[يان شي الفريدة: سيدة طائفة إيمي المباركة]|سيوف أيمي السبعة ساحرة! |YOUKU

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the trend of reviving the Ming Dynasty spread to Wulin. Lord Yongyang plundered the martial arts skills of all sects under the guise of killing people who had been opposing the Qing Dynasty and tried to usurp the throne. Elderly Nun Wumei accidentally obtained

Half a scroll of special arts handed down by Lord Chenliu, named Yanshi’s Offering so she led a cloistered life to focus on cultivation. She later founded her own sect and named it Emei. Come on. We can’t miss the Seven Swords Selection today. I wonder the senior sisters will show mercy to

Li Er Huan this time. Get the water quickly or we’ll miss it. Let’s go. Hurry. Hurry up. Coming. Seventh Senior Sister. You did well. Er Huan, here comes my Pure Sword. Third Sister, that was a memorable match. That’s enough. Master, Er Huan is talented and skilled at swordsmanship.

We all marveled at her ability and agree that she has passed the test. She doesn’t need to be tested anymore. Are you sure? Yes. Congratulations. The Dragon Sword finds its possessor. So far, the seven swords of Emei are all possessed. Your Formation of Nine Yin and Seven Swords

Will surely bring you to the top of Wulin. According to the rules of Emei, Disciple Li Er Huan is now officially one of the possessors of the Seven Swords. ranking seventh and hosting the Dragon Sword. Er Huan, please keep abreast with the six senior sisters of yours

And practice the Formation of Nine Yin and Seven Swords with them. May the martial arts of Emei prosper with your effort. Acknowledged. Thank you for your teachings, Master and senior sisters. Er Huan. Let me have a look. [Unparalleled Yanshi: Gracious Master of Emei] Quite interesting, right?

Why is Senior Sister lying here? I don’t know. Let’s surprise her. Senior Sister. Senior Sister. Wake up, Senior Sister. -Senior Sister. -Fourth Senior Sister is dead. Anyone here? -Senior Sister is dead. -Fourth Senior Sister. Help! Senior Sister, wake up. First Senior Sister. Come here. Fourth Senior Sister is dead. How can this be?!

Poisoned. Look at the water. [One Month Ago] [Winter Solstice Festival] Drink the medicine. Come on. [Massive malaria outbreak in Emei] Senior Sister, I feel like vomiting. -First Senior Sister. -Hold on. Let me massage you. First Senior Sister. First Senior Sister. Put your things aside. Master is asking for us.

The epidemic outbreak in Emei has come without any sign and caught unprepared. I was infected just like Sixth which led us sideways when practicing and caused serious injuries in the internal organs, so I needed to meditate in seclusion for a year to recuperate. God bless our master. During this period,

The four Venerable Elders will choose one of you with both virtue and talent to be Acting Master. She will take charge of all the affairs of Emei on my behalf. And she will be imparted the skills I’ve been working on, Yanshi’s Offering, to carry on the legacy of Emei. Master.

We are still too young to take on such a heavy responsibility. Please think twice about it. Right. Master. Emei needs you. No more words. Just follow my order. Wei Qing. I’m here. In the meantime, you need to practice the Formation of Nine Yin and Seven Swords with others.

It’s the most powerful martial skill I have created since I founded this sect, which is also the root of Emei. You should never forget this. We will bear your teachings in mind, Master. My senior brother, Bai Mei, has assigned Bai Yuan Ming, a disciple from Wudang who is good at medicine,

To help us get rid of the epidemic. He will be here soon. Third, you and Zhi Xuan go down the mountain to pick him up. Yes, Master. Yes, Master. The others should take good care of the infected sisters. Father, please wait for a few more days.

Once I have all the martial arts skills, I will definitely kill Qianlong, the dim-witted ruler, to get back the royal glory that belongs to us. I will avenge you for being removed from the royal family. Your Royal Highness, Elderly Nun Wumei has left Emei. leaving no one in charge there.

They plan to choose an acting master from the seven outstanding female disciples and teach her the secret top skill of Emei, the Yanshi’s Offering. Shall we just go up and take it by force? No. This time, I must witness the charm of these seven outstanding female disciples.

It’s said that a man comes here. Is it true? Yes. He looks different from us. It’s said that once they fall in love with someone, they will eat her up. What? Eat her? Not at all. Master said that they eat the hearts not the people. Hearts? What’s with the noise? First Senior Sister.

Seventh Senior Sister. Fourth Senior Sister. Young Chevalier. Young Chevalier. What is it? Um… Well… Young Chevalier. This is the First Senior Sister, Wei Qing. Fourth Junior Sister. Bai Xiao Xiao. And Seventh Junior Sister. Li Er Huan. Seventh. Seventh Junior Sister. Seventh Junior Sister. Why did you grab Third Sister’s hand just now?

I was taking her pulse. Yes, Er Huan. He was only taking my pulse just now. Taking the pulse? I heard that men hunt for women’s hearts especially. I will kill you if you dare to have any bad intentions towards my sister. Don’t worry, miss. I’m not a beast.

Why would I eat people’s hearts? Seventh. Put your sword away. Young Chevalier Bai, Seventh Junior Sister is so worried about Six Junior Sister’s condition. Please forgive her recklessness. Never mind. How’s her condition now? She is in the early phase of infection. I need to observe her for a few days.

As long as she keeps taking the herbal cuisine I make, she will get better soon. But it’s rare to see such a large outbreak as this one in Emei. Only by identifying the source of the disease can it be completely eliminated. My master has asked me to help with the treatment.

I will do my best. Thanks for your support. Get away. What are you doing here? Is this the first time you have ever seen a man? Fifth Senior Sister. Yes. It’s the first time. He has my cover. Only those who are sick can stay and the healthy ones leave.

I feel sick. I feel sick. Check on me first. Go away. I came first. Check my pulse. Check mine. Seventh Senior Sister. Li Er Huan, are you insane? What did you feed my Sixth Senior Sister? What happened to her? She’s not breathing. Still not better? -How can this be! -Oh, god.

What should we do? Fifth Senior Sister. Seventh Senior Sister. First Senior Sister. Seventh Senior Sister. The medicine I prepare is meant to cure poison with qi. When the blood and the qi are stimulated, a minority of patients may experience temporary shock. At that point, transmitting internal force to the patient is prohibited.

Otherwise, she will die of the overactive blood and qi. we would make a huge mistake. Otherwise, I’m afraid we would make a mistake. I took back your transmission of qi from her and forced the toxin out of her body. She’ll be fine after some rest.

If this kind of medicinal herb can be found and added to the original formula, it will reduce the irritation in the lung and prevent the patient from going into shock. Thank you, Young Chevalier. Somebody can do nothing but make a mess. Fifth Senior Sister. Will Sixth Senior Sister be fine? Brilliant.

What kind of martial art is this? You saw it, didn’t you? Yes, but I didn’t get it. It doesn’t seem like a skill from the martial arts of Emei. Will you keep it a secret? Don’t worry. I’m not gossipy. Why should I believe you? Why do you have to be so aggressive?

This is the secret skill of Emei. If you dare to reveal this secret, I will hunt you down at all cost. Either you or I will die. What is this? This is our homemade sauce. So this is what you have daily? Yes, most of us. Does your master eat this too?

It’s her favorite taste. Distribute that water to everyone as soon as it’s ready. Yes. Young Chevalier Bai, what happened to them? Do all patients present with recurrent fever and diarrhea? Not exactly. It happens to some patients, including Sixth Junior Sister. Wait. Is this the water you usually drink? Yes.

It’s the spring water here in Emei. Anything wrong? There is something wrong with the water. Impossible. We drink this water every day. Yes. If there’s something wrong with the water, why aren’t we sick? Is this your everyday food? It tastes not so good. I never eat it. You don’t? No.

It’s not just me. Among the seven of us, only Sixth Junior Sister has it. So you mean you never eat this. I think I found the source of the outbreak. Let’s go. Wait. Is it made from grapefruit and bitter gourd? Yes. This sauce is made from

Grapefruit, bitter gourd, fermented soya beans, and red pepper. That’s it. Do you find anything? Give me a bowl of water. It is the ripening season of figs. The spring water you are drinking contains a lot of fig fiber. Is there something wrong with that? Figs can strengthen the spleen and stomach,

Lower blood lipids, and help defecate better. However, when it is mixed with acidic and cool foods such as grapefruit and bitter gourd, it becomes toxic, bringing extreme coldness and having a great impact on the stomach and intestine. Those who consume it will suffer from stomach acidity, which is minor,

Or even intestinal ulcers, which is lethal. So no matter what medicine I use, as long as the patient continues to take this sauce, they never get better if they keep consuming the sauce. I see. Thank you, Young Chevalier Bai. Pass my word. The sauce is banned from now on.

Yes, First Senior Sister. Junior Sister, you did well. It seems that your Fourth Senior Sister won’t fight to be Master. That’s why she lost the competition on purpose. Wei Qing wins. Who’s next? Seventh. Have a try. First Senior Sister, I’ve always wanted to see the power of your Shadow Sword.

May I go first? Sixth Junior Sister, you have just recovered from a serious illness. It’s better for you to rest more. You know me. Unlike others, I recover quickly. I have been in bed for many days. It’s time to move around. Senior Sister, take this. Sixth Junior Sister’s Seven Stars Swordsmanship

Should be so fierce! If I compete with her, I may lose. You don’t have to be so modest, Third Junior Sister. Last time, if you hadn’t lost on purpose, Er Huan wouldn’t have been able to pass. In your opinion, who will win? Both of them are good at using swords

And on par with each other. It’s my honor to see such a brilliant fight. This is just a tip of the iceberg. I’ll show you my Fish Sword someday. Venerable Elders. What makes you so anxious? Four Venerable Elders, we rescued a disciple of the Quanzhen Sect at the gate

Who was bitten by a poisonous snake and is now in critical condition. The competition ends here. Wei Qing, go check it out. Yes. Fifth, come with me. Yes. I’ll follow you. Let’s go. Add more of this kind of herb. Insufficient dosage can’t be as effective. Greetings, First Senior Sister. No. No.

Quanzhen Sect gave a big favor to us back then. You must take good care of him. Yes, First Senior Sister. I didn’t expect that you know medicine too. Our sect is located deep in the mountains. Poisonous snake bites are nothing rare. Before you are here, we deal with it by ourselves.

You said that Quanzhen gave a big favor to Emei? Yes. Back then, Master encountered a flock of tigers when passing Mount Huang. Alone, Master couldn’t withstand the attacks. Fortunately, the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect tried their best to help, rescuing Master from the critical situation. So Master set a rule that

When the disciples of Quanzhen Sect are in trouble, we must do our best to help. I see. Fifth. Zhi Xuan. You stay here to take care of him. I’ll do the subsequent visit to our sisters with Young Chevalier Bai. Yes. Seventh Junior Sister, are you having a crush on Young Chevalier Bai?

Why do you say this? No, I’m not. Really? I’m just worried about other sisters. I hope they could get better soon, just like Sixth Senior Sister. Do you know what it feels like to have a crush? When you meet someone that you always think about him when he is not around,

You’re having a crush on him. Well… you’re always thinking about him? No. Even if I am thinking about him, it’s must be out of hate, not love. Sixth Junior Sister, don’t make fun of her. She doesn’t even know how she feels yet. Third, Sixth and Seventh. First Senior Sister.

Young Chevalier Bai adds a new kind of medical herb to help everyone recover after reviewing them. Seventh, assist him in getting the materials. Yes. Thank you. You’re welcome. Follow me. Snake. No. No. Is he the disciple of Quanzhen who was bitten by a snake? Yes. Right. Zhi Xuan, is he fine now? Yes.

First Senior Sister and I have used our internal force to remove the toxins in him. Right. He’s fine now. Tonight, at the Emei Arena, we’re going to practice the Formation of Nine Yin and Seven Swords. Don’t forget to come. OK. Fifth. Fifth. Why are you always distracted? I’m not.

You are the one who is competitive. What did you say? Fifth Senior Sister, don’t say that. I know you’re all afraid of her, but I’m not. You desire to excel over others because you want to be the acting master. You don’t care about us at all, including First Senior Sister. First Senior Sister,

Fifth is being straightforward. Don’t mind her. Before the seclusion, Master said one of us would be chosen to be the acting master. So, equal opportunity for all. Feel free to fight for it. You have always taken good care of us. and we always follow your teachings.

We are all in the same sect. Who wouldn’t want that position? Fifth, stop. Not everyone wants to be Acting Master. Maybe you don’t want it, but not for the others. Stop. I don’t care who among you wants to be Acting Master. But the Formation of Nine Yin and Seven Swords created by Master

Is the root of our foothold in the martial arts. Today, the world is in turmoil and everything is unpredictable. We have to practice this formation well to fight against outside forces and protect Emei. First Senior Sister is right. Let’s continue to practice it. Who is eavesdropping? Come out. It’s you?! My apology.

I was thirsty when I woke up so I got up to look for water late at night and walked past here. I stopped by out of curiosity. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you. Never mind. We didn’t take good care of you. Fifth. Go get the water with the mister.

The rest of you keep practicing with me. Fifth. OK. Come on. Go on. Are you okay? What makes you so beautiful? The first time I saw you, I have felt a strange feeling. My palms were sore inexplicably. Touch my hand if you don’t believe me, miss! Please stop. Every time I see you,

My heart flutters. I can’t control myself. It seems that my whole heart moves with you. Thank you for letting me know what happiness is. I know you want to be Acting Master. Don’t worry. I’ll make your dream come true and all the sisters of yours will obey your orders.

Why do you help me? Because you are the only one that I love the most. It’s late now. Time to have a rest. OK. Awesome swordsmanship. Why are you here? I’m Sun Zi Yi, a disciple of Quanzhen Sect. I’m so honored to have seen your Su’s Cyan Swordsmanship when passing by.

Your sword skill is awesome, but… But? With your current ability, no one in Emei can defeat you. But even so, you can only rank second. As long as Wei Qing, the First Senior Sister, is here, your other sisters will not obey your orders.

Moreover, all the Seven Swords possessors want to compete to be Acting Master. Even if you give it your all, it’s hard to get the position. Who are you? This is our internal affair, none of your business. You misunderstood me. I’m only here to help you,

And the one who can help you be the Master of Emei. You are not from the Quanzhen Sect. Why are you here in Emei? I was bitten by a snake so I am staying to recover. Just a passerby, the same as you. A passerby? Why would a passerby seduce the disciples of Emei

And instigate them? Who are you? Why did you say I instigated them? I’m Bai Yuan Ming, a disciple of Wudang Sect. I’ve followed you quietly all day. I have known what happened in the bamboo forest today and that you seduced the Fifth Sister last night. So you mean you know everything.

I have witnessed them all. If you don’t tell the truth about your purpose, I won’t let you go. Really? I’m afraid it’s the other way around. Wuji Power? You belong to the Solar Sect?! You do know something. But that’s why you have to die. Young Chevalier Bai, don’t kill me.

I won’t tell them that you seduced Zhou Zhi Xuan. Young Chevalier Bai, what happened? What did you say? Well, nothing. Say it again. Seventh Junior Sister. Who did you say seduced Fifth Senior Sister? He’s not a disciple of Quanzhen Sect. You seduced my Fifth Senior Sister? He’s not lying.

It’s not Young Chevalier Bai’s fault. After all, he is our benefactor. Since he is interested in me, I should offer my body to him. What are you saying? Young Chevalier Bai. If you really want me, I could offer myself to you for Emei. I didn’t expect you to be so lustful.

I’ll kill you for my Senior Sister. Stop. Seventh Junior Sister. He didn’t force me. Fifth Senior Sister. You… Seventh Junior Sister. Are you okay? I know that you won’t believe my words now. I want to know nothing. I’m not here to explain. Then why are you here?

I just want to tell you Emei will undergo a calamity soon. I hope you can protect yourself. I’m a disciple of Emei. If the calamity indeed happens, I can’t leave Emei to protect myself. There’s only one thing I wish for now. What?

I wish for you to leave Emei as soon as possible. And you and I don’t meet again. I’ll go when I should. You don’t need to worry. Why did you help me? I’m your girl. It is my duty to think for you. You know what? You’re the one I love forever. Really?

Of course. I swear. If I cheat on Zhou Zhi Xuan, I will be pierced by countless swords. No. I don’t want you to die. I believe you. If you want to be Acting Master, you need to kick Bai Yuan Ming out first. He’s Emei’s benefactor. How can I do that? Well.

I have a plan. If you want to be Acting Master, you need to kick somebody out. Who? Bai Yuan Ming. Why? He has a relationship with Fifth. Among other sisters, Fifth is your number one competitor. Once she joins forces with Bai Yuan Ming, you won’t stand a chance at all.

What should I do then? Well, you should know better than I do. [Meet me in the locker room at midnight tomorrow if you want to clear up any confusion. –Er Huan] Who’s there? How dare you peep at my sister when she’s in a shower! Why are you this pervert again?

You asked me to be here, didn’t you? What happened? Seventh Junior Sister. Seventh Junior Sister. Are you okay? I caught him here peeping at Seventh Junior Sister in a shower. Peeping at her? Young Chevalier Bai. Why did you do this? It’s not the first time. Last time when I was taking a bath,

I caught him peeping. You…! Young Chevalier Bai, although you are our benefactor, it’s a place for female disciples to practice. Yet you’re a man. Now that our disciples are mostly cured, please leave as soon as possible. Thank you. I’ll leave here soon. Stop. Senior Sister, should I act like this? Seventh Junior Sister.

Are you still thinking of Young Chevalier Bai? I would not think of such a lascivious person. So you really see him that way? There’s hard evidence. I don’t think we misunderstand him. Seventh Junior Sister. It’s often the case where “Seeing is believing” doesn’t work. Fourth Senior Sister. Why do you defend him?

I’m not. I’m just curious why Second brought the sword with her when she was in a shower yesterday. Young Chevalier Bai said you asked him to be there. If he really wanted to peep at you, how would he defend himself that way? Fourth Senior Sister’s saying makes sense to me.

Could it be that Second Senior Sister… It’s just my guess. I hope this is a coincidence. Er Huan, you don’t need to think too much. It might be a good thing for Emei to let him go. Let’s practice the formation. Yes. Fifth Senior Sister. Go ahead. The temperature is good. Yes.

Oh, by the way. Fifth Senior Sister, do you think something’s strange about the matter of Young Chevalier Bai peeping at Seventh Junior Sister yesterday? Not at all. That bastard also tried to seduced me before. But Fourth Sister said maybe Second Senior Sister deliberately framed this on Young Chevalier Bai. Really?

She felt something strange. Think about it. Usually, Second Sister doesn’t take the sword with her when bathing. But she did yesterday. Maybe it’s a coincidence. Forget it. Go take a bath, or the water will get cold. OK. I’ll go. Quite interesting, right? Why is Senior Sister lying here? I don’t know.

Let’s surprise her. Senior Sister. Senior Sister. Senior Sister. Wake up, Senior Sister. -Senior Sister. -Fourth Senior Sister is dead. Anybody! -Senior Sister is dead. -Fourth Senior Sister. Help! Senior Sister, wake up. First Senior Sister. Come here. Fourth Senior Sister is dead. How could this be?! Poisoned. Look at the water. Since the establishment,

No such accident has ever occurred at Emei. Bai Xiao Xiao, your Fourth Sister, stood aloof from worldly success but died in such an accident. Wei Qing. Find out the cause by all means to avoid such accidents happen again. Please rest assured, Venerable Elders. I won’t let Fourth die a mysterious death.

Lock down the mountain. Yes. What are you doing? According to First Senior Sister’s order, Emei is locked down today. No one is allowed to enter or leave. Young Chevalier Bai, please get back. Why? Fourth Sister is dead last night. It seems that Emei’s calamity has just begun. Did you poison Fourth? Right.

I only told you her doubt. Why did you poison her? I did this for you. For me? Although she had no desire to compete, her logical ability was the strongest among you all. If we don’t eliminate her, our relationship will be exposed. But she’s my Fourth Senior Sister. Every legendary story

Is written in blood. If you want to become Acting Master and get the Yanshi’s Offering, this is the only way to go. So, you should do it yourself next time. Have you seen your Seventh Senior Sister? No. Why is he here? Ah!! Sixth Senior Sister is dead. Sixth Senior Sister is dead.

Anybody help. Hurry up. First Senior Sister. Third Senior Sister. Seventh Senior Sister. -Lian. -Sixth Senior Sister. Don’t get me wrong. She was already like this when I came in. The facts will tell the truth of your words. Take him into the Thunder Cave. Yes. Sixth Junior Sister. Sixth Junior Sister. Why you again?

Take him out. Sixth Junior Sister. Sixth Junior Sister. Sixth Junior Sister. Sixth Junior Sister. Hurry up. Go. Can you Emei disciples be more gentle? It’s unnecessary for such a lascivious person like you. Yes. Let’s go. Great. You’ve made your first step. You have to lose tomorrow’s competition on purpose. Lose on purpose?

Yes. The real competition is never in public. I could make Fifth lose the competition on purpose. How could she agree as she wants that position so badly? That’s not your business. Just wait and see. I’m not good enough. I lose. You did well, Fifth Junior Sister. Er Huan, did you notice

She tried so hard to hide her skill today? So Fifth Senior Sister did it? We will know tonight after we ask her. Where did you come back from at this late hour? Well. I just finished my practice. Practice till late. You have put so much effort into it. It’s my duty.

With so much going on lately, I want to do something for Emei. Do something? But that “something” was done by you, right? Seventh Junior Sister, why did you say this? We’re the Seven Swords of the same sect. Why did you kill Sixth Senior Sister? Did you also kill Fourth Senior Sister?

I don’t understand. Just touch the wound on the back of your neck. It was caused by the Seven Stars Sword. Unlike other swords, the wounds caused by the Seven Star Sword look like seven stars. You know that, don’t you? Fifth. Come with us and apologize to all the sisters and Venerable Elders.

You won’t die for this. You’re so naive. Senior Senior Sister. Fifth. You did all this. Er Huan. Release Young Chevalier Bai right now and explain it to the Venerable Elders. We will then bring Fifth Junior Sister to the Great Hall to confess. Thank you. Seventh Senior Sister. Follow me.

Your Fifth Senior Sister killed your Sixth Senior Sister. I’ve never had any evil thoughts about her. The one who is really hooking up with her is the disciple of Quanzhen Sect that you saved. Actually, he doesn’t belong to the Quanzhen Sect. His true identity should be related to the Solar Sect

And Lord Yongyang. It’s our internal affair. You can leave Emei now. What I want to tell you is that more than one of you is involved with it beside your Fifth Senior Sister. There’s another one. Second Senior Sister? Yes. Darn it. Master. Fifth. You’ve made so many mistakes

Yet you don’t remorse at all. Second Second Sister. I have returned the favor to you, losing to me in the competition. We’re even. Don’t worry. I will definitely support you to be Acting Master. I’ll follow your orders. First Senior Sister. I didn’t expect you to play all kinds of tricks for that position,

Even at the cost of your humanity. Take out your sword. Today, I’m going to cleanse Emei. You did this? Who on earth are you? That’s not important. All you need to know is who will kill you. It’s my fault for not seeing people through. Now Wei Qing is dead. I believe

You’ll be Acting Master soon. Third Senior Sister. Third Senior Sister. Hurry up. Er Huan. Hurry up. Go help First Senior Sister. Second Senior Sister has fallen into madness in order to compete for Acting Master. First Senior Sister? Right. Er Huan, promise me. No matter what, we can’t let Emei

Fall into the wrong hands. Third Senior Sister, I promise. I vow to defend Emei till death. Third Senior Sister! Third Senior Sister! Fifth. Fifth Senior Sister. First Senior Sister. Stop. I think we’re too late. Here’s what happened. Second Senior Sister has fallen into madness. Please, revenge for the dead sisters.

-I didn’t expect her to be like this. -Yes. Get prepared. Tonight, we’ll catch her alive. Yes. Knock her down. Second Senior Sister. Stop struggling. This is your karma for killing so many sisters. You’re so hypocritical. No, I’m not. It’s you being so stupid. Sun Zi Yi has been lying to you all along.

We’re all in this together. He planned all this. Come on, lock this betrayer into the Thunder Cave. Yes. Why are you cultivating martial arts here instead of revealing Fifth? The real competition is never what it looks. I never thought that Emei would suffer such a calamity. Third, Fourth, and Sixth

Were killed by their sister. The whereabouts of Wei Qing and Er Huan are unknown. Zhi Xuan is the only survivor of the Seven Swords. God does not bless Emei. Please don’t be sad, Venerable Elders. I’ll protect Emei with my life. I will never let the wicked get away with anything again. Well.

Emei cannot be without a leader. Since you’re the only one left of the Seven Swords, you’re Acting Master now. The crowning ceremony will be held tomorrow. I’m afraid I’m not qualified to take this important position. You deserve this. Currently, you are the best choice for this. Er Huan,

Do you remember Yanshi’s Offering I have been teaching you since you were a child? Yes. I’ve kept that in mind and practiced all the time. But… What’s wrong? But I don’t understand. Only the master of Emei can learn this ultimate skill. Why have you been teaching me since I was a child?

This is not the ultimate skill of Emei. It’s something handed down by Lord Chenliu. It can manipulate people and things from thousands of miles away and bring back the dead. It’s a unique skill that combines extreme Yin and Yang. You are the most talented among all the Emei disciples.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand it. Moreover, this skill originated from a piece of green stone. If your father, Li Bashan, hadn’t given this stone to Emei, and it hadn’t been split by lightning accidentally, I would not have inadvertently obtained it. So, you deserve this.

This may be the will of God. Congratulations, the new master of Emei. Venerable Elder. Stop using your internal force. It won’t work. The poison has already invaded your organs through the water you drink. Using internal force will only make it work faster. Why? You said you love me.

You said you’d be with me forever. Why are the women of Emei so stupid? How could I love you? All the words you said before are lies? That’s right. I’m here for this. How can you lie to me? I didn’t lie to you. What I love is your body, not you.

I knew I would have to handle one more. You’re wrong. Make it two. Do you think you two together are enough to stop me? If our ability is not enough, how about coupling it with First Senior Sister’s? You’re not dead? So not all female disciples of Emei are fools. Quite interesting.

If there really is a fool, it can only be you. You were… Actually, the Yanshi’s Offering Master left for Acting Master is fake. Fighting for it is meaningless. Impossible. How do you know it? I have learned this skill since I was a child, and it has been 13 years.

The man isn’t a disciple of Quanzhen Sect, and he does not love you. He only wants to get Yanshi’s Offering from you. You’ve been lied to all along. He is Yong Kun, Lord Yongyang. He plundered the martial arts skills of all sects under the guise of killing people who opposed the Qing Dynasty.

This time, his target is Yanshi’s Offering. All this time, I thought you really loved me. If Seventh Senior Sister didn’t tell me, I would believe you. But the poison. I’m not poisoned at all. How could it be! Not only me, but also them. Young Chevalier Bai guessed that you’d poison the water,

So we have prepared for it. The fools have become wise. This world is getting more interesting. So it’s all a fake. You’re not going to tell me those sisters aren’t dead either, are you? It’s our fault that we realized it too late and let our sisters be killed by you.

I must kill you, bastard. Do you think that you can really stop me? I’ll let you know the power of the Formation of Nine Yin and Seven Swords. Formation of Nine Yin and Seven Swords? How will you complete the formation with a shortage of three swords?

You always want to obtain Yanshi’s Offering, right? Now, you’ll see it. You should do this?! Formation of Nine Yin and Seven Swords, now. Yes. [Mei] Hereby award Li Er Huan, disciple of Emei, as the new Acting Master. Hope she can carry Yanshi’s Offering forward, and bring Emei back to glory.

Congratulations, the new master of Emei. Thank you for trusting me, Venerable Elders and sisters. I will follow Master’s orders and live up to your expectations. Master, your sister wrote to urge you to go back. For what? Your sister’s husband, Tiger Lei, was killed. He is dead? Who did it? Fang Shi Yu.

Fang Shi Yu? [Fang Shi Yu: Empire of Dragons] [Directed by: Guan Xiao Jie] [Stay tuned] [Fang Shi Yu: Empire of Dragons]