[الرجل البرّي في شن نونغ]|Shennong Savage|غابة شن نونغ جيا تدافع بشجاعة!|أكشن/مغامرة|YOUKU

[Shennong Savage] I knew you were here. My daughter, even if you were to sit here for the rest of your life, it wouldn’t bring him back. I know. I just can’t forget about him. Father, do you think Sheng would blame me if he were still alive? In the end, it was all my fault.

Back then… Maybe this is their fate. Let’s check it out. Stay put! Stop wasting my time! Hurry! All of you, listen up. Our commander-in-chief is a benevolent person. As long as one of you tell us the location of the Valley of Hell, our commander-in-chief will reward you greatly. However,

If you guys insist on being stubborn, don’t blame me for showing you no mercy. No one wants to talk, huh? Seems like I need to teach you how to respect our commander-in-chief. No! Don’t take away my child! Mother! Sir! Please don’t take away my child! Mother! Mother! No! Sir! Stop.

Don’t take him away! Mother! Mother! Adjutant Liu, how many times have I told you? We’re here to ask them for a favor. So, we need to be polite and humble. Understood? I’m sorry, Commander-In-Chief. Little boy. Good boy. Come on. There’s a peanut inside my gun. Do you want it? Okay.

Sir, I beg you! Please don’t kill my child! I beg you! Please don’t kill my child! Sir! Look. He’s such an adorable child. You guys just have to put him in danger, huh? Commander-In-Chief, we’re only here to seek wealth. We don’t need to kill them, right? As the saying goes,

We need to be lenient wherever it is possible. There’s another saying too. Good people don’t live long. You’re just a grave robber. Stop pretending to be a Samaritan. Understood? Sir! We truly don’t know where the Valley of Hell is! It’s useless even if you kill us all! Sir,

I beg you! Please let him… Stand up! No! Did you guys see that? Since you guys are so stubborn, I’ll be a merciful guy and send him to the afterlife. Sir, I beg you! Sir, please don’t! Don’t move! I’ll kill him! My son, come here! Little girl,

Seems like you don’t understand the situation you’re in. Commander-In-Chief! Put down your gun. Father? Just forget about me. This is interesting. You’re the first person who dared to point your gun at me in my entire life. Sirs, my daughter is young and insensible. She had offended you by accident. Please spare her.

I’ll bring you guys to the entrance of the Valley of Hell. You know where the Valley of Hell is? Father, I should be the one doing it. You should go home. Stop messing around! You’re a lady! Since you two have such a deep bond, both of you should go together. You guys better don’t fall behind. Be careful. Hurry up. Father. Miss, please don’t get the wrong idea. I just wanted to have a chat with you two. There’s nothing for us to chat about. Of course there is. Why don’t we talk about your escape plan? My surname is Zhang.

They call me Three Chains. I’m a grave robber. Zhang, what exactly are you up to? Mister, please don’t get the wrong idea. I do not harbor any malicious intent. I just admire the lady’s courage when she risked her life to save the villagers.

That’s why I’m here to have a chat with you two. If I may be of any use to you, please tell me. Please lead us to the Valley of Hell with sincerity. My father and I were doing that from the start. If so, why did you lead us here?

Although I’m different from those soldiers of fortunes, I’m not that easily deceived. Zhang, over there is the Empty Valley Swamp. More than 10 years ago, Jia’er! Father! Father! Father! I want my father! Keep quiet. I’ll lure them away. Jia’er. Sheng! Jia’er! Father! Jia’er! Jia’er, where’s Sheng? Sheng is over there! Run! Jia’er, just run! We took a detour because first, we can prevent a calamity. Second, we don’t want to be reminded of our tragic past. Commander-In-Chief,

Seems like that Zhang guy wants to establish an alliance with them. Just let him be. We still need him to seek out the treasures when we’re there. Anyway, I have a gun. I’m sure they don’t dare to try anything funny. Let’s proceed. Yes, sir! Father, do you think they’ll turn us in?

You’re injured. You cannot defeat me. Don’t be angry. My brother. Sirs, this is the entrance. Old man, you’re not trying to deceive our commander-in-chief, right? Sir, I would never be daring enough to deceive you! You must pass this area if you wish to reach the Valley of Hell.

As for how to pass it, even I have no idea. Is that so? What are you guys doing? I’m going to toss your father out there. If your father can reach there from here, I’ll believe in your words. Commander-In-Chief! Sir! Don’t move. Don’t touch my father! Sir, please listen to me.

According to the legends, the Valley of Hell is the valley where the King of Hell punishes the evil ghosts! No one had ever returned from the valley alive! I have never entered the valley before. I don’t know how to get there either. Commander-In-Chief, even if you kill them both,

It still won’t solve our problem. What do you suggest then? According to the Legend of the Dragon, the Yang Dragon resides on a flat hill The things we’re looking for must be here. I can see why you’re a grave robber. So, how can we reach the opposite? From what I’ve learned within my sect, the dragon rests on top of the mountain, while its tail dangles below. There must be a rope bridge below the valley.

It’s just that the clouds are too thick. That’s why we can’t see it. Abacus. Master? Seems like we have to trouble you. Please scout the area for us. Yes, Master. Wait. How about this? Old man. Yes, sir? Since you guys brought us here, I would like to trouble you guys again

And scout the area for us. My daughter. You’ll see a small path when you get down there. Remember, you must escape when you have the chance. Father, you should be the one escaping. Just listen to me. Go now. Father, but… What do you think you guys are doing? Go down! Yes, sir. Father!

Be careful, Jia’er. Father! I found the path! It’s to my right! Old man, hurry and shift her. Jia’er, be careful! Jia’er! Jia’er! Jia’er! What was that? Was that even a human? Jia’er! Father, I’m fine! The jungle was known to be mysterious. Seems like it was true. Jia’er! Jia’er! Thank you.

What are you trying to do? Those are the Corpse-Eating Vultures! Run! Run! Run! Protect the commander-in-chief! Help! Get out of the way! Father! Father! Come here! You could’ve escaped! Why did you come back? I can’t just leave you here! Father! Father! Father! This place is creepy. What are those? Father! Jia’er! Commander-In-Chief, let’s go! Maybe

If the white ape had saved you back then, maybe it could’ve saved Sheng as well. Father, I think the wild man who saved me today looked exactly like Sheng. Jia’er, that’s impossible. You saw what happened back then yourself. He… It’s impossible for him to be alive. Why is that impossible?

We’re still alive, am I right? You. You just can’t forget about him. My father said that I have to protect Jia’er for the rest of my life. Good boy. I’ve been keeping this hope alive for 15 years. I constantly think about how great life would be if Sheng was still alive.

If that white ape we saw was the Divine Ape that the Southern Ming Army had raised… Since the white ape exists, that means the treasures in the treasure map do exist as well. Commander-In-Chief, as long as you’re willing to show me the treasure map, I will find the treasures for you. Such audacity!

Do you think a village fool like you has the right to see the treasure map? How many times have I told you already? We hired him to help us out! You better mind your words when you speak to him, understood? I’m sorry, Commander-In-Chief. Apologize to him. I’m sorry, Mister. It’s fine.

Mister, since I’ve hired you, naturally, I have to depend on your skills as a grave robber. Mister, please. According to the Legend of the Dragon, a secret lies within the center of the valley. It is hard to fathom and figure out. The dragons of Yin and Yang are most alike.

The density of the mountain gives a clue. Once you pass the mountain, the pass will show. The true dragon is hidden within the mountain of passes. From this, we can see that this is a genuine treasure map. Commander-In-Chief. This is great. It’s pretty late. Mister, please rest well. Farewell, Commander-In-Chief. Commander-In-Chief,

The night is still young. Why don’t we have some fun with Miss Jia’er? Commander-In-Chief, you mustn’t do so. What do you mean by that? Are you trying to interfere even when our commander-in-chief wants to sleep with a girl? Naturally, I dare not do so.

But now, we need all the help we can get. We’ve suffered huge casualties. Moreover, they’re hunters. They understand the danger hidden within the jungle and mountains better. It’d be terrible for everyone if you killed her by accident. Mister, you do have a point. Don’t worry. I know what to do. Farewell. Commander-In-Chief.

Does it still hurt? No. Your skin is pretty thick. Commander-In-Chief, seems like he’s showing you less respect now. Just let him be. He won’t be able to live for long anyway. Master, why did you offend a scoundrel like Yan Liben for their sake? Being a grave robber

Is a shady job in the first place. Naturally, we need to be nice to the people we meet to establish connections. It’s just that Yan Liben has an eccentric temper. He’s saying yes to our every request because he needs our help. But I’ve offended him time and time again. I’m afraid

He won’t let us off in the future. I will surely protect you, Master. Silly child, if something does happen to me, I need you to keep the trade alive. You better survive. Master, I… It’s late now. Let’s go and rest. We have a treacherous path to take ahead. I think she… She…

She looks familiar. You’ve seen her too? We didn’t do that. Someone! After them! Hurry! Stop right there! Stop right there! Don’t run! Stop right there! Don’t run! Stop right there! Stop right there! Shoot them! Jia’er, I’ll lure them away. You should head southwards! Father, come back! Don’t let him escape! After him!

Don’t run! Hurry! Hurry! After them! You were pretty fast, huh? Take him away. You’re pretty tough, aren’t you? Get up! What are you laughing at? When I saw your stupid face, I knew that my daughter had escaped! You beast! So, you wish to die? I’ll grant you your wish right now.

If you kill him, who’s going to lead the way? Commander-In-Chief, two of our brothers died because of him! I have to skin him alive! So, you don’t even heed my words now? Do you think you can step all over me now? Commander-In-Chief, I’m doing this for your sake.

This old man will surely cause trouble for us if we keep him alive. Besides, we still have Three Chains Zhang with us. I’m sure we don’t need to depend on him. Adjutant Liu, you flatter me. I do have the ability to seek out graves and treasures.

It’s just that we’re at a low-lying terrain. And this area is surrounded by fog all year long. No matter how capable I am, I cannot tell how the mountains are aligned. Commander-In-Chief, why don’t I try to persuade him for you? If he still insists on being stubborn, you can kill him anytime.

I won’t stop you. If he attempts anything funny again, you will deal with him personally. Who exactly are you? The mountains… Toxic miasma… Were you the one who saved me? Yes. It’s me. I’m… Come. This was us when we gathered herbs as kids. This was when the monster attacked us. This is Whitey.

My buddy. He saved me. Sheng. I knew you are still alive! Do you know how much I’ve missed you? It must’ve been tough on you all these years. No. All these years, Whitey has been nice to me. You may not know, but I’ve been missing you every day for the past 15 years.

I finally found you! I’m so happy! But I’m really useless. I couldn’t save you back then. Now, I can’t even save my father! Come on, follow me. Sheng, where are you taking me? We’re here. The path is really treacherous. Mister, be careful! Zhang, you look like a nice person. Why are you assisting the evil? Actually, my master is here to look for a treasure called the Phoenix Pearl. The Phoenix Pearl? According to the legends, it could remove the Ghost Eye Curse that had plagued my friend for generations.

This concerns the lives of my friend and his entire tribe. If you know where it is, I hope you can tell me. Zhang, you’re risking your life to save other people. Do you think it’s worth it? As a man, if we let someone die even though we have the ability to save them,

We will live in guilt forever. You’re right. Live in guilt forever. What are you two doing? Hurry up! You’re awake? What’s the matter? It’s my father! He’s still alive! There… Dangerous! You mustn’t go! But my father is over there! Stay here. I’ll go. Let’s return home together after we save my father. Home? Hurry. Hurry, don’t fall behind. Hurry. Alright. Let’s stop here. Commander-In-Chief, something feels off about this place.

Is that old man up to something again? Old man! What are you up to now? Are you tired of living? What’s going on? Launch the flare! You’re right. I’m tired of living. I’m going to drag you guys to hell with me! Attack! Retreat! Retreat! After them! Let’s go! Zhang,

I guess I have to let you down. Why did you do so? If you wish to stay alive, just head southwards. Hurry! Don’t hesitate. Just go! Just go! Master, let’s go! No! Let’s go! Jia’er? Jia’er! Protect Commander-In-Chief! Over here. Be careful! Over here! Run! Shoot them! Shoot them! Father! Father! Father, where are you? Your father is right here. Darned old man, I was benevolent to you. I kept you alive. How dare you try to drag me down with you? Seems like

The heavens are too afraid to collect my life. Release my father! Stop! Jia’er! Get up! Stand properly! Fine. I’ll do a good deed today. I’ll send you two to the afterlife together! Sheng? Protect Commander-In-Chief! Hurry! Father! Over there! You are too slow. Sheng is still alive. I found him. He’s still alive?

Stop him! Father! Don’t move! Hurry! Protect Commander-In-Chief! Father! Father! Run! Father, you’ll be fine! Luckily, Sheng is still alive. I can finally face them now. Bring him home. Father! Shoot it! Whitey! So, he was your buddy? Fine. On account of your beastly ties with him, let me send you two to the afterlife!

Commander-In-Chief! Commander-In-Chief! Zhang San and his disciple had escaped. What? We can’t kill her. If we kill her, no one will be our guide. I’ll give you a chance. Let him go. I’ll be your guide. Good girl. Let’s go. Let’s go! Hurry! Sheng. Sheng. Sheng. Jia’er? Sheng, let’s return home together

After we save my father. I’m sorry, Jia’er. I couldn’t do it. I was useless! I couldn’t protect anyone! Your father was killed because of me! I… Whitey died because of me! Father told me to protect Jia’er for the rest of my life. Master, this is the Xu’ni Statue.

Since there’s an auspicious beast statue here, it must be a huge tomb. Xu’ni and the number six. Seems like we’re only six li away from the tomb. I didn’t expect us to find the right place by accident. Let’s go. Mr. Zhang. The heavens aren’t blind indeed. We meet again. Be careful.

Are you sure this is the place? Yang resides within Yin. Yin gives birth to Yang. Yin hides no more when Yang is born. Since this is where the dragon turtle resides and it’s surrounded by fire, I’m afraid this is a land of calamity. I just want to know where the treasures are. Commander-In-Chief.

Since we’re already here, why the rush? This bridge is known as the Yin Yang Bridge. If we don’t traverse with care, I’m afraid we might lose our lives here before we reach the tomb. I guess I’ll leave our lives to you then. Little girl, go now. Miss Jia’er, stay close to me. Master.

Commander-In-Chief. Lend me your seal. Go inside! Go inside! Let’s go! Take the grave robber charm with you and leave. If you meet someone kind in the future, you can take him as your disciple. Master, let’s leave together. Listen to me. I’ve made a promise to the Banshan Tribe.

I’ll find the Phoenix Pearl even if it costs me my life. Just leave. I’ll leave the grave robbing trade to you now. Master. Hurry. We’ve actually arrived at the Xun Section of the tomb. This door is called the Flowing Sand Descending Dragon Door. The tomb-guarding beast lies inside. Once we open the door,

We will face imminent danger. Is that so? Blast it open. Yes, sir. Commander-In-Chief, you mustn’t do so! The tomb-guarding beast is extremely ferocious! Get out of my way! Place the explosives! Yes, sir! All these are mine! All of them are mine! Kill it! Attack! Let’s go! Why are you still standing there? Attack!

I told you to attack! Attack! I’ve had enough of this! I assisted you in conquering lands and nations! But now, you want me to die for you? Are you even human? Do you think you can be the commander-in-chief without my contributions? Go to hell! Zhang San! Are you okay? Where are you going?

Go back in and retrieve the treasures for me! Hurry! What are you laughing at? It’s because you’re a laughing stock. Shut up! Sheng? Run! You want to seek revenge? Maybe in your next life! Jia’er! You beast! You want to devour me? I’ll send you to hell! Hurry! Run!

All of us will die if you bring me along! Let’s leave together! The tomb-guarding beast is extremely ferocious. I’ll blow up the bridge. I won’t let it harm anyone else! Just go! Sheng! You should run. Sheng! Didn’t we promise to go home together? Come back! Sheng!

You said you were going to protect me for the rest of your life! You liar! You better come up! Miss Yang, saving him is our priority! Sheng. Are you sure you don’t want to go home with me? My home is over there.