[نعش السماء تسعة التنين]|Nine Dragons Sky Coffin|فريق حراس القبور يدافعون عن الكنز الوطني!|YOUKU

[Nine Dragons Sky Coffin] Stop the car! Fire! It’s… It’s Squad Leader Serizawa. Inform the Colonel immediately! [Funeral and Memorial Supplies] Not bad at all. Help me hold it down while I take a look. Oh, okay. So? Not festive enough, I think. How about I put a longevity peach here? You call the shots.

-I don’t know anything about this. -Brother! Brother! -You little brat! -Brother! Brother! Okay. Brother! Help! Stop right there! Grandma. -Grandma. Grandma. -I’ll beat you up. Hit me instead. -Don’t hit my sister. -Let me teach you a lesson! This little brat. This Nine Dragons Pendant is a treasure handed down by our ancestors.

Is it for her to burn for fun? -My brother gave it to me to play with. -Yes yes yes. I gave it to her. Listen to me, Grandma. My younger sister’s wuxing* has too much fire, (*five phases) so I let her take this jade pendant to get rid of some. Look.

She looks so fresh now. So pretty. We are tomb keepers. You can still fool around given the current situation? Grandma, keep your voice down. It’s not good if the neighbors hear. It’s already difficult for my sister to get married because of our coffin shop’s reputation. Hu. I’ll marry her. Shut it.

Stop talking about that. It’s better to read more books if you have time. She’s right. You reputation-ruining idiots just sit around and do nothing. Your skin is thicker than this coffin lid. And where did the one who only cares about money go? Grandma. Get out. Grandma. You shouldn’t say that. If

I hadn’t been running around getting business, would our coffin shop be so prosperous? Nonsense! Why don’t you go kill some Japs on the streets? Kill hundreds of Japs, one large coffin per Jap. That would make enough money for your next life, ensuring that your descendants would never have to worry about money. Grandma.

Calm down. Look. This is the birthday present we made for you. Doesn’t it look good? Yes. All of us made it for you. Authentic golden silk Phoebe zhennan. The boss said he’ll put a longevity peach here for you. Yes, yes, yes. How about we try it out? Right, right, right. Try it.

Come on. -Come on. -Try it. You idiots want me to die early? Grandma. Grandma. I’ll beat you up. I’ll beat you up. Help! Grandma is hitting us again! Colonel. Colonel. Captain Matsumoto’s initial assessment is hallucinations caused by nerve paralysis, leading to madness. It should be some kind of virus from the tomb.

Mr. Shen. You don’t need to worry about this anymore. Yes, sir. These- these many people died? One coffin per person. Is our coffin shop going to make a lot? Shut up. Colonel. They’re here. I heard your “light incense and ask the corpse” is quite amazing, so I’ve rashly asked you to come here.

Please forgive me. This is how you ask? Colonel. There is a deadly virus in this tomb. These people are all frauds, not trustworthy. -Enough. -Who are you talking about? Mr. Shen. Forgive us. Everything is almost ready. Ma’am. Take a look. See if you need anything else? Squad Leader Serizawa died a mysterious death.

We want to know what he went through. Corroded flesh and blood. He must’ve run into a big horror. Ma’am. Wenwang Drum in the left hand. Ganshen Whip in the right hand. Wenwang Drum. Willow Bolt. Qianlong and Kaiyuan on the bolt. Ox-Head and Horse-Face lead the way.

Heibai Wuchang* escort the spirits of the dead. (*Black and White Impermanence) Left foot Yin. Right foot Yang. Stepping on both life and death. Take a deep breath. If you get lost in the underworld later, don’t blame my grandma for not taking you back. Spirit of the dead, lead the way! Tres- pass…

Our “light incense and ask the corpse” uses the last breath of the dead to go and see where he insists on staying. The deeper we go, the deeper the obsession. Trespassers die. What’s that sound? Colonel. It’s dangerous. These are people who died tragic deaths.

They want to drag whoever killed them down into the water. You killed a lot of people, so you carry great resentment. Be careful not to be dragged down. What storm can the dead stir up? That… That’s the tomb we’re looking for. Black Rakshasa. Blood Buddha. As soon as you enter this door,

Your fate will be unpredictable. Hey. Look. There must be treasures in there. Grandma. Are we really going to do this? Dahu. These people want to dig the graves of our ancestors. We must not let them succeed. Go. -Grandma! -Grandma! You… Have you gone mad? I don’t know any great truths,

I only know that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of their country. You Japs want to steal Chinese treasures. Even if I die, I’ll drag you down with me! Sir. Sir. Are you okay? Sir. Sir. -Don’t move. -Let me go! Grandma! What are you doing? -Let her go! -Come at me!

-Let go of her! -What are you doing? “Light incense and ask the corpse”? Feudal superstition. Isn’t it just some hypnotic trick? Kill them. Kill them all! Wait! “Light incense and ask the corpse” is a trick, but I know everything about the inside of tombs. I’ll tell you. Wait. Don’t shoot.

Don’t you want treasures? I can take you there. But you need to let all my people go! Boss! Okay. There is an old Chinese saying, “A wise man submits to circumstances”. I like you. Mr. Wu. As for the old lady, I’ll lock her up in case you play any tricks.

Once we return from the tomb, I will let her go. Boss. No one is outside anymore. What should we do next? Right. They saw through our “light incense and ask the corpse”. What do we do next? This… Enter the tomb first. We’ll implement the next step of our plan. Enter the tomb?

Go home. You can’t do anything. What the heck do you mean? You dare to show your face? What are you doing? Sit down. Calm down. Calm down. I’ve diverted the Japanese soldiers on patrol. If you want to leave, leave right now. The tomb isn’t something you can deal with.

How can a traitor like you be so kind? Is putting all of your lives on the line for a dying person worth it? You’re spewing nonsense! You would be the one to die first! Dahu. Exactly! Dahu. Kill me if you dare. Don’t know chalk from cheese. Why not enter the tomb through the hole we dug earlier? Sounding like a true layperson. Your method destroyed the structure of the tomb. If we go in now, we’d be asking to be buried. A forest suddenly appeared on this barren mountain. Doesn’t it feel wrong? What’s weird about that? The Nine Dragons Mountain

Has scorched soil, no vegetation grows here. This is “tong”*. (*child(ren)) The strange rocks surrounding here were formed by resentment in the earth. This is “shi”*. (*rock) In Feng shui’s terms, it has two out of the five evils. This is a place of great evil. This place is extremely dangerous. Be careful.

Even if there are so many of us, we may not come back out. Forget it. Grandma is waiting for us. Let’s go. Dahu. What’s the matter? I think I heard the sound of water. What sound? Sound of water. Dahu. Look. It’s haunted! It’s haunted! It-it’s haunted… It’s haunted! The day has turned dark.

The occupant of the tomb must not want us to go in. It’s still daytime. It’s just that light can’t come through because the forest is dense and foggy. Uneducated. Who are you calling uneducated, you thug? Can’t you see that there are traces of beasts going through the forest? There is also

A light bloody smell. It’s not that simple. Zhi. Hurry. Move it. Dahu. I really heard the sound of water. Sound of water? Uhm… Uhm… Uhm… How can there be a sound of water in the mountains? Why haven’t I heard the sound of water? Mr. San. Mr. San! Mr… Zhi. What…? It was fake?

This is it. So the Mountain God sent us to the entrance of the tomb? I get it now. This is the Mountain God leading the way. The Mountain God is ready to receive the sacrifices offered to him. Sac- sacrifices? We are all sacrifices? There are dead bodies here. A curse of the tomb?

It’s the hallucinogenic effect on the nerve centre, not a curse. If it’s not a curse, then what is it? Did they drown in your saliva? It’s the yinchong* flower, (*hidden bug) the main ingredient in making the hallucinogenic powder. The cave entrance is here! Colonel. My little baby. It’s your turn. Come on, baby.

Come on. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? If you can, then you do it! There is sufficient oxygen below, as well as a small amount of harmful gas that is expected to dissipate automatically in ten minutes. Okay. Hey. Get ready to go down. Yes, sir!

Don’t think I don’t know that the stink of corpses in the forest came from you. What did you say? I don’t care what your purpose is, don’t attack my people. I’ll go first. Colonel. My baby. My baby. Are you okay, baby? This isn’t right. Could there be a double set of doors?

We have to dig again? Dahu. Why is there a bell underground? Holy crap. This is precious. It can be sold for a lot of money if we get it out. Don’t move! Be careful! It’s the tomb doors. You’re plotting against us? I wouldn’t dare.

There are many mechanisms in the tomb to begin with. This bell is the mechanism to open the next set of doors. You don’t understand these things. Dazhuang! Get ready to strike the bell, call to Heaven. Okay. Yes. Open the gate to Heaven. Plug your ears with cotton balls. This won’t do.

Let’s do it together. Don’t be scared! Dazhuang. Nine Dragons Pendant. Get up. Are you alright? I’m fine. Very good. Is everyone alright? Lead the way. You… Dazhuang. Boss. Saving Grandma is our priority. Let’s go. Let’s go. Forward. Yes, sir. You’re a tomb keeper? What does it have to do with you, traitor? Thug.

Traitor. Pweh. Hu. What is it? Look at this corridor. Doesn’t it look like a funnel? Let me see. Let me see. This place is unusual. Narrow at the front, wide at the back. Riches like a mountain. That’s normal feng shui. Using this in an evil place

Could be because they were afraid of the evil qi leaking and not being able to hold back the one inside. Move. Be careful! These lamps should be firmly hung on the wall. Unless… Unless what? Speak. Retreat! Run! Hurry. Boss. This is a dead end. Where is the way? It’s grease. Dahu. Dahu.

Take a look at this. It seems to be the fat of the mountain balsam. It burns with fire, and cannot be put out by water or soil. Try to lead the fire here. There is a problem with this wall. We need to charge through it.

How do we charge when there’s a big fire ahead? I’ll go first. -Dahu! -Hu! Dahu! Hu! This… This… What do we do? What should we do? It’s fine! Then let’s go. Let’s! This way. Hurry! I’m fine? I’m fine! We’re pretty lucky. Zhi. How did you know that was a firewall?

You don’t know, do you? Since ancient times, people have believed that fire can burn away all filth. There is also the custom of crossing the brazier, which symbolizes burning away filth and entering with a clean and pure body. So although it looked like a dead end, it was actually a way out. Wait.

There are so many stars in the sky, but there is no moon. You’re right. Where is the moon? Mr. Kong. What are you doing? Sir. A legendary luminous pearl with a size of a basin is a treasure! Mountain in front. Fire is behind. The sun, moon, and stars. The vast universe. Mountain. Fire.

The sun, moon, and the stars. Animals. Ancestors. The mechanisms here were set up according to the worship order of the ancients. Come on, help me out. Mr. San. Don’t touch it! This is a treasure. Everyone, be careful. We’re still in the tomb. -Dazhuang! -Mr. San! -Dazhuang! -Mr. San! -Mr. San! -Dazhuang! Colonel! Dazhuang!

Mr. San! Mr. Kong! Sir. Jap. What the heck is the meaning of this? What the heck are you playing at? Sir. I-I-I didn’t know that legendary luminous pearl is a mechanism either. Sir. From the beginning, you’ve been playing small tricks. Now that Wu Dahu and they have gone missing,

You’re no longer of value. Spare me, sir. Sir, spare me, sir. Mr. San! At a time like this, what are you talking to the Jap? Kill me if you have the guts! Worse comes to worst, we’ll die together! Shut up… Sir. Sir. I-I-I-

I also know how to enter the main chamber of the tomb, I’ll show you the way. I’ll show you the way. Mr. San! Keep going. Zhi. Where are Dazhuang and Mr. San? Mr. San! Dazhuang! Mr. San! Where are we? We’re still in the tomb. Where? According to the mural,

The occupant of this tomb was a wealthy prince. He searched all over the world, found the place where nine dragons converge, We will do our best to guard the tomb. We will do our best to guard the tomb. Is what the mural says true? What the mural says is true. If we get the treasure, the Empire of Japan shall definitely rise. What are you doing? She wants to steal the treasure.

If she dies, Grandma dies! I have given them a chance. I drove the squad leader’s coffin back. I just want to let them know that they shouldn’t rob the tomb. But they refused to realize their mistake. So I’ll have to kill them. As for you, I have also given you a chance.

Is national treasure important or is a dying person important? Don’t forget you’re tomb keepers. Both are important to me. You don’t know anything. Stop fighting! You disgraced the name of tomb keepers. None of your frickin’ business. Zhi. Take her and go. I’ll stop him. Go! This woman doesn’t look fat

But is quite heavy to carry. Dahu. This level should be related to stars. I just don’t know where are Mr. San and Dazhuang. It’s okay. After we pass this level, I’ll leave a mark. Mr. San will follow once he sees it. When the time comes, I’ll try to get them all. Sir.

We’re here. Open the doors. Nadan Usha? What? The Big Dipper. It is said that in the positions of the seven stars, there were seven black holes, which often brought disasters to the people. Seven brothers and seven white jade mountains from the East China Sea blocked the black holes and became seven bright stars

That help people distinguish directions and the four seasons. But this is so weird. Why is there only half an astrolabe? Has it been hidden? Don’t move. Let me try. It’s poisonous. Put on your gas mask! Mr. San. These darned Japs are well prepared. Mr. San? Mr. San! Dazhuang! It’s Dahu! Boss! Boss! Boss. -Boss! -Boss! Dahu! What’s happening on your side? The poisonous smoke is pouring back into the side chamber. Boss! Don’t worry about us. You leave first and save Grandma! What are you talking about? Boss. I don’t want to die here. Find a way to save us! Let’s save Grandma together. Otherwise I cannot guarantee that Mr. Gao and Mr. Kong will remain alive. Yamamoto! You old bastard! If you dare to hurt my bros, you can wait to be buried alive! Dazhuang! Mr. San! Mr. San. Check if there is an astrolabe near you. There is an astrolabe! There is one! Boss! There is an astrolabe! Leave right now! They still have Grandma. I can’t go. Smoking pipe? Grandma never leaves this pipe. What are you going to do with her? I’ll kill you! You fool! I had already saved Madam Bai before we entered the tomb. That’s the token she gave me herself! Why should we trust you? Because

I’m also a tomb keeper. Tomb keeper descendant, Shen Jun. Your half is the moon pendant. It’s a token of the descendants of the high priest. Mr. San. What should I do next? This mechanism needs both sides to move the stars according to the arrangement of the Big Dipper.

Clear the level as soon as possible, take your people and leave. Mr. San! Okay! Dubhe as the first! Dubhe as the first. Form the lead of the seven stars. Thank you for Madam Bai. We led the Japs here also because we want to get them all. I stopped you from killing her earlier to avoid waking a sleeping wolf. I’ll use her as a hostage

To do an exchange for Kong Laosan and Gao Dazhuang. You take them and leave as soon as possible. The lineage of the tomb keepers cannot be broken. What are you thinking, bro? In case you die with them, won’t it make me look unkind? You…! Let’s find a way to deal with Japs first.

Zhi. Is there any hallucinogenic powder left? Yes. Okay. Hold them back with it later. You’ll continue to be a thug. Sprinkle the powder as soon as we meet up with Mr. San and them. Subdue them first. Colonel! Colonel! I finally found you! Colonel! What happened to Lieutenant Kobayashi? She’s fine.

Miss Kobayashi just inhaled some poisonous smoke in the corridor, not life-threatening, just passed out temporarily. Here here here. Carefully. Zhi! Bai Zhi! Bai Zhi! Bai Zhi! Colonel. They are all descendants of the tomb keepers. You shrew! Really know how to act! Capture them! Run. Dahu! Dazhuang! Dahu! Boss! Get away! Dahu! Dazhuang! Dazhuang!

Run! Run… Dazhuang! Get away! Dazhuang! -Go! -Dazhuang! Dazhuang! Dazhuang! Hurry! Go! Go! Run! Run. Take Zhi and go! Dazhuang! Dazhuang! Dazhuang! Dazhuang… Wait. Dazhuang… Tie him up. He may be of use later. As for Wu Dahu and them, try to capture them alive. Kill me if you dare! Hurry! Yes, sir. Hurry.

Let me go. I’ll find a way to kill them. You take her through the secret passage. I told you to let me go! -Let me go! -Shut up! My bro can’t die in vain. I must avenge him! After them! Zhi. -What? -Come here. Dahu. What are you doing?

You and Shen Jun hide in the coffin. I’m going to lead the Japanese away. What about you? Don’t mind me. Given Shen Jun’s condition, I’m afraid he won’t last long. I don’t want to drag a dead person around. You hide. I’ll go deal with them. Stop talking. In your current condition,

Your going is as good as dying. Zhi. Go in. No. Go in. I said no! I want to go with you! Be good! I never cared about whether I can get out alive. I just want you to be safe. Go… Go in. No! Dahu! I’ll go help you guard the grave.

I’m leaving Zhi to you. Dahu! Dahu! Dahu! Dahu! -Dahu! -Shhh. -Let me go. -Don’t make any noise. You darned Japs. I’ll kill you! Let me go! A bunch of animals! Let me go! I’ll kill you! Shen Jun! I’m here! Over there! After them! Let me go! Shen Jun! Come on! Let me go! I’ll kill you! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go. Mr. San. Dahu. Mr. Wu. We meet again. You’re a smart man. Take us to the main chamber and I can let you and Mr. Kong go.

I’ll fight you to the death! Let me go! Let me go! Okay. We’ll take you there. Dahu… -We can’t…! -Shut it! Okay. Then lead the way. It’s not a zombie, is it? Dahu. Colonel! Mr. San! Baby. My baby. -There is hallucinogenic gas in the coffin. -My baby ran off. Mr. San, let’s go.

Mr. Wu. Open the door! This door has no mechanism, I can’t open it either. What? Blow it up! Get down! There’s a mechanism here. Mechanism? Mr. Shen. Are you okay? I’m fine. It stinks. It’s snake dung. What? There is a breeze. Is there a passage below? Move the stone out of the way.

Go move the stone! Yes, sir. Go down to take a look. There is an old Chinese saying, “One will search high and low (only to find it when one least expects to)”. Treasure. Treasure! Mr. San. Long live the Empire of Japan! Don’t move if you don’t want her to die. Are you okay?

I’m fine. Hurry. The wall moved. Hurry. Hurry. The stones really moved! Shhh. I can see. Run! Run! We need to tell Dahu that there is a tomb-guarding beast here. Long live the Empire of Japan! Dahu! Dahu! Mr. San. Hold on to me. Dahu! The tomb-guarding beast has woken up! Run! Die! Mr. San!

Who told you to come? Run away! Mr. San! Don’t mind me! You go first! Oh no. Their shooting angered the tomb-guarding beast. Dahu! Dahu. Dahu. Pull him up! Mr. San. Mr. San. Get up. Mr. San. Mr. San. Mr. San. Hold on a little longer. Mr. San. No one can try to stop me!

Mr. San. This is China. You don’t have the right to mess around! The boss is right. Kill them! Mr. San. Mr. San! Mr. San! Dahu. Dahu! Dahu. Dahu. Dahu. Dahu. Zhi. Give it to me. Treasure. Where is my treasure? There’s no treasure here. It’s just a decoy tomb. All of you, die! Dahu!

Dahu. Dahu. Take Zhi and leave. Hurry up! Shen Jun! Mr. Shen, let’s go! Mr. Shen! -Shen Jun! -Mr. Shen! -Shen Jun! -Mr. Shen! -Mr. Shen! -Shen Jun! Mr. Shen! Shen Jun! Shen Jun! Shen Jun! [Funeral and Memorial Supplies] Wenwang Drum in the left hand. Ganshen Whip in the right hand. Wenwang Drum.

Willow Bolt. Qianlong and Kaiyuan on the bolt. Wenwang Drum. Willow Bolt. Qianlong and Kaiyuan on the bolt. Wenwang Drum. -Willow Bolt. -Grandma. -Qianlong… -Grandma. It’s all over now. Stop saying those feudal superstitious words. Think about Bai Zhi’s marriage. Dahu! All day long you talk about marriage, marriage, marriage. I’m not getting married.

I’m staying here. What do you mean? Are we supposed to take care of you during your entire life then? Look at her. Say something to her. I can’t do anything about her now. I think the coffin shop is good. Say something. What are we going to do about her stubborn temper?

I also think here is good. What… Boss. Do you still need a helper?