[حكايات غريبة: أسطورة أرواح الثعلب المغرية]|شياطين الثعالب الستة والشاب يعيشان معا!|YOUKU

Stop there! They are catching up! -Hurry! -(Stop there!) Hold on! Hurry! -I can’t run anymore! -Hurry! Stop there! Sir. The fog is too thick for us to see clearly. You can’t see clearly? That’s all right, as long as you can hear clearly. Sis! I left my jade hairpin back in Xuanyuan Cave!

Dodge it! Run! Go after them! Hurry up! Go after them! Jump! It’s too high. I’m afraid. Jump now! Sis Qiao’er, don’t be afraid. Let’s jump together. Sis! Hurry! [Strange Tales: The Legend of the Seductive Fox Spirits] Dr. Hu, how is my daughter faring? Your daughter. How old is she? She

Celebrated her 16th birthday yesterday. But she doesn’t seem that young. Chongjiu, stop it. There is a long queue outside. How did you know it was me? You suffer from kidney deficiency. It could only be you. I’m here to give you something. What’s wrong? You won’t be an official physician

And insisted on staying in Niu Village… What’s so bad about Niu Village? There are herbs in the mountain, and I have a clinic at home. I can lead a peaceful life here. Besides, I promised my father to take care of the villagers’ health. Dr. Hu. What happened to my daughter? She’s pregnant.

Make sure she stays warm. Sir, is this what you want? Thank you. Miss, how did you climb this high? I know how to fly. That’s funny. Humans can’t fly. You don’t trust me? Look. Do you have character four? Sir. Godfather. I don’t have it. What about you? Sir, I don’t have it either.

You don’t have character four. How will I win then? Sir. [Name List] [Name List] This is the list of the people newly recruited. Please take a look at it. Are there any character fours inside? Sir, we need good physicians. It concerns our country’s development and the people’s suffering. Official Han.

We don’t need to care about the people. His Majesty is our only concern. By the way, any updates about the collection of the fox hearts? Godfather. Six of them escaped. You only had to dig their hearts out. Don’t tell me I have to travel around to do that.

I am tasked to collect the medicinal. If there wasn’t a cliff nearby, I would have shot them easily. Good. I’ll give you another 100 Spirit Hunting Bows. Get the foxes. When you complete the mission, you’ll get to be Official Han. Thank you, Godfather. Seven bamboos. Do you have it? Big Sis. I apologize.

I didn’t know you were a fairy. Please forgive me. Sir, please get up. We are not fairies. My second sister had offended you. Please forgive her. Offended? He was sleeping comfortably in my arms. Not fairies? If you’re not fairies, why can you fly? Is there a rule saying only fairies can fly?

That’s right. Spirits… Turns out you are spirits. Your guess is right. Wake him up. He isn’t responding? Well, don’t blame me for doing this. Stop pretending to be dead! I’m awake. Sir. We had no choice but to do this. We need your help. You’re all quite capable. Why do you need my help?

You’ve got the wrong person. Stop talking nonsense! Go take a look at her now! Sis. We saw you picking herbs in the mountain. You must be a physician. Please save our sister. Is she a spiritual being too? Are you a physician? Are you seriously asking me to treat her? Can you treat her?

I can’t treat her. We’re different beings. How am I supposed to treat her? If you refuse, I’ll swallow you whole! Sis, don’t be rude. Sir. We have run out of ideas. Please give it a try. We’re in the middle of nowhere. I don’t have any tools with me. I can’t treat her.

I’ll get my tools. Where are you going? My tools are in the clinic. I’ll come with you. Ladies, please spare my life. I’m a physician. I’m not a vet. We worked hard to shapeshift to humans. How dare you say that we’re beasts? Do you have a death wish? Let’s go! Sis,

Do you think this young physician can treat her? It doesn’t matter, for he’s our last hope. Sixth Sis, hang in there. Show me the wound. How will you see it through the curtain? What a hindrance. Why did you remove the curtain?

Men and women should keep a proper distance. Your sister’s wound is on her chest. I can’t look at it directly. The curtain is flimsy. There is no difference! This is inappriopriate. Physicians have been treating patients this way for ages. This is a rule. Understand? We don’t abide by rules. Treat her now!

I will, I will. Stop yelling. Come here! Open your eyes. Sir, how is my sister faring? I assume it must hurt a lot. That’s how I treat humans. Her recovery depends on fate. Fate? If it depends on fate, why are you needed? Well… I’ve never seen this wound before.

Humans and spirits are different. This is hard for me already. Look. The air is coming out of your sister again. I need to tighten the bandage. Sixth Sis, you’re awake. Sis. Ignore me. I don’t want to be your burden. Ladies, look. I’ve treated your sister. It’s late. This is a treacherous mountain.

You should go home soon. Go home? What do you mean? This is a treacherous mountain. Why are you asking us to leave? You mean you’ll stay here? Yes. Are you excited? No. Men and women should keep a proper distance. Humans and spirits are different. We can’t stay under the same roof. Enough.

Stop it. As it’s inconvenient for us to stay, we won’t insist. Big Sis, you can leave if you want. I’ll stay with him. I’ll stay behind, too. Fifth Sis. Don’t learn bad things from Second Sis. No. I’m afraid of running into the Spirit Hunting Bow.

There are only six of us left out of the dozens of sisters. I don’t want to die after shapeshifting. Yes, Big Sis. Look at Sixth Sis. At least, we get to shelter from the rain here. Ladies. I can introduce you to a place where you can shelter from the rain.

This discussion doesn’t involve you! I’m hungry. Go cook now! Seriously? Me? Cook for you? How do we eat this? There isn’t any meat. Sis, I’m a vegetarian. We’re not vegetarians. Don’t you get it? According to “The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Canon “, “five grains for sustenance, five animals for vitality,

Five fruits for nutrition, five vegetables for health supplements.” Meat isn’t a necessity. I refuse to eat! Here. Fine! I brought you back home, treated your sister, and even cooked for you. Why are you this picky? Can spirits be unreasonable? Let me tell you. You’re at my house. I think he’s right. Traitor!

Don’t be harsh. Either you eat me, or you’ll listen to me in my house. What are you doing? Sir, have some food. Sir, you’re charming when you get mad. I knew it was you. Shameless fox. It’s a pity to eat him. We’ll leave him to Second Sis. You’re in a deep sleep.

You won’t even know if Third Sis gobbles you up. Sis. Look. [Fortune] Sir. Why are you here? Why are you here, too? Sir, I came to get some warmth. What is this? I released it to relax slightly. It hurts. Sir. Do you want to see mine? I’m not interested in tails.

What are you interested in? Be careful! The Spirit Hunting Arrow! Sisters, hide yourselves! Sixth Sis. Hurry! Sir, please help us. How is it, Silly? I picked it up during my rounds. Do I look like a general? Are you crazy? That was dangerous! Shouldn’t you be asleep at his hour?

I’m here to wake you up. What’s that smell? It smells like we’re in a brothel. But the smell is slightly different. Smells like a madam. Chongjiu, are you here? Madam Tong. Madam Tong from the brothel! I need to hide. What’s wrong? Ignore me. Don’t tell anyone you saw me. [Fortune] Don’t move.

Darn it, Chongjiu. He didn’t pay for two months. He even abducted my Yuexiu. What is this smell? A madam’s smell. Are you flirting with me? Forget it. If you see him, let me know. Hide! Oh, my God! Calm down. We can talk. Don’t act recklessly. We can talk it out.

Spill. Who are you? He’s my friend. The captain of Niu Village’s defense team. He’ll explain himself. Talk! Spill. Who are you? What are your name and job? Where did you get this bow? Who else is involved? Who is your superior? Where is he? Why did you come after us? Talk! Well…

I couldn’t remember all the questions. My brain isn’t functioning well. Why did you hang me up? Miss, can you stop spinning me around? This is a misunderstanding. He really is my bosom friend. He just happened to pick this thing up. How can you prove that? Look. If you can’t prove it, today,

I’ll gobble him up! No! He… He… Let me think about it. Hide your claws! Pay attention to your looks. There are kids here. Don’t be a bad influence! Neighbors! I’m here! Save me! -Kill the spirits! -Kill the spirits! -Kill the spirits! -Kill the spirits! Come on! Kill the spirits! Kill the spirits! Kill… None of them are up to my standard.

Don’t leave any for me. Sis, don’t do this. The villagers are honest and kind. We can’t kill them. Honest and kind? Have you ever seen honest and kind people holding sticks? Sisters, attack! No way! What are you doing? You can do whatever you like. Just don’t harm them! Scram! Miss.

I want to pee. Hold it in. I suffer from kidney deficiency. I can’t hold it in. If you want to kill someone, kill me. I’m a man who can sacrifice… Third Sis. It’s a worthy death. Oh, how courageous. Forget it, Third Sis. Think about it. Your sister is still leaking air, right?

You need me. Since the bow is here, the men must be nearby. We have to leave now. Don’t assume that I won’t kill you. This isn’t as nice as Niu Village, but it’s quiet. You can roam around freely. No one knows of its existence. How did you find this place then?

When I was young, my father and I discovered it when we went picking herbs on the mountain. Where is your father? Here! He’s here! You… [Memorial Tablet of Hu Dongsheng] It’s dark. Are spirits afraid of the dark too? Of course not. I’m worried that you’re afraid. You’re lying. Stop laughing.

That hurts my pride. It’s hurt. I think something bit it. How pitiful. What is that skill? That’s amazing. Compared to my lingzhi, wolfberry, and ginseng, that’s way better. This is our spiritual energy. Our spirits depend on that to survive. Is it the gas leaking out of your sixth sister?

Yes. She got hurt because of me. You said the bird was bitten. Yes. But where did the bird come from? How adorable. Miss! Miss. Sis. What are those? It doesn’t matter. She isn’t breathing. Do spirits die so easily? Miss, wake up! Miss! Sir, seeing that you’re so anxious for me,

I feel so warm inside. Fifth Sis. Stop it. She died. Foxes are sly. Don’t think Fifth Sis is innocent and fall for her. Sir. I got it. You rejected Second Sis because you like me, right? No. Don’t spout nonsense. Look. You are reluctant to let go of me. Sir! Why is this happening?

Look. Is that the Handsome Devil? Yes. That’s him. Why is he here? We’re in trouble. He even… It was a long journey. Did you invite me here to enjoy the scenery? Sir, I had no idea they’d leave so soon. Where did they go? They said they were going somewhere. Where is that? Sir,

You’re stumping me. I don’t know them well. How would I know where they went? Retreat! Foxes are sly. I searched the surrounding villages, but they are nowhere to be found. Please forgive me, Godfather. Wanfeng Mountain, where the mountains stretch endlessly. There are curvy and treacherous paths. Your plan won’t work. Sir.

Mad Dog is here. Greetings, Sir. You’re wrong. This is the Deputy Commissioner. So you’re the famous Shaking Hero, Mad Dog? My comrades in jianghu are flattering me. A few days ago, the magistrate, Official Fang, gave me a jade ring. I loved it. Alas, I was careless enough to lose it. Sir,

Can I take a look at your hand? Hand? Sir. If I’m not mistaken, your jade ring is in the mouth of the maid on your right. You’re good. Hey. Why don’t you foxes knock before entering someone’s room? Sir, there are no doors here. I’m just passing by. Why are you so slow?

I’m leaving now. Why did you come back? I wanted to get something. Hurry, go. Are you passing by, too? I’m here to see whether you need more water. What are you doing? Second Sis wants to add water for him. So? Has she finished adding the water? Have you remembered

The smell of the foxes? Sir, don’t worry. Let me spy around before confirming their location. Good. I’ll wait for your good news. But how will I know the location? Sir, I will draw a detailed map to show you how to enter the mountain. You’ll enter the mountain to capture the spirits. That way,

I’ll complete the mission and get paid. You’ll get merit and promotion. So, we’ll both get what we want. Nice job. Pouring oil into water will cause it to splatter. How many times have I told you about that? I’ve never seen such a foolish fox. Stop flirting. Someone’s here. Young lad,

Sorry to disturb you. I’m a woodcutter from Sun Village. I was busy cutting wood in the day and didn’t get back home before darkness fell. In the mountains, I lost my way. I noticed someone living here. Thus, I came to ask for directions. What’s wrong? Come on in.

Have some water and take a rest. Sure. Why are you still standing there? Serve our guest! This dog isn’t our match. He’s nothing but a lackey. I’d like to have fun with him. Let’s find out who hired him to do this. We should be careful. If my nose isn’t deluding me,

There should be poached chicken, right? You came at the right time. We prepared some supper. Thank you. My friend, you have an excellent sense of smell. If my nose isn’t deluding me, in your kitchen, there are braised pork, nougat, spicy sausage, roasted chicken, roasted duck, and spicy duck neck. Am I right?

You’re spilling food. Your mouth. When I talk about food names, I’ll salivate. May I use the restroom? Sure. Do you know where it is? I’ll find it using my sense of smell. You truly have a sharp sense of smell. Here. Sir. Have a drink. I can’t drink. Don’t be a killjoy. Come on.

Drink it. I don’t know how to drink. Look. Her eyes are huge. That shows her sincerity. Have a drink. I… Should I drink? Yes, go ahead. I’ll drink now. Yes. Cheers! Another one? Drink up. Yes, drink up. No, I… Drink it! All right. Should we play a game?

Sure, Second Sis. What kind of game? The name of the game is “15-20.” 25. Sir, where did you get the number 25 from? You must be tipsy. There isn’t the number 25? Here. Bottoms up. Five sixes. Six threes. Seven fours. Plus one. Impossible. Open up! One, two, three, four, five, six. -Drink up! -Drink up! I think we all had fun today. Let’s stop drinking. No.

Second round. Sir, is this hard enough? Be gentle. I don’t like it hard. I’ll be gentle. Be gentle. Usually, people like it rough. Okay. My friend, I didn’t know you were this skilled. This is nothing. Reading faces, taking pulses, making pills, scraping therapy, acupuncture, and cupping therapy. I excel in everything.

Let me tell you. You’re suffering from qi stagnation and blood stasis. When blood circulates around, it won’t hurt, and vice versa. Let me treat you. Treat me? My friend… Sir. It’s late. You should go to bed. It’ll take some time. I need to carry out the cupping therapy. Sir, please make haste.

My friend. My friend, it hurts. Fortunately, I didn’t make a major mistake. Don’t catch a cold, my friend. Sir, you’re awake. Here’s some food. No need. I dare not eat it. I heard you feel uncomfortable. Do you need some wine to sober you up? No, thank you. I dare not drink any. Sir.

What about “15-20?” You can play without me. I’ll take my leave. Sir. You’ve asked all the pharmacists and drug administration staff from the Medical Bureau to develop weapons, expand the theatrical troupe, and the team of musicians. About the Department of Rare Medicinal Collection, there is over 100 staff inside.

It’s depleting the Medical Bureau’s resources instead of providing what we actually need. As winter is arriving, the people are catching colds. We do need to collect medicinals. However, His Majesty’s health is more important. Godfather. We need to collect the medicinals for him at all costs. Yes, Sir. Sir.

Shaking Hero, you’re in high spirits. Of course. If I hadn’t joined them for a meal, I’d be back a few hours earlier. You kept telling me how sly those foxes are. But look. How did he manage to get the job done? Sly? To me, they are just a bunch of fools.

They thought I was a woodcutter for real. We won’t talk about the condition today. What should we talk about then? Leave and discuss your reward with them. I’ll feel awkward if you stay here. Sir, please excuse me. I’ll go claim my reward. It’s just a medicinal. What’s with all the fuss?

Godfather, don’t worry. Within three days, I’ll present to you the six spirit hearts. I’ll wait three another three days then. However, my patience has its limits. Come on. Help me out. Buddha, please bless my sister so she’ll recover soon. Be careful. Where are you looking?

How long do you need to change your clothes? Am I too slow? Why don’t you help me change, then? Have you ever put yourselves in my shoes? Can foxes change in front of other people? You took off your clothes as you liked. You wander around me every day, wearing nothing.

You make my heart burn, my stomach burn, and my liver burn. Look. My nose bleeds every day. I’ll die one day! If you don’t look, you won’t be suffering. I can’t talk sense into you. I’ll go to bed. What are you doing? Third Sis grinds her teeth. Please. I won’t move. Promise me

You won’t touch me at night. A fox is indeed a fox. A few years later, you’ll be more seductive than Second Sis. Third Sis, don’t forget you’re also a fox. Sir, why did you wake up early today? Did you do this? What is this? I’ve been a virgin for over 20 years.

You ruined everything! I went to great lengths to avoid Second Sis, but I ended up falling for your trick! But I was just sleeping. Did you only sleep? Yes. Last night, I had a dream. You taught me how to pound medicine in a mortar. Pound medicine? You need to be disciplined.

I didn’t do it on purpose. Stand right there! Don’t run! Help! Third Sis. Save me! What are you doing? After 23 years, I… You fox! Solve your own problems. I didn’t do it on purpose. Stop! Sir! Sir, please forgive me! Stop! Sir! Sir, we’re too exhausted to go further.

Did we take the wrong path? I don’t think so. I’m following the signs on the map. Then… Is the map wrong? Are there any differences between humans and spirits? Why are you asking this all of a sudden? We’ve spent some time together. I realized you’re different from

The spirits that I had in mind. There are different spirits. The same goes for humans. Some want to harm us, and some want to help us. I’m actually not that kind. Back then, I brought you to this place not to provide you with a shelter. This is a famous haunted house.

I didn’t know the evil ghosts were that weak. Sir, we need you! The wound can’t be bandaged. Even if it is bandaged, her spiritual energy will still leak out slowly. The Spirit Hunting Bow is too vicious. Why is she freezing? Get a towel! Sir, no need. Miss, you’ll be fine. Look at you.

You’re doing better now, right? Sir, just give up on me. The longer my life is, the more I’ll suffer. Can you give me another chance? Sis. I left the jade hairpin my mother left me back in Xuanyuan Cave. Okay. I’ll get it for you now. No. That’s too dangerous.

It has been a long time. We should get back. I want to know how our mother is doing. Third Sis will keep your company then. No. It’s safer for me to return alone. All right. Leave soon and come back as soon as possible. Have a safe journey. Don’t worry, Sir. Mother. How unlucky.

We got picked to cook mountain herbs every day. Do you think it’s worth it to go to this extent just for that medicinal? For you, of course not. But if it’s for His Majesty, then it’s worth it. 999 hearts. Can His Majesty finish all of them?

Even if he can’t finish them, he won’t give any to you. Did anything happen? What can happen? They won’t be coming back, anyway. He said they’ll return if they are forced to a dead end. Who told him that? His godfather. All right. Come, let’s go. Fourth Sis has left for some time. Why isn’t she back yet? Sis. I can’t wait anymore. Hang on, Sis.

Sis, please set me free. Sis, no. No. She’s suffering because of me. Please. It was my fault. If I hadn’t burnt the Medical Book of Spirits that my father left me, she might have a chance of surviving. [Hedong Medical Bureau] Sir! Are you leaving us? I didn’t manage to treat your sister.

You don’t need me anymore. Our sister is dead, but we’re still here! Sir! Can you stop being annoying? What else do you want? Stop following me, okay? [Memorial Tablet of Hu Dongsheng] You forgot about this. I know it’s important to you. No. I wasn’t going to leave.

The cart is blocking the way, so I wanted to move it aside. I’m going to pick herbs. What’s wrong? They went to Deputy Commissioner Lu to seek revenge. Seek revenge? Deputy Commissioner Lu? Deputy Commissioner Lu of the Medical Bureau? Yes. The Spirit Hunting Bow belongs to them. They came after us

To get our hearts so the Emperor could extend his lifespan. When did they leave? Last night. Why didn’t you stop them? I couldn’t stop them. They told me to stay behind just in case… In case something happens, at least, one of us will still be alive. Why didn’t you wake me up?

All right, then. Stay here. I’ll catch up to them. Sir! Put down the litter! Let’s not act recklessly. When they fall asleep, that’s when we’ll take action. It’s me. Sir, will I do? It’s heavily guarded. Looks like he has made a lot of enemies. Sis! Let me try. Get down! Are you crazy?

Why are you still trying to jump up when you know you can’t reach it? I’m more experienced. Perhaps I could give it a try. Why are you so confident? I can’t believe inexperienced beings like you are trying to do this. We’ve cultivated for thousands of years. We’re not inexperienced beings.

Even so, you’re still inexperienced. What does our revenge have to do with you? You can take revenge. But first, you need to get up there. You’re biting off more than you can chew. Get out of my way! -Third Sis. -Sis. What a fool. What kind of fox is she?

Why is she so stubborn? Why are you looking at me? They want to capture you. You’re putting your heads in the noose! Let me try. We’re both physicians. I can talk to him. Sir. You’re just a physician in the mountains. How would you communicate with an official? That’s none of your business.

Send this fool back home. [Hedong Medical Bureau] Who are you? [Invitation] I wish to meet the Deputy Commissioner. It is said that we shouldn’t eat in the afternoon. However, I think we shouldn’t waste delicious food. Yes. Godfather, you’re right. Hu Ge, reporting to duty. I know who you are.

If you wanted to be here, you’d be here ages ago. Since you’re here at midnight, you must have something else in mind, right? Sir, you know everything. You caused a lot of trouble for me. Did the foxes seduce you? When you’re done with them, return them to me. Sir,

I want to tell you that fox hearts can’t extend His Majesty’s lifespan. Whether the fox hearts work doesn’t matter. His Majesty believes it works. That’s what matters. Sir, the girls are pitiful. You can’t repeat your father’s mistake. Ask around. Those who treated spirits all had bad endings.

If you’re willing to work for me, when I enter the Hall of Imperial Physicians, by then, you’ll have a bright future. Sir, if you’re telling the truth, I’m willing to help you to get the fox hearts. Great! I love talking to smart people like you. You’re unlike my adopted son who never improves.

Someone! Change his clothes. Great! Godfather, is he serious? Nothing matters anymore. If he was serious, let him carry out the deed for real. If he was putting up an act, we’d make that happen for real. I got it. This is known as “allowing the tiger to return to the mountain.” You’re wrong.

We can let the enemy off in order to catch them later. Next, it’ll be simple. Within three days, I will… Enough. I can’t afford to wait another three days. Sir. Why are you dressed like this? Spirit Hunting Bow. I’ve decided to work for Deputy Commissioner Lu. He told me to get your hearts.

Since we’ve spent so much time together, I’ll let you off this once. Sir, you’re joking. Fifth Sis. Actually, I belong to the Medical Bureau. I didn’t get a good opportunity back then. However, I’m being appreciated now. How could this be? One should constantly strive to make progress. That’s a natural thing to do.

Traitor! Don’t forget. I’m a human being, and you’re a spiritual being. My ancestors were all physicians. However, my family’s fortunes have declined. Becoming an official is my only way out. We aren’t meant to be. Let’s go on separate ways. Shame on you for choosing profit over friendship! Let me tell you.

They know you’re here. If you don’t want to get captured, scram! We’ll leave! No one wants to stay here! Everyone, let’s go. We shouldn’t be a hindrance to his future. Hurry! What are you looking at? Let’s go! Let’s go. -Sir. -Sir. -Do you miss us? -Do you miss us? They were fast.

You’re too slow. Where are they? I’m confused. Why does someone like you exist? I wonder why does someone like you exist too. I am the one holding the sword. So what? I can kill you anytime. If you kill me, you won’t know where they are. I can find them.

I’d stake my life on it. Why? I need to make progress. But Sis, where are we going? Sis, something bad happened. He’s in trouble! Who are you? I’m the canary that Fifth Sis saved using her spiritual energy. Darling! Darling! Please spare my wife’s life! Darling! Darling. Darling. Don’t move.

You want to find the fox spirits. We’re innocent. You’ll get nothing from killing us. Hu Ge isn’t from our village. One life will be taken every two hours. I am a man of my word. I won’t go back on my word. Darling! Stop! Spare her life, Sir! Stop! It was all my fault.

Let them go. Give me the fox spirits in exchange. Sure. Let them go first. Really? Yes. You should’ve said that from the very beginning. I haven’t been this happy in a while. A pity these two died. Tomorrow morning, I’ll release them when I see the fox spirits. There’s no room for negotiation.

[Memorial Tablet of Hu Dongsheng] Father. I might close down the clinic. I can’t treat the villagers in Niu Village anymore. Perhaps they are right. Humans and spirits are meant to go on different paths. [Memorial Tablet of Hu Dongsheng] I have again failed to keep my word to Godfather. You made me extremely embarrassed!

I shall offer myself in exchange for them. You alone in exchange for a few dozens? Do you think I’m a fool too? If I don’t show my authority, you’ll assume I’m a weakling. Kill them all! Stop! -They are here. -The fox spirits are here. Here they are. They are here. Liar!

Look, you’ve been beaten up. Why did you come back? You want us to leave? That isn’t an easy task. Sir, did you miss me? Release them and we’ll come with you. One, two, three, four, five. Release them! Turns out we can let the enemy off in order to catch them later.

Will you say it or not? Will you say it or not? Look. I have the Demon Subduing Vine. Any spirits will blast into smithereens after getting caned a few times. I thought they only wanted our hearts. What’s with the rest of the spirits here?

The fox’s heart is only one of the medicinals needed. I’ve only heard of spirits gobbling people up. Now, humans are gobbling spirits up. I don’t understand. What is a human and what is a spirit? They are sacrificing tons of lives just for one person. How unfair. He is the Emperor.

But Buddha says all lives are equal, right? Fifth Sis. This time, I won’t feed you the Spirit Locking Powder. If you refuse to say anything, I’ll beat you for real. This isn’t your job. You wanted to save lives but ended up harming lives. It’s such a waste for you to be a talented physician. That must be tough for you. Who are you? I’ll beat you up too! I’m not afraid of that. You’re a human? You know who I am? Who are you?

Your mentor is the impoverished imperial physician, Ouyang Ju. Besides being a talented physician, you are skilled at treating spirits. After being transferred here, you’re no longer a physician. Instead, you’re now a prison guard. What a pity. If you remain here, you’ll never make any achievements. Who are you?

Why do you know me so well? Do you know what the fox spirits are used for? Deputy Commissioner Lu prepared them as a medicinal dish for His Majesty, right? What’s the use of a medicinal dish? To extend His Majesty’s lifespan. He wants to repay His Majesty’s kindness. How innocent.

That’s the stepping stone for Deputy Commissioner Lu to enter the Hall of Imperial Physicians. Deputy Commissioner Lu and the spirit physicians are at odds. Thus, you can only work in the jail. How did you know that? Why should I trust you? My father is Hu Dongsheng.

He and your mentor shared the same mentor. They were pharmacists in the Hall of Imperial Physicians. My father was demoted as he got obsessed with treating spirits. My father once worked here. When I came to report to work a while ago, I saw your name. Just now, you mentioned the Spirit Locking Powder.

That’s a medicine used by those who treat spirits. Besides, in the Medical Bureau, you’re the only one who has this kind of medicine. Does that mean you’re my senior? You flatter me. Unfortunately, my father might be a physician who treated spirits, but he died after treating spirits. Hence, I’ve never treated any spirits.

That means my mentor must have been killed by him. The five foxes… That’s a long story. We’ll talk outside. Senior, what are your plans for the future? The world is huge. I’ll survive somewhere. This book, “Summary of Spirit Medicine,” was written by my mentor. Now, I’ll give it to you. It’s too valuable.

I can’t take it. Spreading spirit medicine is my mentor’s dying wish. I’m lucky to run into someone who shares his sentiments. By the way, here is some Spirit Locking Powder. If they get shot by those arrows, this can save their lives. If we had this earlier, Sixth Sis wouldn’t have to die. The new guard doesn’t know the rules. Handsome Devil, you… Sir! My friend! My friend. Handsome Devil tried to capture the fox spirits five times! This is the fifth attempt. Finally, he captured them. Godfather. The time has come! Everyone, something suddenly occurred to me. An important audience is missing. I’m hungry. Go cook now!

I refuse to eat! You rejected Second Sis because you like me, right? You can’t miss this interesting scene. Sir. Our fate has come to an end. We’ll meet in the next life. I am useless. I couldn’t protect you. Don’t say that. We’re not afraid of death. It’s a waste of their cultivation though. It’s a pity something this evil is happening in the world. Sir.

You’re a kind man. We’ve decided to give our primordial spirits to you. We hope you can get stronger soon to wipe out evil and restore justice. No, you can’t do that. Sir, don’t turn us down. This is our only opportunity. Please stay alive on our behalf so our cultivation will benefit the world.

Cut the crap! My friend, we’ll meet again in the next life! Oh, no! Stop them! Shoot them! Again! The sum of the cultivation of these foxes will be at least 5,000 years. With the 5,000 years of cultivation, he’ll turn into a Demon King. Hurry up, sisters. I can’t hold on for that long.

Que Ling! Don’t get distracted. We’re about to succeed! Shoot! Big Sis! Shoot! You need to improve. Godfather. Have I improved? So you’re also a spirit. Fox hearts won’t benefit humans. But, I will benefit from them! You lied using His Majesty’s name so everyone will feed you!

If I don’t do that, no one will listen to my orders. If you agree to shut the evil Medical Bureau down, I’ll spare your life. You have no right to negotiate with me. Time to stop. All my efforts have been ruined by you. This is the end. I was right. You’re amazing.

Hu Ge! Are you regretting not working for me? I regret not killing you! How awkward. [Five years later] Hear that? You’ll recover after eating this. How long do we need to wait? Soon. [Clinic] Is the physician inside? He’s inside. Didn’t you come yesterday? I have a huge family. We’ve finished everything.

Bro, get more. I need more nutrients. You’re eating this much? Aren’t you afraid of getting overnourished? You’re going to finish all the herbs at this rate. Next. Your heartbeat is strong. You don’t look like you’re ill. Are you lying to get some medicine too? Tell me. What medicine do you want? Third Sis. What are you talking about? I’m here to seek treatment. [Clinic] Sure. [Clinic] You’re here. [Clinic] ♪It is nothing but a dream♪ ♪The music turns silent at one’s fingertips♪ ♪You shed tears near the window for people can’t tell right from wrong in this world♪ ♪We never saw each other after parting ways and I owe you a lifetime of love♪

♪I’m afraid we’re not fated to be and I can only play the instrument alone♪ ♪I resent being separated from you though our promise remains♪ ♪A brief glimpse left a lasting impression, we promised that we’d never change♪ ♪The music fades away, the moon waxes and wanes alone♪

♪Play a song, lonely and drunk while laughing at the world♪ ♪I can only sigh at the misty rain and worry about the passing of time♪ ♪A beauty sleeps by the moon, dreaming of our love for each other♪ ♪As I face the moon and hold the sword, my heart descends into madness♪

♪I’m drunk and you are beautiful♪ I’m a human. You’re spirits. Then what does that make of them? Human spirit?