[حالات الاختفاء]|The Cases of Disappearances|الشاب الغامض يعيش حياة غريبة وغامضة! | إثارة|YOUKU

[In the late Qing Dynasty, a rare disease prevailed among the people.] [Those infected with it, hands and feet festering with bark-shaped boils, died soon.] [People were in great panic. Some thought a demon did it.] [Some took it as a curse.] Mom, a big child head. I like it. Great. Bravo. Excellent. Good!

It’s fun. It’s fun. Shagen. Don’t run around. Look at the dense fog. We’re almost home. Old man. Are you blind? Shagen. Shagen. Come back. Go, come on. Imp, put the guns down. We want money! We want money! Big brother, we’ll be rich this time. This is a big sum of money.

Enough to get us quite a few women. Look at you, useless! All you want is women. But can women keep you well-fed? A woman. Yeah, a woman. Let her go! – Help! – Dragon King bless us. Dragon King bless us. Dragon King bless us. Please bless me and my son.

Please bless me and my son. Bless us. Dragon King bless us. Let go of me. Let go of me. Let… What the hell is that? Stay away from us. We’ll shoot you if you come any closer. Big brother. Monster! Run! Run! Help! [The Cases of Disappearances] Wenjie, bad news. Something happened.

What’s wrong with you? Nightmare again? It’s okay. I’ve got used to it. What happened? Uncle Li died on his way of taking Shagen out to get treatment. Shagen is acting like a madman now. Those elders say he must be possessed by a demon. It’s the curse of the Well Dragon King.

The villagers are afraid. They want to make an evocation ritual for Shagen and burn Uncle Li’s body. With the Well Dragon King’s blessing, we will be safe and sound. Stop it! What are you doing? Stop it! What are you doing! Stay put. All of you! Don’t come close. Stop it, all of you!

Don’t come near me. Step back! He’s already dead. Couldn’t you let him rest in peace? I’m going to bury Uncle Li so that he can be laid to rest. Ignorant! Mr. Li died with his body into pieces. There is evil in him. It’s a curse from the Well Dragon King.

He can’t be buried in the village. Yes, he can’t. It’s the same for all cursed people. We can’t make an exception for Mr. Li. Burn him! Burn him! Wenjie is right. Uncle Li died a horrible death. We must bury him well. You’re just a woman. You have no right to speak here!

Weren’t you born by a woman? You! Quiet. Thanks to the blessing of the Well Dragon King, our Mist Village keeps producing outstanding people and has been thriving for generations. There is the terrible bark on Mr. Li’s body. So we’ll hold an evocation ritual for Shagen to make amends to the Well Dragon King.

Only in this way can all the villagers stay safe. Right. Make amends to the Well Dragon King! Shagen looks insane. Maybe it was he who got his dad killed. Make amends to the Well Dragon King! It wasn’t me! It’s him! Burn the body! It’s him! I will find out the cause of death

And give Uncle Li and Shagen peace. Let’s see what the Well Dragon King will do to me! Wenjie. Look at that. It’s sinful, really sinful. What a sin it is! Oh, my! I may die for this. What to do! Mr. Li died so miserably. Why don’t we report to the police? Yeah, right.

Yes. Report to the police! You idiots! It’s the business of our village. Why should we ask outsiders to deal with it? Reckless! Send the body back now, or you’ll get into big trouble. Those villagers have so many taboos. They do superstitious things all day. I must change it.

For hundred of years, the Mist Village worships the Well Dragon King. This is a long-established rule. You couldn’t change it as you wish. Dad. You always say that seeing is believing. Look at Uncle Li. His body is covered with scratches. Apparently he was attacked by some beast. Or,

Do you also believe that it’s a curse? Those ominous signs often frighten the villagers. Dad, look. Something in Uncle Li’s hand. Shengshan Charity. Opium. Opium. Uncle Li rarely spent money on tobacco. Where did he get the money to buy opium? It seems to be unused. Dad, we’d better report to the police. Wenjie,

This is big. Just step out of it. A person’s death is not a big deal in times like this. But I don’t want you to get yourself into trouble again. Trouble? Then should I stop finding the truth for fear of trouble? Does the truth mean nothing to you?

Shagen and I grew up together. His problem is also mine. Therefore, I must find out the truth. I also need to do this myself. I don’t want to live in confusion forever. I want to know who I am, where I come from, and why I lost my memory. And, why do those pictures

Keep coming to my mind? Wenjie. Wenjie. Dragon King, please don’t get mad. Mr. Li’s death has nothing to do with me. Here are my sacrifices to you for atonement. Please bless us. That bitch! Crazy woman! It’s so late. Still out there! Do the ghost business all day! Dragon King, bless us.

Dragon King, please bless us. Wenjie. Wenjie, Xiaoqiu. Look. Big horse. Big horse. Well Dragon King bless us. Well Dragon King bless us. Dragon King bless us. Look at these villagers. They’d rather entrust their life and death to the nonexistent gods. Ride the big horse. Dragon King. Here’s my sacrifice to you.

Shagen is lucky anyway. The more sober one is, the more pain he has. Wenjie. I know Dad did it for my good. He treats me as his own son. I shouldn’t have broken his heart. Don’t beat yourself up. Dad wouldn’t blame you for it. He often says, “what matters most for a family

Is that everyone is well. To live in this world, – ignorance is a blessing.” – ignorance is a blessing.” Please bless us. Dragon King, please accept my sacrifices. Monster. Monster! Who stole my lamb, son of a bitch! Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang. Mr. Help! Help! Help! Someone help! Dad. Dad. Wenjie, Dad is missing!

Come on. Something happened over there. Dad. Isn’t this Doctor Shen? Is this really him? Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad He got punished. Dad! Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad! Dad. Dad. Dad! [Changle Hospital, Changle County] Autopsy? Are you kidding me? Isn’t it very common to encounter a beast in the wilderness?

Don’t make simple things complicated. The wounds are about ten inches long. An ordinary beast can’t do that. Black neck of the body. Bark-shaped rotten meat. It’s like he got poisoned. No signs of struggle in the crime scene. This case is suspicious. There are still many puzzles to be figured out.

So many people died in succession overnight. If we don’t find out the truth, more people may die from it. Cut the crap! Who’s the boss here? Those bandits want to rob money but got killed by some beast in the end. Case closed. Don’t make trouble for me! Sir. Sir. Bad news.

Tan Yaozi died, a waiter of the mutton restaurant in Lianhua Lane in the south of the city. Thank you, thank you. Sir. Thank you, professor. Thank you, thank you. [Shengshan Charity] Who reported it? The restaurant owner. Have you informed his family? No family at all. He was just a poor waiter.

So you know him? Ew, disgusting. I heard it from Mr. Kang. This man went to hospital the other day. He almost got kicked out because he had no money. Shengshan Charity paid the money for him. Shengshan Charity? Didn’t Changle Hospital vacate several wards to provide free medical treatment for the poor?

We passed by that place just now. Ming. Stop staring at that thing. The disgusting rotten meat on Tan Yaozi’s body is the same as that on the bodies on the train. Plus Liu Bosheng who died before. This is the fourth case this month. One after another. It seems to never end. Sir.

They say some monster did it. People in the county are all worried. No one dares to go out at night now. There is no monster at all in the world. As I see it, this monster must be played by some human being. Flashlight. What’s this smell? When did Yaozi go missing?

Three days ago. Yaozi took the silver dollars with him to pick up goods. Then he sent someone to tell me that he had a severe pain in his waist so he would rest for two days. I didn’t take it as something big. But he still didn’t come back a few days later.

I immediately sent some men to look for him but he was nowhere to be found. Snuff powder. Yaozi was an addict. When his waist ached, he sniffed this to get through it. Would something happen to Yaozi? I heard there are monsters in this county. Monsters?

There is no monster at all in the world. He left in such a hurry. Well, about Yaozi, who else did he know except for those in your restaurant? Yaozi had no relatives nor friends. He stayed only in the restaurant or Mist Village. All our mutton

Is sent here by Butcher Zhang in Mist Village. Mist Village. [Mist Village] Someone died! Someone died! Someone died! Honey, please wake up. Don’t scare me like this. Don’t scare me! Get up! Please get up! Dragon King is really angry this time. What should I do? Who’s this person from another village?

I also don’t know him. It’s Wenjie who got Doctor Shen and Butcher Zhang killed. Maybe the next is someone among us. Give me my husband back. Give me my husband back! How do I live in the future? Enough. Chief. Chief. You must give me justice. Chief. Two people died in one night. Chief.

Shen Wenjie broke the rule of Mist Village. We must apologize to the Well Dragon King. Otherwise, I’m afraid all the villagers will have to die for it. Yes, Chief. What do you think? What should we do? You decide. Chief. We always like to stick our thorns into those who love us most.

I tried so hard to find out the truth. But does it really matter? Wenjie. Let him go. What are they doing! Stop it! Stop it! Let him go. Stop it! What are you doing? What age is it now? How dare you use a living person as sacrifice? Are you nuts?

This is the business of our village. Stay out of this, you outsider! Quiet. He is ruining our ritual. Throw him down together. Right! Throw him down! Throw him down! Don’t move. All of you! Don’t move. Throw him down! Throw him down! Throw him down! Monster. Monster. Monster. There is a real monster! Run!

Run! Get up quickly! Run! Run! Wenjie. Leave here! Stop kowtowing to it. Get up now. Come on. Run. Run quickly! Wenjie. Wenjie. Wake up. Wenjie, wake up. Wake up. Wenjie. The Dragon King got furious so he sent a god beast to punish us. We wanted to burn the body of Mr. Li

But he wouldn’t. If he hadn’t broken the rule, my husband wouldn’t have died. Mist Village is such an unpeaceful place. Chief. He broke the rule himself but got so many people killed. He is a sinner to the whole village. Burn him! We want to burn him. Burn him! Do it. No!

– Stop! – Let go of me. Get down here. I am Zhao Xueming, leader of the Country Security Team. It’s the business of our village. We don’t want to bother you for it, sir. Chief, right? This beast bit and killed so many people. But you didn’t reported it.

I doubt there’s something wrong with you. Chief. Anyone. Get the two officers out of here. Stay put. All of you. Stay put. Wenjie. The Holy Spirit, please free me from pain. Ming. What is that thing? It didn’t look like an ordinary beast. I’ve no idea, either. I’ve never seen it before.

But it looked like some kind of mutated animal. But why would it appear in this place? Where did it come from? Before that monster showed up, I heard a sound of some musical instrument. The moment that sound came out, the monster made its appearance. The body is cyan and purple.

The skin color is dark. Bark-shaped rotten meat. They are signs of being poisoned. The bodies of dead villagers here are in the same state as those on the train. So… That monster is poisonous. I saw you being bitten by that beast. Everyone else bitten by it died.

But why are you still alive with only bruises? Not even a bark-shaped wound? I don’t know. I really don’t. My dad died. So many people died because of me. Why am I still alive? Wenjie. Dad is gone already. You are my only family now. You must pull yourself together.

May the deceased rest in peace. And the living must move on. I believe your dad also wanted you to live on well. Ming. Come here. What’s wrong? I think we’d better get out of here soon. There are killer and also monster. We got lucky to survive for this time.

We won’t be able to get away next time. I’m the only son of my parents. Look. My dad’s hand. Snuff powder. You scared me! I hate you. Shagen. Come here. Monster. Monster. It belongs to the Chief. Why did Shagen have it? Move. It’s Zhouer. Don’t get close to him. It looks like leprosy.

Who’s Zhouer? He is the son of the Chief. Three years ago, the Chief said that Zhouer died of a serious illness. It turns out Zhouer is locked up here for his leprosy. Opium. Right before his death, Uncle Li also held the opium in his hand.

So his death must be related with the Chief. When we entered the yard, I noticed some mutton on the ground. So I suspect that Butcher Zhang also came to the Chief’s home once. Leprosy. Opium. Doctor Shen. Butcher Zhang. What’s the connection between the Chief and the monster? But where is the Chief now?

Dad said this is the medicine wrapping paper of Shengshan Charity. But now it’s used to wrap the opium. Shengshan Charity? Liu Bosheng also went there. [Shengshan Charity] Thank you. Thank you, professor. Thank you. Butcher Zhang. Yaozi. Liu Bosheng. What’s hidden on their feet should be this mark. So, Shengshan Charity

Must have been involved in everything. Come on. How odd. There’s no one here. That’s the sound. Every time this sound came out in the village, that monster would appear. Watch out. Go. Chief. Lei Yang. Lei Yang. Lei Yang. Lei Yang. [Shengshan Charity] Wenjie, Xiaoqiu. Stay behind me. Yang. Are you all right?

I’m fine. Wenjie, Xiaoqiu. Open the door. Xiaoqiu. Don’t worry, bro. Look. That guy, Wenjie. Didn’t he also get bitten? He’s fine. So I guess I would also be fine. I… Not a very deep bite. I’ll just take it as… Yang. Trust me. I will find a solution for you. It’s Wenjie and Xiaoqiu.

Let’s go. I didn’t expect there to be such a place under the hospital. Be careful. There’s a good way in Heaven. But you have to intrude into Hell. Who are you? Hiding in the dark like a ghost. But actually you are just a dog to watch the door for others. Go to hell!

Yang! Yang. Yang. Yang. Yang, are you all right? Come on. Yang. Yang. Talk to me. Yang. Talk to me. Talk to me. Ming. This place is dangerous. Get out of here. Now. No. No! I promised you that I would take you out. You get up. Get up. Get up and go with me.

Get up. Yang, get up. Brother. Yang. Brother. Yang. I’m sorry… I’m sorry… Say sorry to my parents for me. They can’t have any grandchild now. And, help me to take care of my dad. Tell him that I’m sorry for him. Go tell him yourself after you go back home. Say it yourself.

Get up now. Yang! Who are you? Let go of me! What do you want? We are born to suffer. Only by offering our meaningless body can we be baptized by the Holy Spirit. You devil! Who are you? Shen Wenjie is the person professor wants. Look at him.

He got bitten but he’s still alive. If you want him, I’ll bring him here. Let go of me! Don’t do stupid things. Boy. Wenjie. Let go of me! Xiaoqiu! Wenjie. Wenjie. Let go of me! Let go of me! What are you doing? Xiaoqiu! Look. You’re so pretty. Xiaoqiu. You lunatic! Let her go.

Do it to me. You’re next. You’ll be free from pain soon. Wenjie. We’ll be free from poverty and pain. Brother. It’s useless. Look at them. They took the pills but still died. I won’t let you die. You devil! How many people would you kill just to test the drug for your brother? Wrong.

These people died because of you. If you hadn’t run away, my experiment would have succeeded. Wenjie. Jiahe. Jiahe. No. Wenjie, are you all right? Come on. I wonder why those people look like being enchanted and are all in a trance. Brother, I’m in pain. I won’t let anything happen to you. Jiahe.

I can’t make it. Jiahe. Jiahe. Jiahe. You can’t die. You can’t die. Jiahe. Jiahe. I’ll make them your sacrifice. Go. Be quick. Opium. Why is there so much opium? Zheng Jiamu founded Shengshan Charity to pretend to do good and fool the public. Those who wanted to get out of pain trusted him.

To completely control those people, he secretly let them take opium. After becoming addicted to it, they were naturally at his disposal. The monster was also domesticated with drugs and then become a pathogen. People who were bitten by it would have the same symptoms as his brother had.

His believers were bitten by it first to get infected with the disease. Then they were sued for drug trials. People who failed it died soon. In order to keep it a secret, he created an atmosphere of terror so that people would take it as a curse of the Well Dragon King. Wenjie. You…

I remember it all. Because I was one of them once. That is to say, you didn’t die after that monster bit you. So you have antibody against the disease? That’s why he tried so hard to get me. In this troubled times, people live in destitution. But those cults take advantage of them.

Here, take it. Is it okay? Can you use it? Sure. Good. I’ll kill him myself to avenge my dad’s death. Leave here. Wenjie! Wenjie. Wenjie, get up. Let’s go! Be quick. Almost. He could almost survive. Why did you have to end his life? You got so many people killed.

You should go to hell! I’ll let you die with him together! Wenjie. Wenjie. Wenjie. Wenjie. Ming. Take Xiaoqiu out of here! You… None of you could get out of here! Stay away! Zhao Xueming. Wenjie. Ming has… Go. [Changle Hospital] [Wenjie and Xiaoqiu were found by the staff of Changle Hospital]

[and stayed in hospital for treatment.] [Zheng Jiamu’s laboratory under the hospital] [was also covered in dust after the explosion.] We all hope that life is full of love and kindness. But the greatest evil of human nature is often hidden in your peaceful life. Is there still goodness in this world? Of course.

In this world, reality is as sad and dark as the mist. But you still should believe that the sunshine will come in.