[أدخل التابوت]|Enter the Coffin|الخداع وراء تعويذة البيت القديم الغامضة|إثارة / رعب|YOUKU

Dear fellow citizens, good evening. Today is August 8, 2006, and the 15th day of the seventh lunar month. With the arrival of the Ghost Festival, lots of folk sacrifice rituals have been held and the use of fire in the wild has been increasing. In order to prevent fires during the Ghost Festival,

And raise awareness of fire safety… Hey, kneel here. It’ll take only a moment. Please bless us. Please bless us. Please bless us. Please bless us. Lao’er. Yes. Are they trustworthy? Don’t worry. People all say they’re good. Hearing the lash of the whip, comes Wong Tai Sin. She is out of the cave,

Observing the sky. Brother. What’s wrong with you? Don’t scare me. It’s hot. It’s hot. It’s hot. Brother. Brother. It’s hot. Brother, what’s going on with you? Tai Sin, please. Think of some way to save him. Has he done some guilty deeds? No. I don’t know why he picked up this rare disease

We just can’t get it fixed. Look at his neck. Has he gone to a grave? No. He’s been possessed. What? You’re still not going to tell me the truth? tell him the truth. Are you trying to get me killed? Tai Sin, it was all my fault. I had some bad intentions

And tricked him into going to someone’s grave. But we’ve done jail time and taken the punishment. Twine breaks in the thinnest part. Bad luck happens to poor people. Go. Brother. Brother. Brother! This thing is quite odd. Tai Sin is trying to talk with it. I failed. Now, present the Immortal Coffin!

Enter the coffin! Brother. How did you become like this? What’s happening? Hold a gold axe to seal the nails from the cardinal directions. The first is for a new baby and more money. The second is for better luck. The third is for good fortune. The fourth is for peace in the family.

The fifth is for blessings from Heaven. The sixth is for good health from the underworld. The seventh is for promotion and success. The Immortal Coffin can dispel the doom and change fortune. Tomorrow, your brother will be reborn. Tai Sin. My grandson cries hard at night and we can’t put him down.

Do you know what’s that about? This is my grandson’s lanugo hair. It has a bloody smell. What’s wrong? He’s been haunted by a ghost. I’ll draw some magic figures for you. In the next three days, burn incense at dawn and wave this next to the child 100 times a day.

All right, I’ll do that. Tai Sin said to wave the knife next to him 100 times a day. Do you remember? Mom, if Yaping finds out about this, she will kill me. Don’t believe in ghosts and spirits just for my sake, will you? I’ll do it myself if you don’t want to. No.

I have an appointment with a doctor tomorrow. You can stay out of this. Don’t let my grandchild see some random doctor. Mom, I gotta go. I’m at the express station. This brat. Zhang. Ma. You scared me. Where did you go? I went to take a dump. Put the cigarette out. OK, OK.

And deliver those goods outside. Alright. Hello? The airport? I’m on my way. Give me a sec. Driving people around while running a store? Won’t that tire you out? Ma. No one dares to rent my house after that thing happened. You should make it up to me at least. No. Landlord, we…

Calm down. Pay for his medical bills first. We’ll talk about the compensation later. Cargo compensation? How is he now? Tell me. Ma, it’s a second-degree burn. My brother’s hand is crippled! There’s over 10,000 yuan in the card. Use it to treat him. If that’s not enough, I’ll get more money. Well… Yuanhao.

If I hadn’t asked you, you wouldn’t tell me about the fire in the express station, right? It’s not something to be proud of. All the more reason for you to tell me. I can invite Tai Sin over. Mom. What are you doing with this thing? Mind your words. This is our guardian.

If your dad let us worship it, all these things wouldn’t have happened. Go. Invite Wong Tai Sin over. My dad was right. Why do I see fire? My son’s express station was on fire and got someone burned. Tai Sin, can you do something about it?

His dad’s death had something to do with the evil spirit. Now the spirit has come to your son. Well, your son broke Wong Tai Sin’s statue. That’s a serious mistake and a taboo. Without the guardian, the evil spirit will have nothing to fear. Tai Sin. Why don’t you let my son

Lie in the Immortal Coffin, too? Dispel the doom and change his fortune. Mom, what are you talking about? You want me to get in the stupid coffin? Please don’t blame us. Please don’t blame us. Please don’t blame us. How could you say that? He’s still young. Please don’t get mad. He’s not sincere.

Lying in the coffin won’t help him. You won’t dispel the doom. Go back. Yuanhao. Where are you going? That’s not a usual coffin, but the Immortal Coffin. Mom, cut this out. The coffin is for dead people. You… Coffin nails. What bad luck! I just got him down for a nap.

He was crying all night. I think his stomach still hurts. By the way, your mom asked for his lanugo hair yesterday. She must have gone to some psychic again. It’s modern times. Why is she still so superstitious? She’s just a countrywoman and isn’t cultured. Why won’t we let her move in with us?

So you can talk to her. Yaping. Why are my fish all dead? No idea. They were fine in the day. Let’s bury them later. I’m being serious. She’s your mother. She listens to you. And, if you want her to live with us, let’s do that. I’m fine with it.

You don’t need to beat about the bush. Sweetie, let’s go to the room. Yaping. The express station was on fire. Zhang got burned. Honey. Why didn’t you believe me? If we had Wong Tai Sin to protect us, our family wouldn’t have become like this. Wong Tai Sin. We’re sorry. Please be generous

And help us. Good boy. Alright, don’t cry. Yaping. Don’t cry. Have you got everything? How are things going with the express station? They’re still investigating it. Don’t worry too much. And how is Zhang doing? He’ll get a skin graft. Rice in the east. Mom, what are you doing?

Take our baby to the room. Come on! Mom. We’ve got a lot to worry about these days. Could you not bring us more trouble? Come on. All ghosts and spirits, stay away. – All ghosts and spirits… – Mom. Let my child come back. – All ghosts and spirits… You… – Mom. Stop!

Chen Yaping! Mom. Why did you bring these things here? What? If I don’t drive out the evil spirits, and something happens to you and my grandchild, I won’t be able to live. No. Mom, I’ve told you many times. This is superstition. She’s trying to rip us off. I’ve asked Tai Sin.

The four pillars of your destiny all represent negative, and the day and hour of your birth contradict each other. It’s a bad sign for your husband and child! You mean I’m a jinx? Mom… Yaping. The baby is crying. Go check him. I’ll talk to her. I will. Mom, will you cut this out?

Mom. What you said to Yaping was over the line. Hello, Manager Wang. Ma. The fire station found out what caused the fire. You didn’t update the circuit in time, and the short-circuiting caused the explosion. It is your responsibility. When I took over the station, no one told me about the aging circuit.

It’s hard to explain. But you have to compensate Zhang’s family. I’ll talk to the customer about the cargo compensation. I’ll try to minimize the amount. OK. What are you doing? I just took a phone call. This is the compensation to your father. And the money I saved these years. I haven’t got much.

Take it. Mom, I can’t take this. Are you saving this to buy me a coffin? Mom. We’ve got a house, haven’t we? I heard the house price rose. Just move in with us. I’m saving this house for my grandson. You failed to do everything. If I give it to you, you’ll lose it.

Don’t you want to try the Immortal Coffin? Would you stop believing that liar? Yuanhao. Listen. If you don’t listen to me, don’t even think about the house. Mom. Ma. My brother’s medical costs… I’ll send the money to you ASAP. [Incoming call from Hailin] Hello? How’s the child? He’s playing after taking the medicine.

Well, Hailin is back. He’s back? He said we could have a nice night out with some of our classmates. I didn’t like him when we were at school. Don’t hang out with him. It was ages ago. Don’t be so mean. Did you talk to your mom? I did.

She raised me all by herself. She has to act strong. Hello. Hello? What’s wrong? My nose is bleeding. How come? What happened? I got inflamed. I won’t talk to you. Go back home early. Pat your head with cool water. This is a cardinal sin. Honey. Come on, raise your glasses. Raise your glasses.

Come on. Mr. Zhang, a toast to you. It’s been a long time since I last saw you. Let’s drink. Come on, cheers. How old is your child? Half a year old. How time flies. Exactly. We made a joke that we’d get together with our children ten years later.

Guys, do you all have a child now? – Yeah. – We have. Only I’m still single. Well, you need to hurry up. Hey, Linlin, do you get what Mr. Zhang means? He’s got a residence registration in a big city, a big house and a fancy car. All he needs is a wife now.

Mr. Zhang is out of my league now. Back in school, Hailin didn’t talk much, but he always stared at Yaping. – Am I right? – Don’t talk nonsense. The good wine can’t fill your mouth? Look at us. You looked down upon him and said he was from the countryside. Right?

And you’re the one speaking. You were the meanest back at school. You bullied him every day. But Yuanhao is kind and he always protected Hailin. What is this about? Linlin told me what happened at your express station. Just tell me if it’s not enough. Hailin, I have insurance. You can fool other people,

But not me. They all bullied me at school, only you took my side. It was all in the past. Why did you bring this up? You may think it’s not a big deal, but I’ve remembered it all these years. In my life, you’re my only friend. Who? Come out. Who is it? Hello.

Manager Wang. Ma. We did the calculation. Except for the insured cargo, the compensation is 370,000 yuan. Pardon? Chill out. The phone has been ringing non-stop with customers calling to complain about us. Quickly, find some money. I’ll try my best to stall for time. Yuanhao, do you hear me? Is something wrong again? No.

Put our baby to bed. Everything is fine. Go. Hello, Mom. I’ve got no way out. Mom. You have to promise me. After we meet her, we’ll get prepared to sell the house. Alright, just listen to me. This is my husband’s horoscope. Tai Sin will get your father here. What? Get my father here?

Mom, I should go. Where are you going? I can’t stay here any longer. You… Yuanhao. You’re being unfilial. Honey… Mom. My dear, how are you? You’ve suffered a lot. Come on, say something. He can only stay for a short time. Honey. We’re in trouble now. We’re being punished for burning other people’s bridges.

It’s still there. Now, tell it to piss off. Don’t hurt my family. Don’t hurt my family! Guardian Wong Sin. Get in the coffin! Honey. Stop your tricks. You put coffin nails in front of our house. Don’t make me call the police. What are you talking about? Coffin nails? How many?

There are seven nails in total. If you haven’t seen the seventh one, it means the evil spirit hasn’t got out. Let me tell you, Yuanhao. You… Yuanhao. I’ve gone through much suffering raising you all by myself. I don’t expect you to provide for me. I just want you to live a good life.

If the Immortal Coffin doesn’t work, you can sell the house. At least take a try for your son’s sake. Have you put on a diaper? No need. Connect the Yin and Yang world! The supreme immortal, please come out! Come to the altar and expel all evil spirits! Fulu water. What’s inside it? Yuanhao.

Drink it now. Wong Tai Sin has made her presence. The auspicious time has come. Now. Get in the coffin. Yuanhao, get in the coffin. Protect yourself from the front and behind. The eight trigrams rule the universe. The spirits will turn into water with me.

The ghosts will turn to ashes when they see me. With sincerity, all evil will be expelled. Here it comes. It’s looking for someone. Come on, seal the coffin. Hold a gold axe to seal the nails from the cardinal directions. The first is for a new baby and more money.

The second is for better luck. The third is for good fortune. The fourth is for peace in the family. The fifth is for blessings from Heaven. The sixth is for good health from the underworld. The seventh is for promotion and success. Son, son. Wake up. Son. What did you dream about? Son. Mom.

Babe, what’s this? What’s this? A duckling. Right? A duckling. You’re back. How is our child? Very good. He’s finally had a good sleep. After he woke up in the morning, he’s been in good spirits. Dad is back. I called the doctor. He said the medication works. Great, great. Let me hug you.

Come on. I’m getting you up. Ma. Manager. I’ve got a free loan for you. Our community uses it to support small and micro enterprises. Only 100,000 yuan. But it’ll be a great help to you. Really? Really. And many customers agreed to give you some more time. Manager. Thank you.

This is Mr. Qian I told you about. He’s in the investment industry. Hello, Mr. Qian. Mom. I’ve been busy taking care of the child and didn’t have time to check on you while you were sick. Please accept my apology. Don’t be mad at me. Sick? It’s an old sickness of mine.

Some rest would do me good. Yaping. I shouldn’t have said that to you. And I… Mom, Mom. Have some meat. OK. It’s all cooked. I’ll do it myself. Have some more. OK, let me. The Immortal Coffin worked. I can finally feel at ease. I’ll go to see Tai Sin tomorrow. Mom, it’s late.

You should rest now. OK. Mom. Yuanhao, help! Yaping. Yuanhao, Yuanhao. Yaping, Yaping. Yuanhao. Yaping. – Yuanhao, help me! – Yaping. Help! Help! Help me, Yuanhao! Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! Take me instead. Don’t hurt my wife and son! What’s wrong? Son. What’s going on? Mom. I had a nightmare.

Don’t worry, it was just a dream. Go take a shower. [Wong Sin] What’s wrong with the baby? He’s been crying all night. I’m taking him to the hospital. Why didn’t you call me? How could I call you? Your mom is feeling unwell,

I can’t make you run around in the middle of the night. Alright. Let’s go. Go, go, go. Why are you here? The money isn’t enough to pay for my brother’s skin graft. Take our child home. Well, I gave you the money according to the request.

And I gave you another 5,000 as the nutrition fee. Why don’t you look at him? His hand is like a chicken claw. The doctor said he’ll need more plastic surgeries. You need to be responsible for him. How much do you need? 100,000. 100,000? Where can I find that much money? Ma Yuanhao.

My brother hasn’t got married yet. If he can’t find a wife because of this, his whole life will be ruined. If that’s really the case, I won’t let your wife and son go. Wait, what do you mean? What do I mean? Are you threatening me? You think I’m threatening you? You’re playing rogue.

How am I playing rogue? Every word I said makes sense. Well, who are you exactly? What are you shouting about? Screw you! Go to hell! Go to hell! Stop them! Go! What are you doing? Stop fighting. Let go. Don’t strangle him. Let go. You’re killing him. Stop fighting! Hailin, let go.

Zhang Hailin, let go! Fine. Just wait. This isn’t over. Hailin, what brought you here? It’s my fault. There’s something wrong with the financial supporter I found for you. I wanted to tell you in person. I have nothing to do once I get bad luck. To tell you the truth,

I even slept in the coffin. Slept in the coffin? My mom is superstitious. She said I could only change my fortune by sleeping in the coffin. They’re a bunch of liars. Phone frauds, illegal fundraising, and fortune teller scam, I’ve seen tons of these things. My family was in the funeral industry.

How could your mom believe in this? She brought me up alone and suffered a lot. All her hopes now rest on it. But it’s pretty weird. Bad things happened one after another. The coffin nails fell from upstairs. How about this? You go upstairs, find a place to hide it,

And then whistle to me. Why? Don’t ask. Just do what I said. OK. Hailin. Hailin. I’m downstairs. I hid it here. Do you need me to talk to your mom? No. I’ll do that myself. Why are you here? You quit the act and directly ask us for money, huh?

How could he say that? What? What do you want me to say? Yuanhao. What’s wrong with you? Mom, my son fell sick again. And someone came to my place to make trouble. Hailin’s family used to do the funeral business. He told me not to believe this. Change my fortune? That’s all nonsense.

Hailin doesn’t know about our situation. Don’t be ridiculous. What if you offend the Immortal coffin? That stupid coffin. I’m going to smash it. I dare you! Ma Yuanhao. If you dare to do that, I will hit my head on it. Check out what’s under the coffin first. Without the coffin,

You wouldn’t even see me. I’ve been wondering why the evil spirit has such a strong grievance. Are you not telling me something? Ms. Ma, you know what? If you don’t tell me the truth, your family is going to suffer. Tai Sin. What do you mean by that? Something’s wrong with the house. Mom.

What does she mean? It’s a sin. This house was built in the Republican period. Some old people in the village said this place used to be a graveyard. Mom. You mean there are dead people under our house? I see. Your ancestors must have occupied the dead people’s resting place.

After the house was built, the elderly worshiped a guardian, saying it’d keep our family safe, bring us good luck, and drive the evil spirits away. But Yuanhao’s father didn’t believe that and smashed the tablet. I hid it away while he was not looking. You’re too bold. How could you kick the guardian out?

The evil spirits must have come for revenge. Tai Sin. What do I do now? The spirits are haunting this place. They want you to pay for life with life. Who is it? Who is it? I’ll call the police! Hello, Yaping. What? Something happened at home. Well… Well, well… Well…

Please tell me what to do and save my family. Don’t be scared. The police are here. You’re finally back. Yaping. What happened? Yuanhao. [Surveillance footage] Pause. This man is suspicious. He tried to avoid the camera. Do you know who he is? I’m not sure. Have you had any conflicts and disputes

With anyone recently? Have you been in contact with any strangers? Yes. Are their height and build about the same as the man in the video? Come on, play it again. Yuanhao. What are you doing? I’m running an errand. What’s wrong? My mom just won’t listen to me.

Can you talk to her for me? No problem. Well, when? Tomorrow. OK, tomorrow it is. I gotta go. I’m going to live with my mom. But leaving you here alone makes me worried. What’s there to worry about? I’ll go live in the old house. When you see your mom and dad,

Don’t bring this up, lest they get worried. Is there something you’re not telling me? No, don’t think too much. Yuanhao, we’re husband and wife. You should be honest with me. We’ll get through it together, okay? Okay. [Ma Yuanhao] Come search in the house. Accompanied by the protectors. Ancestors, please help me.

The beans I sprinkled will turn into soldiers to expel all the spirits and kill all the ghosts. Bingding is a fire, place the south. The ghosts will have nowhere to hide. Renkui is water, place the north. The evil spirits will all be driven away. Bless my son, bless my son.

Gengxin is gold, place the west. The ghosts will turn to ashes. Jiayi is wood, place the east. The ghosts will soon leave the house. Wuji is earth, place the central. The ghosts will go back to hell! Yuanhao. Yuanhao. Yuanhao. She’s practicing magic. Come worship it. I won’t. This is all fake.

Why is it fake? I’ve told you everything about our family. Why are you still obsessive? I’m obsessive? I think it’s you. I know. Yaping told you something, didn’t she? No. Yuanhao. You… What are you doing? Yaping, let me explain. What’s there to explain? Yaping. We did this for the child and the family.

You can’t hold Yuanhao down. I’m holding Yuanhao down now? No, Yaping, stop this. Shut up! You… You’ve been lying to me with your mom. I was worried about you and came all the way to check on you. And you. What did you do? Yaping. If you hadn’t stopped us, this wouldn’t have happened.

My parents tried to stop me from marrying into your family because you’re too superstitious. I always thought my parents were biased. But now, I think they were right. I’m Yuanhao’s mother. How can I harm him? I’m his wife! If you keep doing these things, just go ahead, I won’t ask.

But don’t take him with you. Yaping, Yaping. Go, go back with me. Just go back home first. Go back. I’ve had enough. Mom! For all these years, I’ve been putting up with you and tried my best to handle our relationship well. I thought you’d do the same to me. But what happened? Listen,

You’ll get Ma Yuanhao killed one day because of your superstition. Our family is ruined all because of you! It’s all your fault! Stop! Yuanhao. Yaping, I… Ma Yuanhao. You… Look at yourself now. You’re a stranger to me now. Let’s get a divorce. No. Yaping. Yaping. What’s wrong? Don’t touch me.

What’s wrong with her? Do you even have a conscience? Hailin. You can’t break the altar! Drop the act. Tai Sin. Oh no. Step away. Tai Sin. Help me! Hailin. Mom. Gosh. Hold him. Let him sit down. Let’s go. We can’t stay here anymore. If it keeps going like this,

Your whole family will meet your doom. Tai Sin. You can’t leave. I can’t care for so much. We need to keep ourselves safe. Please. Please help us. Help us. I can’t. Listen up. From today on, you need to move out. Every debt has its debtor.

You can’t leave your name on the deed to the house. You need… You need to find a debtor to escape this disaster. Let’s go. We can’t keep this house. Mom, you’ve changed your mind? Isn’t that what you wish? But now everyone knows that our house is haunted. Who will buy it?

Whoever buys it will get harmed. Hailin, you have lots of friends. Can you try to… Auntie, if you want to sell this house, I can help you. You know my family used to be in the funeral industry. I don’t mind this. And I won’t live in it. If it gets demolished,

I can resell it. Are you really fine with it? Yuanhao, make a decision. If you think it’s okay, I’ll call the company. What’s there to think about? He wanted to sell it long ago. You’ve checked it already? How much? OK, I see. The company is having a financial problem and I don’t

Have enough cash now. What to do then? How about this? I’ll make a down payment. You can transfer the house to me, so I can get a mortgage loan. When I get the loan, I’ll give you the rest of the money. Manager Wang. I’ll transfer the money to you soon. Yaping.

Yaping, I want to see our child. Hailin. This is life-saving money. I know. I’ll go contact the back. [Party B: Zhang Hailin] [House Transfer Contract] This is the mortgage contract. It’s now worth about 2 million yuan. Read the contract carefully. The interest rate is high. If you can’t pay me back on time,

This house will be mine. I thought it through when I decided to get a loan. Stop gibbering, and give me the money. Sorry. The subscriber you dialed is unavailable. No one answers. Why doesn’t he pick up? He still hasn’t picked up? It’s been half a day. Yet no one answered the phone.

Did he run away? Who are you talking about? Mom. I need to tell you something. What is it? Zhang Hailin is with Mrs. Hu. They’re both frauds. Why didn’t you answer the phone? I threw away the SIM card. Did you get the money? As usual, you’ll get 30% of the money.

Not this time. This was a hard job. We want half of the money. Zhang Hailin. Let me tell you. If you still want to follow the old rule, we won’t work together. Frauds? Don’t talk nonsense. They are psychics. Mom, it’s true. [Incoming call from Hailin]

Zhang Hailin knew what happened in our express station, and came to me, pretending to offer me help. Remember. Come to me for help. Are their height and build about the same as the man in the video? He was the one who scared Yaping. But we were classmates, and he did me a favor.

So I didn’t think too much. One day, I accidentally found he was very familiar with our house, so I began to suspect him. Yuanhao. I asked him to come to the old house, and wanted to see what he was up to. I felt something was wrong when he offered to buy our house.

You can transfer the house to me, so I can get a mortgage loan. If you and Yuanhao can’t rest assured, we’ll think of other ways. When we were signing the contract, the police called me and told me he had a criminal record. Zhang Hailin had a pseudonym, Wang Ke. He and his accomplices

Committed fraud in other cities, using superstition, hallucinogenic herbs and other means to perplex the house owner and sign the house transfer contract after gaining trust. Weird things happened in our house. It was all because of their tricks. They put on a show to confuse you, and make you believe

That evil spirits came to our house. Why don’t you let my son lie in the Immortal Coffin, too? Dispel the doom and change his fortune. They tricked us step by step, let me drink the hallucinogenic potion and foster the illusion, in order to make us sell the house. Something’s wrong with this house.

From today on, you need to move out. Every debt has its debtor. They fooled a lot of people using this trick and ruined their families. Well… Well… Then, what about our house? You’re only capable of doing stealthy things. But don’t even think about doing something bigger. Brat, what did you say?

You want to strike a bargain with me? You aren’t qualified. How dare you hit me? I’ll kill you today. Honey! Is anyone here? Who is it? Hello, we’re the police. We have something to check with you. Open the door, please. Why are the police here? Did they find out about us? Screw you!

Open the door. Is anyone inside? Open the door. Someone here? Open the door for us. Stop! We’re the police. Don’t run. Behave yourself. There’s one more person. Handcuff her. Mom, don’t worry. The police have been after them. Well, I need to go find Yaping and tell her about it.

Alright, Mom, go home with the baby. Hello, who is it? Hello? It’s Zhang Hailin. Hai… Hailin. What did the bank say? Stop pretending. Did you call the police? Ma Yuanhao. Yes. I called the police. Hailin. I didn’t expect you to fool me. You knew from the beginning

That there were dead people buried under my house, and you set me up and tricked me. You’re quite a good actor. There are lots of things you didn’t expect. Yuanhao. Yuanhao. Zhang Hailin, listen. If you lay hands on my wife, I will kill you! How will you kill me? They all say

I was like your dog back in school. Now your dog is barking. Yaping was supposed to be mine. You don’t deserve her. What do you want to do? I give you one day. Get one million yuan, I don’t care how. I’ll contact you. If you dare to call the police,

I’ll ruin your family. You know what? I visited you a lot. Do you remember this handkerchief? After I got hit, you used it to clean my wounds. I’ve been keeping it for years. I know you have me in your heart. No, no. Hailin. I think you got me wrong.

I just felt sorry for you. So I… Felt sorry for me? Do I need you to feel sorry for me? No one cared about me. Everyone wanted to laugh at me. But why did you stand out? Because of Yuanhao… Why? I need you to care about me forever! I need your love. Hello?

Where are you? Almost at Sanhe Village. Turn aside. OK. OK. Zhang Hailin. Yuanhao. Zhang Hailin. I brought you the money. Open the bag. Show me. Where’s Yaping? She’s alive. Do what I say. Get 100 yuan, ball it and throw it over. All the money is here. Give Yaping to me.

– Yuanhao. Yuanhao. – Yaping. Kneel down. What did you say? I said, kneel down. Are you crazy? Do you think I should be grateful to you just because you helped me at school? You were so annoying back then. How come you were the one who married Yaping?

How come they call me your dog? Kneel! Get in the coffin to change your fortune. You actually believed in it? Are you silly? Chen Yaping. Look. He’s on his knees in front of me. Zhang Hailin. I gave you all I have. Please, set Yaping free. Do you want to save her? I promise

You’ll get nothing in the end. What do you want? Come on. Come. Chen Yaping. You never knew you’d be like this one day, right? I followed him around back at school for no other reason, but that I could have a backer and get closer to you. You know, I liked to smell

Your hair the most. Zhang Hailin. Either before or now, I feel sick every time you get near me. And I didn’t want to give you the handkerchief. Yuanhao thought of you as a friend and asked me to give it to you. You liar! I’ll kill her if you move a little closer. Yuanhao.

Remember what I told you? We’ll get through everything together. Don’t say that in front of me. Don’t move! Drop the weapon! Stop! Don’t run! Stop! Don’t run! Yuanhao. How is your hand? It’s fine. They cooperated with each other, played the recording by remote control and used magic pops

To make your mom believe it. The coffin your mom saw and the cries of the baby were both made by him. Zhang Hailin was hiding outside your house that day. We’ve got your transfer contract back. Enhance your safety awareness. I know. Thank you. Okay. Mom. Mom. We’re back. Mom. Yaping. I’m sorry.

I wronged you. Mom. Don’t say that. You’ve had a hard life too. I always blamed you for holding Yuanhao down. Now I figured it out. I was the one who really held him down. Mom, don’t mention it. Am I senile? I often fall for other people’s tricks and refuse to listen to you.

I’m really… It’s over now. We’re a family. Mom. The frauds have too many tricks now, it’s impossible for us to guard against them. We should be extra careful, and don’t easily trust others. Yes, you’re right. Yaping. I’ll throw these things out and won’t be superstitious. OK. Mom, what are you cooking?

Smells so good. I forgot I’m cooking. Time to eat. Come on. The meals are ready. Come on, my grandchild. Come on. I’ll serve him some soup. Son. Son. – Your granny made so many dishes. – Come on. You’re acting like a real thing now? What? I’m like a spirit keeper, right?

Am I a good actress? Don’t make me learn to speak the Northeastern dialect again. It’s so hot in here. Where’s everybody? All gone? You didn’t pay the bill.