[الوالد العظيم]|Super Daddy|أبطال الكونغ فو وو يو وتونغ فاي ينقذون بطريقة مضحكة!|كوميدي/أكشن|YOUKU

Cut. Guys, take a break. The stunt double did a great job. Swap to the real actor. Mi Qian, take a break. Come. Over here. It’s the actor’s turn. Let’s take another close shot. Sir. We’re done. It’s your turn. [Remember the position you need to go.] What’s wrong with you? What are you doing?

Haven’t I told you this before? Never invite me to a set where Mi Qian is there. Look at that. The lower body is gone. And the intestines are spilling all over the place. Even so, he’s still acting. It’s in the script. He has a slower reaction time.

You’re the one with a slower reaction time. This is none of your business. And look at that. I already cut them down, but then they became zombies. Have you watched too many Korean movies lately? Everything is included in the script. They have been polluted by nuclear radiation since young.

How many years have you been in this industry? What’s the matter? Does that look like fake blood to you? It looks more like a mudflow. It’s in the script. They’re hot-blooded. Which fool wrote this script? I’m the fool you’re looking for! Why are you trying to offend him? Director. Director, he’s my friend.

You see, you don’t need to listen to his nonsense. He’s just spouting nonsense. He’s just a stunt double. That stunt double is right. Prop team. Use the real deal. Alright. I’ll make sure blood is shed with every hit. What are you waiting for? Stuntmen, did you guys hear me? Yes, Director. Be quiet.

Be quiet. Mi Qian, let’s do another take, okay? Why did you offend him? The fool is using the real deal now. You better watch out now. All departments, get ready. Let’s do it. Alright, let’s do another take. I knew it. Nothing good happens when I encounter Mi Qian. Come, buddy.

[Show us your real reaction.] Ke! I’m here. Miss, sorry for being late. It’s fine. I was busy with work today. That’s fine. Ke, let’s go. I was working just now. That’s why I came late. I already apologized to you. My little princess, please stop being angry at me. It’s all my fault.

I was late again today. Daddy, you were beaten up again. I’m fine. There were quite a lot of them today. Does it hurt then? It does… It does not. It doesn’t hurt at all. It’s because I’m Super Wang Zi. Wang, you’re already 38 this year.

-I’m 37. -You must be careful. Don’t get hurt. Chief, please don’t worry! I, Wang Zi, will definitely accomplish my task! This is so fun! It’s so pretty! Ke! I love you! Daddy, I love you too! Baby, how has Mr. Gao Yang been treating you lately? Mr. Gao is pretty nice to me.

He bought a lot of toys for me. He said he even wanted to transfer me to another school. Transfer you to another school? Where? To a school overseas. Leaving the country is a good thing. You can have a change of environment. That’s good for you. However, you must remember my words. Take less

Foreign food if you can. Chinese food is much better. Tell your mother to make more Chinese food for you. Daddy, I love your cooking. Of course. My cooking is the best, you know? Ke, what’s wrong? Baby, look at me. Let me teach you how to shed tears in 10 seconds.

First, you have to hold your breath. After that, do this. Breathe like this. Do that. After that, open your eyes as much as you can. Don’t blink. [The equipment you’re seeing right now] [is an exoskeleton suit] [meant for handicapped individuals.] [It no longer depends on the muscles’ inertia.]

[It uses the latest neuroconduction technology] [to help amputees to stand up by controlling the exoskeleton suit] [Talking Point] [with their consciousness.] [I would like to thank Mr. Gao Yang for inventing the exoskeleton suit.] [That’s how I was able to resume a normal life.] [Today,] [its inventor,] [the famous youth entrepreneur]

[and the founder of Gao Yang Technology,] [Mr. Gao Yang, has brought the future] [with him to today’s news interview.] [Hello, Mr. Gao Yang.] [Many handicapped individuals refer to you as their savior.] Zhi. Catch. It’s the Death Note. Think of his face. [Humans were always the core of technology.]

[We invent technology to resolve the issues we face.] After that, write down his name. Isn’t that too cruel? Why don’t we just forget it? Write it down. First, the person has difficulty breathing. [Talking Point] [Wait a minute.] After that, his body will go stiff. In the end, he’ll fall and sleep forever.

It’s a success. The Death Pen. It’ll cause the writer to lose their ability to act. So, it was the pen. You scoundrel. You see, as long as Gao Yang uses this pen… You should’ve told me earlier. It’s fine. There’s another button. It contains the antidote. You pressed the wrong button!

Not the one on top! It’s the red one at the bottom! That button is… That administers an even stronger poison. Dabao… Go to hell! Zhi? Zhi? Zhi! Goodbye. Mommy. The rehearsal ended over an hour late. Daddy waited for me for a long time. Good girl. You can get in the car first. Okay.

Mr. Zhang, take her out for a spin. Goodbye, Daddy. Ke wants a new smartwatch that has a video call function. You can give this to Ke. She says she wants to see you more often. Gao Yang will move his headquarters overseas if the press conference goes well.

My next film will be another co-production… Enough already. Mi Qian, cut the crap. Now, you have a luxurious car and a luxurious house. And you two will have children in the future. But me? I have nothing. I only have Ke. I hope you can consider this thoroughly and let me have Ke’s custody.

I’m begging you here. Mi Qian. Miss Mi Qian, I’ve never begged you before. But please let me have Ke’s custody. You want to take care of her? With what? Look at the place you live in. You want her to have fast food with you? Look at the bruises on your face.

She has to go to the set with you at 4 pm every day. After that, she has to wait for you to send her to school at dawn after you finish working. I said that I could allow you to take care of her. However, you need to quit your current job

And focus on taking care of her. I’ll fork out the fees. I have plenty of money. Don’t worry. I have my own way to take care of her. Staying away from her is the best thing you can do for her. Daddy! Mommy! Ke, Daddy bought this for you. What is this?

This is a smartwatch. With this, you can have a video call with me whenever you like. Let’s give it a try. Okay. Look. Baby, can you see me? Yes! I love you! Daddy, I love you too! Mr. Zhang, let’s go. Daddy. Baby. Daddy, look. Look at the view outside. Isn’t it nice?

Ke, you should hang up now. [Today,] [its inventor,] [the famous youth entrepreneur] [and the founder of Gao Yang Technology,] [Mr. Gao Yang, has brought the future] [with him to today’s news interview.] [Feng Lang] [Hello, Mr. Gao Yang.] [Many handicapped individuals refer to you as their savior.] [What was the reason you ventured into…]

Chunks, what’s the matter? How’s your injury? It’s just a minor injury. I’m fine. So, are you up for tomorrow’s job? Is it high-paying? It’s an urgent job. Of course, it’s high-paying. However… Alright then. Nothing else matters to me. I’ll go. [It does more than just help handicapped individuals to resume their normal lives.]

[They have dreams too.] [Think about this.] [Uploading the data of top-tier athletes] [or even stuntmen to the exoskeleton suit] [may help these individuals] [to achieve the limits of what a human could achieve.] Such nonsense. If all of them can become stuntmen after receiving the stuntmen’s data,

[There are also people saying] what’s the point of training then? [that the consequences would be dire] [if such technology was applied to weapons.] [What’s your opinion?] [I’ll emphasize this once again.] [We will never weaponize this technology.] [We’re doing this for the sake of peace and health.] Zhao Dabao,

It’s time for you to have a taste of the Death Pen. Zhi, which button have you pressed? Let me see. That’s the Truth Button. It’ll make people speak the truth. What’s wrong? Tell me. What’s wrong? Tell me. You! Why did you invent this stupid thing? Look at what you’ve done!

Why the heck did you make this? You don’t know what you’re doing! You… You better don’t make this again. Darned Chunks. Did you do this to me on purpose? You said nothing else mattered to you. At least you can spend more time with Ke now. Listen. You better don’t drag Ke into this.

This job is so easy. You just need to stage a fight with Gao Yang. What? I need to beat Gao Yang up? That sounds great. That’s not it. You need to let Gao Yang beat you up. You’re a monster. Understood? Alright. I can beat him up. My peers.

Gao Yang wants to take on the three of us at once? Blue Monster. Blue Monster! You must be Wang. Shut up. Are you Wang? I am. Let’s go. This is the exoskeleton prototype, huh? There’s a hidden positioning system located inside. It’s just like my hidden signature.

It can prove that I’m the inventor of the exoskeleton suit. Just hack into the system and decode it then. I can’t. It has an independent password. What’s the password? I don’t know. Let’s go home then. I woke up at 6 am together with you, you know?

But now, you’re saying that you don’t have the password? What’s the point of waking up? I didn’t even attend my uncle’s birthday celebration. And I spent 200 yuan on the taxi alone! All of my effort was in vain! Come here! What are you doing? That’s a gum bomb.

Why is there one more light remaining? Hurry up. Everyone is waiting for you. Hurry up. Count the total number of people again. Go and confirm it. My goodness. Miss Mi Qian, they’re here. Which troupe are you from? He’s not good enough. Get someone else. Miss Mi Qian, don’t say that.

He’s the national stunt champion. If he’s not good enough, I don’t think anyone else is good enough. If so, just cancel the segment. No discussion. Why are you canceling it? It’s dangerous for an amateur like him. And it’s just a photo session. It doesn’t matter if we have it or not.

I won’t hurt him. And I thought of a way to exhibit the suit’s quality. There’s no need for any rehearsal. Just let him do whatever he wants. But it’s dangerous. If you’re truly worried, I’ll handicap myself by using one hand, okay? Dear. Just let me get my way for once, okay?

Let’s cancel the session. Fine. I’ll follow your will. He can leave now. But what about his wage? How much was it? 3,000 yuan. 3,000 yuan is too little. Dear, how much did we spend on that new dog we bought? Oh yeah. It was 42,000 yuan. Give him the same amount. Alright!

I’ll accept the wage. But I need to do something in return, don’t I? I’ll do it. Sure. I have another request. Do not reserve any of your strength. Didn’t we agree to cancel it? It’s fine. He wants to have some fun, too. Are you ready?

Do you know what’s the fastest thing in the world? It’s one’s thought. This goggle is connected to the suit. Once I wear it, my body will act according to my thoughts. And I’ve also uploaded countless fighting techniques to the suit. Your fist will never be as quick as your brain.

You learned all those martial arts for nothing. Mr. Wang Zi, I knew it was you all along. It’s because I invited you here. I know about your relationship with Mi Qian. I gave you an out just now, but you didn’t take it. Security. Yes, sir! Send this mister out of this place.

Let him take the back door. Zhi, are you okay? You should get up if you’re okay. Stop lying on the ground. [Zhao Dabao’s Prototype has been activated.] This is the Prototype I invented. Gao Yang stole my invention. I must expose him tomorrow. Give it back! Zhi! Speak! [Congratulations, Zhao Dabao.]

[Pairing with the Prototype is successful.] You guys are stealing things. This belongs to my family. Is she Gao Yang’s child? Remove it immediately! Give it to me! Why did you hit me? I didn’t do it! She controlled me to hit you! So, it has this function? This is so fun!

Why are you grabbing me? It’s not me! It’s her! I’ll count to three! Grab her by then! Alright! Three! There’s a switch! Turn it off! [Zhao Dabao’s Prototype] [has been disconnected.] Let me take a look. What’s wrong? You! It’s broken. Isn’t there a switch over here? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

Didn’t I tell you already? What should we do now? How should I know? I want to keep playing. I guess it’s in for a penny, in for a pound. Leave! Hurry! What are you doing? That’s mine! The back door is over there. Don’t you understand human speech?

The main door is only for VIPs. Leave immediately! Ke? Ke! Leave! Leave! He’s still acting. Just let him act. One, two, one, two. One, two, one, two. Ke! Ke! Stop running! Why are they fighting? You stepped on my foot! One, two, one, two. Stop right there! Hurry! He’s catching up to us! Hurry!

Go! Don’t run! This vehicle is fast indeed. Chunks! Chunks! I just got my driver’s license and bought an old car to pick you up. What do you think? Don’t you think I’m nice? Why the rush? Ke has been kidnapped! Fasten your seat belt! Wait. Don’t panic. Hurry up! Let me check the dashboard.

Now, check the left and right. Start the car. Release the handbrake. Miss, this is my first vehicle. Do not make this public. Be gentle! Dabao, can you deal with her? This is so fun! Girl, sit down. Let him drive, okay? My car is actually capable of this? He’s over there!

Dabao, Gao Yang and his gang are catching up to us! Zhi, step on the gas pedal! Stop the car! Stop the car! Release Ke immediately! Daddy! Ke! This is dangerous! Girl, sit down. You got the wrong person. He’s not Gao Yang. Wang Zi is my father. [*Wang Zi means prince in Mandarin.]

Your father is a prince, huh? You’re a princess. I’m Afanti. I’ll bring you to ride a donkey. Ke! Speed up! Dabao, I can’t shake them off! I… Stop the car! My invention is invincible! Chunks, hurry! Come out! My head hurts. Chunks! Let’s go! What about my car? She’s so pretty.

Where were you looking at? Let’s go! Slow down! Hurry! Slow down! Miss Mi Qian is getting cooler and cooler. I have no idea how you two got together in the first place. She’s a celebrity now. There’s no way you can reconcile with her now. Slow down! Cut the crap.

I know the reason even if you don’t tell me. You’re just a stunt double while she’s a superstar. Both her state of mind and status have changed. I’m sure her company intervened in your relationship with her. She brought up the divorce, am I right? I know that clearly. Slow down!

I was the one who brought up the divorce! Fine then. I guess there are things I don’t know sometimes. Slow down! My head hurts from all the vibration! I was her senior while we were in college. [She was four years younger than me.] [I was graduating] [when she first joined college.]

[I was the substitute lecturer when the lecturers weren’t around.] [She always clung on to me] [when we were in college.] [I became a stuntman] [after graduation.] [I also introduced her to the industry.] [That was the time] [we became a couple.] [We would come up with new stunts every day.] [Back then,]

[the golden era of blockbusters was still in the initial stage.] [The field of stunt driver was a new field.] [Stunt drivers aren’t racing drivers.] [Speed isn’t the key.] [They risk their lives to do stunts instead.] [And female stunt drivers were very rare.] [This duo of ours became the focus of attention] [very soon.]

[We finally received an opportunity] [that we dreamt of.] I have a new script. There are two roles that suit you two. See if you two are interested. [Although they were just supporting roles,] [they had quite a few lines.]

[It was also an opportunity for us to be seen at the forefront of the stage.] [However, she hid something from me.] This opportunity is too important for me to lose. I’ve waited for this for a long time. I will never give it up. [Mi Qian was pregnant with Ke.]

[Not only did she hide it from the production crew,] [but she also hid it from me.] [I only found out that she was already three months pregnant] [after the shooting started.] Miss Mi Qian, it’s your turn. Alright, I’ll be there immediately. Three, two, one, action.

[Back then, I was very worried about Mi Qian.] [However, getting distracted] [is a taboo for stuntmen.] Wang Zi! [I…] Mr. Wang! [I made a blunder.] Don’t touch my legs! Be gentle! Don’t touch him! Let’s go! Call the ambulance! [I withdrew from the movie due to my injury.]

[But Mi Qian persisted until the very end.] [Interview of the famous actress, Mi Qian] [She did an outstanding job.] [The movie was aired] [not long after Ke was born.] [Mi Qian received plenty of praise] [and film contracts.] [She spent more and more time] [on her career,] [while I spent more and more time]

[with our child.] [I started to detect some changes] [in our lives gradually.] [Cut!] [Wang Zi, what’s wrong? Can you do this or not?] [Miss Mi Qian, you did a great job.] [Let’s do another take.] [I suffered a relapse.] [I took another long break after that.] [But she became] [more and more dazzling.]

[I wanted to catch up to her so badly.] [However, the gap between us kept growing.] [When we broke up,] [I hoped that I could take care of Ke.] [She only had] [one condition for me.] [She wanted me to quit the industry] [and focus on taking care of Ke.]

[She said she would fork out the expenses.] [I didn’t want to accept her sympathy.] [I didn’t want to give up my dreams.] [I’m sure you know] [what happened after that.] [I ran from set to set every day.] [I was a stunt double.]

[I was unfit for a better position but was too proud to take a low one.] Why are you sighing? We’re already in the forest. Go after her! This is Kiss of Flying Apsaras, my secret base. It’s cool, right? Nope. Let’s go. It’s all Gao Yang’s fault.

He said he wanted to invest in me. In the end, he stole my Prototype and applied for a patent before I could do it. I invented this to help handicapped individuals. But him? He insisted on weaponizing it. I’ll turn into a heinous sinner if I don’t stop him now.

I’m hungry! I want food! Slow down! Chunks, hurry up. I definitely have a brain concussion. The GPS shows that they’re nearby. Let’s search the buildings nearby. Nearby? There’s no building nearby. Let’s go. Wait. What are you doing? It’s more convenient for you to fight like this just in case it’s dangerous inside.

Miss Mi Qian… Why are they trying to show off here? There’s nothing cool about this. They’re something else. I guess they’re a couple indeed. Let’s go. Ke? Where’s my daughter? Where’s my daughter? I… I have no idea! I… What are you doing? Don’t use weapons! Where’s my daughter? Tell me!

Where did you hide her? Tell me! Tell me right now! Let’s play hide-and-seek. You can hide here. I’ll seek you out later. Zhi, I’m coming! Dabao! Zhi! I did the wrong thing again. Tell me! Where’s my daughter? Who exactly is your daughter? Tell me. Daddy, they’re good people. Alright. All of these exoskeletons

Were created based on my invention. Gao Yang wanted to weaponize them. That’s why I locked the weapon port. [Exoskeleton System Interface] [Facial Recognition System] [Zhao Dabao’s Prototype has been unlocked.] [Entering administrator mode.] [Unlock Successful] But I’m afraid Gao Yang can crack it eventually.

That’s why I have to take it back before he unlocks it. I was the one who hired martial arts experts from all schools to record their movesets and upload them into the suit. [Zhao Dabao’s defense system] [has been infiltrated.] We have company. This is bad. His goons are here. Zhi!

Switch on the defense mechanism! Hurry! You pressed the wrong button! That’s the self-destruct program! My goodness! That’s the wrong one! Mommy! Daddy! We have to leave! I guess the saying did come true. Mi Qian, nothing good happens whenever I encounter you. You two were already in the same boat

When you uploaded all those martial arts into the suit. You two are guilty all the same. You’re just an extra. What gives you the right to say that about me? Men desire to rise to greater heights. What’s wrong with seeking a better life? What’s wrong with being an extra?

What’s wrong with being a stunt double? Well, look at you, aren’t you tied up here too? Sure, I’m insignificant, but you married such a piece of crap. It’s about us. Why would you mention Gao Yang? You wanted to divorce me in the first place! Yes, I did. But don’t you know why?

Aren’t you aware of that? Nope. You wanted to go abroad to make movies. You wanted to leave me for a while. I was going abroad, so I definitely had to be away from you for a while. I know you wanted me to bring up divorce, so I did the heavy lifting.

I acted as the bad guy. Then you wanted to ditch me. I see now. In the end… You can’t stand the fact that I made a name for myself. It hurt your feelings, your ego! You’d rather suffer than lose face, and now you deserve your miserable life. My life is great.

I make 300 yuan a day. I… If I take the foreground, I get 500. If I have a line, I get a grand. Wang Zi, you are truly a stain on my life. The best decision I’ve ever made in my life is divorcing you. Say that again?

The best decision I’ve ever made in my life is divorcing you. I want to talk to Gao Yang. Give her the phone. Honey, why are you so mad? I want to go home. Do I still have one? Of course. This is your home, too. You should stand right next to me.

Get rid of this person. I don’t want to see him anymore. Since you despise him so much, let’s make him disappear. What are you doing? Untie the rope. Throw him off! Raise the altitude. Don’t let him get away! Mi Qian, it’s so high! Why did you betray me? Why did you betray me?

What? I’ll stop. Okay? I’ll shut up. This is the injury from this morning. This is this afternoon’s. And here, and there! Isn’t that the appendix? You go ahead. Allowing you to access the Prototype [Zhi] is a part of Gao Yang’s plan. [The plan was successful.] Didn’t you think

[The weapon port has been unlocked.] it was too easy? Because only you can unlock the weapon port. The moment you put in the password to prove yourself, you have lost. Gao Yang said that he is willing to use exoskeletons to change this world. I was the one who gave him your Prototype.

But you should know once he makes exoskeletons into weapons, lives will be lost. When dynamite was invented, did anyone think of using it to kill? What they use it for has nothing to do with us. The real sin of inventors is creating things that are of no use. Keep an eye on them.

I’ll deal with them after the press. Yes, Zhi. But Gao Yang didn’t mention how to deal with me. My watch has a function. To check the time? There’s an anesthetic needle in my watch. An-Anesthetic? Call him over, stun him, and we can escape. Wow, your watch must be over a million.

It’s very expensive. If a watch expert takes it from you, he’ll be so rich… What watch? This watch! Look at his watch… A big watch covers the small watch; this watch is something else. What does that mean? Are you interested? Let me tell you more. It looks like the casing of a V45,

But it’s actually a Bremont movement inside. Do you know Military Intelligence Department 6? The British one? I’ve seen that movie. It’s in James Bond’s training. What are you doing? My hands are numb. Are the watch hands stuck? This is a knock-off. Look, the hands are stuck. Lucky for you,

Let me show you the real one. Look, is the sapphire much more transparent? Feel the quality of the case! This is 316L stainless steel. You know watches so well, but why are you in this line of work? You can do anything but this. Do what you’re good at. To be honest,

If I wasn’t doing this, I would be an influencer introducing watches. Do you think I would be popular? Of course, you can. Are you sure? Popular as hell. I’ve thought of your username, which is “As Hell”. “As Hell.” Seriously, that’s a powerful name. He’s out! He’s out. But the keys are on him.

Ready, one, two, three! Did you mean what you just said? What did I say? Divorcing me was the best decision you’ve ever made. You guys, we’re still watching. Untie us! Hurry up! My hands are numb. It’s all ruined! Nothing left for me? How are you going to leave? I’ll ride the horse.

How about you? Let’s just drive the tractor. Not for me. I’ll take this car. This one? I’ll take this one. Isn’t this a car? Is this a car? Yeah. Do you have any other cars? No. Nothing left. I’ll choose this one then. Chunks… It’s a space rover. You can’t drive it.

Don’t worry. I have a driver’s license. Any other inventions? No, no more. Useless. Tractor. The tractor is safer, after all. I’ll hop on too. Thank you all. Welcome, distinguished guests, to this press conference. I am truly thrilled. I’ve been waiting for today for a long time, and I am honored to introduce

Our company’s groundbreaking product, the Medical Exoskeleton. This exoskeleton, developed by our company, relies on neural transmission and will undoubtedly be the greatest invention of this century. With it, individuals with disabilities can control the exoskeleton through neural signals, enabling them to accomplish essential daily activities. One, two, three, four, five, six.

Only the six of you? Bro, I’ll leave them to you. You guys go get the exoskeleton. I’ll go find Ke. Ke. Ke! Ke! Ke! We have also prepared the most comprehensive set of accessories for the exoskeleton. For instance, when equipped with wings, it can serve as a means of transportation,

Allowing people to fly at low altitudes. When fitted with a shield, it also possesses self-defense capabilities. As for medical applications, they merely scratch the surface of its potential. Next, I will personally demonstrate the functionality of the exoskeleton to you all. Let me deal with them. What the hell? Surprise!

Mine is the real one. Zh… Zhi… That’s enough. You’re going too far! Can you slap the other cheek now? Here we go! Controlling with my mind! Your mind can’t stop me from spitting on you! Then I’ll control you to do other things! Control yourself! But I can’t! Control yourself!

Attack! What are you waiting for? Go! Are you waiting for dinner? Give me that. Leave the fat guy to me. Zhi! Zhi! Go to hell! Watch out! Hit him! Bro, get out of there! Knock him out! Knock him out! Calm down. Knock him out. Get out of the way! Knock him out.

Knock him out. Hit him! But… No “buts”. Just knock him out! Bro, stop. But what? I was going to say the hoop that controls Dabao is on Zhi’s head, so we should hit Zhi. Yeah, I meant hitting Zhi. Let’s go check on Dabao. Dabao! I didn’t ask him to hit you.

I meant Zhi. Come on. Try and hit me! I… Come here! Go away! Close the door! [Facial Recognition System] [Facial recognition successful,] [anti-theft system deactivating.] Bro, I’m sorry! Stop! Mi Qian, save me! Beat him! Screw him up! Go! Stop hitting me! Not my face! Ouch! Woodah! Hit him! So cool! Bro, someone’s coming!

Bro! Bro, look this way! More people! Stop doing that fancy stuff! Go get him! They are here! Bro, they are here! They are here! They are here! Bro, they are here! Woodah! Look at these two. Bro, please don’t. Don’t do this. I’m so sorry! Please don’t joke with me! I solemnly promise that

My invention will only be used for the benefit of humanity. I will never use it for anything related to weapons or harming human safety. Great! Gao Yang! Who is this? Don’t believe his crap! I invented the exoskeleton. He stole my invention and hijacked my patent. He is lying to you all.

This is a lair! Where is the evidence? There is evidence. The exoskeleton you are wearing and the one I’m wearing are both based on my invention. They have my signature on them. [Little girl,] [do you want to go out and play with us?] [I do! I want to play!]

[I want to go play!] [Take her.] Are you the kidnappers? You kidnapped my daughter, stole my property, and installed a GPS on it. Now you are here stirring up enmity. You’re putting yourself in trouble. Call the police. Wait a second! Gao Yang, don’t be shameless! She’s my daughter! Also,

Everything he said is true, and I can testify! She can too! Mi Qian can testify as well! Mi Qian is… They are… Mi Qian, you tell them. People will believe you. Gao Yang, what are you trying to do? I’m playing with Ke. Don’t worry, she is very safe, but

I don’t really know how to use this thing. Mommy! Ke! Ke knows you’re an action star and skilled at racing. She also wants to learn from you. Look, she can mimic your skills so well. Gao Yang, what are you doing? It’s so much fun! Gao Yang! Gao Yang! Gao Yang!

Let her get off, and I will do as you say. Remember what you just said. Their “so-called” truth is false. What happened in the video is real. I just took Ke back this afternoon. Mi Qian! They kidnapped Ke. They are criminals. Alright, now we know the truth. [Arrest him!] [I can’t believe this!]

Call the police! Gao Yang, you are so shameless! Truth serum! I’ll make you reveal the truth! What is going on? I’m sorry. So, so, so sorry! I was aiming at him, but… I’m sorry! Wang Zi! I want to tell you something from the bottom of my heart. Actually, after I divorced you,

My life is like hell. Every time, I would tell Chunks that I don’t want to work with crews in which you are involved. But I don’t actually mean this. You are a big star now. How can I ever regain the self-confidence to spend time with you? Actually, the day I got injured

Was not the worst day for me. Bro, rest well. See you soon. Bye, bro. We are short of stuntmen now. What to do? There are so many stuntmen out there. This guy is such a clumsy loser. If it weren’t for Mi Qian, who could possibly work with him? Bye, dude!

For the longest time, I thought I was leading you on this career, but that wasn’t the fact. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t even have a chance. Come back to me because I really miss you. I love you so much. I love you! Mi Qian, ever since we broke up,

I haven’t had one good night’s sleep or a good meal. I hate myself for being useless and poor, but I don’t want to be apart from you. I want Ke to have a loving family. A few days ago, I saw a statement someone made, and I thought it was really accurate.

The way the father is right now is the same as the kind of boyfriend the daughter will find in the future. I don’t want to be a useless person. I want my little girl to be happy, and I also want you to be happy. But why did you divorce me? I truly

Don’t understand. I really, really love you. Is the duration of the drug effect this long? What drug effect? The truth serum’s effect. It usually lasts ten seconds. When did the effect wear off? Probably before “I love you.” This drug is quite strong. You are so good at playing weak. Did you forget something?

Can you show me some respect? The drama is over. What are you waiting for? Capture them! Wait! I knew it. Things are not that simple. Before I came, I didn’t think about making it out alive. Since you treated me this way, Gao Yang, then I’ll drag you to hell with me. Come on!

Die, Gao Yang! What are you doing! What else can I do? I will die with him together! Get out of here! Die together! Stay here! Run! Get out of here! Wait for me! Run! Hurry! Let’s go! Go to hell, Gao Yang! What are you doing? He must die! He’s got a gun! Run!

Qian, go get Ke. Okay! Ke! Mommy! Mommy! Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt? Mommy. Let me see if you are hurt. Mommy, I’m so scared. Don’t be. Here. Let’s go. Die! Maimaituer Maimaitili Aputuoruo Tiai Shabao! Darn it! Why do you have such a long name? So stupid! Gao Yang, weren’t you saying

That this thing wouldn’t be turned into a weapon? You bunch of fools. The greatest value of this invention lies in weaponization. Liar! You big lair! [Wang Zi!] [Daddy!] Fine! We lose! Cut! Thank you, everyone! Cut! We lost! Cut! Good job, guys. Thank you, everyone! Thank you. Good job! Great acting!

You are a good teacher. Great directing. What do you mean by that? Gao Yang, you fell for our trick. Surprise! We were just stalling time. Right, who else knows about your signature in your exoskeleton? Zhi. Gao Yang probably knows too by now. I have a suggestion, but we need Qian’s help.

Thank you all very much. Especially the special effects makeup team, please pay more attention to the makeup. For the stunt team, please hire more people who can handle good reactions. Also, the clothing team, please prepare a set of journalist outfits. And to the props team, please put in some work

In making the props realistic. Wang Zi, my guys hit you a bit too hard last time. Now we are doing this as an apology. Guys, please help us as much as you can. Our main task tomorrow is to make this fake press conference identical to a real one. Gao Yang,

I’ll scare the crap out of you with my immortal statues. Are the fireworks and explosives all set? Yes, Director. Are Dabao’s two big immortals set too? Yes, they are. Okay. Qian gave us this job, and we must crush it! Hi, hello! Are you here for the conference? Actually,

We changed the address of the conference. I’ll have someone take you to Hall No.2. Hurry, take him there. Hello! We changed the address. Go, Mina, take him there. Hello! Nice to meet you! [I invented the exoskeleton.] [He stole my invention] [and hijacked my patent.] [He is lying to you all.]

[You bunch of fools.] [The greatest value of this invention lies in weaponization.] Everything you had done was on live streaming. Director, jobs are done. You can go back now! I never expected it to be ruined by you. How does he have another gun? None of you will get out of here alive. Zhi!

Run! Ke, be good. Ke, stay in here. Hide well. Ke, I need to go outside for a bit. This little duck will keep you company. Okay? Be good and stay here. Don’t go anywhere. Okay? Mommy, don’t leave me! Mommy, don’t go. Ke, be good. I will be back in a flash.

Do you believe me? Mommy, don’t go! Ke, stay here and don’t go anywhere. Wait for me. You hear me? I’ll be right back. Be good, my baby. I’ll be right back! Mommy! Dabao. Dabao. I’m so sorry! It was my fault! Zhi. It was my fault. Not everything in this world has a purpose.

Their existence is already perfect. So emotional? Then die together! Dabao, get up! Run! Are you okay? I’m great! I’ll trouble you to do this, bro. No problem. You forced me to do this. Loser, go harder! Give me some strength! Zhao Dabao’s Prototype has lost connection. Woah, these two! Look at them!

Their fight would be some strange record in history. What’s so great about hitting themselves? What do you know? They are controlling the other one while hitting themselves. It’s the next level. Stop hitting. If we keep doing this, we will both die. It’s not worth it. Let’s swap the hoops. Mi Qian! Daddy! Mommy!

Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Come! Hurry up! Come on! Daddy, pick up the phone! Daddy! Daddy! Ke, Ke, run away! Get out of here! Daddy! Ke, don’t come over. Daddy! Gao Yang! What… Ke, stay away! Stay away! Daddy! Stay back! What are you doing, Daddy? I’m Ke! I’m Ke, Daddy! Gao Yang, stop it!

Gao Yang! Gao Yang! Gao Yang! Gao Yang! Ke! Don’t be scared, my girl. Ke! Ke! Don’t be scared! Gao Yang! I’m begging you! Louder! I can’t hear you! Gao Yang, I’m begging you! Daddy! One, two, three! Gao Yang! I’m begging you! Gao Yang, I’m begging you! Gao Yang! One, two, three! Look,

These paintings are so beautiful! Yeah! Hi, Mr. Hong. Greet Mr. Hong. Hello, Mr. Hong. For this film, people’s response to the fighting scenes is pretty good, but your acting skills fell a bit short. You really need to put in more effort. Here’s the script for the next film. Take a look.

Thank you, sir. Godzilla vs. Guan Yu? Am I playing Guan Yu? Your fighting is great, but your acting skills are not good enough. You are Godzilla. I… Sorry! I like Godzilla. Daddy, great! You like him? Alright. Since Ke likes Godzilla, I’ll play him! Ke, are you interested in making movies? Yes. Good!

[According to Articles 266, 239, and 128 of the Criminal Law] [of the People’s Republic of China] [Gao Yang is suspected of fraud, kidnapping, extortion,] [illegal possession, and illegal holding] [of a large number of firearms and ammunition. It’s seen as a severe violation,] [and the public security organ has permitted his arrest.]

[All departments, get ready.] [Let’s try to make it pass.] [Okay, cut!] [Wang Zi and Mi Qian both did pretty well.] [Wang Zi,] [your wig is loose.] [Makeup team,] [go fix Mi Qian’s makeup. Hurry!] We’re going home! Faster! Let’s rush up the stairs! Awesome! You can lift such heavy things.

I can’t even do it. Daddy, when is Mommy coming home? Mommy is filming. What do you want for dinner, my princess? Tomatoes and eggs. Eggs and tomatoes. Rest assured, my princess. I, Wang Zi, will definitely accomplish my task! Cut! Props, who got the glass? It won’t break! Change it! When I fight later,

You guys start walking out, because the weapons are real. Alright, get ready! Let’s practice the movements first. Try one. Bro, is this an electric baton? Guys, pause! Director, I want to switch the weapon. Drifting! Figure eight maneuver. Wait. Aren’t we designing the scene first? Why are you… Yes. Yes, we are.

You got to dodge the trees and the road sign. Here comes the cliff. Keep going. [Site service team, close off the road.] [Get the stunt drivers ready.] [Let’s hit the road.] Dabao, they’re catching up! Violent Sea Urchin! Why are you driving like a crazy person? What do we do? We can’t see!

Closing your eyes? Seriously? Eyes on the road. Come on! Ten meters ahead, move to the second lane on the right, then immediately switch to the second lane on the left as you enter the roundabout. Look at the road! There’s a motorcycle 15 meters ahead, going at 50 kilometers per hour.

Stay to the left as you approach the curve, then quickly switch to the fourth lane on the right as you exit the roundabout. There’s an intersection 50 meters ahead. Take a U-turn, go straight for 50 meters, and navigate through an S-curve. Veer 5 lanes to the right, then 6 lanes to the left.

Three lanes ahead on the right.