[القرش الأرضي]|Land Shark|قرش متحول يجلب الدمار على اليابسة! فيلم مغامرات/رعب/كوارث|YOUKU

[Ryan Island, Southeast Asia] What bad weather! There won’t be any fish. Let’s go home, son. OK. Dad! Hold on! Hold on! It must be a big fish. Dad. Why is this cow in the sea? Maybe… it wanted to have some seafood. Dad. Dad. Over there.

Is Nezha having a battle with the Dragon King? It’s such a mess! [Land Shark] [Three days ago] [Sealab Under Towa Island, Southeast Asia] Welcome to the Poseidon Project, Deep-sea Space Station. We are now 100 meters underwater from the surface. This is the core area of the four major genetic laboratories.

The outer layer of the space station is a closed, oversize fish tank. There is a shark inside for genetic experiments. According to a report by the World Health Organization, more than 10 million new cancer patients are diagnosed worldwide each year. Seven people are diagnosed with cancer every minute. As you can see,

During the research, we’ve found that sharks contain a kind of anti-cancer substance. Through genetic modification, it can be obtained constantly. Mr. Qian. I heard your medicine can inhibit the propagation and growth of cancer cells? No. What I meant was curing cancer completely. Genetic modification can have unpredictable effects on experimental organisms. So,

How do you think about this matter? Science means exploration. I believe what we do will benefit more people. We’re not only changing genes, but also the whole world. So, I’m glad that you can witness this miracle with me today! Please open the hatch to show the experimental subject. Where is Song Yi?

Where is Song Yi? Where is Song Yi? Where is he? What happened? This is the real business. Here he is. What is he doing? Open the hatch. Right. He’s sleeping. Over there. Song Yi. Get up and work! Hey, brother. Brother. Time to work! Hurry up. Excuse me. Excuse me. What a bad smell!

What a strong smell of alcohol! Hurry up. Just go. Song Yi. Song Yi. How could he do that in working hours?! The boss asked you to showcase the shark. No problem. Just a piece of cake. We control and locate the shark with bionic signal waves. It’s the favorite of sharks. No, it’s not.

I’ve tried thousands kinds of wine and I’m sure, this is what sharks like best. See? Come on. What a bad smell! Yes. Right. Damn. Sharks are natural predators. When it finds its target, it rushes towards it at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour bites it and never let go. Let’s fish now!

This shark is 4 meters long, weighs 3.2 tons, and has 10 cm of serrated teeth. It can detect electrical disturbance in the water in darkness. It can lock its target in three seconds, and tear it within one second. Sharks have 5,000 teeth and can instantly snap a piece of rebar. You’re awesome, mister!

So awesome! Thanks. Thanks. So annoying. Let’s leave. Just go. Right. Now everyone, What you just saw is the world’s most resilient and powerful shark. Boss is here. Who wants to sign the contract? Please follow me. Everyone, let’s start the phase three of the experiment right now. Get ready. Write it down. Mr. Qian,

The results of the latest biopsy are not available yet. Isn’t it a little too dangerous for us to rush into phase three now? As you can see, this shark is adapting to the new gene quite well. It’s OK to carry on with the experiment. But. Doctor Ye. There are always risks before great victories and successes are achieved. We should dare to try… and break through. This is also your father’s last wish. Let’s go for it. Disinfecting the human body. Prepare for injection. Yes. OK. Ready. We did it. Sister Ye Xin. You You. Why are you here? Thanks for your hard work, Doctor Ye. I’ll take You You out to play on the swing for a while. I have other errands to run later. Please pick her up for me when you are free. Thanks. OK. Have fun. Goodbye, sister.

Bye. Come on, sweetie. Look here. Look at me. Nice environment, right? There is a big shark. Dad. When will you come back? It’s my birthday next month. I’ll come back before your birthday. Swear to me, dad. Of course. Great. Dad. What happened? See you. I have to work now. Bye. Warning.

The shark’s health indicators have dropped dramatically, so has its heart rate. What’s wrong with the shark? What happened? What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Check things out over there. What happened? What happened? How could this be? What’s wrong with it? What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What’s going on? Why did it drop? Hurry up.

Save it quickly. Save it. Now. Hurry up. Give me the data. Come on. Be quick. Be quick. Annunciator. Speed up. Here it is. Signal device connected. All are going well. The shark shows normal body temperature. Why did its heart rate drop so much? Sharp drop in blood pressure. No heart rate detected.

What’s going on? Unable to recover its heart rate. Its vital signs are weakening. Hurry up. I’m trying to attract the shark with signal waves. Rescuing in progress. How about you? How could this be? How is it going on your end? Everyone, assemble. Come here. How is it going? The devices are normal.

Everything is going well. It goes well on my side. The signal waves don’t work. Is the shark dead? Stop the nonsense! No. The emergency plan doesn’t work. What happened? Shark! The shark! The shark has consumed a perosn! Why does it attack us? Look over there! Why does it eat people? The shark!

The shark! How could this be! Oh, my god, the shark! Look. What is going on? Does it… Sharks will die of suffocation if they stop swimming. Does it… It was just playing dead. That’s impossible! That’s not true. It can’t play dead. What happened? Come here. What’s wrong? Look! What happened here?

The shark has consumed a person. It has consumed a person. Right. What did you do to the shark? This is confidential. You have no right to know it. What the… Never mind. So weird. It shows the shark’s hormones are elevated with an unusually active nervous system. It means… Just tell us.

It means the shark is pregnant. How… Pregnant? Impossible! Impossible! It’s impossible. It’s a male shark. Right. How could a male shark be pregnant? I got it. Pregnant? Something wrong. It’s impossible. It doesn’t make sense. Yes. Impossible. Is it possible that the shark has become female

Because it has been locked up for too long with its desires suppressed? Never gonna happen. -Are you joking? -Yes. Right. It’s impossible. Yes. Single-cell reproduction. Why is it hitting the glass? How… Song Yi, you’re familiar with it. How do we control it now? Well, it’s confidential. You have no right to know it.

What should we do with it? What about now? Is the glass firm? He’s asking you! It’s bulletproof glass imported from the US, even a sniper rifle can’t break it. What did you say just now? You said the sniper rifle cannot break it. Get out of here. Where’s the shark? Where’s the shark?

Calm down. Don’t scream! Don’t scream, everyone! Be quiet! Silent! Be quiet! The shark locate targets by sound. Now, get out of the water quietly. Hurry. What is this sound? Calm down. Don’t move. Bastard. I… Come here. Come on. Come… Watch out! Calm down. Be careful. Be careful. Over there. Stay away from me.

No. Stop. Song Yi. What are you doing? To get a tranquilizer gun. Help. Help. Come on. Bulletproof glass again. Song Yi. Pang Yu. Hold onto it. Aim! Song Yi, could you please not miss it? You do the job. Cover me. Help… How could you not making any sound?

You asked me to be quiet, didn’t you? Shark! It’s going over there! Run!! Don’t chase after me! Hurry up! I’ve raised you for so many years, yet you want to eat me? Why is it not moving? Is it anesthetized? Song Yi, what can we do now? The shark is abnormal today.

I’m not sure how long it could be anesthetized. We need to open the door and leave here. It’s easy for you to say. We all want to leave here. But how? The shark is in the water. It’s too dangerous! Get into the water. Are you insane? If it suddenly wakes up,

We will all die. Right. Now we’re safe at least. With such a big accident, I’m sure someone will come to save us. When it wakes up, you will be its dinner. Let’s get into the water. Ye Xin, what are you doing? Do you all want to die? Glassesman. Quiet. Speed up. Follow me.

Come on. Come on. Come here. Where is Yuan Jing? Where is Yuan Jing? Shark. Where is Yuan jing? Yuan Jing. Where is the shark? Yuan Jing. Yuan Jing. Yuan Jing. Yuan Jing. Yuan Jing. Help me. Help me. Get out of here now! Now! Go! Come on. Open the door. Be quick.

How could it be?! It could be anesthetized for more than an hour before! How does it expire so quickly? Its metabolism is accelerating. Ordinary anesthetics are useless against it. What should we do now? Sandy. Don’t touch me. Help me. Get away. Wait for me. Doctor Gu. Don’t touch me!

It’s none of my business! Doctor Gu. Doctor Gu. Doctor Gu. Doctor Gu. Pang Yu, come on! Remove the stuff and go out through the security door. OK. What about you? I’ll confront him. Come on. Run. Hurry up. Come on. Why is the door not open? What should we do?

The circuit board must have been burned out. The door is totally locked. What should we do? Come on. Think of something. Think! Come on. We can get to the ground through the vent above. Go. Let’s go. Follow me. Come on. Song Yi, come here. Be quick. Come here, now! What is this sound?

Is it hitting the wall? This is our chance. We have to get out of here. Hurry. Let’s go. [Towa Island, Southeast Asia] What are you doing? Do you know you got Doctor Gu killed? What do you mean? The shark was chasing after us both. Only one could survive. What would you choose

In this situation? Forget it. Don’t pretend to be a saint. What… What is that? Why is there such a long ditch? What the hell. It is possible that the shark can survive on land. Was that the sound of it drilling the wall? Were we raising a shark or a mudskipper?

Let’s go to the security station. I’m afraid it’s not safe here. Let’s go. Come me. Be quick. You You. Which way? Mom. Mom. Mom. You You. You You. Run! Song Yi. Get out of here! Where should we go? Which way? Song Yi. It’s Song Yi. Song Yi. Run! Run! Just run! Run now!

Hurry up. Damn! Is this the shark we want? Monster. It’s a monster. Run! Come on. Run! Be quick! This way. Get up. Run. Don’t stop. Help me. Help me. Ye Xin. Help me! No. It’s too dangerous. Help me. Hold on. Lao Tian. Help me. Lao Tian. I’m here. Don’t let go. Glassesman.

Lao Tian. Hold on. Glassesman. Lao Tian. Glassesman. Don’t go. Stay here. No. Get up. Get up now, Glassesman. Quickly. We can’t save him. Let’s leave here. Get up. Let’s go. Come on. Let’s go. Hurry up. Be quick. Run. Come on. Come on. Song Yi. Crazy! All of you. Hold my hand. Run.

Hurry up. Run. Run. I’m exhausted. I can’t run anymore. Come on. Be careful. I can’t do it. I just can’t. Let’s rest for a while. The shark can’t catch up with us soon. Yeah, right. Have a rest. Sit down. Uncle, are you okay? I’m fine. You’ll be okay, Uncle. Thank you, sweetie.

What the hell. The shark is on land now. It’s… It’s doesn’t make sense. What did you do to the shark? Song Yi, I’ll tell you one more time. That is confidential. You have no right to know it. Never mind. OK. Pang Yu, let’s go. Are you threatening me? The Poseidon Project. What?

Are you insane? What is the Poseidon Project? We mixed the shark with genes from other animals, which may have caused its genetic mutation. It was meant to save patients, but… What kind of genes did you mix it with that can actually bring it to land? Earthworm. Earthworm? Like this? Earthworms can regenerate itself

And can reproduce asexually. We have tried to introduce many types of genes, but all have failed. Finally, it mixed only with the gene of earthworm perfectly. Showing such strong aggressiveness, it should be looking for a place to breed. So, you mean that we are being chased by a big biting earthworm, right?

There must be a reason for it to keep chasing us. I got it. It’s him. It’s the smell of blood on him that attracts the shark. He’ll die soon. He won’t be of any help to us. Let’s leave him here. Dude, you can save us. Please! No. Are you insane?

You thought you are saving his life? No, you’re killing us! All of us will die here! Do you get it? What are you doing? If we have to leave anyone here, it must be you. Don’t you all want to live? Damn, it’s here again! Watch out! Watch out! Run now! You You.

Come on. Ye Xin. Song Yi. You You, help me. Uncle, come on. Uncle. -You You! -You You! You You. You You. Come here. Follow it. Don’t move. You You. Dad. You You. Don’t worry. I’m here. Don’t cry. Dad. I’m here. It’s okay. Let’s go home. Get off the car. Don’t let it go.

Come on. Catch it. Three of you for cover. Others follow me to stop it. No. Block its way. Fire! Help me. Help him. Focus on fire. Let’s rush up and pin it down from both sides. Mind your three o’clock! Yes. You two flank it. Pin it down. Be quick. Hold on.

Hold the fire. Attention. Song Yi. What did you do just now? I almost killed it. Calm down. Calm down. Do you know how much effort the company has put into developing it? It must be alive to keep its value. Do you know how many people it killed? Is it important? So you think

Humans are not as important as this monster? That shark can save more people. We must protect it at all costs. You’re the crazy one. I’m a crazy man, and you’re a shark-hunting expert. Now I need your help, just like when you brought it back. I’m out. You’re killing people. You’re killing people. You…

Song Yi, thanks for what you did to save You You. But it’s not the time for us to bargain. You’re the one who knows the shark best. Song Yi. I need it. Calm down. It must come back alive. Otherwise. Song Yi, calm down, please. Calm down. Calm down. Let me do it.

OK, fine! [High Seas] You don’t have to come along. I always thought you could solve all the problems. Five years ago, right here, you and my father chased it for 30 nautical miles. Sorry. I failed to save him. He would do the same if he was still alive. It was his dream.

Ye Xin, I… Song Yi. Song Yi. Look! Over there! Boss, why do we have to keep the shark? It has turned into a monster. That’s exactly the reason why it is valuable. What happened? The cell needs a lot of energy to reproduce indefinitely, so it is always taking food. What the hell.

It’s got a huge stomach. Locate it. Disturbed genetic sequencing in the shark may also lead to persistent mutations. It’s too far away so it can’t pick up the signal. Where is it? According to its direction, it will soon land on Ryan Island. Damn. It’s so densely populated that people will become its food.

Pang Yu, now, get the bait. OK. Let’s go. [Ryan Island, Southeast Asia] Beautiful. Look! What’s that? Help. Help. Shark! Run. Help. Oh, my god. Signal wave activation completed. Successfully attracted the shark. Done. The rest is in your hands. Pang Yu, what are you doing? Put on the sauce. Any animal

Will have a soul resonance with its favorite food. It is the instinct of animals. And I call it Pang Yu Theory. Doctor Ye, I’ve sent you a video. Please check it now. Is the shark mutated? How did it get so big! Get the bait up! What? Get the bait up! Right now!

Turn around. Pang Yu. Pang… Come on. Hold on to the rail. Ye Xin. Come on. Bad news! Captain! We’ve got a problem. The shark towed the boat away. What should we do now? Listen. Track the position of the shark at which it disappeared. Pull a full scale search. Let’s go. Song Yi?

Song Yi. Are you there? Song Yi. Ye Xin. Are you there? Song Yi. Ye Xin. Ye Xin. Ye Xin. Annunciator. Annunciator. [No signal] [Distress signal sent] Doctor Ye, get down. Stun gun. Increase the voltage. Hold your fire. Check on it. Boss. Clear. Ye Xin. Are you okay? Come on. Get up.

I was right about you guys. Mr. Qian, We’ve done what you asked us to do. We’ll go. Stop. What do you want? Song Yi, let me ask you a question. What do you think is the most valuable thing in this world? I’m just a shark breeder. I don’t know anything about business.

It’s quite simple, actually. You have or understand something while others don’t. That’s value. It would be more valuable if we make it a biological weapon. What do you think? No. Studying it in the first place was to save more people, not to create a weapon. Developing drugs and making biological weapons

Are all about making money. I prefer to choose what brings more value. Well, I’ll make it become something unique in this world. Go. Get out of here! Come on. Come here. Run! Be quick. This way. I can’t see anything. Fire! Find the target at six. Come back. Run! Leave here! Run! Run!

You go this way. We can’t be together, or both of us will die. No. I’ll go with you. Ye Xin, just listen to me. Since it is mixed with earthworm genes, it can move on land and its skin is indestructible. If this is the case, it must have also changed

Inside of the body. The lumen of the earthworm has only an epidermal membrane formed by collagen fibers, which is quite vulnerable. A grenade shot into its mouth can definitely kill it. No. No, it’s too dangerous. Song Yi. Listen to me. Go. Just go. -Song Yi. -Go, now! [Control] Song Yi. Song Yi.

[Signal terminated] Throw it to me. Make it open its mouth! It’s too high. Ye Xin. Pang Yu Theory. Song Yi. Song Yi. -Song Yi. -Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi. Song Yi.

Do you have any wine?