[مغاوير الذئب: العمل الخطر]|Grey Wolf: The Desperate Action|أكشن / حرب|YOUKU

[Shandong, 1943] Go! [Qin Feng, Captain of Grey Wolf Commando of the Independent Brigade] Commander, the main force has broken out. [Chen Tianfang, Commander of South Shandong Independent Brigade of the Eighth Route Army] Give out my order. After sunset, the First Regiment retreat as planned. Grey Wolf Commando cover them. Yes, sir! Report.

A telegram from Staff Chief Lv. Feng. Here! After fending off the Japs’ attack, you lead Team Alpha of Grey Wolf Commando to join forces with Staff Chief Lv to rescue Wang Hua, a CPC comrade. What about covering First Regiment? I’ll lead Team Beta and Team Gamma to distract the Japs. But Commander…

Execute the order! Yes, sir! [Grey Wolf: The Desperate Action] [Ganyu, Jiangsu] [Brandy] [Lv Chong, Staff Chief of South Shandong Independent Brigade of the Eighth Route Army] [Ouyang Bing, Xinhailian Operation Leader, Board of Military Operations, Nationalist Gov.] [Van Hwa Hotel] [Wang Hua, Member of CPC] Another one of your men died because of you.

If you still don’t tell me where the tungsten ore is, you’ll be dead in two minutes. Wang Hua! Save him. Wang Hua, wake up! Wang Hua, wake up. Wang Hua. Retreat. Move it. Hurry. Go. Let’s go. Retreat. Scatter and take cover! Wang Hua. Wang Hua. Wang Hua. Wake up. Wang Hua. Wang Hua.

Watch out! Watch out! Take cover! Go. Just go! Careful. Staff Chief! Cease fire. Catch them alive. We got enemies on the back! [Lu Lan, Secretary of Enemy Department, Headquarters of Eighth Route Army] They’re coming. Retreat! Retreat! Retreat! Grenade. Thanks. You’re welcome. Comrade Ouyang, don’t act alone next time. This time, if not for…

Have a seat. I heard from the Board of Military Operations someone told the Japanese army where the nationalist government hides the tungsten ore. I informed Wang Hua to find the New Fourth Army soon and move the tungsten ore. But to my surprise, he was captured and killed. Comrade Wang Hua

Guarded the tungsten ore with his life. He is a hero. Are you Comrade Wang Hua’s superior? Yes. According to my intel, Wang Hua was captured after moving the tungsten ore. By the looks of just now, the Japs don’t necessarily know where the tungsten ore has been moved to. You’re right.

Our top priority now is to quickly contact the New Fourth Army comrades who are involved in this operation. Any idea how? It has been Comrade Wang Hua’s duty to contact the New Fourth Army. I think our Grey Wolf Commando should scatter to look for comrades of the New Fourth Army.

This is a Japanese-occupied area. It’s too reckless to scatter ourselves aimlessly. What’s the advantage of Grey Wolf? We fight better than them. Understood. Lu Lan, could you ask the headquarters for the designation and active areas of nearby N4A troops? I’ll do that now. Okay. Everybody rest here.

We shall make plans after Comrade Qin Feng returns when he finished scouting. Yes, sir! You had one job! How am I supposed to report to the Mikado? Colonel, the rescuers were the Grey Wolf Commando from the Eighth Route Army. It’s a bridle-wise combat unit. Grey Wolf Commando? What did Kuromizu say? Kuromizu reported

That he saw a man from the Board of Military Operations named Ouyang Bing. Ouyang Bing? In this case, this Ouyang Bing is actually a communist. That’s right. He is Wang Hua’s superior. Time to let Kuromizu take some action. [Ruan Tao, Vice Director, Xinhailian Liaison Office, Board of Military Operations, Nationalist Gov.]

Tell Liu Qian to stand by. I have a mission for her. [Xinhailian Secret Liaison Office of the Board of Military Operations] Gee. Vice Captain Liu. Haven’t you left? Well… Why hasn’t Captain Ouyang returned yet? Gee. What kind of question is that?

[Liu Qian, Vice Captain of Xinhailian Operation Team] Do you think the captain will tell me [Board of Military Operations, Nationalist Government] when he’s gonna be back? But Vice Captain Liu, you are really concerned about our Captain Ouyang, huh? Stop talking nonsense.

[Liu Xu, Member of Xinhailian Operation Team, Board of Military Operations, Nationalist Gov.] Vice Captain, Director Ruan has a secret mission for you. Ouyang Bing is a communist. How’s that possible? Yes. This is the detailed instruction. Okay. Understood. You go prepare. Okay. What are the odds of running into you here? Besides,

You’re one of us. The last time we met was at the Shanghai Liaison Station of NBIS. That’s right. Thanks to that dinner arranged in Shanghai. Now, we finally meet with our true identities. Hi, Comrade Ouyang Bing. Hi, Comrade Lu Lan. Report! A telegram. Show it to Staff Chief Lv now. Yes. Rest assured.

Staff Chief Lv will definitely get in contact with the N4A troops. Okay. I’ll take my leave then. Take care. You’re back. Yeah. Are you leaving? Yeah. I just went scouting. I’ve reported to the staff chief about the disposition of the Japanese troops. Qin Feng, good brother. You’ve worked hard. You can really fight.

Do you drink? What are you talking about? Take a sip. Good wine. I haven’t drunk for quite long. This is just mild alcohol. Alright. You guys go on. I got to go now. Take care. Take care. Take care. [CPC, Tungsten Ore] [Tungsten Ore] You’re back? Where else can I go but here?

Where were you doing? Why aren’t you back until now? Taking a bath. What? Having a new operation? Yeah. I got to go now. Okay. Where’s my wine? On your table. [Telegram Summary CPC Tungsten Ore] [CPC Hides Tungsten Ore at Eastern Outskirts’ Heavy Machinery Factory]

[Liu Qian’s Team to Take Ore at 8 AM Tomorrow] One more sentence. I’m perfectly well here. I got enough food and warm clothes. Can’t you say something else? ♪Light♪ Jiang Dahai, stop singing. When this mission is completed, you can sing however you like. Oh. Captain, I didn’t have too much education.

Unlike you, who went to the military school. Besides, You’ve helped me write these many times. But I don’t know which letter my mom will receive. Don’t worry. As long as they are from you, she will definitely receive them. There you go. How is it? [Mom, it’s me, Xiaoyang.]

[I’ve joined the glorious Eighth Route Army.] [I’m perfectly well here. I got enough food and warm clothes. Yours Xiaoyang.] Report! Ouyang Bing just sent this to the liaison point. Tomorrow at 8 a.m., the Xinhailian special operation team of the BMO will secretly take a batch of tungsten ore

Hidden in the eastern outskirt’s Heavy Machinery Factory. This should be the ore that we’re looking for. How did the Board of Military Operations know the location of the tungsten ore? It’s not surprising for the Board of Military Operations, Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, and the C.C. to obtain this intel.

But the problem is this tungsten ore was transferred and hidden by us, the N4A. You’re suspecting… Something might have gone wrong. This is a serious matter. We must go to the Heavy Machinery Factory. Let’s make plans now and in a careful way. Okay. I keep feeling unsettled. Are you worrying about Ouyang Bing?

Yes. His situation is indeed dangerous. Let’s just tell Ouyang Bing to rendezvous with us at the factory right after the BMO team sets off. Captain, we Grey Wolf Commando can do this ourselves. What do you know? Captain has his considerations. Contact Ouyang Bing now. Yes. Kuromizu has set an ambush

To capture Grey Wolf Commando and BMO’s operation team tomorrow morning at the Heavy Machinery Factory. Ouyang Bing will be there too. Good. Send more hands. We must catch them all in one go. Yes. [West] [The tungsten ore is in the west.] [The BMO has been infiltrated.] Your scarf looks nice.

Your wife knit it for you? My mom knit it for me. I’ll tell my mom to knit one for you too. Great. [At 8 a.m.,] [I’ll lead a team to wait on the second floor.] [If there’s no tungsten ore in the warehouse,] [the BMO must have been infiltrated.] [Dongxiao Machinery Factory] [Dongxiao Machinery]

[I’ll go look for the ore in the warehouse.] [If this is a trap,] [you can be my backup,] [so we won’t be surrounded by the enemies.] Freeze. Who are you? Chinese. The Eighth Route Army, huh? Looks like you’ve received Ouyang Bing’s intel. He’s indeed a communist. So this is your scheme

To confirm Ouyang Bing’s identity. That’s right. There’s no tungsten ore here. It’s the Japs. Why are there Japs in this place? Because there’s a mole in your BMO! How come? Retreat! Ouyang? Retreat! Yes. Retreat! Let’s go! Come on. You go that way. The rest follow me. Split up. Go. Over there! After them!

Let’s split to retreat. Just leave me. Get down there. Ouyang. Hide here. After them! Ouyang! What are you guys doing here? What else can we do but ask for wine from you? Grenade! Yes. Go! Dahai! Brother Feng. Go now. Cut the crap. Just go! Go! Dahai! Get lost! Retreat now. Dahai. Go.

Just leave. Dahai. ♪The Jade Pond is calm, and the sun sets after the mountains♪ [Jiang Dahai,] [stop singing.] [When this mission is completed,] [you can sing however you like.] Stop! Over there! Catch them alive! Set the bombs. Yes. Go. Go. Yes. Where’s Jiang Dahai? He was killed in action. It’s not safe here.

Let’s go now. Ouyang. Captain Ouyang. Captain. You’re not coming back again, are you? You’re all excellent soldiers. Take care. Thanks for saving me. Idiot! You’ve cost us so many lives this time! Please punish me, Colonel! What’s the point of saying this now! However, this has confirmed one thing.

The Grey Wolf Commando doesn’t know the location of the tungsten ore, either. Wise judgement, Colonel. I discovered that before Wang Hua died, he left a clue on my back. He told me with our unique code that the BMO was infiltrated. He also pointed the direction in which the N4A squad left.

It’s just west of Shijiagou. Map. West of Shijiagou. There’s a village called Jixiang Village. I guess they should be hiding here. Let’s go to Jixiang Village now. Ouyang Bing has been confirmed to be a communist. This operation was to confirm Ouyang Bing’s identity. But I didn’t expect that the Japs

Somehow obtained the intel. Luckily you’re fine. Ouyang saved me. He was my right-hand man. Now I feel as bitter as you do. Despite that, we mustn’t forget our stand. You also know how Chairman Chiang feels about the CPC. The CPC has hidden the Nationalist Government’s tungsten ore. This thing is absolutely intolerable! Understood.

Please be rest assured. I’ll send more hands to locate the tungsten ore. Go ahead. Wang Hua. Wang Hua, wake up! Wang Hua. Retreat. Freeze. New Fourth Army? Who are you? Eighth Route Army. Great. Did you come out of Jixiang Village? Yes. I’m Ying from New Fourth Army. What’s going on? She’s called Ying.

From North Jiangsu Detachment of N4A. She just came out of Jixiang Village. You go scout first. Okay. We are under order to move the tungsten ore. Now the remaining teammates are wounded. They can’t move anywhere. I’m here to send a letter. Did Wang Hua lead you to move the tungsten ore? Yes.

Where’s Wang Hua? As soon as we rescued him, he passed away. Ying, do you know where the tungsten ore is hidden? Of course. Go. But in the village, there’s a squad of Japanese troops and a company of puppet troops. What about the wounded? Have they been discovered? Not yet.

According to the Japs’ disposition, they should have sent a squadron for a town. Map. Qingshi Town is around 21 or 22 li from here. If there’s one squad of Japs in the village, there should be two in Qingshi Town. When the Japs in Qingshi Town hear the gunfire,

It’ll take at least half an hour [Qingshi Town] for them to get back here. [Jixiang Village] So we only have half an hour to finish fighting. That’s right. Ying, can you return to your hideout? Yes. Good. Then you go back right now. Tell the wounded to hide well and don’t make any moves.

Okay. What about you? That’s an order. Yes. Go. Be careful on the way. Datong. Yes? Send a telegram to the headquarters. Tell them where the tungsten ore is at. Yes. There are totally a squad of Japs and a company of puppet troops in the village.

About two platoons of puppet troops are guarding the perimeters. The Japs are mostly inside the village. They’re driving the villagers to the threshing ground. These animals. We have to rescue the villagers now. Absolutely. This is my duty. Comrade Lu Lan, give us the order. We have only less than 15 men.

From now on, me and Ouyang will be members of your Grey Wolf Commando. Please give us the combat plans and orders. Li Datong, Ding Xiaoyang. You take two men to Qingshi Town now. When you get there, each of you leads one man to make a feint from two directions toward Qingshi Town.

And then join forces after five minutes to draw the Japs to Jixiang Village. I’ll arrange for four team members to draw the Japs in the village to the direction of Qingshi Town after you’ve made the noise. They’ll join you 5 li outside the village

And set an ambush to attack Japs from two directions at the same time. Make sure they’ll be fooled to attack each other. When the Japs are fighting against each other, you guys retreat southwards quickly. I’ll transfer the villagers and the wounded after the Japs retreat from Jixiang Village.

Then I’ll meet you in the south of the village. Understood. You two follow me. Let’s take out the puppet troops in the east of the village. You two change into puppet troop uniforms. Make sure there’s an exit out of the village. The rest of you infiltrate through the east of the village.

Are you all clear? Yes. Move out. You guys quickly go five kilometers away to wait for Ding Xiaoyang and the others. Yes. Go. Move! Go. What are you doing? Hurry. Move it. Go. Go. Go. Who is it? It’s me. Have you sent the letter? I have. I ran into the Eighth Route Army

And gave them the letter. But the villagers have all been concentrated at the threshing ground by the Japs. Now they’re trying to rescue the villagers. How many people did the Eighth Route Army send? Thirteen. But according to their plan, there should be only three sneaking into the village. This won’t do.

I must help them from the inside. I must collaborate with their action. You stay here to look after them. Whatever happens, don’t go out. I’ll go with you. No. That’s an order. Wang Yong. You can go, but you have to take me with you. You’re under my care.

You have to follow my orders. Fine. You must hide well. Yes. Go. Folks, as long as we cooperate, the imperial army won’t hurt us. Instead, they’ll give us grains. Whoever knows where the wounded N4A are will have this bag of grains. You work for the Japs! Scums like you shall die sonless! Traitor!

Die sonless! Speak if you know anything, before they get mad. There aren’t any N4A soldiers here. Rot in hell, traitor! They haven’t seen any wounded N4A soldiers. But they wish that you may have mercy. They are willing to work for you. Come here. Tell me where the wounded N4A soldiers are,

Or you all will end up like him! As I said, if you really know where they are, just tell the imperial army now. Don’t touch my son! Don’t touch my son! Don’t touch my son! Please! I’m begging you! Don’t touch my son! Don’t be reckless. Leave me alone. You go back now.

You’ll disrupt the Eighth Route Army’s plan. What we should do is collaborate with them. The Japs are after me. I can’t watch a kid die for me! Don’t forget your mission. My son! Mom! My son! Help me! Mom, I’m scared. Mom! Help me! Mom! Help me! I’m scared. Mom! Help me! Mom!

Help me! I’m scared. Taikun. Report! It’s the direction of Qingshi Town. It must be small harassing forces from the N4A. Just ignore them. But it shows N4A troops are active nearby. I know. But I must find the wounded N4A soldiers. Report! Small forces from the N4A are attacking outside our encampment. Small forces?

They must be trying to harass us. Ignore them. Settle the battle quickly. Yes, sir. Stay away from my son! Stay away from my son! Stay away from my son! Ying. Ying. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Aren’t you looking for the New Fourth Army? I am the New Fourth Army.

Let the people and the child go! Yes! She’s the New Fourth Army! Right. She’s the New Fourth Army you’re looking for. Let the people go back. Good. Hurry up. You all go back! Go quickly! You all go back! Go back! The Imperial Army is letting you go! You liar! Ying! Juan! Juan!

You bastard! You killed our baby. You… Juan! Juan! Juan! What are you waiting for? Fight the Japs! Shoot them! Are you alright? Get up quickly. Ying. Are you the captain leading the mission in coordination with Comrade Wang Hua this time? Yes. I’m Wang Yong. Comrade Wang Hua led us to you.

To cover our retreat, Wang Hua drew the Japs away. How is he doing now? Comrade Wang Hua is dead. Captain Wang. Take the child and the villagers to hide in the forest 5 li outside the village. Okay. Tell Ding Xiaoyang to withdraw immediately! Yes, sir. Sir!

I’ll fight the Japs with you from now on. Yes! Let’s fight the Japs together! Fight the Japs! Well said! That’s what Chinese men should do. Tell the rest of your men to clean up the battlefield. Yes, sir. Clean up the battlefield! Yes, sir! Vice Captain! I’ve just been on a reconnaissance mission

And found a fierce firefight in the direction of Jixiang Village. I suspect it’s the Grey Wolf Commando. Let’s go and take a look. We hid the tungsten ore in the mountains west of Jixiang Village. After securing the ore, we encountered a search party of Japs when we passed through Jixiang Village

On our way back to the army. We lost a dozen of our men, and others were injured. To cover our retreat, Wang Hua drew the Japs away. I didn’t expect him to… For this tungsten ore, We lost so many people. Was it worth it? Don’t you think it was?

Tungsten ore is a rare strategic resource that the whole world is vying for. It’s an irreplaceable resource. If we fail to defend it, the Japs will turn this tungsten ore into state-of-the-art ammunition and fire them at our Chinese. If we fail to defend it, we will not only fail

Comrade Wang Hua and the comrades of the New Fourth Army, who sacrificed their lives but also let down the millions of Chinese people. I’m sorry. I got a little carried away just now. Let’s work on the next action plan. To the west of Jixiang Village, there is a north-south mountain range

Stretching for over a hundred miles, which serves as a natural barrier. That’s right. After we encountered the Japs at the Heavy Machinery Factory, they launched a thorough sweep of the villages in this area. Now, if the Japs in Qingshi Town don’t see the return of their small team from Jixiang Village,

They’re bound to swoop down on Jixiang Village. We must move the tungsten ore immediately. As long as we can hold off the frontal assault from the Japs in Jixiang Village, we should be able to move the tungsten ore inside the valley without any danger. However, the problem lies in

Where we should move the tungsten ore to. We need to consult headquarters and request them to send troops for support. Alright. I’ll contact headquarters right away. According to the intelligence gathered by Ding Xiaoyang during the ambush on Qingshi Town, the two Japanese squads are stationed in two different places.

If they both attack Jixiang Village before completing the assembly, I suggest using the same tactic we employed before to deal with them. Do you mean to create confusion and provoke them to attack each other at the fork in the road outside the village? Exactly. Once they realize their mistake,

We can lure them into the village and annihilate them. With so much tungsten ore, it’s difficult for us to transport it with limited manpower and without tools. I can mobilize the villagers to help with the transportation. Good. Dayong. You will be responsible for coordinating the transportation with the villagers. Yes!

The Japs in Qingshi Town will soon realize what’s happening. We have to move quickly. We not only face the Japs in Qingshi Town but also have a major issue with weapons and ammunition. According to the defected puppet troops, they have a lot of weapons and ammunition at their base.

Now the news of their defection hasn’t reached the Japs yet. So I’m thinking of taking some people to negotiate with them. Will they betray us? Do you have a better idea? Since they’ve already surrendered, they’ve cut off their own retreat. I think we can trust them. In that case,

You go quickly to get the ammunition while I start deploying inside the village and at the entrance. If we encounter the Japs on the way, the response time suggests they will be from Qingshi Town. I’ll let them through. Don’t worry. Kitano and the others haven’t returned yet. Something must have happened.

Gather the troops immediately and head for Jixiang Village. Yes, sir. According to the instructions of the headquarters, we need to hold off the Japs here for 24 hours. If the Japs from Qingshi Town come rushing in, we will destroy them with minimal cost. However,

You’re worried about the mole in the Board of Military Operations, right? Yes. He will take action for sure. So we will face a large-scale attack from the Japs. The high ground in front of the village can serve as our first line of defense against the Japs. If necessary,

We can retreat into the village and use the buildings as our second line of defense. Finally, we can fall back into the valley to slow down the advancement of the Japs. I didn’t expect someone like you, with a secret agent background, to have such mature tactical thinking. That sounds awkward. Maybe.

Speaking the truth may make people feel uneasy. Enough. Let’s hurry and check things out ahead. Let’s go. Okay. Hurry up, everyone. Come on! Yes! Uncle. Take a break. Let me do it. Come on! Go and report. Report! The people from the BMO we met at the Heavy Machinery Factory are coming.

I’ll go check it out. Alright. Don’t move. You… What are you doing here? Looks like the tungsten ore is hidden here. This has nothing to do with you. Ouyang Bing. The tungsten ore should be handled by the Nationalist Gov. How do you know the Nationalist Gov won’t sell it to the Japs?

Did you set off the flare? No, it wasn’t me. What happened? I’ll send someone to inform Director Ruan. What? Are you still sure Director Ruan is your superior? Get their guns. Take them away. Go! Go! The Japs in Qingshi Town might be coming soon. We need to hurry. Datong.

Take two of our men to set up an ambush 7km outside the village. Make sure to cause the Japs to attack each other from both directions. Yes! I’ll go. Alright. Stay safe. Okay. Let’s go. You two go to the east roof and set up an ambush. Yes. Report! The surrendered troops are assembled.

Good. Divide them into two groups. One group will set up an ambush south of the threshing floor. The other group will occupy the rooftops in the north. Yes. Let’s go. Kuromizu has found where the tungsten ore is hidden. It’s in Jixiang Village. A team from Qingshi Town has not returned

From a firefight in Jixiang Village with the Grey Wolf Commando. Good. Take some soldiers there immediately. Yes, sir. Wait! Tell Kuromizu and the troops in Qingshi Town not to make any sudden moves. After merging with our troops at the garrison, we’ll set off together. Yes, sir! Report! The troops are assembled. Yes. Move!

Hello? Yes! Colonel Ishii ordered us to assemble and wait in place. Yes, sir. Why is there no movement? Could it be that the Japs are not coming? If the Japs see the flare, they’ll send troops to intercept the tungsten ore. Could it be that the Japs in Qingshi Town

Are waiting for the main force to arrive before attacking? Notify Ouyang Bing immediately. There’s a change of plan. We need to set up an ambush on the high ground instead. Yes! We haven’t seen any Japs along this road. It must be because of the flare just now.

The Japs must have made new deployments. So, in the upcoming battle, we won’t just be facing the two Japanese squads from Qingshi Town anymore. Faster! Okay. You take two guys and go ahead to set up landmines. Make sure to avoid the Japs’ detectors. Yes! Zhang. Yes, sir. Hu. Yes, sir. Let’s go!

I’m back. How’s it going? We’ve got enough firearms and ammunition. Give them to me. Hurry up. They’re coming. Ambush! Get back! Take cover! The next wave of Japs attacks will surely begin with artillery shelling. Let’s withdraw to the back of the valley first. After the shelling, we will move into the position. Alright.

Move out! Go! Quickly. Go! Go! Keep up! Next round of attack! Mortars! Do you have any wine? That’s a lot! This is the water I filled it with. It still smells like wine. Drink. Good wine. It warms me up. Move in! Go back to the position. It’s about time.

We can retreat back to the village. Grey Wolf Commando! Cover the retreat! Yes, sir! Dalei. Retreat! Retreat, guys! Move out! Where is Dalei? Dalei said he would not retreat. He’s going to ambush the Japs behind their lines. Why didn’t he follow orders? Perhaps he wants to give proper closure

To his deceased wife in his own way. Comrades. We’re about to face the Japs a hundred times our size. And behind us are the people who are transferring tungsten ore for us. I ask you. From now on, each of you is a combat unit. Hold out! Yes. Tell me about your deployment.

Ding Xiaoyang. Yes, sir. Take one of our men to the outskirts of the village. Lay mines where the Japs may have set up their cannons. Then retreat to the high ground inside the village. Blow up the mines after the Japs set up their cannons. Yes, sir. I’ll take one of our men

And use the low wall on the roof to deploy fire to confuse the Japs. You take two men and set up an ambush at a high point to block the Japs. Then go to the alley on the right and continue to block them. The rest of you will be led by Lu Lan

To stop the Japs at the village entrance. But don’t get caught up in the battle. Once the Japs enter the village, do everything possible to stall them. There are bound to be casualties in this mission. But this is our only chance to hold onto the tungsten ore.

All of us must follow it to the letter. Yes, sir! Make sure to keep Liu Qian and the others well concealed. Yes! Go! The Japs are coming! Just ahead! Get ready! Mortars. Take cover! Folks! Hold tight. Keep moving! Go! Get out! Fire! It’s Dalei who is drawing their firepower.

You stay with me to stall the Japs. The rest of you! Get out of the village! Yes! Attack! Full speed ahead! Next life. Let’s be born from the same mother. Don’t move! Liu Xu. So it was you who set off the flare? You’re Ruan Tao’s man. Ouyang Bing. Considering our past cooperation,

I’ll give you a chance to surrender. You traitor! Ouyang! Liu Qian! Liu Qian! Liu Qian! Liu Qian! I didn’t lie to you. I didn’t betray my… country. Liu Qian! Liu Qian! Liu Qian! Major Yamamoto. The road ahead is the only way to the rear hills. Full speed ahead! Sir! Come on! [Come on!]

Come on! How did you drive? Don’t you have eyes? How did you drive?