[القتال في وادي صرخة الشبح]|Fighting in the Ghost Cry Valley|لي يون لونغ يقود جيشا للاستعادة|YOUKU

[In 1943, the Japanese army frantically raided the northwest base area in Shanxi.] [To deal the Japanese army a heavy blow and have the upper hand,] [Li Yunlong, the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army,] [led his troops to reclaim the fortification of the Japanese army, Ping’an County.]

[Japanese troops from other areas came to provide reinforcements.] [The allied troops intercepted the attack,] [and the entire northwestern Shanxi fell into chaos…] [Fighting in the Ghost Cry Valley] [Adapted from Drawing Sword by Du Liang] [Snow Wolf Valley Encampment] Enemy! Gensheng is back. An, stay alert. Gensheng, what did you get?

-Keep watch. -The smog is thick upfront. Don’t let the Japanese sneak in. We fought them off six times. They won’t be back again anytime soon. If their reinforcements penetrated this defense… Commander. then Li would also die with us in Ping’an County. Commander. I got something. Gensheng? You wandered around again. Look. Their grenade.

Keep it for yourself. Qiaomei. Take my baby. I got this rifle from a pile of dead Japanese. What do you think? My own rifle feels handy. Yousheng. Take it. I use machine guns. What the heck is this? Gensheng. Gensheng. What did you get this time? Stop. A can? My favorite. Sniper! Liu!

Stay low. Take cover. They sneak in with the smog. Suppress them. All of you. Take up arms. Prepare to engage. Fire! Machine gunner, get in position. Yes, sir. Make them suffer. Careful. They are flanking! They are here. Kill their machine gunner. Commander. Their firepower is too strong. Split up!

Commander of the First Platoon! Yes, sir. Launch the grenades. Yes, sir. Follow me, First Platoon! Second Platoon. Cover us! Yes, sir. Throw the grenade when they are close. Xi, treat the injured ones. Save those who are breathing first. Cover us. Third squad, flank from the right. Charge! The Japanese are here! Hurry up.

I want all your grenades out there! Darned Japanese. Have a taste of your own grenade. Careful. Bomb them. Need more ammo! Report to me! The Artillery Team has penetrated the Second Encampment of the Shanxi-Suiyuan Army. They will come here soon. Ask them to make haste. We need their support. The Japanese artillery

Has penetrated the Second Encampment. They are heading towards Snow Wolf Valley. Sir, the Japanese army is stronger than anticipated. Kong Jie’s Neo Two Squadron has been holding off the Japanese in Snow Wolf Valley for two days. If the Japanese artillery attacked, they wouldn’t survive today. Fire! Lay low. Shuisheng! Commander.

The Japanese artillery has got help. Bombardier! Yes, sir. Blow their cannons to the sky. Yes, sir. Continue. Reduce them to dust. Fire! Xi, grenades! No more left. Get some more. Move aside. Move aside. Fire. Xi! Medic! Take cover. Fire! Medic! We can’t hold them off. Treat the injured ones. Stretcher! Full-on assault.

Continue reloading. Fire! Charge! Charge! Go! [Independent Cavalry] Charge! Attack! Eighth Route Army! Ambush from the left by Eighth Route Army! Prepare for battle! Charge! Cavalry! Charge! Attack! Come on! Commander. Li Zhenghu is leading the Independent Cavalry here. Kill them all! Hold them at bay! Full-on assault. Fire! Ba Tu,

Bring a team to take out their tripods. Now! Manjiang. Cover me as I blow their artillery team to pieces. Charge! Kill. Die. Split up and distract them. Charge in teams. Charge! Coordinate! Yes, sir. Launch a converging attack. Fight them as if your life depends on it. They are panicking now. Kill them, comrades!

Die! Eat my blade! Redirect the cannon. Fire at the encampment. Fire! Zhenghu. They are targeting the camp. Changlin, cover me. All of you. Charge! Kill them all! Don’t let them run away. Beat them to death. Retreat! Charge! None of you can escape. Attack! Charge! Halt. The Cavalry’s horse is not for you.

Bastard. The Imperial Army will soon raze this place to the ground! What are you yelling about? I’m not bringing you back, but I’ll keep this blade. The commander will love it. Don’t tell me they head to Ping’an County. [Ping’an County] Bring the ammo box up. Gather around, Second Platoon. Prepare to move.

Flank and provide cover! Set up the heavy machine gun. Hurry up. Hang in there. Prepare alcohol and bandages. Bandages, medic. Hurry up. One more here, medic. Any more bandages? What haven’t you taken down the perimeter fortifications? Stop giving me excuses. Commander. Our ally has intercepted the Japanese backup.

Zhenghu has made it in time to Snow Wolf Valley to support Commander Kong. North Island Battalion was defeated. But Neo Two Squadron sustained heavy casualties. Kong is risking his life to buy time for me. We cannot slack here. No matter how difficult it is to reclaim Ping’an, no matter

How many limbs you have lost, you give everything so that we can enter Ping’an. Yes, sir! Zhang Dabiao. Check when the cannon reparation will be complete. They were useless when I needed them the most. -Yes, sir. -Wait. If you have any news about Li Zhenghu, inform me right away.

Li Yunlong sure is bold. He commands just one regiment, but he sets his sights on Ping’an County. The entire northwestern Shanxi is in chaos. If Li Yunlong can reclaim the stronghold, Ping’an County, it’ll be a huge blow to the Japanese force in northwestern Shanxi. You have made up your mind, sir?

One for all, all for one. Also, Li Yunlong and I go way back. For this battle, he can count on me. Company Commander, look at the tire marks. Type 87 RCV, I reckon. Fragile, not spacious. It can carry five or six Japanese at most. But it’s powerful. It’s still warm.

It just passed by, it seems. This is unusual. They weren’t far from the Snow Wolf Valley, but they didn’t come to provide reinforcements. They must be up to something. Junliu Village is located around 30 li from here. Oh, no. Ding Wei and others

Were asked by the brigade commander to head to the division headquarters for a status report. They ran into the Japanese. And now, they are resting in Junliu Village. We need to go there now, then. This is what you get for defying the Imperial Army. Mother. Save me. Look at the delicious dishes.

Why aren’t you eating? Village Head Zhao. The Imperial Army needs a shortcut to Ping’an County, but they can’t find it. I heard Ghost Cry Valley is the best shortcut to Ping’an County. Tell us now. How do we go to Ghost Cry Valley? You’re guiding the Japanese to Ghost Cry Valley.

Shouldn’t you be afraid of karma? They just want to know the direction. No need to put your life at risk. Defying the Imperial Army comes with dire consequences. Look. A whole family gathers to have a meal together. How harmonic. Even if you don’t care about your life, you should care about your family’s.

Your grandson will be born soon. Village Head Zhao. If you are cooperative, the Imperial Army will not give you a hard time. Once they eliminate Li Yunlong in Ghost Cry Valley and resolve the crisis in Ping’an, you will be handsomely rewarded. This is just your reward for being honest.

A shrewd one knows when to make the right choice. No need to be… The Major will finish his meal soon. I don’t have the patience to chat with you. Old guy. Will you tell us or not? Why did you… Bastard! Father! I will not betray the Eighth Route Army! You’re all bastards.

One day, the Eighth Route Army will kill you all! If we go out to fight, none of the villagers will live. Father! Darned Japanese. I’ll kill you! Mr. Kuroda. Stop! Pull him away. My ear. Er Wa. Er Wa. Er Wa. Er Wa. Three years ago, my wife gave birth to my daughter.

I remember when she was born, the entire Tokyo was filled with sakura blooms. It’s almost as if the birth of my baby girl was welcomed by beautiful flowers. Who’s in your tummy? A boy or a girl? Speak! Tell him now and your kid can be saved. Tell him.

After you tell him where Ghost Cry Valley is, your child and your wife will be safe. I’ll speak. I’ll speak. See? If you had done it earlier, your father would have still been alive. Move to Ghost Cry Valley now! Mister. They are fiends, those darned Japanese. Hu,

We have to catch up to them. I will skin them to avenge my fallen brothers and villagers. Ba Tu! Ba Tu! We need to think it through and have a plan. All you do is plan! The Regiment Commander said only the brave could win a one-on-one battle. The Political Commissar also said it.

He also said we need to fight a war smart. Otherwise, what’s the purpose? I don’t care. Let’s go, Hu. Calm down, all of you. The Japanese appeared too odd a timing. We need to find Commander Ding first to get the details. Kong. Ding. Ding. I failed the villagers. Ding. Let’s talk inside. Jiu’er.

Zhenghu. Biao. Get a bowl and fetch the villagers some congee. Now. Manjiang. I have buried the dead ones. Go rest then. Madam. Here. Have some congee. Little girl. You must be hungry. Take this. Mister, will you chase the bad guys away? Of course. We will chase them away.

They will run with tails between their legs. Even though their weapons are better than ours and they are stronger than us, it’s all for show. I’m not afraid of them. I will fight them till my bullets run out and till my blood runs dry. My fellow villagers, the Japanese trampled our land,

Burned our houses, killed our people. However, they cannot snuff out the fighting spirit of our people and our army. Sir, Ghost Cry Valley should be just right in front. Go faster! Conquer the valley at once. Clear the path for when my brother, Hiroki, comes to Ping’an with his troops. [Ghost Cry Valley]

No wonder they didn’t send any reinforcements to Snow Wolf Valley. This is what they are after. No wonder I didn’t know there was a place called Ghost Cry Valley. I heard the elderly say that Ghost Cry Valley is a dangerous pass. All villagers know this. They say, in the Ghost Cry Valley,

The wall is shaped like a battle-ax. Occupy the valley and a thousand soldiers you can chase away. Ghost Cry Valley is around 20 li from Ping’an County. You see. This valley is a shortcut between Taiyuan and Ping’an. It is a strategic location. I see. If the enemy occupies this valley,

[Ping’an] the reinforcements from Taiyuan can avoid all our front lines and head to Ping’an from here. Commander Kong, is that place guarded? That falls under Chu Yunfei’s territory. What are we waiting for? We should go now. Manjiang, your glasses are broken. Throw them away. Break a leg, they say. You don’t know its significance. When I joined the Cavalry, Xiulan gave me this pair of glasses. I will wear them as I chase the Japanese away. Once they are gone,

I will go back home… And marry Xiulan. I will hold a grand wedding and drink potato liquor with all of you and the Regiment Commander. How talkative. Judging from this situation, [Ping’an] whether Li can reclaim Ping’an or not will affect the survival of the entire northwestern Shanxi.

And whether we can defend Ghost Cry Valley or not is the key to this battle. [Ghost Cry Valley] We have to defend this place. Zhenghu, have someone escort Commander Ding to the division headquarters. Meanwhile, update Commander Li about the importance of Ghost Cry Valley.

We have to head to the valley as soon as possible to keep the Japanese at bay and buy Li more time. Yes, sir. Ding, let’s go. Jiu’er. Stay here to look after the villagers. No, I will come with you. I want to go to the valley to kill the Japanese. Nonsense.

You think fighting in a war is as easy as sole stitching? Don’t you forget that I was the president of the Women’s Salvation Army. You taught me how to mount and how to shoot. Be careful. Ba Tu. Assemble everyone. We head to the valley now! Yes, sir. Assemble! Sir,

Ghost Cry Valley has a perilous geological formation. It’s not made for massive deployment and has been ignored by the Japanese. Why did you come here personally? It’s different now. Li Yunlong is trying to reclaim Ping’an County. The Japanese army is converging at that spot. They could pass by our defense lines.

I sent someone to tell you to fortify, but I haven’t heard anything since. I suppose he was robbed by the Japanese on his way. I have dispatched heavy infantry to reinforce this place. From now on, stay on high alert. Yes, sir. Take cover. Defend the wall! Stay alert! Ambush from the opposite hill.

Hurry. Prepare to engage. Over here. Tear gas! Take cover! Protect the commander! Sir! It’s the Japanese. They have penetrated the gate. They are too strong. Take cover. Hang in there. Focus fire! Platoon Commander Chen, quick. Blow that thing up for me. Yes, sir. Second Team Captain. Gather some of your people

And blow that up. Take cover. Push it back. Sir! Protect the Commander! Charge! Hu, I heard gunfire. They must be fighting now. Hurry up! Sir. No more ammo. It seems like our journey ends here. But if I have to die, I’ll drag some of them with me.

Find what’s left that can be used. Now. Yes, sir. Sir, the battlefield is now cleaned up. Chu Yunfei is now cornered. God damn it. We rushed here, but the Japanese still arrived before us. Then we will get it back from them. We need to reclaim this pass. But it favors defense here.

We need a solution. We cannot charge in recklessly. Qiaomei. Yes. I’ll let you handle the enemies on the rampart. When I whistle, you take all of them down. Don’t worry. They won’t be able to get away. Let’s give them a red herring and surprise them with an attack. Let’s go. Sir. Sir.

All ammo boxes are empty. I could only find this. Commander Chu. During the battle by the river back then, you fought Major Miyamoto for two days and it was a draw. You have earned his respect. Damn it. The Imperial Army’s target this time is Li Yunlong of the Eighth Route Army. Surrender now

And you may be spared. My comrade, it’s time for us to make our sacrifice to the nation. Understood. Help me up. Sir. Enemy! Stay alert! What is happening out there? Sir, it’s the Eighth Route Army. Split and advance. Flank from both sides. Fire back. Grenade. Sir, it’s Li Yunlong and his people.

They are here to save us. Great! They are our allies for a reason. Attack from the right flank. Keep up. Hurry! Cover. Yousheng. Continue. Suppressing fire! Don’t let them get back to their tank. Gensheng. Blast them off. Yes, sir. Suppressing fire. Let’s go. Liu. Hang in there. Commander. Commander! Those bastard Japanese. Commander,

-how are you? -I’m fine. Quick. Grenade. Hurry. This side. Quick. Cover. Cover for me. Magazine! Here. Protect Mr. Kuroda. Advance to the tank. Cover with machine guns. Zhenghu, the traitor is fleeing. Kill him. Continue. Suppress them with fire! Retreat! Retreat! Commander! Commander! Leave me be. Continue attacking. Kill all the Japanese. Commander!

Go now! Now! Yes, sir. Zhenghu. You have the spirit of a samurai. I’m Li Zhenghu of the Independent Cavalry. And now… Father, Er Wa, I have avenged you. Charge in. Attack! Attack! Report! Chief of Staff. Any news about the commander? Two squads of scouts have been sent out. No news so far.

Something must have happened in the Ghost Cry Valley. Continue scouting. Yes, sir. Gen Sheng, you have a good aim. How did you acquire that? I used to work as a shepherd for my landlord. I would throw stones to herd the sheep. And I never missed one. If we had this,

We would have driven the Japanese back to their home long ago. Tell the others to get some rest and get ready for further battle. Sure. Go. Commander Kong. Are you okay? I’m fine. It wasn’t fatal. Don’t worry. We’re here. I wonder how Li is doing now. After we block this valley,

Li had better reclaim Ping’an County. I don’t care how. Just take the artillery tower down today. Yes, sir. Sir. Go. Commander Ding has been escorted to the 29th Division safely. Commander Kong and Zhenghu are heading towards the Ghost Cry Valley. Wonderful. Tell them we are preparing for the final attack. Before tomorrow noon,

I will definitely reclaim Ping’an County. Before we break through the city gate, defend Ghost Cry Valley. Cut off the Japanese’s backup. Yes, sir. Whether I can reclaim Ping’an County or not depends on you guys. Noted, sir. Carry this pot of potato liquor with you. Tell them to stay safe. Sir,

Our operation to occupy the Ghost Cry Valley has failed. Your elder brother, Major Hironobu Miyamoto went missing. I’m afraid he has sacrificed himself. Ghost Cry Valley is now in the hands of Li Yunlong’s Independent Regiment. How many soldiers does Chu Yunfei have? A platoon. Major Miyamoto conquered the place effortlessly

But the Eighth Route Army ambushed us. How many were they? Sir, around 70. Ebony. What’s the matter? There, there. He was taken away by the Japanese. I took a cleaver with me to snatch him back. For that, I was chased by the Japanese. If I didn’t run into you and your father,

I would be dead now. If I didn’t run into you, I would be the wife of a bandit. Jiu’er. It’s going to dawn soon. When the Japanese show their faces, it’ll be a bloody fight. You should… No, I won’t leave. I’ll ask Ba Tu to escort you. I have no home.

Where do you want me to go? We’re soldiers. We die for our people. But you’re not the same. Why am I not the same? I can kill the Japanese too. As long as the Japanese are still here, more people will be homeless… like me. Zhenghu. Jiu’er. The congee is ready. Join us.

Give me a second. Let me keep Ebony company for a while. Hurry up. Catch it. Have some congee. Careful. It’s not bad. Almost as good as my Xiulan’s making. Stop showing off. Why? Are you jealous now? You know, let’s kill more Japanese. Once we chase them away,

I’ll ask Xiulan’s younger sister to marry you. What do you think? For real? It’s about Xiulan’s younger sister. I will not joke about her future. Hush. Stop mentioning the word “sister”. Why? What was he thinking when he gave himself a girl’s name? That’s his sister’s name. She was killed by the Japanese. Ever since then, he uses his sister’s name. He wants to live in his sister’s stead and kill all Japanese. You brat! You ate all the regiment’s food supply. Back then, the Japanese robbed the entire village’s food. My mother and many other villagers starved to death. I swear

To fight the Japanese with my life. I would rather die from overeating than starving. Every one of us here has had a score to settle with the Japanese. If we don’t chase them away, no one will be able to live a good life. ♪On the Xiritala Grassland♪

♪Gazing at the night sky throughout the night♪ ♪Thinking of the faraway family♪ ♪I hum a song without thinking♪ Zhenghu. I’m back. Potato liquor from Regiment Commander Li. You’re… This is Captain Huang of the Regional Troop. He brought me here. Company Commander Li. I heard you were going to battle here

So I came with my men. They are waiting outside. Let us know if there’s anything we can do. Thanks, my comrades. Before tomorrow noon, Li Yunlong will launch the final attack on Ping’an County. The situation we’re facing now is getting worse. The more desperate the Japanese are to send backup to Ping’an,

The more frenzied they will be in their assault. I have an announcement to make. Li Zhenghu. Yes, sir. From now on, you will command Neo Two Squadron on my behalf. You fought under Li Yunlong for many years. You are smart. Lead Neo Two Squadron to defend Ghost Cry Valley.

Do not concede any spot to the Japanese. Yes, sir. You won’t last until noon. Hiroki Miyamoto’s company is an elite force. They have cutting-edge equipment, a well-developed system, tanks, and cannons. It would be a miracle for the several dozens of you to last for an hour. Elite force? I do not believe it.

My commander always says that the Eighth Route Army targets the elites. We’re Chinese. Not cowards. We draw our swords when we see an enemy with no hesitation. Exactly! They have four limbs and one head too. What’s there to be afraid of? They need to try harder if they think they can kill us.

Agree! Draw our swords! Draw our swords! Good. Zhenghu. Give me a bowl of liquor. Sir. My comrades. You are dauntless. You are the embodiment of Chinese men. As soldiers, protecting the nation is our duty. We would rather die a hero than a slave. I will defend this place with all of you.

My comrades. Yes! Drink up! Ghost Cry Valley is surrounded by mountains. In the north, the mountain is steep. You cannot climb it. In the south, a pass stands in the way. Shuisheng. Set up an ambush on the western hill. Wait for the right timing. Captain Wang. Yes, sir.

[Strategic planning the night before the battle] Set up a trap with your militia. We have to entrap their tank. Do not let it approach the pass. Hu. Are you sure this trap can immobilize the tank? If it can’t, we’re screwed. Pan. Wangkui. Bring the sentries to the southeastern high ground.

If the Japanese do anything, notify us with a leaf whistle. It’s windy in the valley during autumn. The ambush spot is located downwind. Jiu’er. Prepare more dry branches. Once the tank is entrapped, create smoke. Hurry! I want all of them to be blinded. Quick! Proceed with our plan. Yousheng, Manjiang. Yes, sir.

Conceal our tank. Let the Japanese through first. When you hear the gunfire from the front, you charge from behind. You have one objective only. Reduce the back-line artillery team to ashes. Understood. Qiaomei. Yes, sir. Take a vantage point. Keep an eye out for the Japanese snipers. Do not let them assassinate us.

Trust this on me. Hu. What about us? You two. Prepare satchel charges. If their tank wants to climb back up, you blow it up. Noted, sir. Wait for my order. This time, we’ll make them suffer. -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir! We’ll make sure they only have a one-way ticket to here.

The Japanese are here. Halt. Third Squad. Search the hill on both sides. Fire scouting. Hu. What are they doing? They are fire scouts. They will fire at high ground later. Lay low. Don’t show yourself. If you do, it’s over. Fire! Dude. Dude. Advance! Advance! Hu. Let me kill their leader. No.

After you fire, it’ll be chaotic. Wait until they walk into the trap. 20 meters. Ten. Five. Trap activated. The water leaked in and dampened it. There’s no explosion. Alert! Protect the tank. Stay alert! The wind is blowing in the right direction. Hurry up now. Quick! Pile up more hay! What is happening?

An ambush. Split. Take cover. Attack! Attack them! Lay down now. Jerks. You deserve it. Yousheng. Open fire now. It’ll be too late otherwise. Attack them from behind. Noted. Charge! Hurry! Have a taste of my grenade! Major, we have been surrounded. Shut up! Organize a team and set out to the eastern hill.

Yes, sir. To the mountain. Occupy the eastern hill. Machine gunners, fire at the western hill. Grenadiers. Suppressing fire! Yousheng. Give your all. Block the tank! Launch! Hu, they want to retreat to the eastern hill. Do not let them climb it. Retaliate! Occupy high ground. Fire! Fire! Advance! Do not retreat. Blow them up!

Yousheng. Shoot them and don’t hold back! Plenty of ammo awaits. Hurry up. Load it. Manjiang is targeted by the tank. Oh, no. The tank is targeting us. Let’s escape now. Otherwise, we’ll be a beehive. Are Manjiang and the others all right? Manjiang? Manjiang? Hang in there. Cover for Manjiang! Yousheng. I’m here.

Don’t let the Japanese touch the tank. You know, my Xiulan was killed by the Japanese. I have always wanted to join her. Manjiang. Manjiang. Manjiang. Manjiang. You heinous Japanese! You invaded my land. You killed my comrades. Even if you die a terrible death, it will not appease me! Yousheng! Manjiang. Hit them harder!

That darned tank. I’ll take it down. Gensheng. Gensheng. Be careful. Cover for me. Come back alive! Gensheng! Cover for him! Gensheng! Changlin, you cannot go. No, I should. No, you shouldn’t! Are you all right? Hang in there. I’ll go. Hang in there. I’ll go. I’ll go. Changlin! You’re the flag-bearer.

Who can hoist the flag if you die? That tank is mine. I… I will blow it up today for sure. Gensheng. I have never starved. Attack! Retreat to the second defense line. Hurry up. Jiu’er. Fall back. Get six more people from the Third Platoon. Go! Fire! Do not let the Eighth Route Army touch the gate! Hurry. This side. Commander. Commander. Commander. Their firepower is too strong. We can’t break through. Also,

Except for Fu’an, Shuiquan, and Luyang, all other Japanese armies from the Taiyuan area are heading our way. The northwestern stronghold defended by the Third Encampment can’t hold them back. Once they penetrate that defense, we will all die here. Don’t jinx it. They are my people. Even if they die,

They will drag someone with them. Tell them that I say to withdraw First Assault Team for recuperation. Deploy the Second Assault Team. Yes, sir. Come back. Fix the Italian cannons! Yes, sir. Darn it. What are you waiting for? Take out the substitute continuous track now. Yes, sir. Commander Kong.

They have walked into the trap. Well done, Zhenghu. Commander Kong. Gensheng and the others died. Cavalry! -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir! We were given the task to defend Ghost Cry Valley. Even if we will die here, we cannot let a single Japanese through. Prepare to defend against the enemy’s attack. -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!

-It will be done! -It will be done! Mortar, take cover! Lay down! Seize Ghost Cry Valley. Fire! Fire! Hit them hard. Fire! Lay down! Darn it. They fixed the tank. Prepare your grenades. My comrades. We’re the Independent Regiment. We’re not cowards. The Japanese send a few people here. We draw our swords.

The Japanese send an army here. We still draw our swords. We’re a pack of wolves. Not only will we tear their flesh, but we will swallow their bones. Zhenghu and others have done their best to block the Japanese backup for us in Ghost Cry Valley. We cannot let them down.

We have to reclaim Ping’an County. The other soldiers and the people will not forget us. -It will be done! -It will be done! Cheers! -Cheers! -Cheers! -Let’s go. -Let’s go. Cheers! Prepare to meet your doom! Hu! Commander! Commander! Treat the injured ones. Commander! Commander! Hu. Hu. The enemies are here. Hu.

The tank’s firepower is too strong. We can’t hold it any longer. Cavalry! -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir! Blow that tank up. If it continues its onslaught, Ghost Cry Valley will fall. You are all good soldiers, good men. We have to be proactive. Even if we will die, we die charging at our enemies.

Bring a satchel charge with you. Go! Zhenghu. Zhenghu. Quick. Zhenghu! Cavalry. Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Kill them! Charge! Charge! Cover for the Cavalry! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! This is what you get for fighting the Imperial Army! Charge! Zhenghu! The tank is mine.

No one can take it from me. Fine. It’s yours then. You hear me? Darn it. Quick! Fire at that guy! -(Yes, sir!) -(Yes, sir!) Target locked. Commander, cannons are loaded. Waiting for orders. Prepare to launch. Yes, sir. Preparation completed. Load the cannon. Get ready. Fire! Fire! Fire! [Thanks to the valiant fight the soldiers put up,] [the full support from the civilians,] [and the coordinated operations of various friendly forces,]

[Li Yunlong’s Independent Regiment fought a triumphant battle,] [reclaimed the strategic fortress, and killed all enemies] [despite the numerical disadvantages.] [All citizens of Ping’an County were saved.] [The battle humbled the Japanese army] [and greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese army.] Flag giving ceremony begins now! Cavalry! Yes, sir! Present yourself. Yes, sir!

[Flag giving ceremony] [National Revolutionary Army Eighth Route Army Division 119] [Eighth Route Army Division 119 Independent Regiment] [Flag giving ceremony] Dear comrades, why do we draw swords? In ancient times, when swordsmen ran into their enemies, no matter how strong their foes were and even if you were the strongest swordsman,

In front of a foe, you drew your sword. Wherever the sword points, we fight. That is the spirit of drawing swords. However, not only should we have the courage to draw swords, but we also have to have the wisdom to draw swords. With both courage and wisdom, even if we’re outnumbered,

Even if we’re surrounded, we’ll achieve the ultimate victory. That is our military spirit. That is our national soul.