[أسطورة صياد جبل شينغآن 2: غابة التناسخ] |Xing’an Mountain Hunter Legend 2|إثارة/رعب/مغامرة|YOUKU

[Rouge Ditch in Xing’an Mountain had been producing gold] [ever since the emperor was a child.] [You have to cross Dajianggang’s swamp if you want to get to Rouge Ditch.] [Are you asking me how to cross the swamp?] [You had to wait until winter and cross it when the muddy ground was frozen.]

Why isn’t there a single soul here? [Most of the gold diggers come from other places.] [They need to work hard for an entire year.] [Even so, there was only one path they could take to bring their gold home.] They want to go home? Screw them. They can go to the afterlife instead.

[It was chaotic back then.] [Master San was robbing people together with his sworn brother, Feng Guizheng.] [They robbed gold diggers on their way down the mountain every winter.] [The gold diggers had to leave their gold there, or they would die.] Mushroom. Which path are you taking? How much are you willing to pay?

I was wondering who it was. Boss, it must’ve been tough. So, do you still remember me? You played in front of my house when you were a little boy. Stop trying to relate to me! Leave the money behind since you know we have a rough time out here. Boss,

We’re really not gold diggers. Don’t believe me? Take a look. My father just passed away. However, our ancestral grave is in another town. I was trying to bring his body back so that I could bury him to put him to rest. [Gold diggers came up with all kinds of ridiculous ideas]

[in order to bring their gold out of the mountain.] [Some wrapped their gold in pork intestines and swallowed them.] [Some stored their gold in small gourds and stuffed it in their buttocks.] [Some even drew lots to decide who should die by suicide] [so that they could hide the gold inside the dead body.]

[They had no choice.] Good. Since your father has passed away, allow my brothers and me to admire his magnificent face. San. Big Brother. It’s time for the old man to take a breath. I heard that celestial beings that were reaching the high level would morph themselves to avoid the lightning ordeal.

And they would attain enlightenment once the coffin entered a temple. Is it true? How would I know? I just heard it from someone else. So? Do you intend to head to Rouge Ditch? We need to make a living. We have to head there. What happened to your Master San after that?

Stop asking questions. Eat up your food. The carriage will be here soon. There’s nowhere else we can get meat this cheap. Do you know why the meat in this village is so cheap? Didn’t you check out the surroundings when you entered the village? [Rumor has it that the villagers here offended something ferocious.]

[Therefore, the villagers and their livestock here] [had been dying for no reason.] [No one knows why.] It’s because you have nothing else to do. Stop making up nonsense. Who’s making up nonsense? Tell me. How did they die? What has that got to do with you?

The carriage is here. Are you guys leaving or not? Let’s go. Let’s leave. Come on, then. Hurry up. I haven’t finished my food yet. It’s almost dawn. Let’s leave. Let me join your journey. Sure. It’s coming! It’s coming! It’s coming! You guys! Tell me your names! It’s Shunshui!

[Xing’an Mountain Hunter Legend 2: Reincarnation Forest] [Half a year ago,] [it happened half a year ago, Master Liu.] [Si and Zhang Er were drunk back then.] [But no one expected something that bizarre to happen.] Listen! Look at this land owned by my family. What’s wrong? Si, what’s wrong? Just look at you.

♪The plate lacks♪ ♪A boneless fish♪ Excellent singing. Sing another one for me. What’s wrong? Are you hungry? Why don’t I treat you to some fish? The fish I make is… [Play the jackal to the tiger] Those who were eaten by the tiger would turn into malevolent spirits.

If a malevolent spirit wishes to be reborn, it can only lure another person to the tiger and let it consume him. That’s the origin of the saying, “To play the jackal to the tiger”. Aren’t there hunters here? Where are they? I suppose you’re talking about Shi. The tiger killed him. Master Liu,

Is Hunter Shi the one who wrote to us seeking help? Master Liu, you know this too. Crayfish Village is the last village you stop by before you reach Rouge Ditch. We depend on passers-by to sustain our living. However, this incident happened. Now, no one dares to visit us. Precisely.

That scourge visits us from time to time. It visits us so often that it’s ruining our village. Master Liu, now that Shi is dead, we can only pin our hopes on you. Liu! Shi, why did you come back? You’re digging your own grave here! The village is right down there.

There are children in the village! What’s on your mind? I’m thinking about what to inscribe on my tombstone after my death! Is it worth it? Since they took care of me, I have to repay the favor! Isn’t that virtuous? And I hope to make one last bet! What kind of bet?

A bet on my life! Liu, it’s just like what you said. Everything has a soul, indeed. We saved its life when an earthquake struck two years ago. Today, it’s here to repay our favor. You once told me that there was an excessive amount of wolves here five years ago.

You and Master Shi repelled the pack of wolves. He was a great guy. Look at what’s inscribed on the back of his tombstone. There’s nothing on it. It’s just a piece of wood. Where are you going? I’m going to find something for me to inscribe something on it. That scourge!

That scourge is dead! Master Liu, you said the tiger in the mountain possessed sagacity. That old tiger will even rub the urine of deer that consumed shaggy mane on its body. So, the malevolent spirit that people saw. Was it their hallucination after being affected by the urine? You talk like a book.

I don’t get what you mean. I only know that animals in the forest cherish their lives. They will hide from people unless people provoke them. Does that mean the villagers provoked the tiger in the first place? Why are you hitting him? Master Shi was killed by the tiger! So, you know Hunter Shi?

Of course he knows him. Shi was the one who brought this silly kid back from the mountains. He would’ve been dead without Shi’s help. Buddy, how exactly did Shi Yongchang die? Stop asking. I don’t know, either. He’s dead! Don’t go after him unless you want to tie him up. Master Liu,

What should we do next? Don’t go outside. Come inside. Buddy, I thought Master Liu already prepared an ambush. Why is he making the villagers do this? Master Liu said the tiger has a keen sense of smell. Burning mugwort can render him unable to detect the scent of humans

Just in case Master Liu can’t prevent it from entering the houses. We don’t have enough braziers. Light the stove again. Buddy! Buddy, that’s enough. We won’t be able to stay here if you keep this up. Father, will this even work? Stop spouting nonsense! I’m only resorting to this in order to protect you!

Hurry and go back. Tiger God, please protect me. Tiger God, please protect me. Every debt has its debtor. Every debt has its debtor! Tiger God, please protect me! Tiger God! Go back. It’s coming! Tiger God, please protect me! Tiger God! The scourge is here! The scourge is here! What are you doing?

Why did you come outside instead of staying at home? The scourge! You won’t understand even if I tell you. I just dare not stay at home alone. I wonder if Master Liu can… I wonder if he can… What? Are you hungry? I still have some steamed buns left. Here. Take it.

Just take it. The scourge! The scourge is here! Don’t come near me! It wasn’t me! I know my fault now! Please spare me! I know my fault now! Don’t force me! Hurry and hide. Hurry up. Hide well. Have you made up your mind? No one can rescue you all the time.

What exactly happened in this village? It was all my fault. I had no choice either! Come out. Come out. Come out. Everything’s fine now. You guys can come out. Father! Father! Father! It’s the tiger! Run! Run! Master Liu, help! Master Liu, it killed my wife! Father! Master Liu!

What’s the deal with that cellar? I don’t know anything! Father! Father! Master Liu! Master Liu, please save my child! Look at the situation you’re in. You still don’t want to tell me the truth? We shouldn’t have killed them! You infuriate me to no end! Dahu, what are you doing? Master Shi, it’s nothing.

This fool is sick in the head. And he stepped on my feet. Does that mean you can bully him? Why are you still bullying him since you know he’s a fool? Zhao Dahu, are you taking it out on that fool after losing money again? Get up. You better scram.

Are you tired of living? Do you believe that I’ll cut off your tongue? What are you looking at? All of you, scram! You little brat! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you! Father! Stop running away! I’ll retaliate if you hit me again! You little brat! How dare you try to retaliate? I’ll kill you!

I’ll kill you! Father, stop hitting me! -You little brat! -Stop hitting me! I’ll kill you! What are you doing? That’s our son, you know? You want to kill him? Why don’t you kill me too? I don’t want to live anymore! What do you know? He just picked up the habit of gambling, huh?

He gambled our house away! What should I do now? Even so, you shouldn’t hit him! I gave birth to him. Tell me then! What do you want me to do? Where will we live from now on? You’re helpless when your gambling addiction starts kicking in. Zhao Dahu,

You want to win your house back? It’s not as easy as you think. Song, that’s enough. You won the most money today. Today? I always win the most money whenever I come here. Zhao Dahu, have you told your father about the house yet?

Do you need my brother, Song Laodiao, to explain what happened to him? West Wind. Even so, you can’t just hit him with a broom! It’s getting late! Even so, he hasn’t returned yet! Listen! I won’t let you off if anything happens to our son! He wouldn’t act like this

If you didn’t spoil him! Everything is fine. I won’t let anything happen to you. Everything is fine. We’ve sinned! We’ve sinned! I’m still the second-in-rank, you know? That’s right. Here, take a sip. What’s wrong? What’s the matter? Run! We saw nothing. We saw nothing at all. Please spare us. Don’t come near us.

Spare us! Don’t kill me! Amitabha. So, you guys were the jackals to the tiger. I know I’ve sinned! However, I only have one son! Song Laodiao was asking me for his brother! I can’t just tell him that my son killed his younger brother! That’s why you framed the tiger. How should I know

That Song Laodiao would seek revenge against the tiger? I had no choice but to bring him up the mountain! Nonsense! Shi Yongchang was a royal hunter. He would never allow you to do that. How exactly did he die? The scourge! He was killed by the scourge! Master Shi? Master Shi? We’re in trouble.

That’s a black tiger. According to the legend, black tigers can locate gold mines. The storyteller said so. The black tiger that doesn’t roar is the Tiger God’s mount! We struck it rich! We actually found a gold mine among these tiger cubs!

I’m sure we can earn plenty of money if we sell it to the Chamber of Commerce. What’s with the long face? The incident is already over. What should we do? All these tiger cubs are dead. What else can we do? Shi said the tiger possessed sagacity.

We were safe for the past few years, all thanks to it. Now, we’ve killed all of its cubs. The tiger will definitely seek revenge against us. Don’t listen to his nonsense. Pigs can fly if that tiger does possess sagacity. Dahu! Dahu! Dahu! I’ll break your tooth! What are you doing? -You! -Dahu!

What are you doing? Shi! He didn’t do anything to irk you! He was just killing animals! Shi, the tigers were eating humans. We… Nonsense! Tigers would never eat humans without reason. Did the tiger even hurt the villagers all these years? This won’t do. Listen up! No one is allowed to do this

As long as I’m still alive! Release the cub immediately! If not, the scourge will destroy our village! Did I show you too much respect? What a stupid hunter. How dare you lecture the village chief? The village didn’t keep you here so that you could speak up for the scourge! Did you know that?

Dahu! Shi! Dahu is insensible! Please spare him! Mother! I’ve spent my entire life interacting with the forest. Release it immediately. It’s not too late. Hurry! Dahu! What have you done? He lost his mind. He was digging his own grave. This has nothing to do with me. Mother! Why is Father such a coward?

Father! Tell him to save me! Dahu! Master Liu! Please! You want me to save your child? Who will save its cubs, then? Master Liu! What about the poor souls in the cellar? Didn’t they have children too? What about the cubs? What about them? Master Liu! Master Liu, I’m begging you! Dahu! Dahu! Dahu!

Dahu! It’s too late. You broke the law of the forest. Dahu! Dahu! Master Liu, you told me this story before. You said the tigers in the mountains possess sagacity. [Maybe Master Liu forgot the fact] [that he did tell me] [the tiger who survived the longest] [possessed sagacity.] [They wouldn’t eat humans easily.]

[They would protect the gold diggers and ginseng seekers instead.] [They’re known as Veterans of the Mountain.] [I heard that the tiger] [never appeared again] [after the crook in Crayfish Village died.] [That’s how the story was passed down.] [Rumor has it that those who were frozen to death] [had smiles on their faces.]

[Did you know why?] [Dajianggang is a sinister place.] [The incident that night] [terrified them so badly that they ran like headless chickens.] [However, they were met with a gale.] [They got lost in Dajianggang.] Big Brother, there’s actually a house over here. I can see that. Let’s go. You guys are very lucky.

Our master is kind and charitable. If not, you guys would’ve frozen to death out there. God is blind! Great-Grandfather, please rest in peace! The master’s great-grandfather passed away recently. Old Madam is too upset to greet any guests. Over here, please. We’ve prepared some food and drinks. Eat and rest well.

Our household has been quite chaotic lately. You guys shouldn’t go outside at night. All right. Big Brother, it’s all ours! Look at all the gold! Move out of the way. We’re going to be rich! Big Brother. Big Brother. It’s pure gold! [Turn Back Before It’s Too Late] Where’s the tobacco? Please stop smoking.

I have to. I have to suppress my urge with it. We’re out of tobacco. I’ll buy some for you when I buy medicine for you tomorrow after it stops snowing. You brat! Seems like we have to stay in Zuoyingdian for a few days. We’ll depart once I’m ready.

Veteran Feng from the Rouge Ditch is still waiting for us. This won’t do. The snow is too heavy. We have to wait it out. Your body can’t take it. I’m old now. Age has caught up to me. You jobless brat. How long do you plan to pester me? Who said I was jobless?

Don’t forget. I’m a reporter. I’ll leave once my book is filled. Besides, I thought you wanted to show me the magnificence of the forest this time around. You and your nonchalant attitude. I think I’ll sleep through the night after taking my medicine. Keep an eye on the people outside the house. Don’t worry.

Just go to sleep. I’m a grown-up, you know? No matter how old you are, you’re always a newbie to me. [Master Liu has fallen ill.] [It has been snowing for three days.] [He said he doesn’t hunt during snowy days.] [The cold weather makes it tough for all beings, including animals.]

[The animals need time to live and breathe too.] [In the swampland of Dajianggang,] [only this simple shop, which was located at Twelfth Pan Zuoyingdian,] [was offering accommodation.] [There’s a large number of wild hares here.] [Therefore, birds of prey thrive here.] [Besides us,] [there are two groups of people in the shop.]

[One group consists of monks who intend to conduct a religious rite in Rouge Ditch.] [The other group consists of gold diggers who are heading to Rouge Ditch.] [And…] Brat, how was my story? Call me Master, and I’ll continue my story. Forget it. My master can tell the same story too.

He knows about the story of Water Margin too. Master, am I right? Copy the Heart Sutra ten times as punishment. Huh? So, Master San still died in the end, huh? Isn’t it obvious? Hunter, what’s that in your hands? This is a camera. It’s a tool that can capture our shadows. Stop talking nonsense.

How could you capture a human’s shadow? Who are you trying to deceive? You should stop spouting nonsense too. Ghosts don’t exist. Buddy, are you interested in her? She’s cheap. 50 cents per session. What are you looking at? Do you have money in your pocket? I brought you guys out here to make money.

We haven’t done anything yet. And now, you want to buy the prostitute’s service? It’s cheap. If you have the time to enjoy yourself, you should listen to this guy’s nonsensical story. What do you mean by nonsensical? You guys better believe it.

Do you guys know why this shop is located in this particular spot? Why? To make a living. I bought it one year ago. If so, do you guys know why this shop changes owners all the time? It’s because something terrible happened here during its early years. Speaking of that incident,

It happened when I was still a kid. [Due to my poor family background,] [I hung around with gold diggers when I was still a kid.] [I was only 12 years old back then.] [I spent all of my energy digging gold.] [I was following the gang]

[as we made it out of the ditch alive with our gold intact.] [However, just when we thought we could proceed safely] [after avoiding the bandits,] [we encountered something supernatural in Zuoyingdian.] Who are you? What are you doing here? I came from the mountains! Some crooks abducted me! You managed to escape from them.

Why didn’t you go home? Why are you crying instead? I’m crying because… I’m crying because I won’t be able to survive! The old man in the mountains will come and eat me tonight! I can’t escape from him! What are you saying? He’s here! He’s here! He’s here! Please take a look.

This ginseng is very rare. Although one of its roots fell off, it’s at least four liang. I risked my life for this. This is an excellent piece of ginseng. Of course. However, one of its roots fell off. I’m confident that it’s at least four liang. All right. I won’t beat around the bush.

Give me a price. No way. That’s all I can offer. That won’t do. The deal is off. Fine. All right then. You got the better deal here. Boss, the food is ready. Let’s get up. Time to eat. Let’s go. Time to eat. Get up. Let’s go! [Besides us, there were four ginseng seekers]

[who stayed in the same shop with us that day.] [Since I was busy digging in, I didn’t think about the strange dream I had.] [But when we were eating,] [someone came inside.] [He was very tall.] [He had a slender figure, too.] [The guy sat down and stared at us motionlessly after coming inside.]

[After that, we went to sleep after finishing our meal.] [Maybe I slept too much before that.] [I couldn’t sleep on that night no matter how I tried.] [I was reminded of that kid whenever I closed my eyes.] [I didn’t know how much time had passed.] [But suddenly…] [One is lacking.]

[I was destined to survive.] [Luckily, two Ewenki hunters passed by.] [One of them shot the black-clothed freak with his arrow.] [After that, the two Ewenki hunters told me] [that the strange bird was a black eagle] [that transformed into a spirit on the mountains a few years ago.]

[It seeks victims on every 13th of the eleventh lunar month.] [The black eagle was practicing the ways of evil.] [Gold is the only material that counters it in the world.] [That’s why the hunters hunted it with golden arrows.] Now, you guys know why this shop changes owners all the time.

You guys would have no idea had I not told you this story. You intend to bring bad luck to me, huh? Are you jinxing me? Why should I? Did you think I wanted to tell that story? It’s all because it’s snowing heavily out there, and I can’t walk normally.

If not, I would’ve left with the troupe actors long ago! Did you think I wanted to stay here? You can leave then! Say that again? Boss, please bear with him. Calm down. It’s just a casual conversation. Why did you take it seriously? Sit down. Even I didn’t take it seriously.

No one would stay here if there was no gold mine nearby. I thought Sun Jinxi volunteered to come. That’s right. Zhou, how long do you plan to stay in Rouge Ditch for your gold dust purchase? That’s none of your business. You can’t shut up even when you’re eating, huh?

What’s with all the questions? Master, I need to take a leak. Come on, little monk. I’ll bring you to the loo. Hunter, it’s dangerous out there. I’ll be fine. Little monk, let’s go. You better don’t blame me for not reminding you. What’s so dangerous about it? What’s that? Master, I’m scared!

What is that? A monster! It’s a monster! A monster! Hunter, have you lost your mind? -Let go of me! -You mustn’t go outside! -Master Liu is still sleeping inside! -You’re digging your own grave here! Someone, lend me a hand! Let go of me! Drag him back! Old monk, the monster is coming!

Please save us! Hurry! What should we do? Buddy! Buddy, don’t drag us down with you! Pull him back! Everyone, listen to me! Gold is the only material that counters it. The Ewenki hunters used golden arrows to hurt it. Zhou, I thought you were planning to do business in Rouge Ditch!

Boss, please spare us some money! Our survival is more important! I don’t have any money! Boss, come on! This is all I have! Money won’t work! We need pure gold! That’s what I intend to purchase when I’m there! I don’t have any gold with me! Zhou, you’re a businessperson. Everyone knows

That you need to have gold bars before you can turn them into gold dust. Look at the situation we’re in! Why are you still hiding your gold bars? I’m not! Our survival is more important! Just take them out! Zhou, just take them out! Look at how many people we have here! You! Enough.

I’ve been knocking for so long. Why don’t you open the door? You’re not a monster? Brother, what are you talking about? Who’s a monster? I’m human. Hilarious. So you took me as a killing monster. I was petrified. We’re not timid. It’s your fault. That crappy story of yours has caused such trouble.

Brother, what do you do for a living? Where are you from in such bad weather? You bastard. Give me back my pipe. What do I do for a living? Now you know. Boss. Wait. Did they think only monsters would kill? What are you looking at? This is the famous Song Laodiao,

The boss of Mount Sandao, in Rouge Ditch. Boss, how did we do this time? We got them all easily. Good. Otherwise, these businessmen won’t give in. The night is young. It’s quite cold. Let’s have a little chat. Little girl, you seem pretty bold. Why such a straight face? Aren’t you afraid of death?

My whole family died. The human traffickers brought me here. I got nothing to fear. Interesting. Boss Song, that Old Yu was shot by his own man. This little girl lost her master. Why don’t you be her new master? You can sleep with her tonight. I’ll sing you a ballad. Please spare my life.

Is this appropriate? My brother hasn’t been dead for long. And you said it’s a good thing? Tell me if he deserves this shot. Stop screaming, or I’ll finish you! I miss my younger brother. He never lost a gamble in his life. But his last game cost him his life.

Let’s do it this way. You take a gamble too. There are seven chopsticks in the pot. Only one is cut by me with a knife. If you’re unlucky and draw this chopstick… You know what I mean? Who goes first? Me. Stop fighting. Give me one. Your leg is injured.

Come, let me help you. Draw it now. Everybody gets one. So? Who’s the winner? Me! I have it. Kid, do you think I’m blind? Why would you die for someone else? I used to sleep while I was in school. I missed what my teacher taught me. Later, when I went into the mountains,

I saw a lot of wild animals protecting weaklings. They say humans are better than animals. If animals can do this, so can humans. Good. You got balls. Take a look at him. Boss, do you think… This is what we’re gonna do. Keep this lad alive. Bury the rest with my younger brother.

Why do you say so? Didn’t you say we drew lots? Yeah. We will do it. But the boss didn’t say the winner must die. We’re doomed. Before I finish smoking this cigarette, whoever has the lot will live. To hell with it! My wife is pregnant. I can’t do this.

I gotta accumulate virtue for my kid. Are you sure about that? You still have time to snatch it. Don’t you wanna live? I do. But this brother was right. Even animals protect the weak ones. We can’t be worse than animals. Little monk, my name is Chen San. Keep that in mind.

When I’m dead, chant scriptures for me from time to time. I’ll be satisfied if I can be born into a good family. Enough. What nonsense is this? Stop pretending to be saints. You’re the nonsense. You never meant to let us go. Why bother with this lot drawing anyway? Not fun.

You saw it through. This is not fun. Kill them all. Amitabha. You seem eager to meet your maker, old monk. A flower in the northwestern dark sky. All forest outlaws are brothers in arms. Although we don’t share the same parents, we’re still family, no matter how separated we are.

A wall on the road of the rogue ones only blocks the wind but not the peers. There’s honor among thieves, and brotherhood lasts forever. A senior, huh? Tell me your family name. It’s Feng. Old boss. We’re in the same business. Are you thirsty or hungry? Drink if you’re thirsty. Eat if you’re hungry.

I’ll give you a cigarette if you’re neither. Smoke it on the bed. I won’t kill you. I know I’ve sinned too much. I’ve purified my body and mind for many years. Boss Song, please kindly spare them. Don’t commit any more sins. Otherwise, there shall be karma. What sins are you talking about?

You don’t accept my respect, do you? I respected you for being a senior, but you’re lecturing me? Old man, tell me then, what sin had my younger brother committed that he had to be eaten by a tiger? Don’t you believe in karma? Aren’t you a Buddhist? Go outside and build a snowman.

If the snowman doesn’t melt in the fire, I’ll believe your nonsense and release you all. Boss Song, do you mean it? Of course. Go ahead. Master. Old master. Master! Master! Master! Let go of me. Go on. You’ve been a good Buddhist for life. Why has karma landed on you? Master!

Let go of me. Master Liu. Save the injured. Master! Old Master. Karma… Master! Master! What was he saying? Master. He said karma. Don’t be sad. Remember how Master Lu Zhishen died? Now I’m like him. Before I was born, who am I? When I was born, who am I? After living through this life,

I now finally know who I am. Let go of me. Let go of me. -Enough. -Let go of me. Just repent, and salvation is at hand. Repent what? Let go. I didn’t expect you to come today. I’ll settle this score with you another day. Lay down your gun. Let go of the kid.

I’ll let you go. You think I’ll believe you? Lay down your gun! Lay it down! I repeat. Let him go. He’s just a child. Don’t push me. So what if I do? Watch out! Stop fooling me. One more word and… Later, Master Liu said he never saw that weird eagle before, either.

Zuoyingdian is known for its birds of prey. Maybe it’s because too many dead bodies in the courtyard attracted the weird bird. But I prefer the last words of the old monk. Maybe there truly is karma in this world. Later, when I asked Master Liu if I was right.

Master Liu didn’t answer the question. He just said that this thing didn’t happen the first time in the forest and will occur again. Have you decided? I got no family. From now on, this kid will be my family. Go to Nianhua Village. Just tell the village chief you’re my relatives.

They’ll give you food. Guys, you’ve worked hard these days. We’re gonna have a funeral procession for the old master of the Feng family. A funeral procession? In the past couple of days, the Fengs are exhausted. They told us to watch his bier. I’m not his son. I won’t watch his bier.

They’ll pay you 50 cents for that. No, it’s one yuan. What one yuan? It’s 50 cents! Get to work! Have you kept in mind what I told you to do? I have. Yeah yeah. I seriously doubt that. Hurry up. Double seven. Ptui. Have you two peeked at my tiles? Pass. -Pass. -Double eight.

Faster, will you? Troupe owner, let Brother Ba watch outside. Do it quickly, okay? Replace Brother Ba. You guard the latter half of the night. How should I play? All of you are bosses. I gotta satisfy you. Sure. I’ll guard the latter half. Come on. Double eight. Hold on. Another double eight? Finished eating?

Get up. My turn. The fire is going out. Faster. What’s the hurry? Double ten. Are you two hooked up? I can’t take that. Double ten is too big. You’re the bosses. Let me think. Hold on a sec. Are you gonna follow or not? They’ll have a funeral procession tomorrow.

Shouldn’t we take it more seriously? Take my tiles more seriously first! Four fives. Bomb. Four sixes. Not so fast. Four sevens. You actually have those? Dammit. Let me see. Let me see. Let me think. Again. Four sevens. Why is it so cold? Stop fanning if you’re cold. Here, four eights. Four nines.

Who shuffled the tiles? Bomb. Four tens. Six folds. Let me see. You think four tens will get you a win? Four Jacks. -Stop talking. -Luck just favors me. What? Out with your tile. Today is such a special day. Eight bombs! What’s wrong with you all? -He came back to life! -Run! Run!

What’s going on? Where are you going? Wait for me! He came back to life! What happened next? Then it chased me. And I ran around a tree. I kept circling, and it kept chasing. Then, what happened next? Then, it stopped by the tree. Then next? Next, you were here, weren’t you?

You know what, butler Feng. We can’t sing the opera for you. It’s too freaky. Wait a bit more. Just wait. The man in charge is coming soon. Master Liu, will it really make you a Buddha when putting down the knife? What are you trying to say? Nothing.

I just think that the old monk was a good guy. But his ending was too bad. If you want to be a Buddha, don’t pick up the knife in the first place. So many unexpected things happened in our journey to Rouge Ditch this time. This may be my last time to visit here.

That’s why I brought you along. You brought me here to see an old friend. I brought you here to see human nature. What happened? On the mine… They’re fighting for the Mouse God. Mouse God? Screw you! Feng Youcai, you’re a bastard! Your dad can’t die in peace because of you! You little bastard!

Dad died because he was mad at you! Beat them to death! Beat them! Knock it off! No fighting! The old rules of the gold gang say you may use sticks but no knives. You all have a family and a job. What’s this for? Who’s this old man?

Why is a hunter trying to lecture us? None of your business! Where do you come from, old geezer? Mind your own business! Get lost now! Are you all crazy? This is Master Liu, invited by Veteran Feng to manage things here. Master Liu, please forgive them. I guess you’ve heard about

The story of Old Master Liu and the Mouse God. Mouse God? Many years back, Old Master Feng had a dream in which he saved a man bitten by a tiger. To repay Old Master Feng, this man told him to dig a well at a certain location. After waking up,

Old Master Feng dug like he was told to and really dug out a gold Mouse God statue. Then he knew the Mouse God was helping him. Since Old Master Feng had this Mouse God, his business grew bigger and bigger. But there’s one thing. Master Liu, you know it too. In our trade,

There’re always ups and downs. Old Master Feng lived a good life, but his three sons were spoiled. The third son hooked up with gangsters and picked up the bad habit of go whoring. Old Master Feng was out of options but to beat him up. You know what? He just ran away

And wasn’t heard from since then. Character is destiny. Go on. Later, he had to live up to it. He got two sons left. The business of the mine was getting better. But Old Master Feng’s health was getting worse. He couldn’t have peace even after he’s dead. His body came back to life. What?

Why don’t I believe it? Believe it or not. Everyone in the mine saw it. After they re-buried the body, the two sons started fighting for the statue. Indeed, Master Feng has won now. But he didn’t know… He didn’t know he’d be old someday. Yeah.

What’s more shocking is that after Master Feng died, his body also… Master Liu, please go look for yourself. I’ve become a widow at such a young age. You old man… When did this happen? Master died in the afternoon two days ago. We’ve prepared everything for the funeral,

But his body disappeared a day ago. What happened next? Did you go look for him? We did. We couldn’t find him. Later, the two sons started to blame each other for being the reason for Master’s resurrection. Then they started fighting in the mourning hall. We tried so hard to stop the fight.

But who’d have thought they started fighting again today? They both claimed to have done this for their own father. Someone was nearly killed. Have they really done it for their father? Master Liu, while Master was alive, he told me to invite you. He said you saved his life many years ago.

He wanted to repay you. But now, Master can’t have peace even after he was dead. Master Liu, please do him justice. Justice. Justice. Tell the troupe to continue the opera tonight. The louder, the better. I wanna see where a dead man can run to. Today’s new year’s eve.

Tomorrow’s the first day of the year. Let’s cook rice and chicken and have a feast for the new year! Bravo! Bravo! Two courtyards are divided by a wall. The wives of the family are in charge. Everything valuable has been divided, except that old turtle in my home.

I mean, except for my old father-in-law. Old daddy. Today is new year’s eve. I gotta make some plans for this old man. Old daddy! I’m 78 years old now. My ears can hear, and my eyes can see. Suddenly I heard my daughter-in-law call me. I must come to see her

To find out what’s her good business with me. Stop. It’s your good business, not mine. What did you say when we decided to live apart? I shall take turns to live in two homes for three days each time. How many days have you been here? Count it. Count my foot. Your foot?

The 27th. That’s one. The 28th. That’s two. The 29th. That’s three days. Today is new year’s eve. You gotta roll like a potato. Get out! Big daughter-in-law, just let me have the Spring Festival here. You wanna have the Spring Festival here? Then what about my family? Get out of here now!

Get out of here now! Fine. I’ll go to the second daughter-in-law’s place. Sing. Why did you stop? Keep singing! What’s wrong? Keep singing. Zombie! Zombie! Run! He came back to life! Master Liu, now you believe it? Believe what? Ghosts? Master Liu, where are you going? Bust the ghost. Had enough fun? Brother Liu,

I’ve scared myself, too, by doing this. Brother Liu, I knew you’d find out the truth. Were you scared? I’m not in the mood now. Brother Liu, wait for me for a while. How come you didn’t ask me why I played dead? I’m busy. Nephew, let’s go. Brother Liu, just listen to me.

I really had good reasons for that. I’ve suffered too much, but I can’t speak out. Why do we keep running into fake ghosts? Brother Liu, I’m gonna be honest with you. If not for something serious, why would I pull this off like a ghost? Then tell me why exactly you did it.

I did it for nothing but my two spoiled sons. Back then, when my father died, my younger brother and I were crossed with each other. Now that I think of it, it’s really not worth it for the money! So I thought, before I die, I gotta play it fair with my two sons.

But who’d have thought that the two sons of mine fought even harder than me and my brother did? Punks! That’s why you played dead to test them. That’s right. You may see people’s true colors when you’re dead. I just wanna see which of my two sons truly loves me.

When I come back to life, I’ll pick one as heir and discard the other. But you didn’t pick one. I did lie to you, but I truly wanna repay you. When the next veteran is picked, I’ll send you five kilograms of placer gold. I was not mad at you for lying to me,

But that even till now, you won’t tell me the truth. Brother, I just said those from the bottom of my heart. Then let me ask you, how did your father die? Nephew, just tell him. After Feng Guizheng, your second younger brother, left, you two did work hard for a while.

Old Master Feng was also relieved. Go stamp it to death! Come on! What are you doing? This is the god that protects our gold gang. The two of you didn’t do anything good all day long. All you do is gamble. If this goes on, won’t you end up like your damned brother?

Why would I have two good-for-nothings like you? Old stick-in-the-mud. What are you looking at? Get to work! Didn’t you hear? Mr. Feng, you still haven’t got the mine for your father? This time, I’m here to support you on behalf of the Yongqinglin Chamber of Commerce. If you really succeed,

We can establish a long-term cooperation. I have channels to transport gold out. This is better than paying taxes to the officials, don’t you think? That makes sense. But my father is still alive. Go close the door. Close the door. Please don’t blame me. I wish you happiness on the other side.

But you didn’t expect your father wasn’t completely dead. He woke up in the middle of the night. Just go in peace. He came back to life! He came back to life! The old man came back to life? He’s not dead. Not dead. You mustn’t tell anyone that the Mouse God is lost.

I’ll give you a sum of money. Just go. Don’t let me ever see you again. You can buy a piece of land. You can buy an official title. It’s yours to decide. And drop the family name, Feng. We won’t be in touch anymore. Boss, we’re really not gold diggers.

Don’t believe me? Take a look. My father just passed away. However, our ancestral grave is in another town. I was trying to bring his body back so that I could bury him to put him to rest. Boss. Boss. Boss! Brother, this doesn’t look like there’s gold in here.

We’ll see after cutting him open. The old man’s gold was supposed to be mine. Open now! Brother, gold. Pure gold. See? Brother, pure gold. Pure gold. Brother, it’s gold. Look! We’re rich now! Did you see that? Yeah. Dad! Brother! Out of my way! What should we do? Dad! Dad!

I thought of avenging him numerous times, but I gave up that idea many times. It’s not the Buddhist life that made me, but the guilt inside me. I’ve killed too many lives and even killed my father. Even though I became a monk, I still couldn’t find salvation. I kept chanting the scriptures

In the hope of finding peace of mind. But when my life’s road came to an end, I discovered that life’s misery is boundless. There’s no shore to it. I put down the knife in my hand, but I can’t remove the sword in my heart. This is the payback. This is karma.

Should there be a chance in this life, I’m willing to give out all for redemption. If there’s no such chance in this life, I shall repay my debts in the next life. I shall not regret this will. May heavens be my witness. Master, time to take your medicine. Let me take you somewhere.

Where? My father’s burial ground. Where did you hear this from? These stories are too old to remember if you don’t remind me. You don’t remember, but the forest does. Evil is evil. You will have your payback someday. How could the lost Mouse God be in your hands? Your father knew you’d kill him.

In order not to leave it to you, he swallowed it. This is karma. Look at your poor face. I was kind enough to give you some money. But you kept talking about some stupid karma. I know you’re a good marksman. Shoot here. Kill me. Kill me! Killing you will dirty my gun. Dad!

Dad! Besides, you’re already a dead man now. Wait. -Dad! -Where are you taking the Mouse God? Dad! I’ll take it to where it belongs. That’s it, Master Liu. This is the cave mentioned in the old monk’s letter. I put the gold mouse back. This mine has been abandoned for years.

It may collapse anytime. When it does, dust will return to dust. For something from the dust, it’s better to let it go where it belongs. Dad, we repent. We’re not gonna fight. Dad, we repent. Cry. Cry! Whoever cries louder shall have the thing! I’m not… I’ve scared myself, too, by doing this.

Brother Liu, Brother Liu, I knew you’d find out the truth. Were you scared? I’m not in the mood now. Brother Liu. Brother Liu, just listen to me. I really had good reasons for that. I’ve suffered too much, but I can’t speak out. Kill that old man first. That’s fair, huh?

As long as the old man doesn’t pick one, it’ll be fair. Send someone to tail the hunter. I’m not dead yet! I’m not dead yet! You two! I’m not dead yet! Blow louder! My dad loves the melody! Don’t stop! Until he’s buried! I’m still in here! Master Liu,

Will things like this keep occurring? That depends on them. Who? Let’s go. After going out of Shanhai Pass, my eyes filled with tears. I leave home to dig gold today, not knowing when I will return.