[عظاءة بريسكوس]|Varanus Priscus|تفتح معركة الأفعى-السحلية حقبة جديدة في عالم الوحوش!|إثارة|YOUKU

Stop! Don’t run! Stop! Don’t run! Don’t run! Don’t run! Stop! Don’t run! [Three days ago] Professor Hiragawa. Professor, what are you doing? I… I’m feeding them. Professor! Professor! What are you doing? Get off me! Did you hear it? Run! [Director Wen Wu Chao] [The Bloodthirsty Bees] Left, go left. Go left!

Right, go right. The right one. Yes. This one. Make it clear! Niu, what are you doing? Shi Wa, I want to learn boxing too! Sure, but you have to wait before my hunting is done. Where is your father? My father? What happened to Mr. Niu’s house? -Go. -Go. Go. -Go. -Go. Father!

Are you alright? What’s going on? Let’s go over there. It’s suffocating! Mr. Niu, what happened? Where is my wife? Dear! Honey! Dear! Dear! Honey. I’ll save you! Dear, how are you? Are you burned? Are you alright? What’s going on? -Chief. -Third Great-Uncle. Third Great-Uncle.

Niu said tonight is the rite to adolescence for Niu. There should be a firework. But it exploded. Look at you. All you know is to make useless things. Don’t gather here, you guys. Let’s get ready for tonight’s rite to adolescence. Mr. Niu, see you tonight! Come on. One more! Cheers! Bottoms up!

To everyone! Cheers! Chief, cheers! Sure, thanks. Shi Wa. Mrs, enjoy yourself! Of course. Enjoy yourself, everyone! Yes! Cheers! Something’s wrong! Cheers! Something’s wrong! What happened? What’s going on? Run, everyone! Run! Sixth Brother, what’s going on? Bees! How big the bees could be to scare you like that? As big as an ox! What’s going on? What’s the sound? What’s the matter? What’s going on? What happened? Never seen this before. Bees! Everybody, run! Hurry! Run! Go! Hurry! Run! Run! Run! Gou… Gou Dan got eaten! Help me! Run! Run! What should we do? Run! The ox-size bee! Hurry! Run! Seventh Sister-in-Law, run! Colonel Miura,

Why do you suddenly visit the laboratory? It’s such a serious matter. How can I not come? Where are the bees? Are they gone? It’s fine. Look. They are gone. They are gone. Really. The bees are gone. They are really gone. Gone. Are you alright, honey? Seventh Sister-in-Law. Are you alright? Watanabe, raising the mutated bees as a bioweapon to win the war was your idea. You were the one insisting on carrying out this plan. That’s why I helped you with the military fund. If you are telling me now that they are gone, you know the consequence. I understand. Rest assured, Colonel Miura.

Professor Hiragawa is my teacher. I know him. I will get the samples back as soon as possible. Good. Abe will assist you with his unit. You have one week. Yes, sir. So many villagers are injured. What should we do? That’s right. Mrs. Niu’s badly injured. She got bitten in the neck.

What the heck was that? I wouldn’t have seen it even if I had eight lives. Sixth Brother, why don’t you say you have ten lives? Get off my back! Do you have to bicker with me? Why are you always like this even at this critical time? Move! Let’s wait for Third Great-Uncle’s opinion.

He came from a long line of doctors. Third Great-Uncle. Third Great-Uncle. Careful. Slowly. Right. Here. Third Great-Uncle, what did all this happen? It’s the strangest thing ever. I’ve lived for so long, but I’ve never heard that bees would kill and eat human flesh. Also, this is not the season

When bees are out in groups. Strange. I think I’ve seen them. What? What are you talking about? Yesterday was Niu’s rite to adolescence, so I went hunting in the mountain. That’s where I saw them. Senior Watanabe. Chen! It’s been a long time. It’s a rough trip. You must be exhausted. Not at all.

Here. Take a seat. Senior, you asked me to come urgently. What’s the matter? Your father, he… What is it? Take a look at this first. What kind of bees is this? They are giant. People from the biology team told me that your father created these killing bees secretly. Did you hear it?

Something’s wrong in the lab! Stop right there! The day when the accident happened, the mutated bees escaped from the lab. Your father also fled to avoid punishment. No way! My father would never do this. Chen, Relax. Sit down first. I know your father well. I don’t believe this either.

However, all the evidence proves that they were created by him, and that he went missing with them. No. There must be a mistake! Chen, that’s why I need you here immediately. Both your father and you are the top ones in the Biology Faculty.

We have to find the mutated bees as soon as possible so we can find your father. We found the trace of the bees. What? Where are they? Stop running! Stop! Stop! Stop running! Stop! Stop running! Don’t shoot! We need him alive. Professor Hiragawa, go back with us. I’m not going back with you.

I won’t study those monsters anymore! The bees are out of control! We are going to die! Die! Don’t come over! Professor Hiragawa, go back with us now. You can’t run away. Don’t come over! Don’t! Don’t come over! Who? Who did this? Who? Help! Let me down! Don’t run! Don’t! Let me down!

Did you hear that? What’s that sound? What’s that? Shi Wa! Who’s calling? It’s me! I’m here to check on your mother. Mr. Niu. How is your mother doing? She just took the medicine and fell asleep. Come on in. Since she is sleeping, I’m not going in. Alright. Then have a rest here. Sure.

How’s Mrs. Niu? She just took the medicine and seemed to be fine. [Wine] Hey, do you know what kind of monster was that? I have no idea either. I was hunting in Er’dao Gully the other day. I only saw the small ones, not the big one. Er’dao Gully?

That’s where we often go, right? But I’ve never seen it. This is so strange. Father! Son. Why are you here? Mother doesn’t seem well. How is she? She… Mr. Niu, Mrs. Niu is seriously wounded too. You should hurry home and have a look. Alright. See you. Go, go, go! It’s getting even hotter.

Did you apply the medicine I gave you? I did! Three times a day. The venom of the bees is too strong. Normal medicine cannot cure it. This way. Third Great-Uncle. I know you must have another way. Well… It’s too dangerous! It has come to this point! Please just tell me.

There is a way, but it’s very risky. Like cures like, but it requires the honey of the bees as the guiding drug. Honey? I’ll go get it now. Niu! It’s dark now. It’s too dangerous. Third Great-Uncle. You… Look after my family for me! Niu! Niu! Don’t! I’ll be right back. Come back! Mother,

How are you? Mother? It’s so hot. Mr. Niu! Is Third Great-Uncle here? Mr. Niu! Is Third Great-Uncle here? What’s the matter, Shi Wa? My mother is having a fever. What? Your mother is also having a fever? Where’s Mr. Niu? He… He went to get the honey. What?

Xiang Cao is also having a fever. I mentioned that the honey of the bees could be the guiding drug. The minute I said it, he took off. Shi Wa! Where are you going now? I’m going to look for him. I know where the hive is. Shi Wa! Mr. Niu! Mr. Niu! Mr. Niu!

It’s me! Shi Wa! This way. Shi Wa, why are you here? I know it’s dangerous, so I’m here to help. Thanks. I appreciate it. There are too many of them! Run! Run! Hurry! What should we do? It… It’s too high! What should we do? Jump! It’s too high! You’re awake! Chief!

One of them is awake. Shi Wa, you finally woke up. Third Great-Uncle, what’s going on? Where am I? They are from the research team, also looking for the bees. They found you by the river accidentally and took you back to the village. Mrs. Niu, you are okay? How about my mother?

How is she? Don’t worry. Your mother is fine. The villagers have taken the medicine from the research team. The young people are almost fully recovered, but your mother… How’s my mother? Her fever is down now, but she is an elder. Her condition is not very stable yet. Just be patient.

What could we do then? We are also working on it, but the priority is to find the mutated bees so we can understand the toxicology and save your mother. Then… Let’s go! I can take you there now. Be careful. Your injury. I’m fine. No rush. I will discuss with the chief first

And then we can go. Right. What are you doing out here? Why did you come out? Right! Are you alright? Are you okay? I’m fine. It’s nothing. That’s good. How is Niu? Is he awake? Yes, he is. He is having a sweet moment with his wife. How could he do that?

Isn’t he ashamed? Don’t talk nonsense. Sit down. Come here. Take a seat. Your tea. Enjoy. Thank you. Sir, thanks to you and your team, or the bitten villagers would be in serious danger. Chief, you are welcome. We are only suppressing the disease for now. If we couldn’t find the bees in time,

It would be a huge problem. Then… If you need any help with your research of the bees, we will be happy to oblige. Great. Fortunately, they found you. That’s right. Why are you out? I have to change wound dressings for you. Follow me. I… Go! Go! Hurry! This kid is so lucky.

That’s right! Are you alright? It hurts! Where? Are you okay? -My waist. -Sit down. My face. Waist and face? Mrs. Niu, I forgot something. Hold it for me for a second, please. Sure. Honey, it hurts everywhere. Stop it. I will feed you the medicine, alright? Okay. Mrs. Niu, I’m not feeling well either!

Go away! Ask the lady to do it for you. Open your mouth! It’s so bitter. Of course, it’s medicine. Hurry. Open it wide. Have more. Good. Mrs. Niu, the medicine… What’s wrong with it? It’s for external use. What? Now you know why it’s so bitter. Be careful. That way.

That way. We are almost there. -Right. -Yes. It’s here. This is it. Can’t believe the mutated bees have such a high rate of reproduction. Don’t be reckless. Miss Chen, watch out. The bees are dangerous, and one of them is giant. I understand. Something’s wrong. Senior Watanabe. Tie Zhu, be careful.

Is my father really around? Chen, the forest is vast. Maybe your father is not here yet. We should get the samples of the mutated bees first, and then we will look for him. It’s not right. Where are the bees? Shi Wa, come here! Hurry! Okay. Mr. Niu, what are you doing? Come here.

Here. Quickly. Look! It’s empty. Did we burn them all? But if we had killed them, why did we jump into the river? It’s strange. That’s right. So what happened? Senior, I checked the hives over there as well. They are also empty. I guess they have migrated already.

This is only a temporary stay for them. They need to find a better habitat. It must be around. We harvest honey for generations and know well about bees’ habits. We should take this spot as the center and keep searching for the bees. Follow the path and look around in the Xi Mountain. Alright. What are you looking at? Nothing. Isn’t she beautiful? Go! Why don’t you eat anything? I’m not hungry. We’ve walked for such a long way, and you are not hungry at all? Something on your mind? No, thank you. Watanabe, why did you stop me from killing the Chinese today? Never act in haste. Luckily, you didn’t do it today. It’s not the time to kill them yet. When we truly get the samples of bees and locate the hives, none of them can stay alive. Mr. Niu! Mr. Niu! I need to sleep.

Be quiet. I just overheard the people from the research team. They said when they found the beehives, they would kill us. Did you hear it wrong? I heard it with my own ears. The leader said it to his teammates. Shall we make the first move? Don’t be impulsive.

We are not clear about the situation yet. How about this? We run away and find the hives by ourselves. Alright. Shi Wa? Why are you here? I have a question. I hope you can be honest with me. What’s the question? Who are you exactly? I… I’m Japanese. Thank you for your honesty.

Take care. Wait. Hiragawa Asami. My name is Hiragawa Asami. What are you doing? Drop the gun! Drop it! Oh, it’s Shi Wa. Don’t take it wrong. Don’t take it wrong. We often have expeditions in the wild. The guns are for self-protection. We saw a shadow just now and thought there was a beast.

So… Shi Wa said his wound was a bit hurt so he wanted me to check on it. Is it done? It’s done. It’s done. Go back and rest then. By the way, tell your friends, don’t walk around at night. There are beasts in the mountain. It’s dangerous. What should we do? Keep going.

Can’t go any further. If we keep going and find the bees, we will die. Don’t worry. Aren’t there many traps ahead? Good idea. Watanabe, one of us went missing last night. Was it the Chinese’s doing? The gun is still here. It probably wasn’t them. Look, they are coming. Get in. Get in.

What are you two doing? We are cheering for ourselves. Yes. Come on! Lead the way. Why did nothing happen? I have no idea. It hasn’t been used for a while. Maybe it got rusted. There’s another one that way. Does it work? Who cares? Go! Oh my. Wild cucumber. Do you want it?

You are welcome. You… Run! Feel free to keep it! Stop! Bastard. Stop! Don’t run! Stop! Don’t run! Stop! Don’t panic. That way. They are not coming after us, right? The net is my work. They can’t escape so quickly. Hurry. Follow me. Mr. Shi Wa, we are about to find the bees.

What’s this about? Let’s go. Let’s go to Xi Mountain according to your plan. What if I say no? Right! We are not going! Shuan Zi! Shuan Zi! Shi Wa! Shi Wa! Calm down! They have guns. If you can’t find the bees before sunset, you all will die. Can we find them before dark?

I don’t know. Did you notice that one of them is missing? From the way they acted this morning, something must happen last night. Was it because of the giant bee? Maybe. I was thinking maybe the bees like to stay in the dark. Like where? The cave. Which cave? When I was little,

My grandfather took us there. It was for the army to hide in ancient times. But I heard there are traps inside. We’ll check it out first. Let’s take a rest! Everyone, take a rest. Got it. Are we Japanese so terrifying? Do you kill people at will in your own country?

What do you mean? Where’s the other one of you? Where’s the other one of you? Where’s the other one of you? Answer me! That’s enough! We’ve rested for a while. Let’s go. If you don’t tell me, I won’t follow you. I’ve warned you so many times. Don’t get close to the Chinese. Stay away from them. Why don’t you listen to me?

What are you hiding? Don’t forget. My mother is also Chinese. Don’t forget why we are here. Don’t you want to find your father? The life of my father is important, but so are theirs. If it’s their lives for my father’s life, even if my father was here, he would not agree to this.

What matters is not his opinion, but his whereabouts. Let’s go! Then go by yourself! Stop! Stop! Be careful, Asami! -Tie Zhu! -Tie Zhu! -Tie Zhu! -Tie Zhu! -Tie Zhu! -Tie Zhu! -Tie Zhu! -Tie Zhu! Tie Zhu! Tie Zhu! Wake up! Tie Zhu! I told you. If we couldn’t find the hives before sunset,

You all have to die. Tie Zhu! Stop. You got something, man. Abe, stay out of it. You’d better save your energy to find the hives. After all, your mother’s life still depends on it, doesn’t it? They have a horrifying rate of reproduction. Collect the samples! The equipment is all lost today

When we were chasing after them. You! Come over! Niu! Come here! Me? Well… Go get the hive. Well… I will go. No. This is too dangerous. You are sending them to die. Cut it! Come here! You two, go! Let go of me! Stop! Father! Get off me! Don’t move. My teacher, I knew

That the bees could lead me to you. Don’t call me your teacher. I don’t have a student like you. In the beginning, you tricked me into the research of these bees. I never thought that you would become the military’s stooge for only a little money. In the report, you said the experiment was a success? Yes. In the plan, the mutated bees and the anti-bee potion are developed at the same time. Only in this way, our soldiers could be saved from the bees’ attack. Brilliant idea. Once the bees are introduced to the battlefield,

They would only attack our enemy. Colonel Miura, maybe you could raise the bonus? Don’t worry. I’ve got you quite some money from the military fund. Just focus on the research. Thank you, Colonel. Oh, right. How about the stubborn old man? Don’t worry, Colonel Miura. My teacher hasn’t found out about the true purpose of the research yet. I can’t believe, for wealth, you could be this crazy. Indeed. But am I wrong? Without the money, how could you develop these killing bees? You are the one who did this! You must have done something to my experiment. Otherwise, the bees wouldn’t be bloodthirsty as such. Since you’ve known everything,

Give the things you took from the laboratory back to me. This is what you want. Let them go, and take me and the potion instead. Deal. Walk here slowly. Father! I finally found you. Apply this on you. Quickly. Father, how about you? Don’t play any tricks! Don’t worry. Come over now! Sir,

Please collect the samples for us then. Father! Father! You rat! Run! Quick! Father, what should we do now? The bees can only hold them for a while. We have to get out soon. Father! Run! Run! Father! Run! I dropped my shoe. Why is it you? You don’t want it to be me?

Go ahead! I will catch up. Where is my notebook? Father, is it important? Very. I have all the materials on it. Chen! Why are you back? I thought… Anyway, let’s go! Wait! Father, let’s go! You two just leave! I will catch up. Or it’ll be too late! Hurry! Go!

Get out of the cave! Now! Hurry! Go! Go! Get out of the cave! Go! Shi Wa! Shi Wa! My father is still inside! Let’s get out first! Let go of me! I need to go back and get my father, Shi Wa! Are you alright? I need to go back! No!

But my father is still inside. You and Niu go. I will get him. Shi Wa! Go! Let’s go! Quick! Go! Professor! Why are you here? Where is Chen? She’s out already. I’m here to save you. Good. Run! Professor! Oh, no. There are indeed traps as the legend tells. Abe,

Go and see what’s going on. Got it. Follow me. No. It’s going to collapse. Run! Something’s wrong. The tunnel has collapsed. All the exits are blocked. How’s that possible? Keep looking. There must be another way out. The other day, I accidentally heard their conversation

And found that they were going to turn the bees into a weapon for the war. That’s why they wanted me to work on the anti-bee potion. Is it the potion we used in the cave that day? Exactly. That’s the one. All this time, I’ve been observing the bees in the woods.

I’ve had a general idea to make the cure. Cure? There is a cure? Professor, there is a cure? Something like that, but without prior experiment. Professor, let’s make the anti-bee potion first. If the experiment takes too long, the bees will be back again. Sixth Brother… Shut it. I… That’s true. Chief,

We can make some anti-bee potions first in case we need it. Okay. Come catch me! This potion has been proved to be effective in the laboratory. With this, the mutated bees would not get close to us. It will be fine. -In the mountain… -Father! Father! Niu, slowly. Father! Son, what’s wrong?

The mustache man is back again. Mustache man? Who? Her boss. Watanabe Den. He’s here. What should we do? Son, where did you see the mustache man? In father’s new invention. New invention? You mean the telescope? Yes. He didn’t die? Niu, how many of them are here? A lot. Over a thousand.

Over a thousand? -Over a thousand? -This is… Dr. Hiragawa, I think you should hide with Chen. No. Watanabe Den is not that scary. Also, it is all because of me. I should be the one to face it. Professor, you need to handle the bees. As for the fight,

Leave it to us villagers of Wawu Village. Chief, but… Mr. Hiragawa, don’t anymore time. Go! Or it will be too late. Yes! Go! Listen to us. Go! Alright. Professor, follow me. Third Great-Uncle, whatever you say, we will follow. -Yes. -Yes. Good. Women should take care of the elder and the children

While men go fight the enemy with me! Got it! Catch them all! Yes! [Spring back to the earth] Don’t come over. Go! Follow me! Kick all these evil men out! Go! No. I need to help Niu. Madam, please take care of my son for me. Okay. Be careful. Don’t worry. I’m here.

Dear, great job! Of course! Watch out! Watch this. Let me! Go! Hurry! Xiang Cao, where are you going? You go first! I’m going to help Niu! Niu, watch out! Dear! My dear! Hiragawa, if you keep hiding, they will all die. Come out! Father, what should we do now? What’s this? This is what I sorted out again to take care of the mutated bees. Father, there must be another way! Watanabe won’t stop. I know him too well. One! Two! Stop! Stop! Dr. Hiragawa! My teacher, I didn’t die. You must be disappointed. Watanabe, you’ve become a monster now. You are wrong. I’ve never changed. You are just too old and stubborn. Look around. Is this what you want? You made me! If you handed me all the materials of the bees sooner,

Would they have to die? You killed all of them! Someone like you will never realize your own mistake. If I hand you the materials, more people will die. Since you stick to your way, I have nothing else to say. You… My teacher, goodbye. Shi Wa! Shi Wa! He has too many sins.

To teach without severity is the teacher’s dereliction of duty. Watch out! The bees are coming! Everybody run! Quick! Run! Quick! Quick! Go! Go! To the ancestral hall! Shi Wa! Watch out! Professor! Father! Get inside! Father! Please hold on, father. Third Great-Uncle, please think of something! It’s fine. Father! This is what I deserve. No… Chen, the notebook I gave you, you have to keep it well. You must turn the mutated bees back to the honey bees they used to be.

I will keep it in mind, Father. You look like your mother a lot. Your mother is Chinese. So are you. This is also your home. Professor! Professor! Father! Professor! Father! Dr. Hiragawa! Father! Dr. Hiragawa! Professor! Father! Dr. Hiragawa! Father! Dr. Hiragawa! [Soon, they developed the cure, and the bees became normal again.]

[Human can live in harmony with nature!] Father! [Chen stayed in where we call home…] [Director Wen Wu Chao]