[إعصار تايفون العظيم]|Super Typhoon|الإعصار الخارق يدمر العالم ، وضع يوم القيامة مفتوح!|YOUKU

What’s wrong with the fish today? They’re acting so strange. Fish follow the tide and crabs follow the storm. I don’t have a good feeling. My gosh, Uncle! Don’t be so superstitious. Isn’t it just a few dead fish? [Safe trip] Have you fixed the radio or not? It’s too hot

And the circuit board is burnt. It’s not that easy to fix. You can’t fix the fan or the radio. Did you learn nothing at all? Hurry and fix it! There’s no signal here. If we don’t have the radio, what will we do if something happens? Uncle, how did the fish die?

From lack of oxygen. Why is the water temperature so high? Something’s wrong. Did they get cursed? You’re watching too many movies! Why are you littering? What? Scared I’ll be cursed too? Stop joking around. Hurry and fix the radio! This weather is strange. I don’t have a good feeling. Fixed! [Public announcement] Come on, hurry! Move! Hello? Hello? They can’t hear us! Hello? Typhoon! It’s raining! Get inside! The typhoon! Typhoon! Uncle! Typhoon! [Friendly Reminder] Uncle! Typhoon! Uncle! There’s a typhoon! Uncle! [Super Typhoon] (will create other geological disasters.) Next step, East Bali! Let passengers exit before entering. Please pay upon entering. What are you rushing for? Let passengers exit before entering. You don’t need a taxi! I’m telling you… Mister. Excuse me. The typhoon turned around? [Bus team] It’s coming towards me?

[Typhoon No. arrives, causing strong winds and rain] It’s bright and sunny here, what typhoon? Please move down. Are you the Monkey King? Stop calling me mister. I’m telling you. I’m definitely not taking a taxi. Mister, I’m so sorry. Let me help you. Thank you. You’re welcome. It’s so stinky.

What kind of a rundown fishing village is this? You wanted to go to a fishing village! I wanted to go to Cinque Terre in Italy! Think how much money we saved coming here. You only care about money. Think about it. Here, sit here. I know you all want to see me.

But I can’t show my face. I will only show it when I have 3 million fans. Mom, I got a text warning about the typhoon. Typhoon? You still need to go to class even if there is a typhoon. Hello there. Here, sit here. Make sure he fastens his seat belt.

We will drive through the mountains up ahead. [Public Transportation] Xiaoqing? You’re here? Get on. I’m not going. Why not? It’s my first day at work today. Be happy, okay? I’m not happy! Chen Ziqiang, my parents were already unsatisfied when you worked on the rescue team.

Now you retired from service to become a driver. Are you trying to upset me? Or you want to break up? Here, excuse me! Hello, everyone! Let’s talk on the bus. I’m not going! You look gorgeous today. Next stop, happiness! Hello! Ladies and gentlemen, in this special time, at this special place, a young lad is going to propose! A proposal! Don’t look. Someone’s proposing on the bus! Thank you for your gift. I don’t know [Written love letter] if it’s someone proposing to me. Honey, I am really not romantic.

Even though my salary is low and I often can’t spend time with you, can you give me a chance to protect you forever? Love is not a word that can be easily used. But I really want to tell you that I love you, Fang… Fasten your seat belts! Hurry! Drive faster! Amitabha,

What is happening? This is a waterspout caused by low-pressure systems in tropical areas. The typhoon is here! Ziqiang, drive faster! Hold on tight! Are you alright, Xiaoqing? I don’t want to die! Xiaoqing! Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing. [15:08] Xiaoqing? Ziqiang, where are we? We are stuck on a cliff. Don’t move. Don’t worry, I’m here.

My leg! My leg! Everyone, sit down! Sit down! Don’t move! Sit down and don’t move! Don’t move! Everyone, don’t move! Don’t move! Don’t move! Everyone, listen to me! We were blown off a cliff by the typhoon and are now stuck here. If someone moves even slightly, we will all fall down! Don’t panic.

Don’t panic. There is still a way. If we can climb out of here in 30 minutes and find shelter, we might be able to wait it out. Wait! What do you mean by 30 minutes? It’s only calm right now because we are in the eye of the storm.

If we can escape before the typhoon strikes again, we will be rescued. Isn’t the typhoon gone already? You’re right, we are in the eye! Based on the wind intensity and air pressure just now, the diameter of the whirlwind is about 500km and the intensity is over level 16.

The eye is about 100km wide. We have less than 30 minutes left. Stop saying nonsense! It’s not nonsense! I like meteorology, but you keep forcing me to study competitive math! You’re right! I’ve been fishing all my life. This is the eye of the storm! Honey! What about my money? Only 30 minutes!

Everyone, don’t panic! Listen to me. I can’t move. We are definitely going to die! Call someone. Find a phone and call someone, seriously! Mom, your cellphone. I have a phone. I checked already. There is no signal. There really is no signal! What should we do? Everyone, don’t panic. Don’t panic! Stop crying!

Don’t panic! Shut up! Everyone, shut up! Stop yelling! Why are you pretending to be an expert? Do you know how to drive or not? Why did you drive us here? You bastard, just you wait! I’m going to kill you! If I can’t get out of here, I will file complaints about you!

If anything happens to my son, I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you! Shut up! He is not a terrible driver. His name is Chen Ziqiang, an excellent rescue worker who once served in the emergency service. In order to save someone, he had seven metal pins put into his arm

Before coming here to be a driver. Why are you yelling at him? Don’t yell at him like that! Xiaoqing! Let go! You are a hero, did you know that? You risk your life every time to save someone. You’re almost disabled, did you know that? Do you know how to drive a bus?

Do you know how? Do you? If we have even a chance to escape, that chance is him! Beg him. Beg him! You… Your boyfriend worked in the emergency service? Please save us. That’s right. Save us. Mate, this money is for you. Please save us. Please save us. I trust you!

Right, I trust you too! I trust you too! I trust you too! Okay! Everyone, tell me your weight. Lad, why are you being so rude? Why are you asking about our weight? Based on the principles of mechanics, we need to keep the bus in balance. I observed earlier

And noticed we are quite lucky. We are only about 30 meters from flat land. We should be able to climb up. Ziqiang, will this work? Trust me. Captain Chen, listen to me. You are the captain of the rescue team. You are Tom Cruise and Superman. You can climb up, but we can’t.

That’s right. You can climb up, but we can’t. This won’t work. Are you going to climb up first and abandon us? You can’t break your promise. That’s right. You can’t leave us behind. Please trust me. If you trust me and cooperate with me, I can lead everyone out of here.

What are you going to do? Anyone has sturdy ropes? Right, look around! Who would bring that on a trip? Who would bring ropes? Look around! Will this work? Mate, don’t joke around. He wants ropes, but yours is a net. That’s good! The fishing net is as strong as the rescue rope.

We can make a hanging net with this. That way, Mr. Driver can pull us up. That’s great! Then we’ll be saved. Great! How about this? I will climb up first and pull everyone up one by one. Wait! One by one? Isn’t that common sense? The net only fits one… I’m telling you all

That the two of us need to go up first. Don’t think you can stop me. Right! We’re closer to the front. Based on the order, we should be the first. Right! Don’t you know that elderly and children have priority? My Pengpeng needs to go first! No way! I can’t die.

I have three million fans supporting me. They will be upset if I die. What a joke, you think you have three million fans? We have five million loyal customers. That’s right! If we don’t go back, they… They will starve to death! That’s right! What a joke. I can’t die either!

I still don’t know who ordered my service. This is the first order of my business. I need it to be successful! The fishing net is mine! If I don’t go, no one gets to go! Let me tell you, if Pengpeng doesn’t go first, we can all die together! You want to be unreasonable?

Fine! We should all die, no one gets to live. Here, shake the bus! Stop! Stop shaking! Here! Stop yelling! Actions have consequences! Why do you get to go up first? I will go up first. If I go up first, everyone gets one million yuan! Really? You believe him?

If he had that much money, why would he ride the bus? See this? This is a real gold chain. Do you see it? My gold bracelet is real. Do you all see it? Let us two go first and I’ll give this to you. All of it! Really? Of course. When I bought this,

They said it won’t rust or fade in color. It’s so heavy, 24K gold. It’s absolutely real. Are you out of your mind? You think I don’t have money? I don’t have money? I just like to lay low! Let me tell you, I’m full of money! Let me. Let me go first

And I’ll give you two million! I’ll let you go! Sir! I’ll let you go for one million. Stop this nonsense! Is everyone done? Once the typhoon arrives, we will all die! Let me tell you, mate. We need to be on the same page first. Let’s go. Let’s go. Don’t go! Don’t go.

What are you doing? You can’t go. Why can’t we go? Why would we stay and die with you all? I’m telling you, Chen Ziqiang can leave with me effortlessly. He doesn’t need your fishing net, your stupid money, or to fight with you. You’ve already wasted three minutes arguing.

Someone could have gone up already! You’re all depending on him? Fine. Chen Ziqiang, you decide the order. Mate, all this money is for you. Let me go up first, okay? We don’t need your stupid money. Mister, this isn’t about money. It is indeed safer for you to go first based on mechanics,

But if we all work together, we can all survive. You are not only helping others, but you are also helping yourselves. Xiaoqing is right. I used to be a member of the rescue team. Please trust me! I can save everyone! Okay, we trust you! I trust you, I do! Mister,

I’m going to go up first and then toss you the rope. Tie it to the fishing net. Okay. Everyone else, go up by order of your weight. Chen Ziqiang, be careful. You look really pretty today. Who gave the wrong weight? Who? Who is it? Who wants us to all die? Me.

I might’ve eaten too much today. How heavy are you? 48 kilograms. Wait, stupid girl, how much do you actually weigh? 53 kilograms. You’re still lying? 63 kilograms, alright? I have my pride too! I swear, I’m going to… Stop! Stop yelling! Whoever gave the wrong weight, move up one row!

What are you yelling about? Be careful! Ziqiang! What is happening? Ziqiang! You have to be careful! I’m okay! What should we do? He seems nervous. He can do it. Great! He made it! He made it! Your boyfriend is great! Why is it raining? Oh no! Under extremely high temperatures,

If the air pressure suddenly decreases, the intensity of the typhoon increases. The eye of the storm shrinks and the typhoon will get here sooner! Ziqiang! The typhoon is going to get here sooner! Tie the fishing net! It’s not long enough. Not long enough! What should we do? What should we do?

Send someone to grab the rope. He asked for someone to go get the rope. Who wants to go? You! Why me? Let me analyze this for you. Look, didn’t Captain Chen ask you to tie the net? Yes. Then he’s asking for you to go. That’s right! You go!

I thought he would send the rope down! Stop wasting time, there’s no free lunch in this world! If he asked you to go, then go. Stop wasting time! If he asked you, then you go! The rain is getting heavier. The typhoon is about to come.

But if I go up, the bus will lose balance. Mate! Don’t worry, we will help you. Then… I’m still too scared to! It’s not long enough. Not long enough! Use your belts and form a human ladder! Everyone, take off your belts! Hurry! Take off your belts! Now that we have belts,

Who is going to go? You! Me? Why me? Here, let me analyze this for you. What did he tell us just now? The rope is not long enough. Look at everyone on the bus. You are the longest, over 1.8 meters tall. Wait, you bastard, I’m scared of heights! I can’t go!

I mean, I… Honey, who would say that? What are you looking at? Honey, I think he’s right. I mean, look, this is the time for you to use your height. Honey, I’m scared of heights! Honey. Come up here. Hurry. Don’t touch me! Hurry up! Don’t touch me, this is too high!

My gosh, you! Hey! He’s scared of heights, be careful! Do you see the rope? Where? Where is the rope? I see it! Be careful! I’m not moving! I can’t reach it! I can’t do it. It’s not long enough. Who is going next? You! No. I think we need to analyze this.

Stop analyzing again. Do you want an old lady like me or my Pengpeng to go instead? Who else if not you? His leg is injured. You want him to go? No, you have to know that a lame leg… Mister, you are great. Hurry, hurry! Hurry. Hurry up! Get up. How is it?

Can you reach it? Stand up taller! Taller! Is it working? Hurry up! You got this! You got this! He’s fine! He’s alright! Ziqiang, be careful! Mate, are you alright? I’m so sorry! Got it. Mate, let’s discuss this. Let me go first and I’ll give you one million yuan. What are you two doing?

What are you mumbling about? Nothing, we’re just discussing how to go up. Mr. Feng, I think that while money is important, my life is more important. What do you want to do? Don’t make me hit you! Come up here. Come on! Hurry, go up. Let the child go first, hurry! Mom! Go! Together!

Go now! Mom! Go now! Hurry! The rain is getting heavier! Hurry and go! Pengpeng! Go! Mom! Mom! Here, come here. Get in here, child. Hurry! Study hard. You go next. But you’re next. Your son needs you. Then what about you? I’ll go last. I trust him. Mom! I’m up here! Hurry, next. Coming!

Thank you. Here. Hurry. One, two, go! Hurry! Here, come help me. Okay. Do you know what the situation is? Forget about that stupid cake! Give it to me. This is my first order! I need to finish it! Fine. Then hold on tight. Take it. Pull harder. Mom! Pengpeng! Careful. Hurry! Hurry! Careful.

My cake. Careful. Hurry now! Pengpeng, come help. Hurry, next. You go, hurry! Be careful. Go now! Where’s my husband? Here. Honey! Hurry! Hurry now! Okay. Honey! Go up, hurry now. I’m scared, honey! Be careful. Don’t panic! Be careful, it’ll be fine! Hurry. Hurry! Next, hurry. You go to the back! Hurry!

I’m so scared. Here. Here now. Careful. Here! Honey! I made it up! Go! Pull harder! I don’t want to die! God, please protect me! Amitabha! God, please protect me! Amitabha! God, please protect me! Here. My gosh. Sis, you are too heavy. You better start losing some weight!

Did I take any of your food? Hurry! Hurry, go! Hurry. Hurry up! Hurry! You guys up there, hurry! What is this? So hot! Why is it so hot? Why is this rain so hot? It’s foehn wind. The cold air from the typhoon is dropping rapidly due to low pressure.

For every 1,000 meters it drops, the temperature will rise by 6.5 degrees Celsius. The lower the height, the higher the temperature! Then they’ll be in a sauna down there! Honey! Hurry and come up. The foehn wind is here! Hurry up! What are you doing? Let me go first

And I’ll give you one million. Screw you! It’s my turn. Two million, okay? No, it’s my turn! Three million! No, it’s my turn! Why are they fighting? You stupid bastard! Don’t you dare hit my husband! Pull them up! Pull harder! Hurry and pull! Honey! Honey. Come up here. Stop fighting! Stop fighting!

Stop fighting! Stop fighting! There are two more people down there! Hurry and pull them up. Put the net down. Put it down, hurry! Ziqiang! Ziqiang! Ziqiang! I thought I would never see you again! Go, go! We can’t go this way. Go to the front! Ziqiang! Be careful! Ziqiang. Give me your hand.

Ziqiang, let go! Never! Ziqiang, what should we do? We’re going to fall down! Don’t let go of my hand. Jump with me. Let’s go! Hold on tight! Hold on! Pull! Pull! Hurry and pull! Hurry and pull! Pull harder! Don’t let go! I never will! Go! Come up here! Hold on tight!

Here, give me your hand. Your hand! Hurry! Hurry and come up! Ziqiang! He came up! We all came up! We came up! This is great! Everyone, stop celebrating! The typhoon is still intensifying! In ten minutes, we will be in a grade 18 whirlwind! Find shelter! Hurry! Let’s go! Over here!

There’s a cave over here! Come here! Go! Go! I heard that when the Chinese Civil War just ended in Haishan City, a lot of defense works were built. Let’s go! Go. Come inside! Inside! Coming! What is that sound? Isn’t it a typhoon? Why is there an earthquake? I think it’s a landslide! Go!

Go, go! Hurry! Hurry, run! Hurry! Hurry and go! Hurry! Hurry now! Hurry! Be careful! Pengpeng! Pengpeng, come out! Pull him out! Pull harder! Pull harder! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Pengpeng! Hold onto my hand! Come out, Pengpeng! Pull him out! Pengpeng, come out! Hurry! Pengpeng! Hurry! Pengpeng! Mom! Hurry! Pengpeng! Hurry! Come out! Come out!

He’s out! What happened? Are you alright? Scared me to death there. You’re finally out. I was scared to death. You scared me. My dear son. Everything’s fine. Ziqiang. I’m fine. What should we do now? How should we get out? We can’t. Wait, why can’t we get out? We even climbed up the cliff,

Why wouldn’t we get out of here? Right. Mate, you are Superman. You can lead us out of here. We have faith in you. Right, we have faith in you. This defensive wall is at least 50 centimeters thick. This pile of rocks weighs at least 10 tons. We can’t move it.

What do you mean by we can’t? We can do it! Right. I’m strong. Here, let’s do it together. Right, let’s move it. Let’s try. Here. Push! Push harder! You got this! Push harder! You got this! Stop wasting energy. The more you try, the faster we use up the oxygen in here,

And the faster we die. Then what should we do? I mean, think of something. You must have a plan. We can’t just sit by and do nothing. Think of something. I trust you! Yes, we all trust you. You definitely have a way. I’m sorry. I can’t save everyone. Wait for the rescue team.

Phone. Who still has their phone? Right! Phone. I don’t have mine. Here! Hurry up. There’s water damage, so it won’t turn on. My phone has power! Yours has power? Hurry and make a call. Make a call! Hurry and call for help! Did anyone answer? Did anyone answer? There’s no signal here.

What do you mean by there’s no signal? How is that possible? There’s no signal! What kind of a terrible place is this? There wasn’t a single bit of signal from the cliff to this cave. Darn it. Darn it! Honey. Hello, I am Lisa. By now, you’ve all seen

That I’m not some internet celebrity and that I’m actually super fat. I’m sorry. I’ve been lying up until now. I will now fulfill my promise and let you see what I actually look like. If you have a chance to see this video after I die, please keep liking me like you did before.

Here. What? Let me record a video too. Just do it. I won’t charge you. You won’t? Then, what’s the point of all this money? Here you go. You can have it. Here, for you. Nobody wants it? I have been saving money my entire life. I’m filled with money. Filled with money. Literally.

But now, what is the point of money? What is the point of this? Money is useful. My girlfriend broke up with me because I don’t have money. I told her that I would build a successful business and give her a good life. But she didn’t believe me and still left me.

I’m just a clown. I’m the one who is a clown! I worked as a fisherman for over ten years but still get seasick! My boss said I only bring misfortune and can’t catch fish, so he fired me! I managed to get stuck in a typhoon even when taking a bus.

I’m the real clown! What is happening? What is happening? What is this? Honey, don’t be like that! Why did I buy discounted tickets? This wouldn’t have happened if we went to Italy! But I’m fine, I’m fine! Look at me! Look. This is so exciting! Honey, I’m really happy being with you.

I mean it. I was really happy when we came on this trip. Let me tell you that I’ve never been scared when I’m with you. Not scared of anything! Don’t you want to see me smile? Don’t you like seeing me smile? I’ll smile for you. Honey,

Did you know that the happiest I’ve ever been was when I married you? But I made you grill skewers with me for five years. I did you wrong. Honey, as long as you’re with me, any place can be Cinque Terre. Mom, stop crying. At least we’re still together.

I never ever should have made you study a subject you weren’t interested in. I know you just wanted the best for me. Pengpeng, you are my dearest treasure. Mom, thank you for raising me on your own. I still want to be your son in my next life, so I can repay you.

It wasn’t tiring at all, my good child. Mom. Xiaoqing, actually, today… What are you doing? Chen Ziqiang, can you pull yourself together? Why are you crying? What are you all doing? We haven’t died yet! Why are we giving up now? Don’t you have money? Then stay alive to spend it.

Give it to the people who need it! Don’t you want to prove yourself? You can’t do that if you’re dead. Prove it to that woman! Prove that she was wrong! We already made it here. We overcame so many challenges, but you’re giving up now? Are you even a man? Help him.

Go help him. Come help. Here! Come help. Here. Here. One, two, three! Go! Let’s go! Climb inside. Isn’t this a sewer? That’s right. My teacher said that horses automatically stop at a cliff and ants will move when flooded. This is an animal’s instinct. That means the exit is right there! Exit? Honey, go.

Honey, hurry! Come on! Stick with me. Go. Go faster. Come on! Hurry. Stay close. Go faster. Faster! Darn you! We’re in this state and you just farted? I’m so sorry, my stomach isn’t feeling well. Not feeling well? Not feeling well? You’re hitting me? Don’t kick me! Stop it! The water will flood here,

Go! Okay, I’m going. I’m telling you, if you keep bullying me, I’ll kill you when we get outside, got it? Hurry up! Hurry up now. Hurry! I don’t know where we’re going. It’s very dangerous, okay? Climb even if it’s dangerous! Hurry up now! Hurry! Careful, honey. Honey, hurry. Hold on tight! Hurry! Faster.

Hurry. Stay with me. Hurry, Mom! Hurry! Faster! Hurry. [Public Transportation] [Shitang Fishing Harbor] Here. Hurry! Hurry, honey, come out! Hurry! Pengpeng! Come up. Are you alright? We finally got up here! We’re alive! We didn’t die! The wind intensity is still increasing and has passed level 18! We’re going to get blown away!

It never ends! I can’t hang on anymore! That way! Let’s go! Let’s go! Run! Hurry! Second floor! Second floor! Go to the second floor! Here, one, two, three, go! [Typhoon Landing] Hurry and go up! [Typhoon Landing] Find something to block all the windows! Hold on! Hold on! Honey! Hold on tight!

Don’t be scared! Honey, I can’t hold on anymore! You have to! Xiaoqing, don’t be scared. Oh my gosh, is this place also going to collapse, and will the typhoon strike here again? That won’t happen! This is a hybrid timber structure and can withstand whirlwinds over level 20. Be careful! Run, now!

Get into the triangle! Into the triangle! Everyone, inside! Get inside! Into the triangle space! Xiaoqing, get inside! Go inside! The wind intensity is over level 20, and it can even pick up light now! My cake. My cake! Who cares about your cake right now? Come back! What are you doing? Come back! Ziqiang!

Ziqiang! Ziqiang. Here, one, two, three! Ziqiang. Ziqiang! How is he? Ziqiang! Ziqiang, wake up now! Chen Ziqiang, you said you would never leave me. Chen Ziqiang! I know that I’m stubborn and mean to you. It’s all my fault. I really can’t leave you, Ziqiang. If it wasn’t for us,

Captain Chen wouldn’t be like this. We owe everything to Captain Chen. Ziqiang, wake up and look at us. I’m begging you! Chen Ziqiang! Captain Chen isn’t dead. Captain Chen is awake! Captain Chen is awake! He’s really awake! Thank goodness he’s awake! I promised you that I would never leave you. He’s awake!

This is great! Honey, isn’t this scenery beautiful? It’s much better than Cinque Terre. Honey, I’ll never pick on you again. Helicopter! A helicopter! Here! We’re here! Over here! This is my first time running my own business and I still failed. It’s alright! Failure is the predecessor to success. I’ll invest in you!

Don’t worry. I will give you a five-star review for sure. Thank you for your cake. Xiaoqing, I also bought a ring, but there’s only a mushy cake left. I wanted to cheer you up so that you wouldn’t be mad at me anymore. I know that you’re worried about me

And don’t want me to be treated unfairly. But I want to tell you that I’m really fine. I mean it! I have time after work now and my job isn’t as dangerous. I… I don’t make a lot of money and am not romantic. I didn’t spend much time with you before either.

I know that lots of people think we could never be together. But I want to tell you that whether I’m on the rescue team or working as a bus driver, I can protect you forever. I… I know that you can’t use the word love easily. But I want to tell you

That I love you. Marry me! Great! The cake is mushy, so you better not eat it. Don’t move! Chen Ziqiang, am I pretty right now? You are! You better always think that I’m the prettiest! You are mine, so don’t you dare get hurt again! Get up. Don’t just kneel there. Go for it!

Honey, read the room! You’re always getting involved. Come here! Kiss! Kiss! Are you going to kiss me or not? You’re littering again? It’s all your fault for littering and upsetting the God of Ocean, so you caused the typhoon. What nonsense is that? What does littering have to do with the typhoon?

Uncle, what’s wrong? What’s wrong? Is the rescue team here? Finally here? Typhoon! Paddle! The typhoon is coming! Hurry and paddle! [One year later] My name is Liu Jintian, from Siping. This is my wife. Zhao Lanlan. We own a barbecue restaurant. Siping Barbecue Restaurant. It’s great, super good. After this disaster,

I know that you love me even more. I feel like I’m the happiest woman in the world. Cinque Terre… Go, let’s go right now! Let’s go. Calm down. The interview’s not done yet. Of course we’re going to go. We’re going right now. I’m booking tickets right now. After the typhoon,

I feel like I’ll be very fortunate after surviving this disaster. Just to remind you. Clown Services is a marriage proposal hotline. We will do whatever our clients ask for. Even if it’s a dream. Hi, everyone. I am Pengpeng. I sneaked out on my own. I want to get into China University of Geosciences

And study geophysics. But my mom changed her mind. She said I could study meteorology after the typhoon, but she changed her mind to math again. My mom is here. I have to leave now! I know, just wait for a bit, okay? I’m in an interview. Just a minute. Got it. Here’s the thing, I’ll keep it short. My name is Feng Chucai. What business am I doing? I’m doing real estate, investing, stocks, futures… Just some small businesses,

Small businesses. I experienced the typhoon! In that situation, one million, two million, even three million yuan were like paper. There was no use at all! You couldn’t even give it away! Sorry, let me take this call. I’ll make a move first. Hello? Go ahead. Goodbye, Mr. Feng! He is our boss.

I’m very glad that I didn’t accept his money during the typhoon. He now thinks that I have great character and invested in my ocean fishing business. We went through a lot of things together and survived together. I feel like even though money is important, life is more important. Hello,

I am a live streamer, Lisa. I am a true internet-famous streamer now. I really have 30 million fans! Thank you all for liking me. 30 million or 3 million? Sorry for getting mixed up. I used to be a girl who has low self-esteem. I’ve always been fat since I was a kid,

So I started live streaming. But I would only stream with my voice and wouldn’t show my face. I’m grateful to this experience for allowing me to be my true self again. I think that for the two of us, being happily together is the most important thing. I think

I’m not as stubborn as I used to be. Sometimes, I just couldn’t get over some things and be optimistic, so I couldn’t stop splitting hairs over and over again. But now, I feel like the most important thing is to be together. Actually, it was an instinctive reaction. Plus, I learned some survival skills

When I worked as an emergency service worker. Those skills helped us. Right. But I don’t think I’m morally special or righteous like that. We contact each other often through texting or calling. But everyone is busy. Of course we want to! You all… We missed you guys so much! Thank you so much!

To be honest, if he wasn’t there during the typhoon, we would be dead. That’s right! Thankfully we had him. Come on, our Typhoon Survival Team was created one year ago. Let’s tell everyone our slogan. Okay! Disasters are merciless… But love prevails! I never want to see a typhoon ever again!