[عملية الاعتداء]|Assault Operation|العمليات العسكرية والشرطية المشتركة ضد الإرهابيين!|أكشن|YOUKU

[Border, Western China] Suspicious targets arriving. [Data being transmitted] [Preparing for facial recognition] All here? Yeah, arrived. Welcome. [Facial recognition in progress] Everything is ready. For the later plan, there must be no mistakes. When everything is ready, wait for the boss to come and join us. [Successful facial recognition, Anon Disaiba]

Confirmed the target is Disaiba. Team 1. Team 2. Get ready. Yes, sir. Attention, all units. Move in. Boss. We’ve got a situation. Boss. What? Where did they come from? Let’s go. Go! You go first. I will hold them. Brother, I will take care of your family. Thank you, my man. Be careful. Take care. Go, go, go! Peripheral group, be ready to intercept. Inform all teams to expand the round-up range. This is it. Ma’am. We found a tunnel at the back. Where is the key? Get out. Are you okay? Check casualties. Yes, ma’am! Medical assistance is required. We have injured personnel. Medical assistance! Calling UAV Command Center. [Assault Operation]

This is the command center. [Western Theater Command] Army Special Forces have been notified to assist in capturing the targets. Coordinates have been transmitted. [Western Theater Command, Training base] Locked on target. Get out of the car. Go to the back. Get off. Protect the civilians. You two, outflank from the sides. I’ll cover you. Tell them that they must be caught alive. Get out! Don’t shoot! Take him alive! Hands down! Who told you to shoot?

Didn’t I say that I want him alive? Just wait for your reprimand. What are you looking at? You’re not going to be reprimanded. [Western Theater Command, Command Post, 04:28 AM] Sirs! Commando’s Peng Zhanfeng reporting for work! The situation is urgent. I’ll introduce everyone. Group Army Special Operations Brigade, Major Peng Zhanfeng.

Armed Police, Anxi Contingent, Chief of Staff, Du Pengfei. Sir! Let me introduce Armed Police Special Forces, Yang Zheng. Anxi Public Security Bureau, Director Yang Shaohua. Hello, Director Yang. Theater Intelligence Department, Comrade Bai Nian. Bai Nian. Catch everyone up. Yes, sirs. I’ll briefly introduce the situation. Not long ago,

An illegal armed organization from abroad had sneaked into the border of our country. This group of militants is complex in personnel composition and well-trained. There are also some foreign veterans among them. Our intel shows that the organizer Jabal is among them. Just three weeks ago, during a military operation,

A contact of Jabal Saden in our country was shot and killed by our army. As a result, we cannot determine the exact time and place of the terrorist attack. After investigations by the Armed Police and Public Security, as well as intel gathering, what we can be certain about right now

Is that Jabal Saden is hiding in the Takta region on the border of our country. Takta. There is a dual market on the main street. Those living near the border come and go frequently. Population makeup is complex. Our scouts followed up clues in disguise

But were unable to determine the specific location of their hideout. In addition, their anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong. In order to avoid alarming them, we had to withdraw our scouts from Takta. The neighboring country, through diplomatic channels, has requested our government to capture Jabal Saden and strike against its armed organization.

This Jabal Saden, according to reliable intel, crossed the border because he wants to launch a terrorist attack in the border area of our country, which has posed a threat to the security of our country. The commanders of the Theater Command instructed me to be in charge of this military and police joint operation.

Army Special Forces are responsible for remote surveillance, working with Comrade Bai Nian to complete the mission of determining the target suspects’ identities, numbers, weapons, and will report to the Command Center. We will make operation plans. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Surveillance device is on. [Successful satellite connection] Satellite signal is being received.

Remember to request further instructions for this. You really made up your mind this time? Alas. The report has been filed. Should hear back in these few days. It just so happens that there are new recruits. Before I leave, I’ll help you train them. Let me introduce to you all.

This is Comrade Bai Nian, who will be assisting us in our reconnaissance mission. Comrade Bai Nian. I am the deputy captain of this operation. My name is Ma Lin. Hello, Sergeant Major. Captain. Come on. Comrade Bai Nian. This is our captain for this operation, Peng Zhanfeng. You’ve met before. Hello, Comrade Bai Nian.

Let me briefly introduce the members of our commando unit. Yuan Sheng. Sa Yihang. Our first and second commandos. Ma’am. Hello. Over here… I’m the sniper, Jiang Yuan. If you stay behind me, you’ll be safe. I’m Lin Na, spotter. Just stay behind me. Nice to meet you. I’ve finished introducing all the unit members.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Peng Zhanfeng, captain of the commando unit. Welcome. Hope we will work well together during this mission. I believe with my joining this time, the mission will definitely be a success. Sergeant Major. Where is my equipment? I got this specially transferred from the female company,

Should be suitable. Sir. The recon team has landed. They’re currently moving towards Takta. Remind everyone to stay vigilant and stay safe. Yes, sir. [Takta County, Western China, 07:12 AM] Parrot is in position. The rangefinder has been calibrated. Distance, 1,500 meters. No.1 image receiving normally. Image receiving normally. Image transfer starting. We’re in position.

The target is at the east end of the bazaar, inside the yellow building. There is a lookout at the door. Most of them are there. Did you see Jabal? No. This guy is very cunning. He wouldn’t show himself easily. But I saw his bodyguard and some suspicious people.

I took pictures. I will send them to you later. Okay. Now, we will take over and start remote surveillance. Evacuate as soon as possible. Be safe. Ah. Bye. Ma’am. Help me look after my stall. Okay. Friend. I’ll give you money. Don’t hurt me. Bring him in. Quickly. Look around. What’s the password?

What’s the password? What’s the situation right now? Something may have happened to our intelligence officer. This won’t do. We have to go down to investigate. No. We can’t rush down the mountain hastily. If we get close to him, we’ll definitely attract the target’s attention.

Don’t forget that our mission this time is mainly remote surveillance. But if the true identity of our intelligence officer is exposed, and all that surveillance information, the enemy will also be alerted. Bird’s Nest. Bird’s Nest. This is Saker Falcon. There has been an emergency. Our scout’s identity may have been compromised.

Saker Falcon is requesting to head down to confirm the situation on site. Approved. Roger that. Your request is approved. Stay safe. Yes, sir. The Chief of Staff has agreed. You can prepare outdoor equipment. Okay. Sparrow. Keep a close eye on the target. I’ll go with you.

I have tracking experience and can identify targets on the spot. Parrot. Parrot. You are coming down the mountain with me. Roger that. This mission is a partnership led by the intelligence department, not a corporation. Eagle. Prepare an extra set of women’s outdoor equipment. Captain. The supplies you need have arrived. Okay.

Yuan Sheng. Sa Yihang. Present. Get the bike off first. Okay. Let’s go. Okay. Don’t look so stern. You want people to know you’re a soldier at first glance? Hey. Get off. Second floor. Quickly, survey the site. Look for anything useful. Hard drive. Find the hard drive.

There is a hard drive in the laptop. Hurry up. Their men are approaching. Sparrow. Some people are tailing us. Roger that. I’ll be right there. Sergeant Major. I have trouble here too. Sorry. Look at what you’ve done. What is wrong with you? Pick them up! Sorry. You need to pay for this. I’ll buy them. Unbelievable. You can keep the change.

Sorry. Pick them up. Come on. Sorry. We still haven’t determined Jabal’s location. We can’t just go back like this. We can’t let Kaaba die in vain. Let’s talk after we get back up. Good job. Judging from the current situation, this group of militants has already become alert to our surveillance. And

We still haven’t been able to determine Jabal’s exact location. In this case, we can’t act rashly. I agree. The Armed Police will temporarily cease activity. Yes, sir. Order the reconnaissance team to stay hidden and on standby. Yes, sir. Chief of Staff Du. Sir. Time is running out,

We should have an assault plan ready. Yes, sir. Tell our men that our current mission is to get to the designated location as soon as possible. Understood. Let me take over for you. Get some rest. [Hard drive recovering] How is the hard drive recovery coming along? Almost done. Sorry. I…

I mean, during the last mission, because the situation was urgent, I… had no other choice, so I shot him. I’m the one who should say sorry. I should thank you. You saved my life. I was too emotional last time. Because I followed this lead, and several intelligence personnel have been killed.

I’m the one in charge of this lead. I’m responsible. I can’t let them die for nothing. Don’t worry. They won’t die in vain. Something is up. Take your positions. -Yes, sir. -Yes, sir. Kaaba’s hard drive recovery is complete. We can now monitor the room they’re in. Got it. We can see it now.

Found them. Successful recognition. We can confirm that Jabal is in the target building. Report from the frontline. Intelligence officers have confirmed that the target is Jabal. How long will it take the Counterterrorism Squadron to arrive? Sir. The Counterterrorism Squadron arrives in an hour and 40 minutes. Order the Armed Police to move out.

Yes, sir. Wait. They’re starting to take action. We’re running out of time. Bird’s Nest. Bird’s Nest. We request to take immediate action to intercept them. The report shows that there are three prefecture-level cities and a county-level city adjacent to Takta. But from what we have so far, the location of the terrorist attack is still unclear. If we intercept them on their way at night,

We may encounter the following problems. First. Because our interception perimeter is too large, we have insufficient soldiers and police forces. Second. The target region is mostly mountainous, and the terrain is complex. If the terrorists manage to get away, the randomness of their attacks will be greatly elevated

And the possibility of us capturing all of them through this operation is basically zero. How long will it take for the UAV to be ready? Estimated arrival in 23 minutes. Get me Peng Zhanfeng. Peng Zhanfeng. Considering the danger and risk of letting terrorists escape, we will conduct air strikes on the target.

The recon team should be prepared to guide the evacuation of civilians. I will transmit the coordinates and other information to you right after. Yes, sir. Floor plan received. Yuan Sheng. Sa Yihang. Lin Na. You and I will evacuate all civilians within fire range. Ma. Bai Nian. You two stay here and continue to monitor the situation. Keep in touch with the Command Center. Report to the Command Center immediately if something happens. Understand? Yes, sir. Be careful. Don’t worry. Clear. Clear. No civilians found.

Ground markings complete. Eagle. Eagle. Markings complete. The missile may be fired. Bird’s Nest. Bird’s Nest. This is Eagle. Ground markings are complete. The missile may be fired. The UAV will reach the designated airspace in 90 seconds. [Network connection failed, unable to record] Why is there no signal? Signal interference.

I think I saw children. [Video cannot be accessed] Wait. There may be children. What? Are you sure they are children? I can’t be completely sure. Sparrow. Can you see children? Line of sight is blocked. Can’t see clearly. You three, stay put. Sparrow, cover me. UAV in range, missile activated. Ready to fire missile.

The target has been locked, and the missile may be fired. Roger that. The target has been locked, and the missile may be fired. Ten seconds. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Abort. Abort. Can confirm that there are children inside. Abort. Abort. There are children inside the target building. Abort. Cancel launch.

I repeat. Cancel launch. Eagle. This is Owl. The Command Center is in a meeting. We are to stand by. Be prepared for a rescue mission. Wait for further instructions. Roger that. Roger that. No matter what, we have to get the children out first. Sir. Before the Armed Police squadron arrives,

Only the recon team is in Takta. With their numbers and weaponry, they don’t meet the conditions for a rescue. I suggest we gather the mobile forces of the Armed Police. With Takta as the center, expand outwards, exchange space for time. Make the terrorists walk a little further.

We’ll try to intercept them on the periphery, and then carry out the rescue. Attention all. Check your weaponry. Be prepared for battle. Roger that. Ma. Come down and join us. I’ll go with you. Approved. Sparrow. Cover them on their way down. We’ll meet at the meeting point. Be quiet. Quickly. Shut up!

Don’t cry! It’s okay. It’s okay. Don’t cry. It’s okay. Don’t hurt him. There is no time to wait for the Counterterrorism Squadron to arrive. If we want to intercept them and rescue the children, we must take action in advance. Chief of Staff.

The recon team is requesting to carry out a ground assault mission. This is Wang Zhe. Sir. We request to carry out ground combat operations. Please approve. The Public Security and Armed Police already have a contingency plan. You can let the enemy leave. We will carry out rescue and capture missions on the way.

Sir. Letting them leave is too risky. Let us go. We have the confidence to successfully complete the mission. You’re outnumbered. Are you sure? Please rest assured, sir. Standby. Yes, sir. Sir. The Armed Police can guarantee mission success. After the Armed Police arrive, the recon team can assist in the operation.

We just need the recon team to hold the militants until the Counterterrorism Squadron arrives in Takta. Be prepared for both. Initiate the contingency plan now. -Yes, sir. -Yes, sir. Sir. Peng Zhanfeng. Given the actual situation on the battlefield, a ground assault by the six of you is the only viable option.

I order you to take action now. Yes, sir. We will successfully complete the mission. Yuan Sheng. Sa Yihang. You two go around the back alley. Take the first floor. Roger that. Sparrow. Cover Yuan Sheng and Sa Yihang. Roger that. Ma. Guard the intersection at the main entrance. Lin Na. Bai Nian.

You two follow me. Go up the second floor from the main entrance. Yuan Sheng. Sa Yihang. When we reach the room with the hostages, wait for my signal, we’ll move in together. Understood? Understood. -Understood. -Understood. Everyone. Protect yourself. Protect your comrades. Check the time. 4:34. -Same. -Same. Thirty seconds. Check your equipment. Scared?

No. Relax a little. Let’s move. Hey. Where are you going? Let me in. Let me in, please! I want to see my nephew. No, you can’t go in. Please. Get lost. Parrot, come back. Let me in! Don’t even think about seeing him. The boss won’t agree. Stop touching me. I’m going! Get out!

Wait. He was grocery shopping during the day. Quiet. Quiet. We won’t hurt you. What do you do for a living? I’m just a cook. I didn’t do anything. Please don’t hurt me. He says he is their cook. What were you arguing about upstairs just now? Jabal took my nephew and other children.

I don’t want my nephew to die. Please. Please. We can help you save your child. Are you willing to help us? I am. I am. He’ll help us. Everyone. Change of plans. Electrical panel, in position. How did you get here? Some food for the children. Get out! Two children. Four guards.

There are two more in the car. Where are you going? Get in. Don’t move! Jiang Yuan. Cover me. Roger that. Don’t come here! Get out! Please. Let me in. Get out! First floor, in position. Let me give some food to the children. Let him in. Everyone. Come to dinner. Come to dinner.

Come on. Here. It’s a go. Ready. Three. Two. One. The first floor is clear. Clear. There is a secret passage behind the door. Jabal must’ve escaped from here. You two stay here and watch the children. I’ll go after him. Okay. Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I’ll take you home, okay?

It’s okay. It’s a cellphone-controlled remote detonating device, already activated. It may be detonated at any time. Find me some pliers. Here. Find the detonator. Jabal has the detonator. Attention. Attention. Jabal has the detonator. Yihang. Go stand guard outside. Leave here to me. Okay. The enemy is coming. Hurry up, we’ll cover you.

Lin Na. Lin Na. Come to the window at the southwest corner. I’ll throw you the bombs. Roger that. Quickly. Catch it. It’s okay. Don’t be afraid. Are you all right? Is everyone okay? Yes. Yes. The children are all okay. You’ll never leave this place. I see your faces. Report. The target has been captured successfully. The recon team is evacuating the city with the children. Come on. Come on.

Yuan Sheng. Sa Yihang. You two stall the enemy at the intersection. Everyone else, evacuate to the predetermined location with the children. Roger that. Roger that. Go. Go. Let’s go. Go. Saker Falcon. A large number of militants are approaching you. Move. -Go. -Go. -Hurry up. -Hurry up. Everyone!

There are only a few of them. Kill them! Squad Leader. Three people are heading towards you. Squad Leader! Squad Leader! Squad Leader. Squad Leader! I’m fine. Don’t mind me. Go back to your position. Tell Captain that someone has passed by. Captain, the enemy is moving towards you. Come with me. Are you okay? I’m fine. Hang on. Yihang. Are you hurt? I’m okay. Leave me! Retreat as fast as possible! The enemy is approaching. I’m going down the mountain to meet you right now. Okay, I’ll meet them. You go first. Be safe. I’ll wait for you outside. Roger that. Roger that.

Are you injured? I’m fine. Take a look at Squad Leader. Quickly. Hurry up. Be careful. It’s okay. Lin Na. Lin Na. We’re out. Come meet us. Squad Leader. It’s okay. Squad Leader. Yuan Sheng. Hang in there. Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng. Where is the injury? Penetrating chest injuries. Saker Falcon.

We’ve arrived at the designated location at the entrance of the village. Where are you? I’ll be there soon. Ma, you and Bai Nian leave with the children first. Comrade Bai Nian. Retreat. Come on. There is no time. Hurry. Go. Go. Squad Leader. Let me go! Squad Leader. Squad Leader. It’s okay. Squad Leader.

Squad Leader. Let me go! Don’t fall asleep. Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng! You’re going to pay for this! What are you doing? Let me go! Let me go! Squad Leader. Squad Leader. Go. Retreat downhill. Let’s go. Bring him. Move! Go. The enemy has made their way up in the direction of Sergeant Major.

We’ll reach the rescue point soon. Tell Sergeant Major to be careful. Chief of Staff. The recon team has evacuated the city. A large number of enemy reinforcements appeared along the evacuation route. Where are the children now? Bai Nian and Ma Lin have taken the children out of the range of the crossfire.

Ma Lin is returning to the extraction point to meet the team. The enemy is catching up! Tell Peng Zhanfeng not to play tough. The children are safe for now. They should retreat immediately to stay away. Yes, sir. Where are our Special Forces? Sir. Arriving in 20 minutes. There are three armed vehicles approaching you from the southwest, at a distance of 65 meters. We will use aerial firepower to clear the way for you and the team to evacuate. Roger that. Captain. Yuan Sheng is dying. Squad Leader! Captain. Captain. Captain. Bai Nian has brought the children to safety. I will meet you at 3 o’clock to help you evacuate. Enemy spotted on the right! Retreat in the 3 o’clock direction. Damage range evaluation complete. Fire control system on. Ready for launch. UAV missile ready. Captain. I got shot. Being your brother in arms in this life, I’m very honored. My comrades. Farewell. Command Center. The enemy is beside me. I’m incapacitated. Please fire towards me. Move towards your 3 o’clock. This is an order. Chief of Staff. Sorry. Please tell my wife and my daughter that I love them. Please fire towards me. If you don’t, the team won’t make it out either. Don’t shoot! I want him alive! He’s alive. Don’t shoot. Terminate launch! Terminate launch! Fire away! [All is well] [because there are people sacrificing themselves for us.] [Dedicating this film to the soldiers who have been sweating blood to pay] [for the peace and stability of our country.]