[الوحوش المقدسة 2]|The Holy Beasts 2|جاء الوحش تشيونغ تشي إلى العالم!|خيال / زيYOUKU

[Previously] Demon hunters Tianfang, and Ruoling assisted the Crown Prince in getting rid of rat demons. Ding and Dong vanished from the world. The cold case that once shocked the capital was solved. The Imperial City has restored peace. The Emperor was pleased and bestowed an inscribed plaque.

Demon Hunt became a sensation and attracted many visitors. Tianfang and Ruoling were admired by all civilians. People started cheering, without noticing that the evilest of them all, ancient beast Qiong Qi, is awakening. A bigger crisis is impending. [The Holy Beasts – The Resurrection of Ancient Beast] Master. Bad news! The Jade Xuanji reappeared.

Ding and Dong were both killed. Why are you here? The Jade Xuanji? I didn’t expect he held back this trick. Master. The secret of Celestial Master Pavilion is the biggest concern to our Demon Realm. Please help me reveal myself so that I can correct my mistake! Sir. Master hasn’t got his power returned.

He can’t reveal yourself right now. Then what am I supposed to do? How about I help you? Grand Master, will you help me? Will you help me? Grand Master, please help me! Help me! Rest assured, sir. Rest assured, sir. What are you doing? Stop, stop it! Master. You’re still recovering.

You can’t leave here. When the blood moon occurs, and you’re fully recovered, even the Jade Xuanji will not stop you. By then, the offspring of Demon Realm will be everywhere on this land. Come on, Ruoling, take the medicine. Come on. Tianfang. The medicine tastes very bitter. Can I not drink it? And

I’ve almost recovered. Almost. That’s still not fully recovered. Come on. Do as I said. Take a sip. Don’t make a grinning face. Drink it. Be fast. Hurry. Come on. So bitter. Ruoling. I don’t want to scold you. But from now on, you can’t use your body as a shield. That’s dangerous. But I

Can’t do nothing and watch you get killed. I… I’m your senior. How could they kill me? Tianfang. Tianfang, get out. Get out now. Tianfang. There’re lots of people out there. I’m going outside to have a look. Sit down. Finish the portion. I’ll come back and check. So many people are calling me.

Are we having a new business? I got to check it out. Tianfang. The Crown Prince’s sending you gifts. Tianfang. You’re amazing. Good for you. Thank you, thank you. Even the Crown Prince is here. Greetings, Your Highness. You may rise. Demon Hunt successfully wiped out the demons. His Highness commanded

To award you a hundred taels of silver, one box of millennial pearl powder, a hundred bolts of Sichuan silk, one set of golden silkwood, and one pair of shoes embroidered with phoenix and goldfish to Miss Ruoling. What’s wrong? Where’s Tianfang’s award? Your Highness. Where’s mine? Mr. Tianfang, please wait. Bring it up.

Let’s see. Let’s see. What’s it? [Young Hero] Impressive. – Great! – Great! Good, Tianfang. Young hero. Greetings, Your Highness. No need for it. Ruoling. Your wound was just healed. Don’t walk around. Come. Have a seat. Are you feeling better these days? Do you want me to send some physicians… No need. Your Highness.

I feel much better. It’s just… I crave food. Naughty girl. You only think about food. Come. Ruoling. I made this for you myself. Cod stew. Your Highness, how do you know I like fish? Come, let me feed you. Do you like it? I like it so much. You seem a little somber. So

I specially prepared the royally made rouge. – This… – Try it. Look at you. Your hairpin is worn-out. Bright blue emerald hairpin. Ruoling. This is a royal heirloom, emerald ring. Here. What a good match. Ruoling. It’s getting cold these days. I’ve specially prepared this phoenix glazed dress. Try it out. Isn’t Tianfang great?

Yes! Isn’t he fantastic? Yes! Isn’t he our hope? Yes! Everyone, I always keep a low profile. In the future, if you have anything to ask, please come to our Demon Hunt. OK! You’re truly gorgeous. Congrats, Your Highness, on finding your love. Congrats, Crown Princess. Your Highness, well… Tian… Tianfang. What?

Quickly, take it off. What are you wearing? Take it away. Mr. Tianfang. You! Go, go, go! Mr. Tianfang, I… Your Highness, you’ve humbled us. Quickly. Send His Highness back. Ruoling. Go, go, go. Unbelievable. Tianfang. Do you want to taste it? Miss Ruoling. I’ll bring you back these gifts tomorrow. I… What is it?

It’s not tasty at all. [The Hope of the Town The Talented Demon Hunter] [Young Hero] The talented demon hunter. The glory of Celestial Master Pavilion. The hope of the town. Tianfang. This is too much. It’s definitely not. Young hero. Ruoling. What do you think? Look at him. Look how proud he is.

You got a problem? Come on, Ruoling. With my reputation today, I totally deserve these good names. Yes. Ruoling. Look how great this banner is. – We have to put it in… – Tianfang, Ruoling. Hua. Is it okay? Fishing Village is in danger. I just saw your uncle took people there. Go.

Let’s check it out. Their souls were sucked up again. What’s the big deal? I’ve seen it before. Mind your mouth. Ding and Dong are both dead. Are there other demons sucking people’s souls? Please rest assured, Your Highness. No matter what demon it is, as long as I’m here, I won’t let them

Hurt anyone near the palace. Bring me the map. Fishing Village, Mopan Village. and Shiquan Town. If each place stands for a direction… Jiehe. Siling. Sergeant Wu and sergeant Zhang. – Yes. – Yes. Go to Jiehe Village and Siling Village as fast as you can. If there’s any news, report to me immediately.

– Yes. – Yes. Help! Murder! Every one in the two villages were slaughtered. Uncle. Looks like what will come will finally come. What do you mean? Do you still remember the two rat demons you killed? Ding and Dong? They are long-tailed white rats that often appear in pairs. Everywhere they went,

There must be… Qiong Qi. The beast that terrorized people 12 years ago? Yes. Look. These slaughtered villages together formed a Pentacle Formation. And in the center of the Formation… The royal palace? But why did Qiong Qi nest in the palace? That’s obvious. It’s the dragon vein.

It gathers the aura of both heaven and earth. I’ve made a prediction. Within two days, the blood moon will occur. Until then, Qiong Qi will be at its weakest point. Then what are we waiting for? – Let’s go and destroy it. – Yeah. Has it occurred to you

That Qiong Qi can’t leave the Pentacle Formation? Then who slaughtered Jiehe Village and Siling Village? Could it be that it’s got helpers? Whether it has helpers or not, now is the best time for us to destroy it. No. Now Qiong Qi is not the same as it was. I think

A larger plot is hidden behind. With that said, Father’s now in great danger. No. I have to go back to the palace. Wait for me here. I’ll go to Jiehe Village in person. Take… take it off. Hua. Hua. – Not on the table. – Take it off. Hua. What a savage you are.

I’m not very used to it. Nonsense. Don’t, don’t. People can see us here. Go to the bed. Go to the bed. Come on, quickly. You’ve been hiding secret money behind my back. This… I’ve given you most of the money. Can I keep only a little to buy some drinks? You wanna buy drinks?

Tianfang. We’d better wait until Uncle comes back to make a decision. Qiong Qi is powerful. If we don’t kill it now, it’ll be invincible when the full moon happens. We can’t miss such a good chance. But we don’t know its real strength. It’s too risky. Ruoling. Mushroom died because of my timidity.

If I flee because I’m horrified, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Tianfang! Tianfang. Tianfang, wait. Why wait? Qiong Qi will come out in two days. Tianfang. You’ll get yourself killed doing something rash like this. Never mind the risks. I have to kill Qiong Qi. No one survived in Fishing Village.

How can we live in peace? Today I have to kill Qiong Qi! Qiong Qi? Tianfang. Tianfang. – Qiong Qi? – Qiong Qi? Tianfang, wait for me. Eunuch Cao. Where is Father? Your Highness. Grand Master reads scripture to His Majesty from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Now His Majesty is in Grand Master’s place. Tianfang.

I can sense many demons are around. We might be no match for them. Ruoling. Don’t boost other’s morale and discourage ourselves. But… Let’s go. Father. Father. Grand Master, what are you doing? Father! Why did you hurt my father? His Majesty pertains to fire. Master only needs his soul to finish cultivation.

I’ll kill you! Do you think you can leave here alive? Ruoling. This is the place. Let’s do it. – Lin Bing Dou Zhe, break! – Lin Bing Dou Zhe, break! – Lin Bing Dou Zhe, break! – Lin Bing Dou Zhe, break! – Lin Bing Dou Zhe, break! – Lin Bing Dou Zhe, break!

– Lin Bing Dou Zhe, break! – Lin Bing Dou Zhe, break! Who are you? Ruoling! Ruoling, are you alright? Don’t come over! Ruoling. Wu… Wuchang? Junior. You still remember my name? You’re still alive. Why? Why do you all want me dead? Why should I die? Why can’t I live? You’re in this palace.

You’re Qiong Qi’s dog. You slaughtered the villages, didn’t you? 12 years ago, back in Celestial Master Pavilion, I was oppressed by you in every way. Over these years, I endured and cultivated, for the sake of the whole world. Once Master is recovered, the world will be at peace. How can you not understand

My efforts and good intentions? The whole world? You want to unleash Qiong Qi? Once it’s unleashed, the world will become a living hell. Everyone will die. How can we be at peace? Enough. We learned from the same master, so I’ll spare your life. Get lost. It’s been 12 years,

But you haven’t changed at all. Uncle! Uncle! You traitor. Senior, take them away. Ruoling. Senior. Take them away! Tianfang. Leave! Tianfang, go. Hua! Zhang! Leave! Tianfang, leave! Leave! Go! Hua! Zhang! Go! Hua! Go now! The Crown Prince rebelled and assassinated the Emperor. Whoever harbors him must die. The Crown Prince rebelled

And assassinated the Emperor. Whoever harbors him must die. The Crown Prince rebelled and assassinated the Emperor. Whoever harbors him must die. Your Highness. Be careful. Careful. How’s His Majesty? Father. Father’s soul was sucked by Grand Master. He’s gone. He’s gone. Ruoling. Ruoling. We can’t stay here. Come with me. Master. I’ve collected

81 souls. Three days later, when the blood moon occurs, you could finally leave here. As for the demon hunters with Celestial Master Pavilion, please don’t worry. I will soon kill them all. Even if you turn this place upside down, you must find the rebels. Grand Master. The rebels aren’t in Demon Hunt.

It’s fine. I know their whereabouts. Yes. Come. Put her here. Let’s hide in here for a while. It’s safer. Your Highness. I’m sorry. I should apologize to you. If there’s a chance, I will return your favor for sure. Tianfang. Ruoling. Ruoling. Tianfang! Leave now! Go! Go! Hua! Zhang! I’m not a hero.

It’s me. It’s all my fault. Ruoling. Hua. Zhang. I got you into this. Tianfang. This is not entirely your fault. Don’t beat yourself up. I’ve never expected Wuchang, who was equally famous as your master, turned out to work for Qiong Qi. I thought he was killed by Qiong Qi long ago.

How silly I was to be fooled by Wuchang for so many years. Heavenly and terrestrial sword. Ji-ji-ru-lyu-ling. Qiong Qi. Give me your internal alchemy. Go to Celestial Master Pavilion with me and reflect on yourself, then I will spare your life. Take care of Tianfang and Ruoling. Senior. Senior, what are you doing? But

What does he want by resurrecting Qiong Qi? Come on, Ruoling. Tianfang, what are you doing? Get off me. What are you doing? Uncle. Ruoling is injured. I’m taking her away. I can’t win over Qiong Qi. I can’t even defeat Grand Master. We’ll all die if we stay here. Qiong Qi has come out!

You’ll die wherever you hide. I don’t care! I don’t want Ruoling to die. I don’t want anyone to die because of me! Your master won’t rest in peace seeing you like this. This is…? Every chief of Celestial Master Pavilion came here to study the Jade Xuanji. The Jade Xuanji? The Jade Xuanji

Is where all the chiefs finished their cultivation and what your master worked for all his life. Your master once said that I can only take you here as the last resort. I think now is time. – Master. – Don’t go. Master, don’t go. Master.

– Master, don’t go. Master. – Master, if you leave, we’ll become orphans again. Master. Tianfang. Remember what I told you. Take care of Ruoling. That’s amazing. Do you want to learn it? Yes. Tianfang. Do you want to protect the weak and safeguard world peace? I do. But

We’ll have a long way to go and lots of difficulties and setbacks will be ahead of us. Will you be afraid? I won’t. Tianfang. Master. You opened the Jade Xuanji, which means you’re in big trouble. Master. I’m afraid. You remember how you braced up and saved Ruoling? Master, I’ll help you.

Tianfang, don’t go! Think about who you used to be. I… A man’s faith is his most powerful weapon. Master. What should I do? Listen to me. All our ancestors’ skills are kept in the Jade Xuanji. If you get the internal alchemy of the nine-lives cat demon, you will find the cure.

There’s a pattern to everything. You should decide how your relationship with Ruoling will develop. Get out, you brat. How dare you steal from me? Where are you from? How come you’re stealing? Do you know what’s this place? You hear it? Look at how pathetic you are. A beggar in shabby clothes. My son.

Don’t ever turn out to be like him. Do you get it? Mom, I want the cat. Cat? The cat! What are you waiting for? My son wants the cat. Get the cat for me. Move. Tianfang. I’ll show you how I fight the demons. Now I’m getting rid of it. Wait for me here.

Don’t move. Master, be careful. Master, I’ll help you. Tianfang, don’t go! Master, what shall we do? Save her! My son wants the cat. Get it for him. Give me. What can you do? Be quick. Give it to me. Celestial Master Pavilion. From now on, here will be your home.

No one will ever bully you again. But it’s difficult to differentiate demons from humans. You should be extra careful. Tianfang. You told me you chose to stay at Demon Hunt to keep me company. Was that true? They’re just some words. Don’t care if it’s true or not. What if one day I’m gone?

You can’t go anywhere. If you leave, who’ll feed the cat, wash the clothes and cook dishes? You just want me to do the chores? What else do you think? You’re annoying. You bad man! – You only know how to bully me! – Alright, alright.

– You only know how to bully me. – Wait. Tianfang. Have you ever liked me? Ruoling. Some things are better kept a secret. Tianfang. What do you want? Tianfang. What are you doing? Let us out of here! Qiong Qi is powerful. We can’t win by numbers. Don’t go to cast away your lives.

Tianfang. The more people, the greater chance we’ll win. Let us help you! Tianfang. I beg you. – Let me out. – Tianfang. Tianfang! Tianfang. Tianfang. I’ll never part with you in my life. – Tianfang. Let me out! – Tianfang. Tianfang. Tianfang. Huaichong. Take care of her. No! No! Tianfang! Tianfang! No. No. No.

No! No, Tianfang! Tianfang! Don’t leave me! Tianfang. Tianfang! Tianfang. Tianfang. Tianfang. Tianfang, let me out. Ruoling. Tianfang! How could you leave me here? Ruoling. I’m surprised you’ve become like this. You practiced the forbidden skill and supported Qiong Qi just for its internal alchemy? Alright! Save your words. In order to maintain world peace,

I can sacrifice everything. Listen to my advice. Ask that boy to hand over the Jade Xuanji and I will spare all of you. You wish! Celestial Master Pavilion is behind me. You can only get there over my dead body. Stubborn. Bastard. Watch this! Junior. You’re still trying to breathe? I’ll step over then.

Stop! Ruoling. Brat. It’s only been two days and now you’re impressing me. It seems I can’t keep you any longer. Tianfang. Tianfang, wake up. Ruoling. If there’s an afterlife, I want to be a human. You knew about everything? Why didn’t you tell me? Like you said. Some things are better kept a secret.

No. No. Tianfang. You can’t leave me behind anymore. Come and chase me. Tianfang. Have you ever liked me? Don’t make a grinning face. Drink it. You can’t smile at other people like that. Ruoling. Don’t leave me. Ruoling. No. Ruoling. No. Ruoling. You can’t leave me. We will never be apart. No. Ruoling. Ruoling!

Brat. Be a sergeant with me. Your low pay can’t even afford my drinks. Are you looking down on me? Tianfang. When will we see each other again? I’ll wander around in the world with drinks and a sword keeping me company. If fate allows us, we shall meet again. Look. A monk.

Can I play with it for a while? Why’s he holding a cat? Big brother. No one’s playing with me. Can you let me touch it? I’ll let you play with this branch. Looks like she likes you a lot. May I know your name? Ruoling. My name is Ruoling.