty that i lied to you there is no old man

My man never had a chance to make it to old age he died a very young man in the war of 1965. are you talking about your husband you never got to become my husband may i tell you my story in 1964 i was 19 and cruz was 22. that’s his name cruz

We met at a carnival and it was love at first sight but i grew up in a very strict family they wouldn’t allow me to date until i was 20. so cruz and i saw each other secretly and then as soon as i turned 20 i announced to my mother i’m getting

Married and she laughed because she knew all along that i’ve been dating cruz so we were going to get married in three months time but cruz was enlisted That’s him He said the war would end soon and he’d come back triumphant and marry me in a hero’s way The war did end but who’s never made it that I was devastated i uh i couldn’t pick up the pieces and end and just go on with my life My parents tried to get me to meet and date all sorts of other guys but um i had no interest because cruz took my heart away we could never love anyone else so as time went on i thought it was supposed to be that my love would

Fade a little bit but you know what it just increased i just thought about him every day all the time and i imagine how it would have been if we’d married we would have had fights and made up maybe had kids gone on outings and then got sick and grow all together I just kept thinking of those scenes over and over in my mind and uh somehow it i don’t know it helped hold me together and make me feel somewhat normal do you two think i’m crazy rita now we are very touched so then i started to um host young

Couples here in my home and i really liked it i i thought i should do this more because people like you your young love it reminded me of crews and me so i did more and more of it and i would just tell all the couples this and that about my old man

It was all bs i’m sorry rita we brought back such bad memories for you it’s okay it’s okay kids i do not know what happened between you two but i hope you understand that when two people are in love there is nothing that can really come between

You or separate you except for death accept this surrender yourself to it you know you are living in an era of peace no wars no killings no massive plague technology is highly advanced in human beings society is so highly civilized so i don’t understand why but it’s the strangest thing because

People in this age are especially selfish they can’t put up with any kind of injustice even the slightest injustice they run across a difficulty in their relationship and they want to just end it and protect themselves and these so-called difficulties are things like parental objections or societal pressures or

Differing values over things as silly as what to eat for dinner you two are so lucky to be living in an era of peace but in another way you’re unlucky because your love cannot withstand any tests okay yeah hold hands now look at each other come on look at each other

And just think if this man or this woman were to die would you ever be able to love anyone else again as long as you live If not then this relationship is worth everything you have trust me every relationship goes through vortexes and waves but if you just fight and get through it and come out on the other side then you’ll know what true love is you two i can see it so obvious that you

Still love each other so much face the test love bravely and don’t give up someday you will thank me Godzilla Thank you