[نيران مستعرة]|Raging Fire|القناص الأسطوري يقاتل ضد خصم قوي!|أكشن|YOUKU

This is Binhai Police Department. I am reporting someone for drug trafficking. Hello, Commissioner Liu Captain Qi is on the truck we are following tight Yeah!Brother Kun! Yeah! Yeah! Bravo! kill him! You deserve it! You want to try it ah? kill him! Want to kill me for Yan kang? You get it first! Hello, 110

I am reporting a crime It is not Captain Qi Call the Criminal police department Go! Go! Go! Come on! Switch! One! Two! Three! Open the gate! Come on! This way! Brother Kun and Yu, please forgive my humble place Bottom up! Bottom up! Come on! Come on! Come this way, please! This way!

Look guys! Who we got here! Brother Kun and Yu Brother Kun and Yu Everyone got his piece! Thanks! Brother Yu! Bonus coming! Here you go! Thanks! Brother Yu! Your share! Thanks! Brother Yu! Brother Yu! Good girl! Two for you! Thanks! Brother Yu! Come on! Hurry up! Put it down! Ok, come here! Come here!

What do we do all these for? Be rich! Being rich means making more money! Seven days, you get it done for me, ok No problem! Let’s roll! Come on! Let’s roll! Inside! Against the wall! Brother Kun Please, this way It is our dosage plant here I’m not bragging!

Our stuff is absolutely the top 80% in the market! Perfect timing huh? Mommy, bad guy What is the mess?! I don’t know Brother Yu! Load it up!Load it up! Quick! Move!Move! Take cover! Take cover! There are too many of them! Take cover! Brother Kun, my men are still there!

Cease fire! Stray bullets are hurting us! You, go and check! Go in there! Go in there! Am I not heard! Go in there! Hold your fire! Police! Low your weapons! Fuck you! What’s up? Hi, we are just looking around. Wait a sec, I will get the key.

In the car! Put the gate down! Low your weapons! Brother Kun, here is the tunnel we leave, ok? I will find you! Go! Freeze! Don’t do it! Don’t! Don’t do it! Don’t do it! Hurry! Watch out! Brother Hei! Brother Kun and Yu there is an autoboat we can make it! Come! Quick!

Duan kun, what do you mean? The boat is just for two. Still alive? We got them? Nope How about Brother Hei? Greyhound Dead. They really are something, huh… Mud fish: Knife is sharp but overloaded, the blade is turned  (Duan kun has gone too far, the police shut his operation down)

Crocodile: There is many a good tune played on an old. fiddle. I will see you in a week.( The transaction will be done) come Look at this shit! It is bad! Really bad Take it easy Mud fish: Brother Kang, got something for me? The Fourth Character Pure one suit Hello,110.

I am reporting someone for drug trafficking It really hurts Brother Kun Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer the phone? I was on my way here. Hurry up! Hang in there. Where are the Anesthetics? Too much surveillance , I can’t find them. It’s killing me! Kun, please, just one toke, just one

Please, Kun! Tell crocodile, the transaction will be postponed for a few days. You kidding Brother Kun? -Things are totally out of control, what you still call me for? I am ok, I am great! Just tell crocodile that our deal is still on, just a few days.

Just leave when you still can, we’ve decided to work with Kang,I don’t want to hear from you anymore. Hello?Hello?Hello! Yan kang, I will kill you! How is he? I’ve taken the bullet, no damage to vital organs. Kun, i am begging you, Stop! Please! How much money left there? Kun,

You want to do it again? One last time, I promise, I will take them back, with interests! Trust me, one last time, one last time. Captain Qi. I am done here,Six You got it. bring another one in, Captain Qi How are we doing? We are good. Okey. Let’s go. Sister Min.

Don’t embarrass yourself, behave! Go Move him Sister Min. Brother Hei lost his leg. Ok, do your job. This is how you lead? Can’t protect your men! Qi Weibin, Look at him now! you bastard! Are you blind? Get out of the car! Come on, huh? Come on! Come on! Come on!

I will take this bottle, ok? Come on,get up, why we are here? You were drunk yesterday and you are too heavy for me. Come on Yes, it’s me. Qi weibin, where have you been? Yan kang is dead! Send me the address. Duty calls, I got to go. Take a taxi home, all right?

I will see you around It is not good. How could this happen? Thank you Where have you been? Later. Captain Qi, it has been a long time. There are drugs involved in this case we need help from Narcotics bureau. The victim is Yan kang, we got here on the call asap.

Who did it? Still working on it, but he should have be kidnapped then brought here, as far as we know from the trails. Suspects disappeared after killing him, we don’t have cameras all over here. Let me see. By all means. How many fingerprints? Three, DNA matching is running. Where are the stuff? Where!

Talk! If I tell you where are they? Would you let me go? Talk! Talk! Talk! Behind the buddha shrine! Captain Qi, DNA matching is done. Who is it? Duan kun and Duan yu. Go. According to recent investigation, the victim, Yan kang, local resident, with a long history of drug abuse.

3 years behind the bar for armed fighting, after which, started doing logistic business. He made the call and compromised the factory which Duan Brothers run to kick them out in their competition for the same provider, the Crocodile, not hard to tell. Crocodile How much do we know about that mud fish, brief us.

Mud fish speaks for the Crocodile and is responsible for his schedule, that’s why the Crocodile is mysterious to everyone. Before the Duan brother, it is mud fish who talked to Yan kang all the time. Ok, we start with mud fish. A week later Who’s speaking? It’s me. How do you get my number?

Stop waiting Yan kang, i got his stuff. Brother Kun, you really got something, no problem, I will make the call now. Kun, how is it going? It’s done! It’s done! It’s done! Brother Kun, Happy birthday Kun. I wish I can be rich! I wish I am richer than you!

Don’t worry, you will be rich, all of you! That one in the middle, and those on the right and left, they will be ours all! You happy? Yes, I am happy. Then I will get you more. Let’s go Yu What are you doing? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this?

Why are you doing this? Why? Why are you doing this? Kun! Kun, it is my fault! Why are we doing this? Why! Pleas, don’t hurt him! Taking drugs! Do it again! You Bastard! The only thing you know is beating him, it changes nothing! It is because of you he is doing this.

Kun, just stop, please! One last time, one last time, ok? One last time. Captain Qi, the mud fish is a slickhead and hide himself well, but we got news that he goes quite close with a guy named Wang ding these days. Put on some disguise tonight, get to Wang ding first.

Come with me! Make way! Quick Move, make some way! Hello Captain Qi! Captain Qi! Fuck me! Find him? Nope. Let me enjoy your pretty face! Who are you! Police! Stay where you are! Captain Qi! Behave! Captain Qi! Wake up, It really hurts Captain Qi Wang ding confessed that he talks to mud fish

But only single sided. Mud fish goes to the Ancestral Temple to worship every 1st and 15th of the lunar month, it is our only chance. Jump higher! Bravo! Fantastic! Excellent! Dinner time, get up! Captain Qi, yours. Finally! Luo cheng,  yours! Sister Min, here is yours What is that? Why hers only? What’s this?

Your cake, just take it. I want that, too! Where is my box? Oh, yours, it’s here, my fault. Really that funny, huh? I want that, too! I want to eat some cake! All right, that’s it, just eat! I want to eat some cake, too! No cakes, you want this or not? Why?

Why just two burgers for me but no cakes? Those are what you asked. Look at them! You want them or not? I will take them back if you don’t! Of course I do, ok, ok, ok! Captain Qi, your wife again? Just eat! Just stick to your burgers, ok? Everyone got your cares

But me, I am so jealous! Take them OK! or leave them to me! Better than nothing! Come on guys, hurry up! Start eating! Aren’t you on a diet? Stay away from my burgers! Qi weibin ! Easy! How are we doing? The same old routine. Wake up, work time! Captain Qi,

He will not show up, will he? It is already 24 hours. Just keep your eyes open. That one will do, they are the same vehicles, for seven! It is! All right, all right! I’ve stayed up the whole night and even missed the worship, just for you! what do you want from me more?

All right, all right! I will get you a GL8 before sunset! Hello, yes, car rental here. Mud fish! There is something I need your favor for, the thing is… Freeze! Is that… Go! Split! Go! Roger Let me see where you can go! Didn’t see him Mud fish. Where he could be? Freeze!

Stay where you are! In the car! Move! Sister Min! Sister Min! get in! Come on! Come on! You psychopath! I give up! I give up! You animal! You know these two, right? Girls! Girls are my favorite! You mad? You look better this way! Shut up! How about this one?

I don’t want to talk to you, I want to talk to her. You should know this one, you took pictures. Come on! that is a composite, ok? Makes me look terrible, I am a good-looking guy. Then whey were you running? You were chasing me, all right? It looked like you were robbing me!

That police officer you got is an animal, he beat me, I will sue him, I will sue… Another nice girl huh, you are shining on me! My advice is that you cooperate. We can do our job without you, for sure. Things will be different if you turn yourself in. What if he won’t?

He will have to stay behind the bar when alive, won’t he? When can I get my stuff? You kept me waiting, move it ok? That Japanese smuggle, you want them or not? Shut up! The police have my phone! Idiot! It is the police! No! Please! Please don’t answer! Don’t!You can’t do this to me!

Don’t be an asshole! You scumbag! Scumbag…! Scumbag…! Xia, get them informed. Ok, on it. Hello, Put this in. Narcotics Bureau. Ye zi, Chen, how is everything? You ready? Yes, we ready. Ok, got it. How are things going? Ready. Captain Qi, they met you before, you sure about this?

-No problem, it was all black that day, they couldn’t have -seen my face! No kidding? You bet. How do I look? Stinky, just go! Come on! Let’s go! Yes! Come on! What? It is your birthday today, happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you! Clock is ticking, move! go! go!

Happy birthday to you! Put it down. Leave them alone. It ’s not quite convenient to take her to the field, isn’t it? Later in the evening, ok? Ok! From what we learned from mud fish, he haven’t met the Duan brothers and the crocodile, nobody has met nobody. The crocodile in particular,

Trust mud fish’s number only. The crocodile will call the Duan brothers at 2:00 pm today to confirm The Duan brothers are very clever, they want to make the deal in downtown commercial area -we need to make sure civilians are well protected all the -time. Dose it taste good? Look at here!

Who are you? what your problem! Hello, brother Kun, brother Kun, yes, I am here, where are you? I am here, too. I can’t see you. Second floor. Second floor? Which one?… Here! Here I am! Brother Kun, here I come. Qi… Hot girl! Hot girl! Hot girl! Brother Kun, Brother Kun! Brother Yu!

You look familiar, do I know you? You must be joking! You are the big shot! I am just a nobody who has to be invisible and work hard all day long! The stuff is here? Brother Kun… Take my number: 13634566543 Done? It is quick! Where? Brother Yu, Brother run, where will it be?

Brother Yu, show some mercy ok? Brother Yu, where are we heading now? where are we heading now? Too many people here,  it’s a bad idea, isn’t it? Look…Brother Yu… Brother Yu, Brother Yu, There! The chick! What chick? Long hair, black suit. black suit. Do better next time, ok?

You son of a bitch! Freeze! Freeze! Let go of her! Lay the girl down! Shoot me! Shoot me! Come at me! Put down! Put down! Put the girl down! Put down! Come on! Shoot me! Come on! Put down! Help! Pull them out of here! Move!Move! Go! Faster! Faster! Chen Min!

Back Captain Qi up! Ye zi, watch them out! Copy! Are you ok? Make way! Make way please! Lin lin! Police! Lin lin! Stop shooting! Go away! Freeze! You! Don’t move. Hands up! I am talking to you! Hands up! Or I will shoot you! Watch out! Wang hui! Wang hui! Wang hui!

Wang hui! Stay with me! Stay with me! Wang hui! Stay with me! You will be ok! The second floor, help! Call an ambulance! Now! Now! Don’t sleep, stay with me! Help… Wang hui! Wang hui! Qi weibin, Qi weibin, the second floor, help… Qi weibin, the second floor help… the second floor

The second floor, help. Call an ambulance, help… Wang hui… Xia, find that car as fast as you can! Dong, I am listening Waiting for your signal, I will take him down on it! Could just stop smoking? Stop smoking! Why? You can do that today! What’s wrong with you! I am good! Nobody smokes

But you! You are the Captain, you can’t smoke! What’ wrong with that? It my birth right! You don’t have that right! No smoking here! Why do you still do that? Why? It has been there for centuries, I smoke here every single day, What makes it different today?

 I said you just can’t smoke here today! You can’t! Where have you been! Where have you been! Lin lin was hit by the car, It is very possible the Duan brothers! Stop crying! Why are you doing this? Find that car! Wang hui is gone! Wang hui is gone! Find that driver! Find him!

Copy! Captain Qi! Open it! The key! Captain Qi! Calm down! Give me the key! Open the fucking gate! Hit me! Come on! Come! I talk to them! I talk to them! You are all dead! You are all dead! All of you! All of you! Captain Qi! All of you! Qi weibin! Go away!

Captain Qi! Out! All of you! Captain Qi! Look at you! You are a police officer! Lost your mind on two small drug dealers? Shame on you! Wang hui is gone, I too, want revenge, Go and get the bastards if you can! Stop playing tough here! You, you, and you, you can make it.

Just two small drug dealers, that’s what we are now? You can do this. Stop crying, let’s do this! Back to work! Dear comrades, The Duan brothers’ mob has posed enormous threat on the safety of people’s life and property in our city these days. Decision has been made by the city office

To set up a special task force with Qi weibin taking the lead and the synchronizing of all units. The tumor must be cut out within a weak Code name: Fury Police! Freeze! Take it easy, sure thing… Don’t move! Narcotics Bureau, you need to come with us. Taking me?

I need to see the search warrant! You will see it when you get down here! It is short. Just a little bit… Just a little bit. A little bit? You said this last time, too! Give it back to me! I beg you! Give the money back to me! Please! Being tough huh?

Beg you! Freeze! Stop! Let go of me! Let go of me! Kun, take these two shirts with you, nothing we know about the weather there, just in case. Yes, and you don’t fancy spicy food there. People said the night fair there is wonderful, we can go all together.

Kun, we really have to go? Hello, it is Crocodile, see you 3 days later,  we do it by the river. We can stay, right? I am on it! Hi, You are a cop, right? It’s been 3 months Mother should be there when the baby comes to see the world. Could you just quit?

One last time. Could you just stay, for me? I’ll be back. Meeting room, now! What happened? Bai ling turned herself in. Talk to the Marine police Xia, make sure things go right on internet surveillance Copy! Narcotics Bureau Crocodile, you old man, that is totally unexpected! Got the stuff? Surrender! Surrender! Dock the boat!

Kun, what do we do now? Hang on! They are using modified boats, go and get them! Full speed! Surrender! Dock the boat! Surrender now! Dock the boat! Don’t give up huh? Again huh? Run. Why don’t you just run now! Move on! Take cover! Ye zi! Ye zi!

I got it here, just get Duan kun! Kun, Kun, I can do this anymore! Just run! Kun, where to? What do we do now? Just Jump! Jump? I got acrophobia! I will do it first! Kun! Be careful! Kun! Just do it! Kun, I just can’t! Jump now! I just can’t! Yu! Yu!

Duan kun! Still alive? You too I can do this myself, your prisoner is in there, go get him Some small drug dealers, my ass! You really want me to do this myself huh? Salute! Look at Lin lin, she just won’t listen! You need to talk to her! Get me the cabbage.

She won’t listen to me, you should do your job as a father! I don’t understand what’s good in it for her to fall in love with that guy, we are too good to him after all. We can do nothing about it, she’ll learn. You bet. Leave it to me

It’s ok, this way, this way Sit here, the crutch… Take it easy easy… How are you doing? I am fine, much better The hospital is nice, why don’t you stay there? Then how can I see you there? I brought you this,  try it

You forget I am not a fan of dessert, don’t you? After all these time? Sorry, my fault! Easy, I will take it… What are your parents thinking about us exactly? I don’t know. Say something! You know my job… too dangerous… I don’t even know… that some day…Shut up, you don’t say that! But…

What if they say no! They won’t. You sure? Eat the cake Tastes good? It is good. Ok, I will buy you more