[البواء الصاعد في مدرسة البنات] |Rising Boas in a Girl’s School|إثارة/كارثة|YOUKU

[Construction Site] [No Entry] Ma’am. Hello, there. Sirs, ma’am. Welcome. Please come this way. This way, please. This way, please. Over here. Please come with me. [Hazardous Area] [Authorized Personnel Only] So did anything happen recently? Ma’am, the feed you brought here the last time was potent. These snakes couldn’t get enough of it.

There’s one particular snake that grew one meter overnight. Feed it as much as it wants. Yes, ma’am. Sirs, please come this way. You can take a look around. This is our worktable. The snakes are all skinned on this side. The workmanship is good. Yes. Not bad. The quality of the skin is good.

I heard snakes are spiritual creatures. They skin these snakes without restraint. How about we don’t get involved in this business? Let’s see how things go. Ladies and gentlemen, there’s a high return investment opportunity in front of you now. Come and take a look at this. A complete snake skin like this can make

A snakeskin handbag like this lady’s handbag. And we can produce ten thousand pieces a season of this quality. Ten thousand pieces? That’s impossible. We used feeds that we invented independently. If we raise them normally, it’ll take at least two years. But now, we can skin them after a month. A month?

Are there growth hormones in your feed? I mean, is it certified? When you see how big our snakes are, you wouldn’t worry about the certification. Let’s go and take a look. This way, please. [Caution] This way. This is our breeding room. Our breeding room is… Where are the snakes?

Why is it a mess? That’s right. Everything was fine when I checked yesterday. Where are my snakes? My snakes! Where did they go? Where did my snakes go? So what are we supposed to see now? Where are they? All my hard work! Where are my snakes? I told you this business isn’t trustworthy.

Yet, you refused to listen to me. Yet, she said they can produce ten thousand pieces of skin. I don’t think they can produce even one now. Did the snake mutate too much after eating the feed? Can you see it now? How many snakeskin handbags can we produce with this huge snake?

I told you snakes are spiritual creatures. We mustn’t kill snakes! We mustn’t kill spiritual creatures! Oh, God! Help! [Rising Boas in a Girl’s School] Why haven’t you delivered the fireworks for tonight? [2021 Flight Attendant Graduation Party] Be quick about it. Hey, what are you doing?

Why are you aiming the firework launchers toward the stage? Are you trying to blow up this stage? Aim the sky! It’s all here. Help me push it. Push it. Sorry about that. Help me push. Let’s go. Why are you so late? You better don’t slack off today.

Come over and give me a hand. Coming! It’s a snake. Snake! Keep it down, will you? Don’t you know the school’s board of directors is visiting for the graduation examination? Have you forgotten the school was on the news because there were snakes in the school before? Yet, we have another one here.

Sir, our school is at the bottom of the mountain. It’s normal to have snakes around. Stop finding excuses. No! Stop it! Sir! Sir! You must not step on it! Snakes are spiritual creatures! You… You better stay alert. If I see another snake in the school, you’ll be fired. Hello? Yes, Mr. Xu.

What? You’ll be here soon? Clear everything up quickly. All right. I’ll be there right away. Please wait for a while. Is this okay? Why did he have to step on the snake? Go to the back door and mend the hole. We must not let any snakes enter the school. Honey, I’m here. You…

Let’s go. Move it. I’m Xiao Jie, the third prince of Haixi City. You can ask about me. Wow, you’re an amazing person. Let me go! Well, I’m Chao, the prince of Haixi. Stay still. The assessment of forced landing in water has now begun. I’m the chief flight attendant of this flight.

Please climb into the life raft quickly. Okay. Get in quickly. Get in. Everyone, stay calm. Get in. Help! Help! Rou? Li Mengna, where are you going? Come back here! We’re running out of time! Don’t save her! We’re going overtime. Just leave her! Hurry! We don’t have much time left! Hurry! Quickly!

-Grab the paddle! -Give me your hand! Give me your hand! Time’s up! I can’t believe you had to drag us down in the assessment. Why did you waste time out there? [Shower Room] I’m warning you. If you dare to escape, I’ll call the police. If I call the police,

The nature of your case will be different. It’ll be very serious! You’ll be detained! Call the police? As if you can catch me. Honey, here I come. What’s the matter? What is it? Snake! Snake! Snake! It’s all right. Don’t be scared. This is a platyceps species. It may be venomous. But

It doesn’t usually attack humans. Don’t worry about it. Everything is under control now. -Get out! -Leave! -Pervert! -Scum! Get the security guards! Looking for the security guard? I’m the security guard. How ungrateful. Oh, no. Oh, darn it! You were out of time. Ma’am, I was the chief flight attendant during this assessment.

I have something to report. What is it? Li Mengna acted without obeying my orders during this assessment, which led to overtime. I don’t think what flight attendants need is competition, but cooperation. Ma’am, I… That’s right, ma’am. If it weren’t for Li Mengna trying to save Rou, we wouldn’t have run out of time.

That’s right, ma’am. We feel victimized in this incident. Rou, is that what happened? Rou, it’s okay. Just speak up. Yes. [Teamwork] Ma’am, let me explain. When you start working, the people you’ll be facing will be more complicated than this. If you can’t solve the current situation, you won’t be a qualified flight attendant.

What a jinx. Second Uncle! Something bad had happened! Something bad happened. What’s with the fuss? Snake. The snakes. The snakes in our school aren’t normal. Are you trying to upset me? What are you doing? We must find the relevant department to do an inspection. We must take preventive measures.

Do you know what will happen to us if we do this? What? We’ll be fired. But… It’s okay to be incompetent. But you must be ambitious, you know? Think about it. Give it to me. It’s the snake. I’ll release it into the woods. Is there anything else?

Oh, a guy sneaked into the school. But he escaped under my watch. This is a huge problem! Go after him! Okay. This brat. I’ll go and find him. I may not know what I did to offend you that you hate the sight of me. If I did offend you, I’m sorry.

What a headache. You want to know why I hate you, right? I just can’t stand the sight of you stealing the limelight. Get it now? Yes, I understand now. You can’t stand the sight of me stealing the limelight because you feel inferior. Get it now? You… [Honey] Hey, honey. Honey,

A security guard tried to catch me just now. I’m inside the school now. Okay. I’ll see you at the same place. I’ll see you there. Let’s go. Let her reflect on how to be on good terms with friends. By the way, Rou. Remember to lock the changing room.

Make sure to lock it properly. Or else, Ma Su won’t be friends with you anymore. [Haixi Flight Attendant Aviation College] I’m sorry. I got a letter from that airline. Really? What about you? That’s great. I haven’t received any. Where did he go? Where should I find him? Open this door! Help!

Is there anyone out there? Open this door! Help! Is there anyone out there? [Shower Room] Jeez, why is it here again? Open this door! Is there anyone out there? Help! Help! Is there anyone out there? Help! Help! Is there anyone out there? Help! Help! What’s the matter? Help! Snakes. What’s wrong? Snakes!

Oh, my God! Run! I can’t feel my legs. Are you okay? I’m fine. You can let me down now. I’m… I’m sorry. What’s your name? I’m… I’m… superman. No. I mean, my name means rogue and superman. My name is… Liu… Liu Chao. Thank you. I’m Mengna. Liu Chao, have you found him yet?

Second Uncle. I mean… Mr. Yue, please come to the changing room of the training hall. Something big has happened, over. Where did the snakes go? There were many of them just now. Where did they go? This is impossible. Chao, you look bewildered. How many times I’ve told you this?

It’s okay to be incompetent. But you can’t be worthless. But, Second Uncle. There were many snakes just now. And they were venomous snakes. Liu Chao is telling the truth. Those snakes looked strange, and they were very aggressive. I think it’s dangerous for everyone to stay in the college now.

All right. I believe you. So what do you plan to do? You want me to inform the principal to evacuate the school during the most important annual graduation ceremony, right? You’re giving me trouble here. That’s a good idea. I know where the higher-ups are. Follow me. Let’s go. Hey, come back here!

Come back here! What are you up to? Come back here! Sirs, this way, please. This is the training location for a forced landing in water. We’ve been following the requirements of the school board… -Let’s go. -strictly. -Come back here! -Sir! Please rest assured. Something bad had happened! Sir! What is it? Sir,

I have something urgent to report to you. What is it? An unknown number of venomous snakes have appeared on our campus. Venomous… Venomous snakes? I suggest we evacuate all the teachers and students. We must leave this place. Outrageous! How can there be venomous snakes in our college? I can prove it, sir.

I was surrounded by several of them just now. There are snakes here. You and you are fired! Get out of my sight right now! It’s a misunderstanding. Just leave. Sir! Do you know how many people… Just go! Both of you, leave now! Do you know how many people there are in our school?

If anything happens to the students, will you be responsible… Stop being stubborn! for not reporting it when you know the truth? Throw him out of here! There are venomous snakes in school! Venomous snakes! Sir, you need to be certain of this matter. You need to inspect the venomous snakes.

We’re talking about human lives here. It’s all right. It was a mistake. It’s my fault. I’m sorry. Our school always puts the safety of students as a priority. Sirs, let’s continue with the tour. Okay. Let’s continue with the school tour. All right. You must pay attention to hidden dangers. Of course.

Safety first. Safety first. Liu Chao and Li Mengna are expelled. Mengna, I have a plan. Who are you? You can’t go in. It’s an emergency. I’m sorry. It’s an emergency. -What are you doing? -Sorry about that. Come this way, please. Sir. Sir. Sir. Move aside. Sir.

All our lighting and sound system used for this evening are the latest equipment purchased by our school. Sir. Sir. It’s the best. Can you don’t fire Chao? Sir. Sir. They’re of good quality. Let’s not fire Chao. Just go. Please take a look around, sirs. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll hold

A grand graduation party here after the graduation examination. When that time comes, I’ve prepared… A huge surprise for everyone. What’s this? Sir, what’s going on here? calmly and orderly. Leave in the school bus. He made a mistake. He’s talking about something else. Take care of it now. Sir, what’s going on? You need to explain this. Take it easy. Calm down. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to stress that there’s absolutely no… Sir!

Venomous snakes… in Haixi Flight Attendant Aviation College! Run! Run! Run for your lives! Get up! Are you okay? Run now! Shasha, make a call now! Don’t just stand there! This… Everyone, we’ve been training every day to cope with such emergencies. Follow the command and leave the school. We must leave! Don’t panic! Everyone! Calm down! Calm down! Do what we do during training and row the boat. Okay! Together now! Hurry! Faster! Faster! Come on! Get up! Run! -Help! -Run for your lives! Mengna, it’s time for us to leave now. Honey,

Do you know how hard I tried to see you today? Then do you have energy left for later? That’s a must. Head to the parking lot! Now! To the parking lot now! The parking lot now! Go to the parking lot now! Second Uncle! Wanyu! Get up. Run! Everyone! Run! Liu Chao, I’m here!

Run! Head to the dorm! Run! Run! Get on the bus! Hurry! This way! Hurry! Get on the bus quickly! Hurry! Don’t push! Hello, helpline? I’m calling from Haixi Flight Attendant Aviation College. There are many snakes in our school! Many of our students are injured! Send help quickly! Get in now!

Get on the bus now! Hurry! Keep up! Those at the back, hurry up! Chao! Where are you going? Come back! Where are you going? Mengna and the rest are not here yet. They might be in danger. I can’t leave them. Stop thinking about others at this time. Listen to me.

We only watch the gates. We’re not superheroes. Second Uncle, you said it’s okay to be incompetent. But don’t be worthless! The students are in danger. If I abandon them, I’ll be disrespecting my uniform! Chao, come back here! Come back! Everyone, stay seated! Yue Zhong, get on now! Get on the bus!

Get on the bus now! Mengna. Mengna! Mengna! Mengna! Mengna! Mengna! Mengna! Mengna! We’ll be okay. Mengna! Mengna! Mengna! Hang in there. Liu Chao. Liu Chao! Liu Chao! Listen to me. Liu Chao! The snake is behind you! Behind you! I’m fine. Watch out behind you! Liu Chao, listen to me. Liu Chao!

Liu Chao! Run quickly! Liu Chao! Run! Liu Chao! Run faster! Run! Run! Get up and run! Run! Liu Chao! Second Uncle! Second Uncle! Are you okay? Second Uncle, why did you come back? Why did I come back? It’s because of you! You’ve already put it that way.

I don’t deserve to be your uncle if I didn’t come back for you. What now? We need to leave and meet them across the street. Then we’ll find a way to escape. How do we meet them? This thing is fast. We’d be eaten in just a few steps. How do we meet them?

What are you looking at? I have a plan. What plan? What kind of lousy plan is this? Second Uncle, keep it down. What’s the point of saying that when we are already here? Oh, my sister and brother-in-law. Please watch over our safety. There’s a snake, Second Uncle. Turn back. Turn back.

Yes, I can see it’s pretty huge. Why did you turn back? There’s a snake. Huh? -What? -Turn back now. Come on. Move it. Move it. Come on. Hurry up. Hurry. Turn back, Second Uncle. There’s a snake here too. What now? Shake to lose it. Shake? Oh, my God! Oh, God! Oh, man! Chao,

Your phone! Chao, your phone! You dropped your phone! Second Uncle, go now. Go. Go. Go. Second Uncle, stay still. I didn’t move. Don’t move! I didn’t move! Second Uncle. Let me help you. Second Uncle, are you okay? I’m fine. Thank you for watching us, my sister and brother-in-law. Let’s go.

Hurry, Second Uncle! Hurry! Liu Chao? Are you okay? I… I’m fine. There they go again. Why are you hiding out here? The huge snake found us when we were separated. I couldn’t run fast because I took the injured with me. I can only hide here with my schoolmates.

The huge snake can’t enter, and we can’t leave either. Guys, don’t be scared. Your teacher has called for emergency help. They’ll be here soon. That’s great. Your face is injured. I’m fine. Let me wipe it for you. What’s wrong? Nothing. I just find you’re calmer than the rest.

Are you not afraid of snakes? I fear snakes the most. You’re scared of snakes? My dad is a helicopter rescue pilot. Since I was young, he taught me how to face all kinds of emergencies. He also taught me that if someone can stand up and calmly say

That he has the ability and confidence to help everyone, it’ll help to reassure others. And a smile is the most reassuring thing. Are you okay? I’m fine. Mengna, I… Rou. Thank you, Rou. [Graduation Season] [Girls’ Apartment] I think the snake has left. No. Snake is persistent in its hunting game.

Sometimes, it can wait all day and all night. I’m afraid it’s hiding somewhere waiting for us. What should we do? We can only stay put and wait for rescue. But it’s better to be prepared to keep watch for the night. I’m going to search the rooms upstairs for supplies. Honey,

Do you want to try something more exciting? What? Wait here. Snake. Snake! Snake! There’s a snake! Hey, pervert. So this is where you are! Who are you calling a pervert? You, who else? Let my boyfriend go! I dare you to say that again! I was talking about you! Let my boyfriend go!

Guard dog, let my boyfriend go! -You’re even a… -Enough! Stop arguing! It’s not the time to argue! Let him go! What do you mean by that? Go down and see for yourself. I… Linda! Angela! Ma Su. Are you all right? -I’m fine. -I’m okay. What’s going on? Why are there so many snakes?

Were they the ones who locked you in the changing room? All right. I’m glad you’re fine. If I knew, I wouldn’t save them. Forget it. A doctor wouldn’t care if the patient is a bad or a good person before surgery. There are so many snakes in the room. Gather around.

Change into clothes so you can move freely. Let’s go. I’ll take this. What is this? Thanks. Stop being picky. Take this. Li Mengna, you have such a lousy taste. These clothes look vulgar. Didn’t you check before taking them? I had no time. I could only find these. Just bear with it.

Do you want to look pretty or stay alive? With the three of you guys standing here, how are we supposed to change our clothes? Are you trying to take advantage because there are snakes out there? That’s right. Of course not. Sorry about that. Where do you think those snakes come from?

I heard there’s a snake farm nearby that catches a lot of snakes to make snakeskin handbags. They even use illegal feed. They must be crazy to do this kind of business. You’re right. We mustn’t buy bags made from animal skin. I didn’t expect you to be thoughtful.

My skin feels dry. Let me use it. What are you doing? Are you crazy? Snakes are afraid of pungent smells. I’ll divide this alcohol into these bottles and distribute them to you for self-defense. When it’s needed, you can use it like a Molotov cocktail. It’s expensive. You can’t pour it!

This is even more expensive. You can’t throw it out. Tell me which one I can use, then. Well… How about this? You darned security guard. I want you to compensate for my limited edition skincare essence, you jerk! I want you to compensate for my limited edition perfume!

Do you think he can afford it? Poor wretch. Hey, bumpkin. Do you know what? Any one item here can cover your monthly salary. ♪Follow my left hand and right hand in a slow motion♪ Are you crazy? He’s mad! Honey, call the rescue team now! I can’t stay with these people anymore! Enough.

Ignore him. I’ll call them now. Hello, is this the rescue team? What’s the matter? Why aren’t you here yet? There was a landslide. It’ll take two hours for us to arrive. You need to stay indoors. Don’t go outside. You must wait for the rescuers. We still need to wait for another two hours?

I’d be dead after two hours. Two hours? I can’t stay any longer. I want to go home! It’s more dangerous outside. There are snakes everywhere and a huge snake lying in waiting. Just follow the rescuer’s order. It’s safer to stay indoors. Who do you think you are? Why should we listen to you?

I know you can’t stand the sight of me. But this isn’t the time for you to lose your temper. Me? Are you going to let her insult me like that? My car is parked at the school’s entrance. We can survive if we go together. Who wants to come with us?

I don’t want to stay for another two hours here. Let’s go. -Let’s go. -We’ll go. I want to go too. Me too. We’ll go with you. Let’s go. -I’ll go with you. -We’re going too. Don’t go. Everyone, calm down. Don’t go out! We have the iron grill gate. Don’t go outside! Calm down!

The big snake can’t come inside! Hey, you must calm down! Don’t go out! It’s safe here! The iron grill gate can stop the big snake from coming in! Come on! Don’t go! Stop! The rescue team will arrive in two hours! Just two hours! Come back inside! Faster! Hurry up! Hurry! Run!

Run faster! Hurry! Hurry! Chao! Chao! Chao! Chao, run! Chao! Hurry! Mengna, help me! Wanyu. Let’s go! Mengna. Mengna! Mengna! Mengna. Wanyu! Listen to me! Listen to me! It’s too late. You can’t save her! If you go, you’ll die! Wanyu! Wanyu! Let’s go! Come on! Don’t just stand there! Run!

Distribute these to disperse the snakes. Do you have some more? Don’t snatch. The big snake is coming. What should we do now? Go to the room ahead and follow the window to the canteen. We’re on the fourth floor. Why did you climb up so high? How am I supposed to know? Darn it!

Run! Hurry! Run! Get up! Run! Run for your lives! Hurry! Faster! Hurry up! Move it! Run faster! Close the door! Find if there’s anything we can use as a rope! Hurry! -Find a rope! -A rope! A rope! Can we use clothes? Over here! Hurry! Mengna, help them! Hurry!

Tie it up! Tie it up! This one too! Hurry! Quickly now! Hurry up! Hurry! Give it to me! Here! Hurry! Don’t just stand there! Go down! Now! Hurry! Run! Stop wasting time! Go now! Go now! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! I can’t hold out much longer. Go down now! My turn.

Second Uncle, you turn to go! -What about you? -Just go! Darn it. Go! Second Uncle! Catch him! Run! Run! Run! Come inside now! Quickly! Hurry up! Do you know you almost have us all killed? What are you talking about? When the snake came after us, you only cared about running for your life.

Are you a man? Let him go! Stop talking as if you’re a good guy. Didn’t you two also abandon your friend in the corridor and run just now? Do you have the right to judge me? You… Are you crazy, Li Mengna? You hit me? Even my mother

Never hit me my whole life! Yet, you hit me? Do you think a flight attendant is all that? You’re nothing but a waitress in the sky! Who gives you the right? I’ll tell you now. The most important duty of a flight attendant is not to serve passengers,

But to ensure the safety of passengers. Have you seen any waitress saving lives at critical moments? Also, if you do something that brings danger to everyone here, you’re on your own. Guys. Guys. Please believe in Mengna and me. We can’t stay here. The big snake will never give up on its prey.

All we can do now is keep moving and hiding until the rescuers arrive. Bah! You’re just a lousy guard. How are you going to ensure everyone’s safety? You said to stay at the same spot. Now, you’re saying we should keep running. You darn bumpkin! Don’t try to order us around when you’re uncultured,

Okay? Where did your sense of superiority come from? Bumpkin non-stop. What’s wrong with them? Your ancestors are bumpkins too! Who wasn’t one several generations ago? Without them, you have no food! How many young people from the countryside are guarding the borders to protect you? Tell me. Aren’t bumpkin and city folks human?

You better stop looking down on others. Hurry! Run! Run! Hurry! Run! How did it find us so quick? [Cold Storage] Snakes can sense heat. The temperature is low here. Everyone must hold their breath and stay still. Follow me. Come on. Hurry. Come on. Hurry up. Come here. Snake! Snake. It’s okay.

Back off slowly. Back off. Chao, what now? I… I have no idea. Can you find anything… I don’t know what to do either, Second Uncle. What do we do now? Back off slowly. It’s not moving anymore. They’re hibernating. Chao, you’re a talented and promising kid. I know that. This place isn’t safe.

We must leave. Take them with you first. Careful not to step on the snakes. Be careful. Are you okay? Careful. Stay still. Mengna, don’t be scared. I’m here. I’m coming. Stay still. Don’t be scared. I’m here. It’s okay. There are two more. Stay still. Don’t be scared. Liu Chao. Let’s go. Come on.

Hurry. Guys, lend a hand. Can anyone find rubbing alcohol for me? Okay. Mengna. Be quick. Hang in there. Liu Chao, hang in there. I’m fine. I’m okay. Liu Chou, I’ll suck the poison out now. No, you can’t. Stop wasting time. No. Mengna, no. Rou, gauze.

Here’s the disinfectant and antivenom. Do you need any anesthetic? No. Mengna. Are you okay? Thank you for saving my life again. There they go again. It’s nothing. It’s my duty. I’m pretty curious. How do you know so much about snakes and catching them? Aren’t you scared?

I grew up in a village on a mountain. We only have hundreds of people living there. There were more snakes than people. My mom died giving birth to me. So I lived with my dad. My dad sold medicinal wine in the village.

He often helped people in the village to catch and drive snakes away. After seeing them a lot, I no longer fear them. Why did you choose to be a security guard here? When I was 18, my dad was bitten by a venomous snake. He died because it was too late to save him.

I’m sorry. It’s okay. I’m really okay. My dad was pretty open-minded about it at the time. He said he has been catching snakes all his life. So dying from a snake bite is considered a natural cycle of justice. From that moment, I wanted to leave that place and never wanted to return.

So I followed my second uncle to work as a security guard in the city. It’s pretty ironic when you think about it. I ended up seeing more snakes and bigger snakes in the city. If you didn’t come and work as a security guard here, we wouldn’t have met.

What a poor and lowly couple. Two low lives are indeed perfect for each other. Will you shut it already? Why? Did I say anything wrong? Lousy guard from the countryside! You’re a perfect match. Say that again. It’s already two hours. There’s still no sign of the rescue team. Honey, call the rescue team

And see where they are. Hurry. Hello, is this the rescue team? It’s been two hours. Where are you? Landslides kept occurring during the past two hours. It blocked the way to your school. How long should we wait again? At least five hours. Five hours? We can’t last another five hours!

We’d be dead by then! Didn’t you say two hours? Why did it become five hours? -Hello? -Hello? What if we die in here? My mom is waiting for me to go home for dinner. I want to go home. If we don’t leave, we’ll die here.

I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! Guys, calm down. Five hours. If we stay here, we won’t last until the rescue team arrives. But it’s 400 meters to the parking lot if we take the school road. You said you parked your car in the parking lot.

We can take his car and leave the school. It’s easy for you to say. That snake is watching outside. It’ll eat us if we go out there. Besides, can you run faster than the snake? He’s right. That’s one lousy idea. How do we get out when there are snakes everywhere?

We’d be dead before we reached the parking lot. I don’t want to be eaten by snakes. We can go there by the patrol car. Stop messing around. That patrol car… Well, where is it? It’s parked downstairs. What? It’s downstairs. Did you hear that? We’re saved. We’re saved. The patrol car is downstairs.

We’ll ride the patrol car to the parking lot. By the way, what model is your car? It’s a seven-seater van. I think there’s enough room if everyone squeezes in. Guys, let’s reorganize and search for emergency supplies. Hurry. Okay. See if we can find anything useful. Okay. I found bandages here. I found

[Medical Supplies] food over here. I found disinfectant. Can this be of help? Yes. Just bring everything. It doesn’t matter if it can help. This one. There are syringe needles here. I was at the parking lot today. I know what car you drove. So? It’s a car that can’t fit everyone.

What do you want? I don’t know what you see in Ma Su. She treats you so badly. I know she only likes my money. But don’t all women like the money? I guess you don’t know Ma Su that well. She not only likes your money. She likes a lot of people’s money.

Do you get it? I think there’s someone more suitable to sit in your passenger’s seat. Honey. Honey, let me explain. Get lost. You wench! Ma Su, I had enough of you! Don’t you know how hateful you are? I don’t need to tell you that. You can just look at yourself in the mirror!

Do you think you have real friends? You have none! Who do you think you are? You’re nothing! No one likes you! You have no friends at all! Go to hell! Help! Help! What’s wrong? What happened? Snake! Snake! Out of my way! Run! Run now! Hurry! Move it! Run! Run faster! Hurry up! Hurry!

Keep up! Keep up! Run! Now! Go! Go! Run faster! Hurry! Hurry! It’s getting close! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! -Hurry up! -Get out of my way! Hurry! Come on! -Hurry up! -Second Uncle, hurry! -Start the engine! -Start it! It’s coming! Hurry! Liu Chao! Hurry! Come on! Hurry! Give me the flare gun! Come on!

-Can the patrol car even run? -Hurry! -Faster! -Come on! Stop rushing me! Hurry up! Chao, the engine is running! Let’s go! Go! Go! Hurry! Let’s go! Drive faster! Faster! Faster! Stop rushing me! Drive faster! Faster! Move it! Chao! What are you doing? Drive! What are you up to now?

I don’t know why it stalled out! It’s coming after us! Run! Run! Hurry! Move quickly! Run! Hurry! Hurry! Faster! That’s the car. The car… Is that what you call a seven-seater van? Do you take human lives as a joke? Liu Chao! Get out of my way! Stop fighting!

Now is not the time to fight! Get away from me! Get off of me! -Let him go! -Liu Chao! Let him go! Let him go! Stop fighting! Let him go! Liu Chao! Liu Chao! Let him go! Let me go! Li Mengna, move aside! Stop fighting! It’s not the time for fighting! Go away!

Honey, save me! You said you love the beach house. I’ll give the beach house to you if you save me! Honey, think of something. Run! Run! Run! Run! Run for your lives! Hurry! Faster! Run! Run faster! Liu Chao! I can’t feel my legs. It’s numb! Second Uncle! Second Uncle!

Chao, take them and leave first! I’ll distract it! Come back here, Second Uncle! You’re just a security guard who watches the gate! Why are you trying to be a hero? You’ll die! Second Uncle! Chao, I’ve been worthless all my life. Let me be worthy for once! Let me be a superhero!

I’m also a superhero now! Let me go! Liu Chao, calm down! Calm down! My uncle is not here yet! He’s not here yet! Liu Chao! I want to save my uncle! Calm down! My uncle is not here yet! Let me go. I want to save him! Liu Chao, get up. Liu Chao!

I want to save my uncle! He’s still alive! You can’t save him! You can’t save everyone! That’s what you told me. I know you’re in pain. But your uncle won’t want to see you like this. You must get yourself together! Where’s my second uncle? I’m only a security guard who guards the gate.

Why am I trying to be a hero here? I can’t save anyone. I can’t save anyone. I ended up getting my uncle killed because of me. It doesn’t matter what others think of you. I’ve always believed in you. So have they. You never gave up on us.

Are you going to give up on yourself now? A man needs to know his place and watch what he says. Also, it’s okay to be incompetent. But you can’t be worthless. How can I be useful when I’m incompetent? You talk back really well, huh? It doesn’t matter if others look down on you.

But if you look down on yourself, then you’re a coward. Now that you’re here, work hard and don’t shame your parents. Guys. Guys, we have no way to run now. We don’t know when the rescue team will arrive. We only have two options. I hope you can believe in me, believe in Mengna and yourselves! We’ll definitely escape from here! Okay? -Okay! -Okay! [Graduation Party] Lights! Attack! Mengna! Mengna! Are you okay? It’s finally dead. -Xue Lin! -Xue Lin! Wang Qing! Wang Qing! Mengna! Liu Chao! Liu Chao! Execute Plan B! Liu Chao! Mengna, light it!

I can’t do it! It’s better for me to die than let everyone die! Light it! Ouch! It’s hot! Liu Chao… It’s so hot! Ouch! It’s hot! Liu Chao! I thought I lost you. I’m okay. I’m still alive. I didn’t expect you would be so worried about me. There they go again.

It’s okay to be incompetent. But you can’t be worthless. If you like her, you need to be responsible to the end. I have your household registration book with me. So when are you going to get married? You’re alive. I thought you were dead. -Hurry! -Hang in there. Make way. Hurry. Careful now.

Let me do it. You’ll be fine. Thanks. No need to thank me. Careful. Thank you for showing us the shortcut. Otherwise, we wouldn’t make it here on time. It’s my duty. There are two more here! Coming. Mengna. Yes, ma’am. I take back what I said. You’re going to be a qualified… No.

You’ll be an outstanding flight attendant. Thank you, ma’am. Cuihua! Yueyue! Cuihua! I thought I wouldn’t see you again. Me too! How is that possible? I’m a superhero! Are you hurt? No. When did they start dating? That’s great. We’ll never be apart anymore. Maybe it’s true love in adversity. We’ll never be apart again.

Let’s go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and register our marriage! True love in adversity. That’s right. True love in adversity. Then… Mengna… The thing is… I… You know… But of course, I don’t know if you’re willing. Of course, you can… I’m willing to. Then… What did you say? I’m willing to.

I… I’m too.