[أناكوندا في جزيرة الأفاعى]|Snake Island Python|حارب الأفعى العملاقة بشجاعة في جزيرة الصحراء!|YOUKU

I didn’t expect the species to be so rich here. It will be of great help to our rare species studies. I’ll go and check. What’s wrong? Don’t worry. It’s a monkey. Lucky for you. It’s bound to be a sleepless night. Be careful not to be eaten by a wild beast. Liang? Liang? Liang?

Liang? Liang? It’s not fun. Liang. Come out! Liang? Liang? Liang? Liang? Come out, or I’m gonna get mad. Come on. Liang? You’ll never see me again. I’m leaving… [Snake Island Python] Today’s temperature can go up to 38 degrees. [Jinhai City] It’s hot. Gina Storm is approaching nearby waters. Some coastal areas

Are likely to see heavy rains and strong winds. People are suggested to stay at home. Girls, come and see this. It looks so nice. Taotao, I’ve counted the days. Your snacks will past the shelf life. It’s really hard to remember that. Then help me with them. Okay. I promise nothing would be left.

Thanks, Taotao! Shengnan, you almost punched on my snacks. Life lies in movement. Aren’t you afraid of getting fat? I just did 800 push-ups. I’m still growing. It’s none of your business. Whatever, you’ll never be as plump as Lili. Li Shengnan, can you stop acting like a man? Xiaojing. Xiaoxiao. – Xiaojing. – Xiaojing.

The group assignment for graduation thesis is due next week, and we got to hurry up for that. I’ve got the materials required, except for animal specimens and real shots. Here you are, Taotao. Thank you, dear. Nothing. Hi, Xiaojing. Hi. You’re here at the right time. Just check this for me.

Is this smaller on me? Your chests must be getting bigger. Okay, let’s get ready for the assignment. Well, since we need real shots and animal specimens, let’s take a graduation trip, for both study and fun. How much would that cost? I have no money. I’m just getting enough to eat. Not me.

Don’t worry. We have Taotao with us. Thinking of me now? Come on. Hello, girls in my dorm are planning a graduation trip, do you want to join us? Shaowei. Yeah? I’ve been so excited since I got on the yacht. I think my spring is coming. Congratulations then! What do you think?

Are you satisfied with this? Where are you going to take us? Well, I found a romantic island with sunny beach. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with it. Well, it’s still too early to say that. Is this smaller, too? How could this be? Hi. Hi. Call me Lili. You are…? I’m…

I’m Xiong Yishan. And he is Fu Shaowei. Remembering my name is enough. Just let me know if you need any help. Do you speak Sichuan dialect? Sure, I’m from Sichuan. Piss off. Okay. Wow! What? Shengnan, you’re so… Go away. Xiaojing, I never saw you dressed like this. You look pretty.

Long time no see, Xiaojing. Xiaojing, where are your glasses? I’m wearing contact lenses for convenience. Come on, everyone. Yeah. – Jinhu, come over. – Come on. Come on. The Island! – We’re coming. – We’re coming. What about now? Sober up? What’s wrong, what’s wrong, what’s wrong with you?

Don’t just sit there. Come on. Look! Here we are. Let me help you with this. It’s so beautiful. Shengnan, come and look. It’s so beautiful. – Lili, let me help you with that, too. – Wow, it’s really beautiful. Let me help you. So beautiful. Look over there. – Boss, boss, – Let’s go.

Hurry up. You just have fun here. I’ll be here to pick you up in three days, okay? Okay. That’s it. Okay. Have fun. Look at that. It’s beautiful. Be careful. Be careful. Watch your steps. Would you catch up? With two suitcases, – Hurry up. – I’m still ahead of you. Yeah. Be careful.

See, it’s so beautiful. Come on, let me carry this. It’s so beautiful here. Jinhu, hurry up. Let’s go. Sir, after going back home, you won’t have to kneel on many durians. What’s wrong, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you know my place in my family? Yes, you’re this. What’s more, my wife likes durian.

How can I open a durian without kneeling on it? Tell you what, I’m not afraid of my wife but caring about her. Harmony brings wealth. You are young and should… Ermao? Ermao? Can you reach it or not? Take it easy. Lift me up a little bit. Come on.

How far do we have to go? Almost. I’m so tired. Lili, just wait a minute. The wild fruits are very delicious. A little to the left. No, right. Left or right? Neither so left nor so right. Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao? – Xiaoxiao? – Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao. Did you get hurt?

– How do you feel? Are you okay? – Are you okay? Yishan, how useless you are! How do you feel? What about your head? Does it hurt? [Tomb of my beloved daughter Gao Haiyan] Just some tombs. What’s so scary? They’ll be torn down later for development. It’s okay. You must be Jinhu.

Who are you? I’m Wang. Mr. Yao told me you would come. I didn’t see you at the beach, so I took a shortcut to come here. Wang, you scared us. We thought you’re a ghost. Lili, don’t be afraid. Piss off. Snakes are intelligent. You shouldn’t kill it. How do you know it’s intelligent?

Did it tell you that? It’s nice here. It’s a nice place. – It’s really good. – Yeah. Make yourself at home. – Okay, thank you, Wang. – Okay. – Thank you, Wang. – Thank you, Wang. Okay. Well, here is for cooking. We can cook here. Yeah, it’s nice here.

I’ll sleep here. I don’t want to go upstairs. It’s well equipped. Nice. – Shaowei, shall we share one room? – Come on, let’s look around. Okay. Girls, let’s stay upstairs. – Shengnan, let’s share this room. – Then, this will be my room. It’s interesting. And this, look at this. I like here. Wow!

So beautiful! Dongyang, get the stuff inside. Let’s go upstairs. Taotao, watch your steps. Hurry. Be careful. Here is a room. So comfortable. There is a boxing bag. Let’s share this room. Okay. Okay. – I’ll show you my skills later. – It’s so beautiful here. Ahead of us, it’s Fairy Pool I told you.

It’s beautiful. – So, it’s here. – Here we are. Lili, look at me. Come on. Come over. What are you doing? I’m checking the pictures. What is it? I was joking. Go downstairs. We’ve been waiting for you. Okay, I’ll be right there. Be quick. Okay. Shengnan, how many sit-ups have you done?

Eight hundred a day. That’s a must. Go downstairs when you finish this. Yeah. Five hundred. Six hundred. Seven hundred. Eight hundred. It’s done. I’m coming. It’s the fourth winter of the Republic of China when the lunar new year was approaching, a son of a distant relative of my mother’s uncle

Was head of the security brigade in the town. Odd things happened to the brigade. Its gate was facing the execution ground. It is said that someone knocked at the door during nights. One night after collecting the protection fees, he got drunk and went to the toilet. Suddenly,

A puff of white smoke wafted in. In the smoke, he saw two dirty hands, with a piece of red toilet paper in the left and a green piece in the right. He then heard an eerie voice asking, “Do you want red or green”? There’s a story about the paper.

It’s called Paper of Resentment. The red means dying in three days. The green means dying in seven days. It’s scary. Which color did he choose? Fortunately, he was drunk and said, “I think it’s you who will die.” “I’ve said that it’s the special period

And we must be strict in the style of work.” He just kicked its ass. Come on. That’s the story from a TV drama. So boring. Exactly. Lili, what do you think of my… It’s simply a goat but not a ghost. So, you were hunting a goat at the midnight? It’s a coincidence.

Xiaoxiao, don’t be afraid. Let’s have a barbecue tomorrow. Let’s go back, Lili. – Let’s go. – You scared us to death at the midnight. Taotao. – Don’t talk to me. – Taotao. Taotao. Lili. Taotao. I want to tell you something. You scared me. Leave me alone. Taotao? Go with him. Go. Okay.

Stop calling me. Let go of me. What do you want to tell me? [The Moon Represents My Heart] ♪How deep my love for you is♪ You know what, I felt lost in my life before I met you. But just now, I realized that my goal in life is you. Save it.

My mom told me that I’d rather believe the ghosts than men’s words. Well, … [Pink Memory] Well, I just pretend to be wayward. I’m actually single-minded and faithful. For you, I’m willing to give my life. Did you hear any sound? What sound? Run. Run. Run. Run. What’s up? What was the sound?

What’s going on? What was that? It sounds like a firecracker. – Firecracker? – Firecracker? Wang? What are you doing here? Did you see Lili and Yishan? Did you fire? You’re all here. Let me tell you what, Wang was awesome. He just shot it. Right, Lili? Exactly. Where did you go?

– Yeah? – Yeah? We… We didn’t go anywhere. Yeah. They almost got eaten by a crocodile. It’s not safe on the island. Don’t run around. Wang, thank you for saving us! Are you okay? I’m fine. Let’s go inside first. – Come on. – Let’s go. – Come on. – Go inside.

Let’s go inside. Wang. Hum. Wang, you’re right that all living things have natural senses. While looking into their eyes, I could feel their hopelessness. You shouldn’t come to the island. Why? It’s a beautiful island, with many species we can rarely see. What’s more beautiful is usually more dangerous.

Wang, how long have you stayed here? This is my home. My family lived here for generations. After the development, all local people have moved to cities. Why don’t you go with them? I like here. Basking in the sun and listening to the sound of waves and birds, I feel at ease.

I can’t hear that elsewhere. We are here to collect some materials for our graduation thesis, making people realize that the environment, animals and humans are integrated, all species are interdependent and related, and if we don’t protect the ecology, it will be us who will suffer. We must not do anything bad,

Or we’ll pay for that even it’s not a big deal. Don’t do evil things even they’re insignificant. It’s getting late and windy. Go back inside early. Okay, Wang. Goodnight. Well, be careful on the island. Thank you, Wang. Shush. They’re sleeping. Go out for a walk? What’s up? There is a snake. Xiaojing,

Xiaojing, are you okay? What’s up? There is a snake. Xiaojing was bitten. Dongyang? Are you okay? It’s poisonous. – What’s up? – What happened? Xiaojing was bitten by a snake. How did it happen? Xiaojing. Hu. It’s not poisonous. Jinhu, Didn’t you hear that? It’s not poisonous. Not…not poisonous. Xiaojing,

Let’s go back and rest. Come on. Thank God! Come on. Let’s go. Come on. Stop. Taotao, Taotao, we should go together. It’s dangerous for you to go alone. Okay, let’s go together. Call the yacht now and let’s go right now. It’s still early in the morning. What’s up?

– Are you in a fight? – Taotao, I couldn’t sleep with your arguments. We’re here having fun. Could you not be a killjoy? Well, I’m a killjoy. Will you go or not? I called but couldn’t get through. We should wait till the yacht is here. [No signal] No signal.

Why there is no signal with my cell? The base station breaks down due to the rain. The network is cut off on the island. – What should we do now? – See? No signal. We’re unable to contact the captain. How to go? Don’t make troubles, okay? Make troubles? I’m doing this for Xiaojing.

She could be in danger without treatment. Well, I’m good now. She is good now. Jinhu’s mouth is so effective that she’s good now. It’s more effective than medicine. Well, you just have a rest here and I’ll go and see if I can fix it. Wang, I’m going with you.

I know a little about network communications. Wang, I’m going with you, too. Okay. Be careful, Wang, we’ll have a barbecue tonight when you’re back. – Taotao, – Dongyang, – Yishan, – you go, too and take care of them. Catch up. Be careful. Are you okay? Thanks. Be careful. Wang, can it be fixed?

Let’s see. You two go to the control room to check the circuits. Okay. Okay. I think it’s over there. Nature is so powerful. We think we’re at the top of the food chain. So, we’ve ignored the power of nature. Everything that happens every day, including this storm, reminds us of

How powerless we are. Actually, Jinhu is a nice guy. He’s just been spoiled and is bit willful. Have you known each other for long? Yes, since we were kids. How is it going? Is it fixed? Yes. Can it be fixed? Forget it. Wang, I won’t be easily fixed. What should we do now?

Let’s go back first. Where is Liu Dongyang? Do you feel hot? When could this be ready? I’m so hungry. Wait a minute. What’s the hurry? Just a few more minutes. Spray some of this. Taotao. This smells so good. Wait, shush! Haven’t you noticed anything wrong? What’s wrong? They’ve fallen out. Shennan, Xiaoxiao,

How is it going? How is it going? Wang, the barbecue is ready. Xiaojing. Show me your cell. They’re treating me badly and won’t let me eat. It will be ready soon. There is still no signal. It won’t be easily fixed. Let’s just wait then. The captain will come for us tomorrow anyway.

It’s only one more night. Hasn’t Liu Dongyang come back? – No. – Not yet. Wasn’t he with you? Yeah? We’re separated as we got to the warehouse. We thought he’s already back. No. Let’s go find him in case of something bad happened. He’s an adult. What could happen to him?

He wouldn’t be beaten anyway. But we all know there are crocodiles on the island. Let’s go find him. Follow me. Let’s not get separated. Let’s go. Hurry. Go. Come on, Taotao. Come on, Jinhu. Lili. Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang?

– Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – What are you looking at? Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – Nothing. I shouldn’t bring him with us. – Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – He’s just a burden. Liu Dong… Liu Dongyang – Liu Dongyang? – Is this Liu Dongyang’s knife?

Everyone, come over. – Come and take a look. – It seems to be Liu Dongyang’s knife. Here. There is blood on it. The blood comes from there. Could anything have happened to him? Let’s hope not. Everyone follows me. Okay. Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang?

– Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang? Liu Dongyang? Dongyang? Come here. There is a cave here. Wang, look at this. Dongyang? Hello? Let’s go down to take a look. – Liu Dongyang? – Liu Dongyang? Look, what are these? What is this place?

What eggs can be so big? It must be the cave of some animal. These are its eggs. Could these be crocodile eggs? Don’t scare me. Jinhu, be careful. What are you doing, Jinhu? Jinhu? No. I’ve seen crocodile eggs. They’re not as big as these. Then what are these? Python. Python? Python?

We’re in its cave now. Liu Dongyang might… Shengnan, is he the mate? It’s all your fault. I told you we should go. What should we do now? This has nothing to do with me. Why does this have nothing to do with you? You brought us here. You… Jinhu, let’s go.

Let’s get out of here first. Don’t be afraid. No matter! I’m not afraid of a python. – Jinhu. – Jinhu. – You can’t do that. If you destroy its eggs, – Stop! it will come for you. Come for me? I’m here. Just come for me. Jinhu… You’re all cowards. Come on, run. Hurry.

Hurry. Run. Run. Hurry. Hurry up. Run. Xiaoxiao, come on. This way. Come on, Lili. This way. Come on, Lili. I can’t move. What’s going on? Yishan, I can’t pull my leg out. What should we do? Hurry. What should we do? Yishan? Lili? – Lili. – Lili.

– Lili. – What can we do, Shengnan? Lili. Don’t move. Don’t move. It’s sludge under it. The more you move, the deeper you’ll sink. Don’t move. Taotao. Taotao. Go find some sticks to pull them out. Yishan, don’t move. Stop moving. Hold this. It’s okay now. Taotao, stick. Here is a stick. Come on,

Take this. Come on. A bit forward. Take it. I can’t. Take it. – Come on. – Take it. Come on, Lili. I can’t reach it. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Take it. Take it. Come on. Come on. Take it. Take it. Come on. Come on, take it. Come on.

Come on. Lili, Come on. Take it. Come on. Go. Yishan. Yishan. Come on. Yishan, Yishan, Yishan. – Yishan. – Yishan. Yishan. Yishan. Let’s go. – Yishan. – Go. – Yishan. – Go. Let’s go. Open the door. Jinhu? Open the door. Jinhu, open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Come on.

Where is Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao? Let’s go find her. Come on. – Xiaoxiao? – Xiaoxiao? – Xiaoxiao? – Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao? – Xiaoxiao? – Xiaoxiao? Help! Xiaoxiao, come over. Watch your back. – Xiaoxiao. – Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao, let go of me. Let’s go. Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao! Let’s go. Either Xiaoxiao or us would die. Bastard! Lili. Lili.

Hold on. Block all the entrances. Here. Yao Jinhu, you bastard! You almost got us killed. – Taotao. – Taotao. Taotao! I’m not gonna stand you any longer. Bastard. Stop! Stop! Shengnan. Fuck off. Don’t you see what we’re facing now? Do you want to die here? Shengnan. Shengnan, how do you feel?

We shouldn’t come. You say this now? It’s all because of your vanity. Because of me? I think you’re here for Xiaojing. What’s wrong with you? I know exactly what’s in your mind. You’ve been peeping at Xiaojing all the way. Do you take me as a fool? What’s wrong with you? You’re crazy.

Taotao, Taotao. You’ve wronged me, Taotao. I’ve been taking you as my sis. How could you seduce my boyfriend? I didn’t. I really didn’t. Tao, Xiaojing would never like such a piece of shit. He’s nothing but having some money. Say it again? – Stop. – What can you do to me? Shengnan. Stop. Wang,

We can’t stay inside like this. Staying here is to wait for death. It would tear the house down. Retribution! I saw a boat in the warehouse. It’s been there for several years. We don’t even know if it would work. The key has become a decoration. We got to try.

That’s our only hope now. Don’t move. – Jinhu? – Put the gun down. What do you want? I want to live. I don’t want to die here. What are you doing? Jinhu, it’s not safe outside. It’s better than waiting for death here. All back off. Jinhu, I’m going to find Yishan. Lili!

Lili, don’t! – Lili. – Lili. Stay away. You all go now. Go. Wang, what about you? Leave me alone. I can handle this. Go. Go. Yao Jinhu, Jinhu, help me! Jinhu, help! Jinhu! Taotao, Taotao. Let’s pull her up. Help! Come on. Come on. Hold on. Come on. Come on. Taotao, Taotao! Xiaojing,

Xiaojing, I’m sorry! It’s okay. Taotao, let’s go. Get up. Let’s go now. Okay. Go. – Go, go. – Go. Come on. Jinhu? Where is Taotao? Where is Taotao? What about the boat? What about the boat? Does it work? Yes, it works. Get it down. Go. Go. Go. What now? Well, Well,

Let’s see what we can use. Okay. Come on, here. There is some fuel. Let’s burn it to death. Okay. Come on. Let’s go. Has it gone? Jinhu. Jinhu, are you okay? Jinhu, run, run. Come on, Jinhu. Come on. Xiaojing, the rope. Pull! Go. Come on. Go. Let’s go. Hurry. Come on. Come on.

Shengnan. Shengnan. Wang! Wang! – Wang! – Wang! Wang! – Wang! – Wang! – Wang! – Wang! Go, all of you! No. Jinhu! Wang! – Wang! – Wang! – Wang! – Come on. Let’s go, Wang. Wang, let’s go. I can’t. You go now. Go. Go! I’m sorry. How could this be?

It’s the nature’s revenge on us. These are not supposed to happen. These happened because we hurt what it tried to protect. ♪I roll♪ ♪I take♪ ♪I smoke my soul♪ ♪Life is an endless fight♪ ♪Inhale blow it out♪ ♪Heartbeat is a warning♪ ♪Trying to rescue♪ ♪The cells you’ve captured♪

♪I don’t want to get addicted again♪ ♪I may not want to wake up yet♪ ♪I need to find in my dreams♪ ♪The light amidst the smoke♪ ♪The smoke that never recedes♪ ♪I couldn’t find a way out♪ ♪I need to breath faster♪ ♪I don’t want to let myself down♪ ♪So alive♪ ♪So depressed♪

♪I wanna be with you♪ ♪With you♪ ♪On the long journey♪ ♪We’ll all turn into dirt♪ ♪And I know better than anyone♪ ♪The prisoner rioting in my heart♪ ♪Light it up♪ ♪Fire a stray bullet♪ ♪Let’s sing till we are exhausted♪ ♪Take out the lighter♪ ♪I repeat it♪ ♪Get rid of the feeling of emptiness♪

♪The feeling of fullness lasts only a few seconds♪ ♪It’s not sweat regardless the amount of sugar♪ ♪I fall asleep with painful breathing♪ ♪My mind is as crowded as Shinkansen♪ ♪Goes straight into the dark side of my heart♪ ♪It’s already three o’clock as I got home♪ ♪I’m drunk and worry no mental blackout♪

♪Her departure would make me a little sad♪ ♪The addiction seems to be setting me on fire♪ ♪I’ve locked my heart in the dark♪ ♪Don’t play with fire except for smoking♪ ♪It’s the fog that I could never get through♪ ♪I couldn’t find a way out♪ ♪I need to breath faster♪

♪I don’t want to let myself down♪ ♪So alive♪ ♪So depressed♪ ♪I wanna be with you♪ ♪With you♪ ♪On the long journey♪ ♪We’ll all turn into dirt♪ ♪And I know better than anyone♪ ♪I can’t give up♪ ♪That’s my addiction♪ ♪Don’t know what♪ ♪I’ve should believe in♪ ♪I can feel my life♪ ♪Is leaking♪

♪I need strength♪