[التيرانوصور المُتحول]|طفرة جينية تسبب أزمة وحوش! | إثارة/كارثة|YOUKU

[GENGE Group Lab] [GENGE Group Secret Lab] [METAMORPHOSIS] You have over three hundred researchers and a grant of one billion R&D funds. It’s been almost three years, yet what have you got from your genetic studies? Why do you want more funds? Genetic recombination

[GENGE Group Chairman & Chief Scientist Zhao Bohao] has made a big difference in various areas. And I will use it in more areas. Like what? Like, rebirth. Who is it? [GENGE Group Locker Room] [GENGE Administrative Supervisor Yi Bo] Who is there? Yi Bo, it’s me. Did you hear anything?

I just accidentally bumped my head. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Well, never mind. [GENGE Building Hallway to B2] [Five hours ago at Hongshan Wildlife Reserve] Liang. Liang. Is everything set up? Yes. Where? Over there. [Liang, endangered wildlife biologist] Let’s go. Are you okay? Thank God! Take it to the hospital. Come on. [Endangered Wildlife Hospital]

Wake up. Look at this. Such a horn should not appear on a snake. It’s grown for less than a week. It’s not possible. What if its gene was reprogrammed? This one belongs to a Triceratops. This belongs to a python. That snake

[GENGE Group Chairman Assistant Shi Wen] is an experimental animal of our lab. It got out due to human negligence. I’m asking you to help those genetically… Sorry. I really have no interest in genes. A dinosaur? [GENGE Group Building] Thank you for coming. No thanks. We need experts like you to help genetically

Fused animals adapt to new environments. All labs are on B2. We have labs of various environments. Is your boss a dinosaur enthusiast? Doctor wants to create a real dinosaur. But as far as I know, no complete dinosaur genetic strand is available in the world. So, our solution is to fuse two similar genes.

Each circular corridor is connected to such a hallway. Behind us is the security room. In front of us is the engineering office. All genetic data are kept here. May I access all the genetic data? Not yet. Then why are you asking me here? Liang, take it easy. Later,

I’ll tell you more about this. Shi Wen… What’s up? Well… It’s okay. What? Take me there. Come. Excuse me. What happened? Not clear yet. Usually, no people work in this area. I found this as I patrolled here. Have you called the police? Not yet. Call the police. Okay. Wait. Zhao.

[Security Chief Captain. Zhao] I just called the boss. The Security Department will take over from here. But… We’ll find out what happened. According to tooth marks and tearing degrees, she was attacked by a fierce animal. What? Fierce animal? And it’s a large fierce animal. This is…? Captain Zhao, this is Liang.

He will take charge of the Breeding Section. So, not yet. Today, I’m still in charge. Louis, show me the security tapes. What’s wrong with you? If you are scared, don’t be a security guard. Could you act as a human to deserve your “HR” title? Go away. What? Scare me together? What…

What is that? Louis, take everyone out of here. Others follow me to the weapon room. Hurry. Run. Run. Run. Hurry. This way. Inside. Why inside here? I want to use the equipment to catch it. ♪120 miles per hour is like the speed of my life♪ ♪I’m running fast and I’ve never stopped♪

♪Hold your opinions♪ Louis. Run! I’m running. Let’s go. What the hell is that? No, Yi Bo is still in the shower room. Wait, what have you not told me? Are you going to save Yi Bo with me, or argue with me here? Where is the shower room? First floor underground.

Get him out of here. We’ll go find Yi Bo. I’m going with you. Listen to me. I’ll bring Yi Bo back. Fine. Okay, let’s go. Be careful. I’ll be waiting here. I’m so forgetful. I just took a shower and couldn’t find my glasses. Sorry for this, I need to find my glasses.

Here it is. Quiet. Run! It’s coming. Come on. It’s open. Doctor created this dinosaur. It’s synthesized from the genes of chameleon, velociraptor and crocodile. The tyrannosaurus is following you. It’s my perfume. One more. More. Do I have to take off all? What’s going on? It’s invisible. Invisible? Did you say

It has the gene of chameleon? You mean it’s turned into the surrounding colors? What now? We need more light. Light? What about that? Can you turn it on? I think so. Okay. This is our chance. It’s there. Come on. Hurry. Let’s go. It’s locked. Shi Wen. That’s all.

The boss remotely controls the door. If he doesn’t unlock it, no one could get out of here. Did you call the police? Yes. But… No one would believe there’s a tyrannosaurus here. Well, let’s wait for a while. We’re safe here. Besides, Zhao would come for us. Shi Wen,

Does the tyrannosaurus have any weakness? Shi Wen, you knew about this tyrannosaurus? I only knew Doctor was studying on a genetically fused dinosaur. The specific process was kept confidential. None of us knew anything about it. How could it change colors? I think the blackout last night activated its chameleon gene.

It’s likely to be in the process of gene fusion. So, you kept this from us, putting all of us in danger. Can you take responsibility… Doctor locked the door. Doctor created the tyrannosaurus. Why don’t you stop talking nonsense and figure out how we can get out of here? I’m not going out.

Come on. Stop knocking. You might attract the tyrannosaurus here. We must find a way out. Liang, trust me. We’re safe here. The tyrannosaurus could smell us. It’s not safe for us to stay here. It will find us sooner or later. I just checked the door. It can’t withstand its bumps.

But the gate is locked. How did the python get out? The python was in the Forest Lab. The burrow. The burrow is not yet sealed. We could get out from there. Okay. Before the tyrannosaurus finds us, we must get out of here. Any questions? I’m not going to the Forest Lab.

God knows what’s waiting for us there. Are you going there? Well, we should just wait for a little while. You may go yourselves. I don’t want to die with you. I’ll go with you. Shi Wen. Once I get out, I’ll come back and save you. Follow me. Wait. Open that door. But.

Come on. There is no time. Are these all the data? Yes. What are you thinking? Including data about the tyrannosaurus? I’m not sure about that. Let’s have a check and see if we can find any weakness of it. No time to hesitate. Did you hear it? – What? – What? Listen carefully.

I can hear no sound. I heard it. It’s the tyrannosaurus. Tyrannosaurus? Tyrannosaurus? I really heard it. Be quiet. As long as we keep quiet, it won’t find us. We should’ve followed Shi Wen just now. It’s all your fault. You insisted to stay here. How could you say that? It’s here. It’s here!

Yi Bo. Come help me! The door won’t hold long. Do something. What should we do? [Fire Emergency Evacuation Map] Shi Wen? Come with me. Where is the tyrannosaurus? Come. Here. Come here. Not that way. This way. Open the door. Open the door. The tyrannosaurus is down? Are we safe now? Zhao,

Thank you so much. If it’s not Captain Zhao, we would all die. – Yes. – Thank you, Captain Zhao. Yeah, Zhao was here in time. Yeah, Captain Zhao saved us. Thank God, Zhao is here. Shi Wen, did you get hurt? Zhao, what kind of gun is this?

It can even knock the tyrannosaurus out. Beast is a beast anyway. No. Its body seems to have changed. It seems to be waking up. This stun gun could make an elephant sleep for half a day. Louis, take them to the conference room. Okay. Zhang, let’s move the beast to the lab. Yes, Captain.

Yi Bo, Shi Wen, Let’s go. Go. Go. Captain! Run. Let’s go to the lab. Come on. To the lab. Come on. To the lab. – Come on. – Hurry. This way. Come inside. Is everyone all right? Are we safe here? It’s so dark. I can see nothing. Yeah, where is the way out?

This must be the electronic lighting system. I’ve been in the company for so long, but it’s my first time to see this. Let’s go. I’ll go first. How could he…? Shi Wen, maybe you should go first. Wait a second. Don’t move. What’s the sound? Run. Run! Yi Bo. My inhaler. My inhaler.

Come on. Liang, your back is hurt I’m okay. Sit down. I’m okay, really. Just sit down. Be careful. After so many years, your bandaging skill still sucks. Of course, I’ve only bandaged you. How do you feel? I…I can’t breathe. Shi Wen. What’s up? Asthma. Keep breathing. Breathe. Slowly. Wen. Breathe. Shi Wen,

We can’t just stay here. I’ll go lure the snake away. No, it’s too dangerous. Don’t worry. It’s gone. Let’s go. Come on. Shi Wen. Shi Wen, there’s nothing we can do. Shi Wen. Liang! Come on, Yi Bo. It has grown so big. Stop it! Stop. Professor, it’s done.

And we have them all under control. Where is the tyrannosaurus? On the second floor near the administrative area. Shall we go to the surveillance room now? Move. [Surveillance Room] Doctor. Bring Shi Wen here. Zhao Bohao, this has nothing to do with Shi Wen. You’re a crazy monster. Zhao Bohao! Bring it on me.

I trusted you. For every research project, there would be inevitable sacrifices. But all who made the effort should be honored. You are all the backbone of the group, and you’ve worked with me for many years. You all know bringing dinosaurs back to life is my lifelong belief and pursuit.

I thought you are here for me. But… Now, we’ve created the first dinosaur. We’ll have another one. Don’t you understand? If such creatures were brought back to nature, what would happen? This is you. Do you know why I left you? Every time you choose, you would always choose animals over me.

But if you give up this opportunity… Are you alright? Yanjing? Yanjing? How do you feel? Come on. Yanjing? Yanjing? What’s wrong? What’s up? She’s having an asthma attack. Asthma attack? Zhao Bohao, what are you doing? Zhao Bohao? Yanjing? Zhao Bohao! Yanjing! Zhao Bohao, you bastard. Now, any questions? Doctor, let us go.

– Doctor, let us go. – Please. Okay, since you want to go. I need some brave men to find my tyrannosaurus. Who wants to be the first? How about you? Or our genius? So, you got to be the first, my lady. Enough. I’ll go. I’ll go with you. The camera shows

It’s last sighted near the administrative area. Louis, I need you to go to the first floor underground, find the power distribution room, and pull down the electric switch for the second floor. Okay. Then I will attract the tyrannosaurus to the cage in the lab. But the tyrannosaurus

Is now quite familiar with the case. To ensure it can be attracted into the cage, I need something else. What is it? Let us go, Doctor. We don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. Doctor! Please, Doctor. – Let us go. – Doctor. Let us go.

– Please let us go. – Doctor. Doctor. Let’s hope the two brave men could get the job done. Louis, follow my signals later. Be careful. You stay safe, too. Louis, I’m in position. Pull the switch down. Roger that. [Control Switch] Doctor, the power is cut off. What are they planning to do?

They couldn’t play tricks. Activate the backup power supply in the lab. Yes, Doctor. Go. I’m here. I’m almost there. Roger that. Liang, it’s done. Good. See you in the lab. Okay. Untie me. Come on. How could you leave us here? Do you want us to die here? How could you do this?

Help us. Untie me. Help us. Take me with you. Untie me and take me with you. Take me with you. It’s my card. Take me with you. Don’t go out. Help us. Come back. Help us. Doctor. Not that way. Go. Louis. Come on. Shut the door. In the entire building,

This cage is the safest place. The tyrannosaurus is outside. We can’t go anyway. Don’t worry. They are going to fight each other to death. So, you planned this? Sorry to make you feel that way. Interesting. Doctor, what should we do? It’s a perfect opportunity to test my study achievement. It changed color.

Buccal fossa of the Pythonidae has evolved into thermal imaging. Even getting blinded, it could still sense the prey. [Cause Frostbite] We did it. We did it. We did it! The black-headed Burmese viper’s venom has mutated the tyrannosaurus again. Professor. Did you see that? Did you see that? That’s my work.

I’ve finally created a tyrannosaurus. I’ve finally created the land dominator of the dinosaur world. Next, there would be – swimming ones, – What now? – Go. – and flying ones. Louis, go. Okay. Come on. What now? [Cause Frostbite] Come on. Yi Bo. Bastard! Liang! Are you okay? I’m fine. It’s me.

Shi Wen, you’re finally back. [Cause Frostbite] [Cause Frostbite] Are we good now? You wish. For you, my back was almost cut open. Okay, this is your reward. Come on, there should be a string holding it and you both bite it at the same time. Exactly.

– And then go into hibernation. – Should I call you brother-in-law? – And the snake – You should call that before. – would enter into a state of paralysis. – Enough. Stop joking. When it gets warmer, the snake begins to wake up. After waking up, it breathes rhythmically and then intermittently.

After several times of paroxysmal breathing, it begins to breathe rhythmically again and the breathing gets faster and faster. An orange-coded heat alert was just issued. In the next 72 hours, the temperature in the city is expected to exceed 37 degrees Celsius. People are suggested to take precautions. Breaking news. Early this morning,

Domestic bio-pharmaceutical giant GENGE Group was attacked by some fierce beast, which caused many casualties. According to initial investigations, the beast was created through genetic technology. It’s a serious violation of relevant state rules. All those involved have been under arrest. GENGE Group has been shut down indefinitely. ♪It’s hot and the air is thin♪

♪Tires are rubbing the road♪ ♪The engine fire and my leather jacket♪ ♪Dress decently no matter how hot it is♪ ♪120 miles per hour is like the speed of my life♪ ♪I’m running fast and I’ve never stopped♪ ♪Hold your opinions and stop talking♪ ♪The argument ended in nothing♪

♪It’s not that I’m stubborn but that you don’t understand my promises♪ ♪It’s not that I’m old-fashioned but that it’s not the time♪ ♪Girl, don’t fall for me and we’re not right for each other♪ ♪Because you’re only obsessed with my appearance♪ ♪I admit I’m cool. But don’t get confused♪

♪To put it plainly no one is destined for anyone♪ ♪It’s hot outside but my heart is minus 99 degrees♪ ♪It’s hot outside but my heart is minus 99 degrees♪