[الثعلب الأسود: الإنقاذ النهائي]|Black Fox: Ultimate Rescue|أكشن/ حرب|YOUKU

[11 March 1945, Wuchang] [Deputy Minister of Department of Work Against Enemies in a division of the New Fourth Army, Wu Tianhao] [Ma Longchuan, Captain, Special Operation Unit, Ministry of Military Orders, National Government] [Feng Cong, Vice Captain, Special Operation Unit, Ministry of Military Orders, National Government] [Changjiang Hotel, Wuchang]

[Officer of a division of the Department of Work Against Enemies, New Fourth Army, Wang Wenyuan] Chen Ronggui. Counselor, Division II, Ministry of War, National Government. Is he the one I have to take care of? Yes. [Wuchang Wharf] (of the Japanese North China Secret Service,) [Wharf] [Hong Baoshun, Wannan New Regiment Leader] Ichiro Yoshikawa will arrive at Wuchang Wharf on 11 March. We have less than two days to go. Get going now. We? Stop. What do you do? I’m delivering dinner to Mr. Chen. You should have known it would happen sooner or later. [Black Fox: Ultimate Rescue] [Luo Fei, previously known as Gavril] (to the second war zone first,) [Soviet Military Expert] (and then to Chongqing.) [Colonel Akino, Japanese Special Operation Unit] Although the assassination attempt was successful, I think Chen Ronggui was trying to show his sincerity. Before meeting Yoshikawa, he informed the Japanese of Gavril’s arrival in China in April.

Are you saying that Comrade Gavril is in trouble? His plane was hit by the Japanese army. Comrade Luo Fei parachuted and was captured. Luo Fei is now being held at the command post of the Japanese 59th Division in Tianjin. Comrade Gavril’s original name is Luo Fei. He is Chinese. His parents, brothers,

And children all died for the revolution. Now, he is the only one left in the Luo family. Don’t worry. I will save Comrade Luo Fei. Take your pick. I request that the Black Fox Commando of the New Fourth Army deploy its best men to complete this operation with me. Wang Wenyuan?

Former Vice Captain of the Black Fox Commando? Yes. This time, he was the one who requested the Black Fox Commando to participate in the rescue operation. [Tianjin] (I have also asked Comrade Yumi Oshima) This is the command post of the Japanese 59th Division. The Soviet military expert, Gavril, is held inside the command post. We must save Gavril. Let me go with you. Stop it. You’re only in charge of providing aid in the Special Operation Unit. Yes, sir. Let’s go. Who is it? Shuigen?

Can you tell who I am? Captain. Did you grow taller? Captain, I missed you so much! Did you grow taller? -Captain. -Captain. I missed you! -Zhi’an. -Captain. Hi. Finally, we meet again. Yes. It’s great to be on an operation with you guys again. Here, let me introduce you.

Leader of Black Fox Commando Squad One, Xia Fan. Hello, I’ve heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you. I heard that you also helped in the operation in Wuchang, right? You were the one who killed Chen Ronggui? You were the one who killed Yoshikawa, weren’t you? Yes. You’re a good rider.

Come on, sit down and talk. Captain Xia can be shy too. You talk too much. Open it. You have a nice gun. I promised to return your personal belongings to you. But before that, I’d like to borrow it for a while. Sorry, I couldn’t get you out. Come on.

I said I’d only kill one a day. But tell me how many I’ve killed today. Four. As long as I don’t die, I’ll pay you back tenfold or a hundredfold! Do you think you’ll ever get that chance? Take him back. Now, please tell me about your military deployment on the border of Manchuria.

I suppose you know that I won’t tell you anything. So do it. Comrade Luo Fei is being held on the fifth floor of the main command building. Our intelligence officers falsified your and Xia Fan’s files through an inside source. The guards will check your passes [Identity certificate] with your files

And let you enter the command compound. However, you can’t access the fifth floor of the main building with the documents you have. Are you confident? Are you? I am happy to work with you. Please show your ID. Wait a minute.

It’s been so many years since we’ve been on an operation with our old leader. How do you feel? Of course I’m happy to work together with him again. I’m a bit nervous. Nervous? Why? Maybe I’m afraid I’ll embarrass Squad One. Be confident.

The three of us were selected by the Vice Captain from the regiment to join the Black Fox Commando. That’s why I’m nervous. What’s wrong with you? Can you make me trust you and make our old leader trust you? Of course I can. When have I ever been perfunctory on an operation?

Keep it down. Aren’t you asking me how I feel? That’s not the right feeling. Alright. Stop nagging me here. You… You… What? You’re acting like a girl with a war coming up. That’s the only chance now. You take Chunmei for a Bodhisattva. Does Chunmei know that? It’s none of your business.

When you go back this time, you should marry Chunmei. You are single, what are you worrying about? Get the equipment sorted. Alright. Ready? Let’s go. They’re in. Act as planned. Hurry up. Luo Fei. It’s you. You know me? I’m not Luo Fei, but I met you before.

When you went to kill Chen Ronggui, I was preparing for the same operation. Who are you? Captain of the Special Operation Unit of the Ministry of Military Orders, Ma Longchuan. Thank you. How did you get captured? Operation to rescue Luo Fei failed. Where is he now?

He is held in the second interrogation room at the east end of the fifth floor. What’s wrong? Is he not there anymore? You are now the only person on the fifth floor. Come with us. This potion will crush his will. But I’m afraid he’s not in the best shape to take it.

Start the injection. Do it. Yes. Murakami! Yamamoto! Go! Mr. Akino, his blood pressure is rising rapidly and his heart rate is increasing. No more injections for him today. He’s dying. You two stay, the rest of you come with me. You can’t hold the rope with your weight alone. Leave now. -Go! -Go! Go!

Let’s go. After them! Prepare to fight. Let’s go. He has a serious cardiac condition. He needs to be taken to the hospital immediately or his life could be in danger. Report. There’s an attack on the interrogation room at the command post. Ma Longchuan was rescued by unknown men. What? Mr. Akino.

Send him to Taihe Hospital. Yes. Are there any other members of your unit who have survived? Yes. Most of the members in charge of providing aid should be still alive. Are you sure they’re all still in Tianjin? I’m sure. Thank you for saving me. We’re not here to save you. I know.

But you gave me the first chance of survival. Thank you. When was the last time you saw Luo Fei? I only met Luo Fei once in the corridor of the interrogation room on the fifth floor. The time is about 20 hours before you arrived. Do you know where

The rest of your team members are now? Yes. Let’s send him back. Thank you. I can go back myself. Can you? If anything happens to you, we’ll have saved you for nothing. I don’t agree. Comrade Luo Fei’s whereabouts are unknown. We must return to our base as soon as possible. You’re right.

But Captain Ma is injured. We should send him back. I think we’ve done what we need to do. We must return to our base as soon as possible. Are we just going to leave him on the road? Pull over. Captain. A bunch of rubbish. Luckily, I transferred Gavril to the base.

You’re wise, Colonel. This group of rescuers is far more capable than we could have imagined. It is likely that they will go to the contact point of the Operation Unit of the Ministry of Military Orders. Lead the Safety Security Force to depart immediately. They must be wiped out to prevent further trouble. Yes.

I’m one of you. Put your guns down. Captain? Captain. How can you prove you’re still one of us? Put your guns down, guys! We’re not going to put our guns down, and we’ve done our part. Buddy, see you again. Let’s go. I’ll see if any of you dare to move.

We’re kind enough to send him back, and you’re still being ungrateful. Why should we trust you? Put your guns down. You’re so good that you almost scared me to death. You’ve been providing aid to me all this time with such skills? That’s why my life was in danger. Well…

That was a good grab. Here, let me introduce. This is the Vice Captain of the Special Operation Unit, Feng Cong. I’m sorry. Chen Xiaobo. Yes. Wu Huatao. Yes. Guo Rui. Yes. Can we leave now? Sure. Wait a minute. Our mission is to rescue Luo Fei,

And I’m the only one who’s ever met him. Don’t you want to analyze and discuss it with me? Why aren’t they back yet? I’ll go out and take a look. Wenyuan has just attacked the Japanese command post. The security out there must be pretty tight. Let’s wait a little longer.

Why did the Japanese move Luo Fei to some other place? Could Luo Fei have died? Can you be serious? Yes. I also think Luo Fei could have died. Did you also attack the command post of the Japanese 59th Division? Yes. Luo Fei must have been moved to some other place.

Why do you think so? His holding place has been exposed. Of course the Japanese would move him to some other place. I agree. How did you get into the Japanese command post? Do I have to answer that question? Bye. Let’s go. Wait a minute. Can we join you in the operation?

I can’t decide to let you join us on my own. I understand. But I do admire your abilities. We can cooperate with your operation. How to cooperate? We won’t tell you our operational plan. Rescuing Luo Fei is our common mission, isn’t it? Attack! Hurry up! There is an exit at the back!

Thank you. Tell Kotoh to make sure the enemy is wiped out. Yes. Any news? Black Fox Commando failed to rescue Luo Fei. Last night, there was a fierce gun battle in the eastern suburbs. Send a telegram to Deputy Minister Wu Tianhao that Wang Wenyuan and the Black Fox Commando are missing,

And that the mission has not been completed. Yes. Take cover! Attack! We must split up and run. Shuigen, Muwang, run towards the southwest. Xia Fan, Zhi’an, run towards the southeast. After we have completely rid ourselves of the Japanese, we will meet up 20 km due south. No way. Lin Zhi’an. Yes.

Follow Wang Wenyuan. Ridiculous! Obey my order! Yes! Wu Huatao, follow me! Yes! Xiaobo, we’ll follow Vice Captain Feng. Alright. Retreat! Split up and after them! No one can be spared! Attack! Xiaobo! Leave me! Protect Vice Captain Feng! I’ll cover you. Be careful. How’s it? Not bad, right? Thank you.

Why don’t we have a match? You don’t think the Japanese are chasing us hard enough, do you? We’ll see who reaches the meetup point first. Alright. See you later. Don’t cry if you lose. The Japanese will come after us when they hear the gunfire. We’ll ambush them here. Xiaobo! You’re alone?

I lost them. Run. Run now! Captain Ma. Run! Leave me alone! Captain! Captain, are you alright? I’m fine. Let’s retreat. You leave first. This is an order! Wu Huatao! Captain! Don’t turn around. Run! Besides, Captain Hong Baoshun is on his way to join you in Tianjin as soon as his mission in Beiping is completed. That’s great. Use all forces to find out where Comrade Luo Fei is being held. Yes. Wait. Take some of our men to find Wang Wenyuan and Xia Fan. Yes. Are you alright?

I’m fine. You’re alone? You didn’t see Ma Longchuan? No. We lost Xiaobo. Guo Rui was killed by the Japanese. Xiaobo. Are you alright? Where is Guo Rui? He’s dead. Where are you going? Your Captain Ma and the others are not here yet. They won’t be back. What did you say?

I said, they won’t be back. They’re all dead. In order to distract the Japanese, Captain Ma did not retreat. He lured the Japanese at the junction and ended up dying with them. Tao… Tao… He… He was shot dead by the Japanese indiscriminately. They don’t want me anymore! They don’t want me anymore.

It’s all my fault. They don’t want me anymore. No wonder I didn’t encounter any enemies after separating from Ma Longchuan. It turns out that he meant to get rid of me by suggesting a match. They don’t want me anymore. This place is not safe. Let’s go.

We need to get back to Yumi Oshima as soon as possible. But the Revolutionary Army… I’m thinking about this too. I have something to tell you. We have already lost a number of comrades in this rescue operation. I don’t want to risk my brothers’ lives again.

So, I decided to give up the mission. Captain. Let’s part ways here. Captain, I’m okay. I didn’t know you’re such a coward. Whatever you think. It’s not worth it for Captain Ma to sacrifice his life for you cowards! Say it again! -Shuigen. -So what if I said so? Muwang! Muwang! Muwang! Get up.

His wound must be treated immediately. He’s bleeding. It would be troublesome if the Japanese found the bloodstains. Bear with it. Do any of you have painkillers? -I do! -I do! Thank you. You don’t have to thank me. What do you want? Sorry. I was too impulsive just now. Thank you.

Just spare the formalities. The bleeding has stopped for now. But the wound must be stitched up as soon as possible. Thank you. Since you have said that, I won’t force you to stay. See you again. See you again. Let’s go. Clear the retreat traces. Got it. What’s wrong, Vice Captain? Xiaobo,

Give me your gun. I forgot to tell you that I was the one who killed your buddy, Guo Rui. Since when did you think there was a problem? We were suddenly attacked by the Japanese, don’t you find it strange? What went wrong? Do you remember Feng Cong’s reaction

When we sent Ma Longchuan back to meet the Revolutionary Army? I’ll see if any of you dare to move. I also think Luo Fei could have died. How did you get into the Japanese command post? You suspect Feng Cong. Yes. I… once suspected Ma Longchuan.

You got out of the car in a temper to test him, didn’t you? I was wrong about him. Captain. Could it be someone else? It was understandable that Feng Cong was unfriendly to us when we first met her. We’re not from the same team after all. But then,

She fought with us against the pursuers. When I was injured, she disinfected and dressed my wound. Does dressing the wound prove she is not a spy? Let’s not analyze her for now. Sorry. I was too rash. You don’t have to beat yourself up. If I had listened to you

And not sent Ma Longchuan back, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Ma Longchuan was not our comrade, but he was also an anti-Japanese volunteer. There’s nothing wrong with you sending him back. We’d better go back now as soon as possible. Colonel. Why are you back? Did the Gavril rescue team get wiped out?

The one remaining member of the Revolutionary Army has been eliminated. But Wang Wenyuan claimed to have given up the operation and I couldn’t follow them anymore. However, I’ve brought something important that could lead to the whereabouts of the Black Fox Commando. What is that? Blood of a member of the Black Fox Commando.

Very good. Major Naoko, you’ve never let me down. Colonel, you flatter me. Do you think Wang Wenyuan will really give up on the rescue? He will never give up. If so, just find him and wipe them out. Yes. Come in quickly. [No.26, Xinle Road] Set off. What is certain now is

That Comrade Luo Fei is still alive and he has been moved to a new location. We must find out where Comrade Luo Fei is being held as soon as possible so that we can rescue him while the Japanese think we are too exhausted to carry out the rescue. Alright. Now that you’re back,

We can gather all our men to find Comrade Luo Fei. You guys get some rest first. Husheng. Yes. Follow me. Yes. Be careful. Don’t worry. This is the place. Thank you for your hard work, Major Naoko. Follow us! I’ll go get some water. I’ll go with you. Captain, let me go.

You shall stay here. Looks like we’ve found them. Drink it. How nice it would be if it were wine. You want a drink? Of course. When this operation is done, let’s get drunk together. No problem. You’re the one who can’t hold your liquor in the Black Fox Commando, right?

You heard it from Captain Fang, right? Everyone in the independent regiment has heard about this. Alright. You said something wrong, didn’t you? Let me help you. It’s fine. You underestimate me, really. Come on, Zhi’an. Open the windows. Let me get some air. It’s stuffy.

You’ve got a lot to ask for when you’re injured. Wenyuan, am I right? You should teach him a lesson. He always… Zhi’an! Go! Wenyuan, run now. Muwang! Shuigen, activate the booby trap! Go! Shuigen. Hide in here. What are you going to do? You must hide in here. Don’t go. Don’t go. Be good.

I have always listened to you, but this time, you must listen to me. Go and see if there’s anyone else there. Yes. Take it! Xia Fan! Wenyuan! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat. Alright. Here. This is Deputy Commander of the First Battalion of the New Regiment, Chang Yong. Here’s to our fallen comrades.

He still cannot be given an injection now. If you force him to be injected, he will die. Then, make him spit out what I want to know before he dies. I have limited patience. The problem is that he could have died before the drugs cause him to hallucinate.

So, how long do I have to wait? Two days for the fastest or… He must be injected in two days. After repeated reconnaissance, it is confirmed that Luo Fei is in Taihe Hospital. We must take immediate action and get Luo Fei out before Akino tightens his guard. I agree.

Now is indeed the best time to take action. Six new members of the Black Fox Commando are in place and are standing by. Alright. The Japanese have sealed off the third floor of the hospital. We can deduce that they’re actually holding Luo Fei on the third floor in the westernmost room

With the windows covered. Wenyuan, tell us about the detailed operational deployment. Alright. [Taihe Hospital] Who are you? Hi, Dr. Ishikawa. Here’s your dinner. Put it in the duty office. I need to check the medical record of the patient on the third floor. I’ll eat when I get back. [Medical Record Folder] Routine check-up.

Please open the door. They are likely to take immediate action. What do you mean? Their collaborators in Tianjin would not possibly remain inactive. They must have found out about Taihe Hospital. You mean they’re going to take action right after they’ve just been hit hard? Yes. Who is it? What are you doing here?

It’s me, Akino speaking. The enemy is likely to have appeared. Lock down the hospital immediately. Why didn’t I see you before? Dr. Ishikawa is not feeling well. He asked us to come and check on the patient inside for him. Comrade Luo Fei, we’re here to save you.

We’re the Black Fox Commando of the New Fourth Army. Take cover! Attack! [Penicillin] Down there. Hurry! How are you doing? It’s really you. You’re so smart, but can you get out of here alive this time? You guys take Comrade Luo Fei and leave first. Hurry! What about you? Leave me alone! Leave now!

Go! Retreat! Hurry up! Let’s go! Hurry up! You guys leave first. Xia Fan, let’s go now! Wang Wenyuan hasn’t come down yet. Don’t forget our mission! I can’t leave him behind. Go! Let’s go. Black Fox. Come on. Hurry up! Die! Die! Thank you. Get in the car. [One month later, Wuhu, Anhui]