[الأخطبوط في القطب الجنوبي]|The Antarctic Octopus|الناقلون يقاتلون بشجاعة الأخطبوط العملاق!|YOUKU

[Antarctic deep sea] [TCG Commercial Enterprise Station No. 6] What happened? The bilge is losing pressure. Please evacuate immediately. Go save the scientific researchers right away. Okay. Liu Jian! Liu Jian! Help me! Bear with it. Can you walk? Yes. Then go! Help! Help! Open the door! Open the door! Help! -Hurry! -Hurry! Hurry!

Why don’t I see Liu Jian? Where is Liu Jian? Didn’t see him. Close the door! We’re running out of time! We can’t close the door. Liu Jian hasn’t come back yet. No! Why? Must so many of us die with him? Listen to me. We can’t close the door! Lian. We’re running out of time. Jian. Jian! Jian, hurry up! Hurry! Don’t come over! [Director: Zhao Jinyi]

[The Antarctic Octopus] [TCG Commercial Enterprise] [Antarctic Transportation Station] [One year later] Lian. Come on! Come on! Here you go. Come on! Come on! Come on, man! Hey, Jason. Come with me. The meter you wanted. Thank you, Lian. Lian. Come. I’ll show you something good. Let me tell you. This is amazing.

I added a nitrogen boost system to this baby. It’s not a race car, why bother? Wow. She’s a beauty. Hi, beautiful. Do you speak Chinese? Lost? Do you need me to take you around Antarctica? I usually charge a lot for leading the way, but for you, free of charge. Hi, sweetie.

Did you come alone? You smell so good. What are you doing? Hey, I’m Tiger. Is there anything I can do to help? Get out of my way. Come on. Don’t be so rude. You like it tough? Shut up. So you’ve chosen the hard way. She’s just a girl. Relax. Stop. Stop!

The station manager is here! Rosa. Uncle Peter. Idiot! Hey, Boss. She… She what? If you touch her, you’re dead, man. Are you okay? I’m fine. Rosa is our CEO’s daughter. She will go to the research center. Who would drive her? -Me! -I will! I can drive her.

Hey. I’m going to kill you later, Han. Uncle Peter. I want him to drive me. [TCG Commercial Enterprise] [Antarctic Transportation Station] [400 kilometers away from the research station] [Continent of Antarctica] How much longer until I can take pictures of cute penguins? Antarctica is like a sleeping ice beauty. Those who don’t understand

Think she is dull and desolate. But I’m different. I can understand her beauty. For example, she… Stop moving. I’m out of focus. Wait… Not taking any more photos? Take what photos? There are no penguins anyway. Aren’t these penguins getting between us? Miss Rosa. The habitat of penguins is not on our route.

We’d have to drive another ten kilometers north to see them. Now that I think about it, it’s not too far away. Why didn’t you say so earlier? Lian. Take us to see the penguins, please. Thank you. My mission is to get you to the research station safely,

Not to accompany you on a tour. If I don’t get to see penguins during my first visit to Antarctica, it would be such a shame. Tell him that he must take me to see penguins. This is an order. Miss Rosa, don’t be angry. We… Fine. Fine!

If you don’t go, I’ll go by myself. Han. Do you know how to fulfill your duties? If it weren’t for my dad’s investment, there would be no research and transportation stations. Don’t you want to see penguins? Come out! Wow. He agreed. Hurry! Come on. Put on your jacket. Do you see the penguins?

Over there. Do you see them? Those black dots are all penguins. Where? Really. Let’s go. Let’s get closer. Stop! What is it this time? Make sure to keep an eye on her. The length of this safety harness is your maximum safe distance. Do not unhook it. And do not exceed its length.

The time limit is fifteen minutes. You must come back by then, understood? Time is limited. Let’s get going. Got it. When you take photos, use my back as support. Try to get closer, this way, the shots will be clearer. The report has been approved. I’m leaving.

My younger brother, Liu Dao, will replace me on the security team. Look after him. Do you even need to say it? Your brother is my brother. Miss Rosa. Slow down. I can’t. I can’t walk any further. Can we take a break first? I really can’t walk anymore. Okay. We’ve reached the limit.

Can’t go any further. No! You cannot unhook it! Lian said that if you unhook it, it would be impossible to take photos of penguins. Hey! I’m not kidding! I… Wait! My goodness, you…! My goodness. Miss Rosa! Slow down! Wait for me! You… Liu Jian! Liu Jian! Mr. Han! Liu Jian. Liu Jian!

Don’t come over. Liu Jian. Liu Jian! Liu Jian! Close the door! Liu Jian! Live. Liu Jian! Liu… Jian… Liu… Jian… Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Miss Rosa! I’m here! Qiang! Qiang! Miss Rosa! Qiang! I’m here! Miss Rosa! Qiang. Don’t move! Miss Rosa! Don’t panic. Qiang, help me! Stay still. Qiang.

Hold on to the ice in front of you. Okay. Take deep breaths. I’ll think of a way to save you. Help me, Qiang. I can’t move either. What do we do? Qiang. Don’t worry. There must be a way. It’s Lian. We’re saved. Lian! Over here! Over here! Over here, Lian, over here! Qiang!

She’s already getting hypothermia. Keep calling her. Don’t let her fall asleep! Got it! Miss Rosa! Wake up! Don’t fall asleep! Miss Rosa! Grab the hook! Okay! Hook it tight! Pull! Come here! I didn’t unhook it first. Lian! Stay here and watch carefully. As soon as I tell you to pull, you pull.

Got it? Yes! Rosa! Don’t fall asleep! Rosa! I’m coming for you. Grab my hand. A little higher. Pull! Come on! Miss Rosa! Wake up! Wake up! Rosa! Miss Rosa. Wake up! Miss Rosa. Wake up. Wake up. I… My goodness. You’re finally awake. You don’t know. It was all thanks to me.

Take off your clothes. What? You want to freeze to death? If you still want to live, hurry up and change into new clothes. What are you doing? You’re going to help her change? I was thinking of helping her draw the curtains. Call me if you need help. Okay. Are you done?

There’s a mosquito… Well… I’m done. Thank you. You’re welcome. If you don’t cause trouble, you won’t die. Do you know how to speak properly? A snowstorm is coming. We must get to the research station as soon as possible. [TCG Commercial Enterprise] [Antarctic Research Station] We’re here. Come on. Let’s go.

He’s not coming with us? Every time I come here, I bring the goods in by myself. Lian never gets out of the car. Let’s go. Why? This is a sad place for him. Stop talking. Let’s go. What are you doing? I still don’t believe this. Wait for me here. Wait… Get out.

I don’t care what quirks you have. The storm will last three to five days. Do you want to freeze to death in here? What are you doing? If you don’t get out, I’ll have to stay in the truck with you. Anyway, I’m a grateful person. What are you doing? Excuse me… I…

Sorry to disturb. You acted too fast. Act? Where is the passage? How can you not know where? Trying to best me? Is everything ready? Yes. Mr. Han. Mr. Han. Long time no see. Why are you back? Haifeng. You know him? Hello. We are from the transportation station. I’m Qiang, a famous mechanic. ID.

Right. Here. Handsome, right? And yours? Han Lian? Wait here. Mr. Han. I’m sorry. The current captain is… It’s okay. I know. Liu Jian. Take a good look. I’m Liu Dao. You do not deserve to call my brother’s name. I don’t. It’s useless to back down. You abandoned my brother at a critical moment.

How do you still have the audacity to live? What are you doing? Let him go. I said, let him go! Who are you? You do not deserve to know how I am. If you dare to touch him today, I’ll make you lose your job immediately.

Mr. Han needs a woman to protect him now? Don’t worry. I don’t hit women. With me here, no one can hurt Miss Rosa. Get out of the way! Stop! Stop. He’s my student. Rosa. Are you okay? Professor. Apprehend the two of them. I want to punish them. This is a misunderstanding.

It’s all my fault for being late. It was an eight-hour trip, why did it take you twelve hours? If you weren’t late, how could there be so much trouble? I… It’s my fault. I caused a delay on the way. It has nothing to do with them. Rosa.

You must be tired from the trip. I’ll have someone take you to get some rest first. Then, how about them? Han Lian and I have been colleagues for a long time. I will treat him well. Am I right, Mr. Han? Please. Please, Miss Rosa. Doctor. Mr. Liu, arrange

Food and accommodation for Han Lian and his mates. Don’t get into any trouble. Doctor, I won’t spare him. Take him to the storage. Yes. Han… This way. Doctor, I will avenge my brother. This place is going to be destroyed anyway after the experiment completes. Isn’t it perfect that he is here now?

What the heck. Is this a place for people to live? Are you doing this on purpose? Mr. Han, I’m so sorry. This is Liu Dao’s order. There is nothing I can do. It’s okay. You can go. Okay. Seriously? How can you stand this?

Liu Dao is obviously using his power to get revenge for himself. I don’t care. I’m going to tell Rosa. She is the daughter of TCG’s boss. The entire station is sponsored by her family. Not to mention that we saved her life. I don’t think she would sit by and do nothing.

If you have time, you’d better make the bed and get some sleep. I mean, you are way too easygoing. Wow. Lian, you look handsome when you were young. This guy… Why do Liu Dao and the guy next to him look so alike? Liu Jian! There isn’t much time left! Hurry!

Don’t stand in my way! Stay alive. He looks much better than Liu Dao. Look. Lian! Lian, how are you doing? Alcohol. Alcohol. Alcohol. I will take you outside for some fresh air later, and you can have a look at my new nitrogen-boosting system. Let me repeat it one last time. The spots with the red mark on the architectural drawing are the pressure points of the building. Speak.

Mr. Liu, start the capture operation now. Why it has to be us to do the mission? Of course it is because the doctor trusts us. And is any of these researchers capable of doing this? Promise me. After the mission, take me to a tropical beach for vacation.

I’m so sick of this freezing coldness. Dr. Des, we are ready. Go. Copied. [TCG Commercial Enterprise] [Antarctic Research Station] Try. I’m going to press it. Do it. Qiang. Qiang. Are you alright? Behind the success of every great invention are countless failures. I will fix it. Dr. Des made it clear

That no one can enter without his permission. Get out of my way. Miss Rosa. Professor. This is cruel. Rosa, do you remember I once told you that the sacrifices in scientific experiments will eventually become a monument for the benefit of mankind? But… But no matter what, you should not kill arbitrarily. Well,

Come here, follow me. Antarctic Deep-Sea Octopus is a new species of octopus we discovered. It is the most important research project in the research station. Look at this. Its ability to change its color and shape allows it to be perfectly invisible in any environment. If it is applied in the military,

There will be limitless possibilities. Zoom in. Look carefully. The tentacle and radula of this octopus are very unique. They are even harder than diamonds. The most significant one is regeneration. Regeneration. As long as it is alive, no matter how bad the damage is to its body or skin,

It is able to regenerate within a short time. This is because of a genetic material called DUE-9 in its body. Compared to normal octopuses, the amount of DUE-9 in Antarctic Deep-Sea Octopus is dozens of times higher. At the moment, we have generally grasped the extraction technique for DUE-9. Soon,

The medical transformation will be achieved. My dear Rosa, do you understand what it means? It’s a medical patent. It’s a Nobel Prize in medicine. And it is a blessing to all human beings. To achieve that, killing a few octopuses is nothing. However, all lives should be treated equally.

You are right. All lives are equal. So the lives of dozens of octopuses are likely to save the lives of thousands of people. Is there something wrong with that? Now I understand why my father invested so much money at the research station. So, do you still think that my experiment is cruel?

I want to have an internship in the research station. Oh no. Lian, it’s me. Why are you here? I want to ask you the same. I followed you because I was worried about you, but all I got was a punch. I almost was killed by you. Are you alright? I’m sorry.

It was my instinctive reaction. I will buy you booze after we get back. Someone is here. Come here. Come in. Yes. Hurry. Hurry up. Let’s go. Yes. The ability to regenerate surpasses any other species. Perfect. Initiate the skin regeneration experiment now. Wait. I will do it personally this time. Doctor, this is amazing. What are you doing? There is a secret compartment here. Don’t misunderstand. It’s a place for us to hide the alcohol and cigarette. It’s nothing special. You?

The last security team. Wait, except for me, all the others are not working here anymore. Could it be… Han Lian? Oh my god. Lian, you drank too much. Shall we go to the kitchen and get more? Lian. Lian! What are you thinking? What did you just say? I said

There isn’t much alcohol left. Shall we steal more from the kitchen? We should indeed go to the kitchen again. Have a look at the sign on the boxes that the securities were carrying. It was like CL… CL-20. What’s that? It is usually referred to a powerful military explosive. Explosive? Keep it down. Wait.

That sounds way too dangerous. Let’s get out of here immediately. We cannot stay here anymore. Calling Nana. It seems like they’ve noticed the explosives. Amazing. They have evolved a more intelligent brain. Roxy, turn up the volt. Test the brain’s stress reflex further. Yes. One more time. Yes. Doctor, are you alright? Continue the experiment. I will be back soon. Doctor. Mr. Liu, he has no vital signs. Clean up the scene. Haifeng. Yes. I’m very sorry that this happened. Please don’t worry. We will definitely find out the cause. Mr. Liu Dao, send me the surveillance video immediately.

Got it. Please don’t worry and get back to work. Everyone, the cause of the accident has been identified. My assistant didn’t follow the standard operation and died of an electric shock accidentally. This is the end of the matter. May I have a look at the surveillance video?

Out of the respect for the deceased, I have sealed up the video. But, Doctor… There is one more thing I want to announce. The experiment has achieved its phased target. From now on, temporarily suspend the living octopus experiment. Katie, destroy the living sample right now to make sure our experiment stays confidential.

Wait a second. This is too cruel. It is a life. This is the order of Dr. Des. All the samples have to be destroyed. Can you just leave it out? Move away. No matter whose order it is, nobody is going to hurt it today. Don’t worry. As long as I’m here,

No one is going to harm you. Alright, then keep it. Everyone, retrieve and seal up all the experiment data, materials, and samples and send them to me. Get to work. I will help. Lian, it should be here. Someone is coming. Mr. Han. Mr. Han, it’s me. Mr. Han. Mr. Han. It’s really you.

Say it. Where did you hide the explosives? Where should I put it, Mr. Liu? Why would Liu Dao need so many explosives? Mr. Han, they said it was for the demolition of the old station. As for the truth, nobody knows. Except for Nana, he doesn’t believe anyone.

Lian, are they going to blow up the… Don’t jinx it. Mr. Han, I’m going to have a look. They are going to blow up the station, Mr. Han. No. Let him go. You are in no position to negotiate. Don’t move. Drop the knife. You were not part of the plan,

But you are here voluntarily. Liu Dao, why do you have to blow up the research station? Of course it’s for revenge. You and everyone else here are going to pay for my brother’s death. I will take full responsibility. It has nothing to do with the rest of them.

Take them to the confinement room. Yes, sir. Lian. Go. Hurry. [Double Helix] The octopus is killing people. Why would Dr. Des keep it a secret? Are you sleeping? What do you want to do? Let me out. Dear, enjoy the last minutes of your life. You wicked. If my father finds out about it, you won’t get away with it. It’s all because of your father. Anyway, my experiment is complete. This place will be blown up soon.

All the evidence will be gone, and you will soon disappear with the station as well. I don’t mind telling you my story. I used to love life science, I become Pondler Des. You killed the person who saved your life. Are you even human? Shut up! I have to stay alive. TCG is still running and people like your father are still alive. The experiment is a success. I’m going to take the result with me. It will never belong to TCG.

You are never studying the octopus for the benefit of human beings. You are doing it for yourself. TCG hires Chinese to do research even when they are against biological laws. It is just for commercial interest as well. So I’m going to take the result and leave your father with nothing.

The explosion is going to destroy all the evidence, but unfortunately, you are not going to witness the spectacular scene. Because after five minutes, you will be drowned to death. Goodbye, my dear Rosa. Yes. Let us out! Save your breath. This is super-reinforced glass. How can you break it when even bullets cannot? So we have to wait for our death here. I didn’t say that. Lian. Lian! What’s wrong? Look at that, Lian. Lian. The octopus mutated. Don’t worry.

It won’t get in here in a short time. Don’t be so nervous, alright? Relax. Move away. I can’t. Watch out. Miss Rosa, you are here just in time. Thank you. Let’s go. There’s something ahead. It’s fine. It’s just leaking. Let’s go. Doctor, it’s clear. You can come out. Well done, Mr. Liu.

Let’s go. Kill them. No, I’m out of ammo. Then what should we do? Han Lian, I know you are out of ammo. Get out. You have the opportunity to fight me one on one. Don’t go. You are going to die. That is our only chance. Han Lian. Step back. Hurry. Hurry!

The octopus mutated. Hurry! It mutated again. How are you, Rosa? Where did you hurt? Liu Dao, no matter how much you hate me now, if you want to get out here alive, we have to work with each other. Fine. You can’t run away anyway.

I will kill you as a tribute to my brother after killing the monster. It would have died already if your gun worked. What do you know? Follow me. Let’s go. Where did you get all the powerful weapons? Stop asking questions. Take some if you don’t want to die.

It’s not the bigger, the better. Take this one. It’s good for fighting from a close distance. Wait. I will go first. Will this work? Try the guided missile. Die. Follow me. Looks like it got away. It is sneaky. Be careful, everyone. Pay attention to the surrounding. Watch out. Let’s go. Liu Dao.

Liu Dao! Are you alright? I’m fine. Don’t worry. I knew Lian is better. Stop it. Lian, watch out. Lian. Are you alright? Are you okay? I’m good. Thank you. We are even. Watch out. There’s more behind. I got it. They are here on purpose for us to kill them.

The octopuses have the gene of humans. They are very intelligent. They have only one goal now. What is it? They came to help that giant octopus, wear us down, and make our ammo run low. I heard this sound three years ago when the station was destroyed. Here. Everything’s fine. I’ll go kill it.

Liu Dao. Are you out of your mind? I have to avenge my brother. Liu Dao. You’ll get yourself killed! Listen. I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way. You’re no exception! No. We don’t have enough ammo now. You’ll die! I don’t care! This safe house

Is the only place without any pipes at the station. The octopus can’t reach us. We’re safe for now. Liu Dao. Liu Dao. Are you okay? You blindsided me? He was saving your life. Liu Dao. It’s okay. I got you. Don’t be afraid. Don’t fire. It’s me. What a coincidence! We met again.

Seeing me alive must disappoint you a lot. You started to grow mutant octopuses three years ago. Tell me. Is that octopus also the product of your mutation research? Three years ago, at Station 6, I knew something was wrong, Did you see something black pass by just now? No. Prep emergency departure. Six to base. Six to base. Doc, something strange is going on at Station 6. Mr. Han, you heard that noise perhaps because the ocean currents have caused the fluctuations of the magnetic field. It’s normal. Just continue to monitor it. Okay.

You lied, didn’t you? Well… It went out of control. I didn’t mean for it to happen! I didn’t mean for it to happen! Calm down. So my brother died because of you! You fooled me into working for you! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You kept telling me my brother died

Because of TCG’s secret research. But in fact, you’re the culprit. Didn’t you take my money? This thing. You know what it can do, right? What’s that? Thirty seconds. Once he pushes that button, we’ll all be done for. Move. Go. It’s a mutant. Bullets can’t hurt it. Go! Nana. Nana. Liu Dao, help me!

Liu Dao. Liu Dao. Help me. Nana. It’s fine now. Let’s go. Let’s go home. I… I can’t stay with you anymore. I haven’t taken you to see the sea yet. Nana. I’m cold. It hurts. Shoot me now. No. No. I can’t do that. Put… Put… a bullet in me. Please end my pain.

It hurts so much. Do me a favor. Okay. Okay. Liu Dao. I love you. [Lock] Oh, no. All exits are sealed. That octopus is so smart. We have no option now. Go to the lab. Go. Let’s go. Liu Dao. Liu Dao. Lian. Han Lian. Don’t go over there. Liu Dao.

Let go of me! Liu Dao. Stay alive. Go. Han Lian. Han Lian. Lian! Go! Han Lian. Han Lian! We’ll die here anyway. Let’s fight them! Lian. You’re pretty handy, Mr. Han. You deserve to be the captain. Stay alive. Stay alive. Han Lian! Go. Go. Lian. Split up. Hurry. My leg is broken.

Help me. Come on. Let’s split up. Find an exit. Okay. I found a car. Wait for me! Wait for me! Wait… Where’s Qiang? The giant octopus was after us. Unfortunately, Qiang… What happened to him? He got killed by the octopus. What did you say? My… My leg is broken.

Please. I beg of you. Don’t leave me behind. Pull yourself together. After we get out of here, we’ll avenge Qiang. Get in the car. Don’t move. Han Lian. Move away. This car is mine now. Step back! Goodbye. Come here. You drive. Now. Let’s go. Keep driving. Don’t look back. Han Lian!

Lian, I’m coming for you! Lian. Get in! Now! Thank god. You’re alive. I was thrown into a tube. I’ve activated the bomb. Ten seconds left. What? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? What are you going to do? Seems like we have to use it now. What? Hold tight!

♪I thought we were meant to be, but we are not♪ ♪You left me scarred♪ ♪But letting go of you is so hard♪ ♪Maybe I’ll forget♪ ♪But I never manage to♪ ♪You walked into my heart♪ ♪I thought we’d never be apart♪ ♪But I’m all alone again♪ ♪I miss you so, so, so much♪

♪I miss you so, so, so much♪ ♪I stop finding excuses♪ ♪Missing you gives me the blues♪ ♪I miss you so, so, so much♪ ♪I love you so, so, so much♪ ♪I drop the act♪ ♪Missing you makes my face tear-streaked♪ ♪But I’ll forget you eventually♪ ♪Maybe I’ll forget♪ ♪But I never manage to♪

♪You walked into my heart♪ ♪I thought we’d never be apart♪ ♪But I’m all alone again♪ ♪I miss you so, so, so much♪ ♪I miss you so, so, so much♪ ♪I drop the act♪ ♪Missing you makes my face tear-streaked♪ ♪But I’ll forget you eventually♪ ♪I’ll forget you eventually♪