[رواية الوحوش الأسطورية]|الجبل والبحر اخبار غريبة! صائد الشياطين سيقاتل ملك الشياطين! |خيال|YOUKU

Help! A demon! There’s a demon! My child! Don’t come any closer! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Here, cheers! Here, please have a drink. Bring it up. Come on. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! The Ministry of Demon Suppression announces an imperial decree! It’s the heyday of demons. People cannot be at peace. We call on heroes around the world to join us in the demon-slaying action. Good or evil, we shall eradicate them all! Anyone who slays a demon will be heavily rewarded.

In addition, demon Hua Manteng* tried to carry out [*Lit: Flowers cover the vine] an assassination in the imperial palace. Whoever slays her will be rewarded 10,000 liang of gold. If they are an official, they will be promoted. If they have no title, they shall be conferred a rank of nobility. [Ministry of Demon Suppression] (how to get rid of the demons and regain peace.) [The Book Of Mythical Beasts] Oh, no. That’s a loss. Come and give me a hug. Console me. Shuiling. Your Bone Shrinking Needle really hurts. I was suffocating. It’s so violent. Why does it like to prey on children? What does it matter? You two hold your breath, don’t sniff. Move. What’s this?

What else could it be? It’s so stupid that its head is full of grass. How much is this demon worth? See for yourself. What is the meaning of this? [Reward Offered] Qiongqi. It’s good at running and can fly. It lives in mountains. Our ancestors divided demons into twelve types.

This monster is of the Spirit Beast Type. The Ministry of Demon Suppression has issued a bounty. Whoever captures this monster can get 150 liang of silver as a reward. 150 liang? 150 liang! Oh my goodness. I’m going to be rich. The three of us get 50 liang each. Yeah! Yeah! Strange.

It normally doesn’t eat humans. Why is this Qiongqi so violent? How strange. What do you care if it’s strange or not? Let’s go. Let’s head to the city to get our reward. Right. I heard the city’s full of demons, too. Let’s try our luck there

And visit your father and my mother by the way. Wait. Of the money we get for this demon, I want fifty percent. It broke my machine. Sit down. All things are equal. Humans and demons go their separate ways. Therefore, people are divided into good and evil as are demons.

Though you are a demon, you have not yet made any grave mistakes. If you can stop killing and convert to Buddhism, you will be rewarded in your next life. If you do not enter the right path, things will not end well for you. Liaoyin. Demon Slayer Staff! Its strike subdues demons,

Its blow vanquishes evil! Liaoguo. Namo Amitabha. Namo Amitabha. Taming Tiger Arhat! Senior. What kind of demon is this? There are ten evils in the world. Those who are not forgiven for their sins in their previous life will be reborn into a strange beast. The name of this beast is Greed,

Which is one of them. It was greedy and abused its power, taking things that weren’t theirs to take. That’s why it was punished and entered the Beast’s Path after its death. The cause and effect in three lives is genuine. One needs to avoid doing evil and do all kinds of good instead.

But given the lotus flower on its back, it had already redeemed its sins after a long time of cultivation. It had turned from evil to good. Why did it suddenly turn evil again? Senior. It’s that flower again. Indeed. That demon must be nearby. Senior. We tracked her all the way here.

Can we really stop her? We shall do our best and leave the rest to destiny. Buddha said, “If I don’t go to hell, who will?” We fellow Buddhist disciples shall fight to save this world from becoming a ruin to the last breath of our fragile lives. Where is the donkey? It got sick.

Tianjiao. You were too cruel last night. Listen, I’m working with injuries, you know? What a tough life. Slow down! Slow down! Slow down! Sing a song for me. ♪I’m taking my wife♪ ♪To visit my neighbors♪ ♪I drive my little cart..♪ Who’s your wife? This song is super lame. OK, OK.

I’ll do some Kuaiban for you. [*A form of oral performing art in China] You are quite strong. Move! Move! Move! I was trying to be cool, now you ruined it all. Did you catch it? I know. I almost got it. Where is the demon? Down the water. Little sister… shall we run?

Take the fight! Catch this! You ugly beast. Come if you dare! You troll! You genetically modified chum salmon! You donkey-face! Oh no. I hate people say that I look like a donkey! I’ll make you into boiled donk- Fish! Go! Heart-Piercing Sword! Break it! Whirlwind Scattering Clouds! Look carefully.

I have a genuine shoehorn face! You have no taste. This demon is so disgusting. It heard the report from a scout that this demon was originally a fisherman at Nanhaidu. He later fell into the river and was eaten by crabs, fish, and shrimps. After that, he turned into a water demon

And kept harassing the residents along the river. Later, it was stranded and settled down in this place. He again started to beset the people nearby. That doesn’t sound right. I’ve read the ministry file. The water demon had been converted by Buddhism and had been doing good deeds at the ferry.

Why would it suddenly hurt people again? It finally showed up. Senior. Where is that demon hiding? A dragon hides in the clouds, and a great demon hides among common people. How cunning. Where? Why can’t I feel its presence? The affair of mortals blinds one’s eyes and the secular atmosphere fills the world.

With the veil of greed and lust, it isn’t easy to see through things. [Baihe Town] Don’t miss this! Hey folks, take a look! The roc rose with the wind one day, soaring to a height of millions of miles. One day the world suddenly changes. None can be as good as you are.

♪With these bamboo clappers, I head out to the streets♪ ♪There’s good stuff around the neighborhood♪ ♪I buy some and I sell some♪ [Demon Suppressing Mirror] ♪There are shop signs and signboards♪ ♪These gold-lettered and silver-lettered signboards♪ ♪Are hung everywhere♪ ♪Demons are a plague to the world♪ ♪Every family is suffering♪

♪They buy talismans and beg for magic spells♪ ♪Demon Slayers are making a fortune♪ ♪You make a fortune, and I benefit from it♪ ♪You eat the rice in the porridge, while I drink its soup♪ ♪Carry fresh demon skins on the shoulders♪ ♪Young and old come and enjoy♪ ♪Young and old!♪ ♪Fresh demon skins!♪

♪Fresh demon skins!♪ ♪Summer is humid♪ ♪Winter is cold♪ ♪In spring and autumn, the cool breeze is fierce♪ ♪Buy these demon skins♪ ♪And you can rely on them in your everyday life♪ ♪It can be a mat. It can be a quilt♪ ♪It’s also quite durable♪ ♪It’s good against wind and humidity♪

♪As clothes, it’s better than cotton-padded robes♪ Everyone will praise you for this good purchase. Where can I find such a husband who dotes on his wife? Don’t worry, Miss, let me take a look. Madam, how about buying a fresh demon skin to comfort your little girl? Go away!

Trying to fool people with fox fur. I’ll seal your lips with my needles! Sanniang. Don’t reveal what you’ve realized and we can still be good friends. Continue doing your good deeds. I wouldn’t dare provoke you. Go away. You’re so dirty. Get lost! If you tell me to get lost, then I will,

Or I’ll suffer from your deadly needles. When the thirteen deadly needles pierce your body, you’ll die in no time. Demon skins! Demon skins! Miss, such severe poison is rare. When did this happen? Just last night. I don’t know what’s going on lately.

It’s like the fish in the river at the entrance of the town have gone mad. They keep jumping out of the water. He said that no one would fight with him over the fish at night. He didn’t come back the whole night. When I found him, he was already like this.

They all say that you are benevolent and skilled in medicine. I beg you. Please save my husband no matter what. I beg you, I beg you! OK, I’ll give it a try. Let’s see if I can still do this at this old age. Thank you for your kindness, Shui Sanniang!

Get up, get up. Get up quickly. Don’t thank me yet. He was poisoned very seriously. It may be a hopeless situation, but I’ll do everything in my power. I can’t say if I can save him or not. First, I will seal his acupuncture point with needles

So that his blood won’t attack his heart. Then I’ll use needles to force out his blood. This will hurt like one’s heart is being pierced. You have to hold him down. Don’t let him get up. Alright. Ghost Palace. First needle into the philtrum. Shaoshang! Second needle into the Shaoshang Point.

The third needle at the Ghost Barrier, Yinbai Point. Piercing the needle into the Ghost Heart, Taiyuan Point. Shui Sanniang is working her needles! Let’s go watch! Let’s go. Don’t rush! What’s with the rush, eh? [Hundred Demon Town] Don’t stand in the way. [Hundred Demon Town] Take a look! ♪Little square papers!♪

♪Cai Lun invented paper during the Eastern Han Dynasty♪ ♪You ask, what is the use of papers?♪ ♪Demon Repelling Incense is wrapped inside each page♪ ♪Demons’ evil atmosphere is strong♪ ♪The demons in this world are running wild♪ ♪They bite you and they kill you♪ ♪It scares you and gives you a chill♪

♪Children cry and grown-ups scream♪ ♪Your in-laws are so scared they can’t use the latrine♪ ♪Buy my Demon Repelling Incense♪ ♪Sprinkle them and the demons have nowhere to hide♪ ♪They have nowhere to hide♪ Again showing off those useless needles. Demon Repelling Incense! Demon Repelling Incense!

I need two strong guys here to press him down! I’ll do it! I’ll do it! I have never seen Shui Sanniang use this before. You don’t understand. That’s called Ghost Gate Acupuncture. It needs a lot of energy. If you don’t do it right, you could hurt yourself. Best case, your vitality suffers greatly.

Worst case, it’ll cost you your life. Open your mouth! It turned black. Amazing. It’s so poisonous. No normal human being could have done that dodge as you did there. I admire you deeply, Master. Are you alright? Are you alright? Everybody, leave now, leave. OK. OK. Miss. Your husband will survive.

But his leg can’t be saved. Find a doctor when you get home. Cut off the part of his leg beneath the knee. It’s still better than to lose his life. Thank you, Shui Sanniang. Thank you, Shui Sanniang! [Healer] This money is for you. Thank you. Miss. Take this.

This is my carefully crafted Healing Powder. After your husband’s leg is amputated, apply it to the wound each morning and night. Thank you, sir. But we don’t have any more money. I don’t need your money. I’m doing good deeds. Take care. Seller of the thirteen kinds of spices. Drop the act, alright? Act?

Everyone in Baihe Town knows that I, Zi Zhongbai, am always ready to help. I help old ladies cross the road, and save the women who are forced to be prostitutes. You filthy old thing! You’re shameless! You always have some ulterior motive. You must take an interest in that young lady. She is beautiful.

Unlike you. Would anyone appreciate your look? Never. All the other herbologists are so smart and elegant. But look at you! So shameless. All those Ghost Needle practitioners are said to be breathtakingly beautiful. Yet there is a wretched old woman like you, too. Zi Zhongbai! Who do you call “old woman”?

Watch your mouth or I’ll turn you into a eunuch! I have a pack of toad powder. I can ruin your big round face! Old pervert! You deserve to stay single forever! Old hag! You deserve to be a widow! Say that again?! Old hag! Arduous crossing of the Ghost Gate. Five-fen magical needles!

Old hag, you actually did it? You want me to die childless? I know you don’t have that ability. I might as well castrate you. Rubbish! I don’t have that ability? How did I have Tianjiao then? Tianjiao is so beautiful. Is she really your daughter? You can give birth to her? How strange.

Why are your accents different? Your face is slightly yellow, which means chances are high that you are a cuckold. You don’t even know that you got cheated on. Look! You old hag! You don’t know anything! Tianjiao took on her mother’s accent! I married into her family! I’ll shut your mouth! Wry-mouthed hag!

Go on, insult me! How dare you! Don’t push me! I’ll kill you! That Shui Sanniang. They are fighting again. Let’s go check it out. Move! Don’t stop me! Dad! Dad! Don’t fight! Sanniang! Mom! Why are you fighting with Uncle Zi again? Why is your mouth crooked? You used poison on Sanniang? Sanniang! Tianjiao!

Tianjiao! You are my real daughter! Don’t listen to her nonsense! Fight! Fight! Hit him! [Hundred Demon Town] My demon skins are great. ♪They are hard to find♪ ♪My demon skins are great♪ ♪You can’t get them anywhere else♪ ♪It’s good against wind and humidity♪ ♪As clothes, it’s better than cotton-padded robes♪ [Reward Offered] Lady.

You’ve been following me for a while now. What can I do for you? I have heard of you long ago. I’d like to buy some goods from you. You came to the right person then. I’m the only one in Baihe Town who sells such valuable goods. You wouldn’t trick me

With fake goods, right? How embarrassing. These poor people of Baihe Town could never afford the authentic goods. I’ll show you the good stuff today. I can’t wait to see them. Lady. Look at this bearskin coat. The arrow pierced through its eye. Thus, there are no holes at all. This one

Is the tail of a cyan fox from Mount Daqing. It’s a rare quality good. Also… Lady. This one is simply amazing. The Li Brothers caught this firefox. This fur was ripped off when it was still alive. Look at this color. Skinned alive. Do you not feel it is too cruel? Too cruel?

Was it not cruel how these demons ate our people? Take this firefox for instance. It dug out and gulped down the brains of six children. My child included! It was a light punishment to skin it alive. I just think it wasn’t cruel enough! Indeed.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. One should be cruel. Y-You are a demon… That’s what demons do. When they get hungry, of course they ought to eat humans. How can you hate them for that? That’s what demons do. They can never change their nature. For demons,

You humans are like what pigs and sheep are to you. What’s so weird about demons eating humans? Constrain the body and draw the spirit. That’s about the only thing you’re useful for. Take a look! All of you, young and old. Take a look! Come on! Come on!

I promise you have never seen this before! Come on! My dear friends! This demon is called Huan, also known by the name Earmouse. It originates from Mount Yiwang in Huaishui. Eating its flesh removes the heat and humidity from your body. Sleeping on its skin wards off evil. If you soak it in wine,

It becomes even more nourishing! This is a once-in-a-lifetime treasure! You’re lying! Huans are quick and nimble. How could a cripple like you catch it? That’s right! Good question, beautiful lady. My nickname is Flying Leg. This is my second brother, Eagle Claw. This is my third brother, Jadeface Scholar!

It’s because the three of us determined to catch this demon that we ended up like this. Therefore, this demon is truly valuable. The offer is 82 liang. Anyone willing to bid, name your offer. 50 liang! Y-You…! How can you lower the price! Where did you throw it? That way! I say 80 liang!

80 liang! I say 100 liang! 100 liang! 100 liang, anyone else? Anyone? You can’t sell that! You little brat. Give it back. I won’t. My mother said Huans are good demons. Not only are they rare, but they are also very friendly to humans. They will even help the people

Who get lost in the mountains. You guys, instead of catching demons who kill and abduct children, you catch Huans? You even want to eat its meat and skin it? Don’t you have a conscience? Are chickens and ducks not nice to people? Do you never eat those? Stop this.

Give me the cage and go home! What are you looking at? Long-haired Monster. Long… Little brat. Watch how you speak to my big brother. What a sissy. How ignorant because of your young age! Owl. Boss! You are quite quarrelsome. Girl, listen, getting in the way when someone’s trying to earn money

Is equal to killing their parents. Give me the cage. I won’t. Then don’t blame us for being rude. Second Brother. Qigong? It’s but some minor tricks. Third Brother! Third Brother! Trying to compete with acupuncture with our Shui Family? They don’t know any better. We could have gone our separate ways!

Do you know who I am? You hurt my third brother. Come out. I’m going to kill you! Leave quickly. Don’t let bad guys catch you again. Hurry. You ruined my business for no reason! And you hurt my brother! You have to take responsibility for that! Great martial arts. Old hag.

You just used acupuncture to save someone. Don’t hurt your qi. Old fool. You should be careful too. Don’t worry. Step aside. Where is Mo Lianhuan? Who knows where he went! You two are no match for him! I need to step in. Shuiling, quick, use your needles! I’m afraid I’ll hit my mother!

Don’t force me to take action! Big Brother! Use your ultimate skill! Heaven and Earth, lend me your powers! Possess my legs, Monkey King! Possessed by a deity? But I’ve never heard of possessing only the legs. It doesn’t matter what that is. Let’s go! Stop chewing over it. No one in this world

Can stop my…! My… You’ve never seen this, have you? Are you afraid? If you make me mad, even I myself…! Now you’ll shut up. Tianjiao. Don’t kill him. Sanniang, it’s fine. He’ll only act like a naughty boy for a few days. Naughty boy. Sow nothing in spring, reap nothing in autumn.

When the date seeds have sprouted, you can grow cotton. What unorthodox ways. How dare these foreigners from a small place talk so disrespectfully. Sanniang. My dad is still fighting. Rest assured. He won’t suffer any losses. You fool. That old woman already pricked this part. That doesn’t mean you should copy her.

If I don’t teach you a good lesson today, you won’t know what’s good for you! You old fool! Come on! Whatever you’ve got, c-come at me! Come on. Come on, come on. Ladies. Please have mercy. I’m the Jadeface Scholar. I need my face to get a foothold in this world. Coming! Your wine.

Your meat. Got it. Let’s play a drinking game. Get lost! Come. Let’s play a drinking game! Waiter! Bring me the meat! Over here! Over here! Coming! Dig in. Miss Bai is here! Sister. I think I’m in love. I think you are in heat. Senior. These people seem to have become obsessed.

It’s so funny. They are not to blame. It’s just that this Yin-Yang Master’s illusion skill is too great. Bai Linglong’s beauty is breathtaking. She sure deserves her fame. She is even more beautiful in person. Miss Bai is truly the top beauty of the country. Not even the women of the Chunguang Brothel

Can compare to a single finger of Miss Bai. Yuck! Do not compare her to the prostitutes of a brothel. It’s a shame to Miss Bai. She is the Linglong Fairy of Linglong Inn. Stop dreaming, guys. The Linglong Fairy of Linglong Inn only wishes for gold and silver. Don’t get closer

If you have no money. It’s just money! If I can win a smile from Miss Bai, what’s the big deal of spending a thousand gold? A thousand liang of gold for a smile? Do you mean it, sir? Well… Well… W-Well… of course. I smiled. As per the custom of our country,

One thousand gold equals 190 guan of copper coins. That’s 937 liang of silver, or 123 liang of gold. Since you are a newcomer, I’ll give you a discount. We’ll round it down. Mister, will you pay in gold or silver? [Linglong Inn] What are you doing? What are you laughing at?

What are you laughing at? All gone. All gone! That inn is run by thugs! [Linglong Inn] This way, please. Here. We have the best beef meal and the best wine. Come here. Have some water to quench your thirst. There’s a demon here. A demon? Hey! You! Come back! Don’t embarrass me! Sit down!

Nowadays, we’d believe demons are everywhere, except for in this inn. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. Pure nonsense. Dear guest, you did speak rather crudely. Young Master Mo, please don’t take it to heart. But he has a point. Think about it. If demons dared to enter this inn,

Where Demon Slayers gather, this world would no longer be safe. Right? The device must have failed again. Dear guests, are you staying here or just having a meal? We are staying. Five rooms. And bring me some good food and wine. What a coincidence. We happen to have just five rooms vacant.

With you, the inn will be booked up. I’ll bring you the food right away. What day is today? So many great heroes have come. A disciple of the Mo Sect. Hi. Descendants of the Herbologist Sect and the Ghost Needle Sect. Master Liaoyin and Master Liaoguo from the Xuankong Temple.

As well as Officer Tiancan and Officer Dique from the Ministry of Demon Suppression. What luck do I have today which has brought you all to me? Dear guests, please come in. Dear guests. What would you like to eat? We have everything. Would you like some vegetables or some meat?

I’d like to have two rooms. I’m really sorry. We are booked up. You fool! Booked up? Why didn’t you put up a sign at the door? You’re discriminating against us Japanese warriors! T-That’s not it. How presumptuous! This is China! How dare you be bullies here! Don’t fight. If you wish to make trouble,

Did you bring enough money? Money? I have no money. Monk, catch him! This kind of person should be a case for the Ministry of Demon Suppression. What are you…? What? What are you doing? Master’s taste is truly extraordinary. I feel abashed. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing?

Master! What? Earth Escape! Miss Shui, you are the keeper of Sanniang’s true teaching of acupuncture. However, my chopsticks made of ebony can’t get dust on them. That would cost you two liang of silver. These cheap chopsticks cost two liang? Well… Not much. It’s just two liang. Hey…

Miss Bai, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Mo Lianhuan, I… am a bit short of cash. Do you know what a fox spirit is? Master Liaoyin. You broke my chairs made of red sandalwood. Monks lead simple and austere lives. I will only ask 50 liang of silver from you. 50 liang?

I will compensate for any damages caused. Senior, that’s 50 liang of silver! Officer Tiancan. Officer Dique. Your visit to my humble inn truly makes this place flourish. Thank you, Miss Bai. We are just passing by and wish only to dine here. Waiter. Bring some good wine and food for them to enjoy.

It’s on the house. Right away! It’s getting late. You should stay the night. Anything else can wait till tomorrow. What do you say, Officer Dique? Waiter! Clean out my private guestroom for these two guests. Right away, Boss! Why do the two masters of the Ministry of Demon Suppression have such names?

Tiancan and Dique? That lady called Tiancan uses a broken sword made of extraterrestrial meteorite. That’s why she’s called Tiancan. That Dique, just look at him. He’s slow-witted. You are back? How did things go today? Did you catch anything? Don’t even mention it. I don’t know what’s going on these days. All the animals

Are hiding inside their holes. They wouldn’t even show their heads. What exactly are you useful for? Don’t worry. We’ll eat wild animals tonight to replenish energy. It’ll work the same. Look. What? A hedgehog? You can eat that. I won’t. You don’t understand. This thing has many nutrients. Everyone. I’m sure you know

Why you have all gathered here. With the full moon nearing, evil energy is rising. Demons are wreaking havoc. The next full moon will occur in a few days, it will also be the Night of the Great Hunt. All the demons emerging together will bring a disaster. But for us Demon Slayers,

It will be a feast. Miss Bai, there’s no need for the same old words. What we care about is whether the rules have changed or not. Nothing has changed. First come first slay. The more able the more work. No matter good or evil, no matter alive or dead,

Linglong Inn will accept anything at its official price. Miss Bai is trustworthy. We’re getting rich. There is something I do not understand. Please explain it to me, Miss Bai. Please go ahead, Young Master. Evil demons which eat humans and endanger them should be slayed. But the good demons which are gentle and friendly?

Everything in this world should be done with reason. As a human, it’s quite interesting to have such a thought. The difference between humans and demons can’t just be identified by whether their nature is good or evil. The world is big. After all, it’s about the survival of the fittest. Saints make mistakes too.

Whether it’s right or not is up to humans. Why don’t you stay and watch the hunt in a few days? You’ll see how demons revolt. Those with different beliefs should not work together. That’s a pity. I would like to get closer to a handsome man like you. Rest assured.

We will meet again soon. You can tell she’s a woman at first glance. Strange, how very strange. Uncle Zi. What is strange? The masters of Xuankong Temple and the Ministry of Demon Suppression have all come to Baihe Town. Isn’t that strange? The Night of the Great Hunt is a major event here.

Yet they don’t even leave their rooms. Neither do they listen. It’s like there’s something else, something more important. Something’s not right. I need to think of a way to find out more. Old man. What are you plotting again? Leave me alone. You meddle too much. The powerful ones make the rules.

The weak follow. This is the truth of this world. You want me to save your child? Why not do it yourself? A good demon? It’s because of you demons who don’t want to hurt humans that the world sees us demons as dead meat! So much strength, yet such a coward. How ridiculous.

You want to save your child? Then do it yourself. Go. Kill whoever caught your child. Let them have a taste of the evil seed they sowed. Darling! Darling, what happened to you! Darling! What’s going on? Darling! Darling! You…! Darling! Darling! What’s going on! Darling! Go! Go on! Go! Old man.

Dressed like this, I… I’m worried he might not take the bait. That kid is a pervert. How can he not take the bait? You just need to figure out why they’re here. That’s your only mission. Old man. I don’t want to go. Darn it. You don’t lack anything that Bai Ling Long has.

What she has, you have too. You have to have confidence in yourself. Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go on! Don’t come back. I… Demon! D-Demon? There’s a demon here. There’s a demon! Ghost! Who is that again? The door is open. It’s me. Hero Dique. What brings you to Baihe Town?

My sister said it is a matter of bringing glory to our ancestors. She forbade me to tell anyone. Not even tell me? Seems like I really am an outsider to you. No, no. No. Look, I mean, it’s you. Actually, we are looking for Hua Manteng.

We heard that she has a certain mysterious skill with which she can turn good demons into evil ones. Hua Manteng is in Baihe Town?! Shh. Keep your voice down. I took so much effort to hear it with my own ears last night. The two officers from the Ministry are here for her.

Ten thousand liang of gold. Get promoted or a noble title. If Tianjiao finds out, she’ll be so happy. Where is she? She… She probably doesn’t want to see you. Why? Oh right. Not only that, Hua Manteng can even transform a good demon into an evil demon.

No wonder demons have been acting strange lately. Someone downstairs said that a White Demon is haunting Mount Qingkong. Why didn’t you say so earlier? Don’t cry. What do I do? Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Out of the way, move! The Demon Slayers are here. The Demon Slayers are here. It’s inside, inside.

Let’s go. Why did they call two foreigners? You don’t understand. They cost less. Master. Can these two Demon Slayers make it? I think so. They seem capable at least. Darling! Darling! You beast! I’ll kill you! It broke again! Help me, Master! Art of the Shuriken! You demon, stop your rampage! Master!

Wait for me! Anyone! Help me! Were you trying to kill me? You jerk! I told you we should ask Shuiling to come. Why did you have to make trouble? I have my reasons. Hide behind me! Come on. Be careful! Lucky that I opened the umbrella in time. Mister, are you alright?

How can I be alright? Dodge! Go! Mister! Mister! Go away! Are you alright? I’m sick of you! Is he okay? This guy looks energetic enough. I think he’ll survive. What do we do now? This White Demon is too devious to deal with. Good thing that I am shrewd and smart.

This White Demon’s back thorns are like iron. Iron is a kind of metal. Metal comes from earth. So this White Demon belongs to the element “earth”. Wood can restrain earth. That’s why I told Shuiling to lie ambush in the woods. We’ll lead the White Demon into the woods. Let’s go. Everything’s ready.

Where is the demon? The White Demon is cunning. I think… It must be hiding in the dark while plotting against us. What? It’s trying to plot against us? What a troll. I’ll force it to show itself. What is this? You are so ignorant. You don’t even know what this is.

It’s a poisonous powder made from a yellow weasel’s scent gland. White Demons hate this smell the most. Let’s see if it’ll come out or not. Tianjiao! Are you trying to smoke out demons or humans? Wait. Something’s not right. It’s coming! Hurry! Take cover! It’s coming! It hit a tree again. Look.

That White Demon’s back thorns are like iron. It’s basically invulnerable. Only its abdomen is always close to the ground, not readily shown. It must be its weak point. Get ready. Time for our move. Hurry! Make the move! You can’t do this to me! I don’t want to live anymore! Just kill me already!

Just kill me! If you don’t kill me, I’ll kill you! It’s a hit! It’s a hit! It’s a hit! Y-You can’t use people as bait! From now on, we will each go our separate ways! Thank you, Mister. What do you think? My Catapult Crossbow is good, isn’t it?

I say we kill it with the poison. Lest it harms anyone else. No. It’s pitiful enough that its whole family was killed. Besides, I don’t think the White Demon wanted to take people’s lives. Otherwise, that hunter would have died long ago. W-What do we do with it then? No.

There’s a flower on the back of its neck. Wait. Where did you guys come from? Don’t touch the flower, Mr. Mo. You’ll likely lose your life. It’s pretty cute. Goodbye! My junior and I have tracked Hua Manteng to this place. We have seen countless good demons turn evil. Is Hua Manteng really here?

That is probably so. What did I tell you? I told you! The Ministry of Demon Suppression came here for her. You idiot. You are so smart! We’re going to get rich! We’ll make a fortune! Guys, let’s discuss this. Now that everyone knows the news, why don’t we catch this demon together?

We can split the reward equally. We’re not interested in becoming officials. So we won’t stand in the way of your careers. If that’s so, we have no objection. We are only here to subdue the demon. Fame and fortune hold no meaning for us. But one piece of advice.

Hua Manteng is no ordinary demon. Please do not take this task lightly. Master. We are all experts. If we join hands, we cal definitely take her down. On the Night of the Great Hunt, evil will be nourished and spread. Demons will already be more violent due to that.

With Hua Manteng infiltrating this event, I’m afraid we will face many uncertainties. What uncertainties? I’ll just kill each and everything. Then I’ll take everything with me and get my reward. Don’t you admire me? Little Monk? If you are that foolish, this matter may be unfeasible. The Night of the Great Hunt.

Do you really think we demons are prey to be slaughtered? Tonight I’ll let you know who the real hunter is. Kill all the Demon Slayers tonight. My demon race shall redefine the Great Hunt. Once we hunt down the human race, the world will be free of conflicts.

It will become the pure land of us demon race! [Linglong Inn] I wasn’t running away. It was a tactical deviation to await the right moment, so we could give that demon a fatal blow. I see. You are wise indeed, Master. I only understand just now. You have much more to learn. Yes.

Alright. Do we have any more smoke bombs? There’s only one left. Only one? Give it to me, quick. Of course I didn’t mean to run away. This is to keep you from that thought. We Yamato Samurais advocate budo. Yes. We die in battle or our enemies will once we meet. Master.

Where are we going? Linglong Inn. I heard today is the Night of the Great Hunt. We’ll show them how we Yamato Samurais hunt. Second Brother, are you alright? I-I was too careless. A night owl in the house. Second Brother, come here. Over here. Here. Be careful. Are you stupid?

Why did you break open the door when the window is open? M-My mistake. Why didn’t you wear your kerchief? To keep my hairstyle. Without it, anyone will know it’s you. M-My mistake. What are you doing? My hair is all messed up. Come here. Listen. Today is our time for revenge.

Our reputation was totally ruined by those two old fools and those little brats. You are right, Big Brother. I-I was too careless that day. Those two old fools wouldn’t have been a match… Stop it. for me. Big Brother. Say, who shall we deal with first? That little brat. Let’s go. This way.

Third Brother. What’s wrong? Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! You reckless Bat Demons. Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Third Brother! Old pervert. Our visitors bear evil motives. What does it matter if they do or not?

Like we are just going to let these bats eat us? Sister, we’ll be on our own later. Just focus on what you’re doing! What are you doing? Why are you still holding your stupid umbrella? This is a Secret Umbrella I’ve tooled up. Big Brother! I’ll kill you all! Let me show you. Go!

I have a mouth too! I’ll stab you! Excuse me. Master! Sorry for the interruption. Mother! Father! -Father! -Mother! Father! Mother! -Mother! -Father! -Father! -Mother! Mother! Father! Father! Mother! Mother! Old hag… You always tell me to die, this time I will. I ask you to never die, then you won’t. Shuiling. Quick. Mother.

Use your needles. Save your Uncle Zi. Father! No! Mother! I’m alright. Father, I won’t let you die! Father! It’s fine. Mother… Mother! Mother! Mother!! Mother! Sanniang! Shuiling… Don’t bother to save me. Your mother will be afraid of the dark when she gets to the other side. I should go and keep her company.

Father! Old hag… W-Wait for me. Father! Father! Mother! Father! Amitabha. Father, wake up! Father! I told you we would meet again. So it’s you. My Demon Catching Box was never broken. She was the one who pulled strings from the dark. Very good. We have been looking everywhere for you.

I didn’t expect to meet you here. If I hadn’t volunteered to show up, you useless people of the Ministry of Demon Suppression would never have found me. How arrogant! I’m going to cut off your demon head and exchange it for a reward! Let’s see if you can do this or not.

You nasty demon! I’m going to kill you! Hua Manteng! You are so useless. So fragile. Heaven and Earth are ever-changing. It’s about time for a change in this world. Go on dreaming! Everything will end here. Move aside, you idiot! Tianjiao! Hua Manteng! Let me go! Hua Manteng. Let’s discuss this.

Capturing this little girl won’t be useful to you. You should get me instead. My life for hers. It’s a good deal for you. Let me go! So, you humans can also feel worried and fear? Tianjiao! The mouse is nibbling the corpse! Shuiling. Isn’t this the Earmouse you rescued at the fair? Yes.

Why is it here? Are you imitating Hua Manteng? Do you know where she is? We can save Tianjiao. Masters, this journey will be dangerous. I will head there. Not for merits or rewards. It’s simply a private matter. I only want to ask you one thing.

Is there anyone who’s willing to come with me? We can be each other’s company. I’m in. She broke so many of my things. If I don’t get my hands on that demon, who will I settle this with? This is a blood feud. I will destroy her or die in the attempt! Liaoguo.

Stay here lest any more demons come here and damage the bodies of the heroes. What about you, Senior? One cannot stop at the top of his cultivation. Going beyond, I will exist everywhere in the whole world. The world of mortals is not my concern. The world of mortals is my concern.

It’s the responsibility of the Ministry of Demon Suppression. There’s no reason for us not to go. We’ll go too. To avenge my third brother. That’s right! Revenge! You stupid demon! Let me go! Let me go! Kill me if you dare! I never do pointless things. Instead of killing you,

I’d rather let you watch in pain how your friends die. How dare you! It was you who provoked this dispute between humans and demons first. You bewitched the demons into hurting people! You killed my father and Sanniang! If you dare to touch my friends, I’ll rip your skin off!

That’s what demons are like. You don’t even know human emotions. Yet you want to dominate the human world! What a joke you are! What’s wrong? It’s an illusion. Golden pearls clash! Vanquish the illusion! Break! Let’s go. Wait. What a coward. What is it saying? If you have the guts, go ahead.

Then I will. Let the war drums beat with the autumn wind. I’m not afraid at all. Let’s go. Second Brother! Second Brother! Second Brother! Run! Come on! Tianjiao! What are you doing? Tianjiao, what are you doing? Again? She’s caught in the illusion created by Hua Manteng. What? Sister! Don’t kill her!

That girl is possessed! Watch out! Poison gas! Sister! Easy on her! Brother, if one day I die, it will be at your hands. Never. I was too careless. Miss Tiancan. As long as you don’t use your martial arts or qi, I can cure Tianjiao’s poison. Can we break her illusion or not?

I’m about to lose my patience! We can! Just pluck that flower from her body! So what are you waiting for? Hurry! I’ll trap her! Let’s go! Tianjiao. Tianjiao. You idiot! Why are you here? Tianjiao! How fun. This is so fun. How does it feel to kill your own kind? Hua Manteng.

Stop playing tricks! Come out if you dare! Playing tricks? I’ll send all of you to hell with my tricks! Staff of Mahavairocana! You should be reciting sutras at your temple, not meddling in other people’s business. Leaving the open door aside, a bee desperately flies against the window paper.

Engaging in the classics yet seeing no outside world will not get me anywhere. Hua Manteng. Buddha is merciful and forgiving. Redemption is right behind you. I have no way back. I’ll cut you apart! Whirlwind Kill! This time I’ll… So strong. Are you done watching? Now it’s my turn.

Go on, cut them off! Cut them off! Cut them! Cut them! Cut them! Cut them! You’re back? That madwoman. She’s too harsh. Are you alright? My chest hurts. Please rub it for me. No one even bothered to catch me. You are a dying man. Still have time for flirting?

Continue your love story in the afterlife! There’s a demon heart on that tree. That must be her weak point. Jiao. This is so important. Why do you only say that now? But it’s alright. Here I go. Hua Manteng! Don’t be ungrateful! Doing that again, you’ll be dead. Hua Manteng!

Hua Manteng, if you hit me again, I won’t go easy on you. We attack together. You bit off more than you can chew. Do you think weaklings like you can destroy my domain? Monk, shame on you. Amitabha. Sister, use our ultimate skill! When Heaven intends to kill, stars move and meteors fall!

Sword, come! When Earth intends to kill, dragons climb ashore! Knife, rise! Suppress! Seal! Buddha’s power is boundless! Do it! I’m at my limit! Over there, hurry! Hurry! Hurry up! Go! Keep up! Let me go! Take it. Hurry. Take it away. Go play. I didn’t expect

That not even Buddha can tolerate all sentient beings in this world. There is no shape of mankind, no shape of me, no shape of all sentient beings. All things are equal. Thus, what “tolerance” is there to speak of? If all things are equal, then why only humans can rule this world?

Will you only be satisfied when humans are the only ones left in this world? One thought to the pure land, one thought to the purgatory. Thoughts arise from the heart and they fade with the heart. Amitabha. I told you already. You misunderstood me. A key character

Always shows up at a critical moment. It’s about wisdom. You had to rely on me in the end. Am I right? Tianjiao, are you alright? Stop it. You idiot. Get lost. If I didn’t stick that sword into it… I have to care about you. -Go away. -It wouldn’t end, you know? Oh shoot.

[Reorganize Heaven and Earth] My Lord, t-the Demon King has shown up. Being overwhelmed at a crucial moment, how can one be successful? Looks like this world will fall into chaos again. ♪Who is the lonely drinker♪ ♪Drinking all kinds of worldly flavors?♪ ♪The night does not fade, with thunder rolling in the clouds♪

♪That year, fallen petals have covered the earth♪ ♪Chasing each other among the bloom♪ ♪Such innocence between the childhood friends♪ ♪Hard to go back to the old days♪ ♪You sit alone in a boudoir♪ ♪I am covered in dust♪ ♪My love for you is buried for ten years, should I be happy or sad?♪

♪Hesitantly I do not know what to say♪ ♪It’s hard to speak my mind♪ ♪Drunk and alone♪ ♪I cannot bear it a thousand times, you march forward and I retreat♪ ♪I’ll hold your hand again♪ ♪When all flowers fall, they return to freedom♪ ♪Watch the river flow so softly♪ ♪In the same boat♪

♪The years go by♪ ♪A desolate world in the mud♪ ♪I hug you to my heart’s content♪ ♪No regrets♪ ♪Who is the lonely drinker♪ ♪Drinking all kinds of worldly flavors♪ ♪The night does not fade, with thunder rolling in the clouds♪ ♪That year, fallen petals have covered the earth♪ ♪Chasing each other among the bloom♪

♪Such innocence between the childhood friends♪ ♪Hard to go back to the old days♪ ♪You sit alone in a boudoir♪ ♪I am covered in dust♪ ♪My love for you is buried for ten years, should I be happy or sad?♪ ♪Hesitantly I do not know what to say♪ ♪It’s hard to speak my mind♪

♪Drunk and alone♪ ♪I cannot bear it a thousand times, you march forward and I retreat♪ ♪I’ll hold your hand again♪ ♪When all flowers fall, they return to freedom♪ ♪Watch the river flow so softly♪ ♪In the same boat♪ ♪The years go by♪ ♪A desolate world in the mud♪

♪I hug you to my heart’s content♪ ♪No regrets♪ ♪I hug you to my heart’s content♪ ♪No regrets♪