[القبر لوب نور]|Lop Nor Tomb|المثلث الحديدي يكشف سر معبد البرج الأسود|إثارة/مغامرة/تشويق|YOUKU

Hey, Pangzi! Can you focus on something important? You don’t understand. I’ve got swag. Can you two stop joking around? The lava is getting more active. We need to find the Jinglun Pestle quickly. Don’t worry. It’s not the first time we have helped archaeological teams rescue important cultural relics.

The magnetic field here is too strong, and the compass is not working. So we can only rely on our experience. That’s strange. Why aren’t there Eight Hexagrams around the Ultimate Plate? Have you noticed anything unusual? Hu! Hu! Hu! That really scared me to death just now. Why are there so many coffins? Hu.

How can we find the Jinglun Pestle? The cross-sectional formation in front of the Asura statue shows the form of Radiance. The other seven hexagrams should be the coffins in front of the other seven statues. These eight heavenly dragons represent the Eight Hexagrams. If that’s the case, the vacant coffin we’re looking for

Should be between Force and Open. That is to say, between Garuda and Gandharva. Pangzi. Light the candle. One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things, which are mystical. Life and death are difficult to perceive. To search for treasures, grope bones and observe appearances. Look!

This is the Jinglun Pestle the Professor asked us to find. The power of the magnetic field is about to disappear. Let’s get up there! Pangzi! The Black Tower is said to be the burial place of kings of the Loulan ancient kingdom. Some say it was used for rituals and prayers.

But today, its true purpose is nowhere to be found. After the ancient kingdom of Loulan was destroyed by the Gumo tribe, the Black Tower was also destroyed. However, the descendants of one branch of Loulan took refuge for seclusion in the Zhagelama Mountains and built the ancient city of Lop Nor.

They rebuilt the Black Tower. These are the documents that Mr. Wu and I have found. Based on the contents of the parchment, it can be confirmed what Professor Yang had been searching for before he disappeared is the Black Tower recorded in the Jinglun Pestle. It turns out that the Black Tower

Is in the ancient city of Lop Nor. Unfortunately, at that time, no one in the academic community believed the ancient kingdom of Loulan truly existed. But now, the Black Tower has really appeared, which proves that Professor Yang was right. And all of us were wrong. Yes. Originally, the Professor and I

Planned to inform you after we found the Black Tower. But Siyu believes that this Black Tower may be related to your father’s whereabouts. So, you have the right to know the truth. Professor, when do we leave? Siyu has contacted the guide. We’ll leave as soon as he arrives.

Let’s get ready as soon as possible. Alright. Commander Hu. Counselor Yang. Our Trio of Tomb Searchers is going to fight together again. According to the legend, the Queen of Loulan ruled with great cruelty. In order to save the innocent people, Prince of Gumo launched an attack on the ancient kingdom of Loulan

And killed the Queen with the Holy Blade. The Kingdom of Loulan was collapsed as a result. But the loyal Warrioress in Red hid the Queen’s body in the Black Tower Temple of Lop Nor. With the power of the Black Serpent, she protected the Queen’s soul from vanishing, awaiting the rebirth. After that,

The Warrioress in Red also disappeared. But the Jinglun Pestle you found confirms part of the legend. Everyone. Let’s go in this direction. Well, Uncle Ma. Isn’t it a bit reckless to let an animal decide which way to go? We still need to be scientific. According to my experience,

When a sand lizard is in danger, it’ll always run away to the wetter parts of the sand. So, there must be an underground river in the direction it escaped. Well. Uncle Ma is famous around here. He’s known as a living map. It’s safe to follow him. Professor, don’t worry.

The guy Siyu brought should be reliable. Right, Siyu? Alright. But I think… Actually, Uncle Ma is not wrong either. Can we trust this old man? He’s so full of himself. The basic principle is to live off the land. Anyone with a bit of intelligence would know to build a city near a river.

Let’s follow Uncle Ma. We’d better listen to Mr. Ma. Let’s go. What kind of attitude is that? You’re a great bully. This breeze feels nice and cool. The sandstorm is coming. Be careful, everyone. Run! Hurry up! Siyu. Get up! Let’s go! Quick! Hurry up! Zhiyuan. Hurry up, Professor! Hey, girl! Hold on tight!

Help quickly! Is everyone okay? No one died. Professor! Come here. What’s this place? It’s pitch black. Come. Are you alright? I’m fine. Take it slow. Stay close. Be careful. What’s this place? Why are there so many bones? It seems like a burial mound of sacrifice. Stay close to me, all of you.

Be careful. Come on, let’s go. Listen, everyone. Where is the laughter coming from? It’s just an owl. What do you know? Don’t you know the old saying? Not afraid of the cat crying, but afraid of the owl hooting. If the owl hoots in the middle of the night,

The king of hell will be there soon. What does that mean? It means when the owl hoots, someone is going to die. The king of hell will come to take away his soul. You heard it first, right? You… Don’t scare me! Enough, Pangzi. Stop messing around. Owls can’t foretell death.

It’s just that when a person is about to die, their body will emit a certain odor of Cadaverine. It’s the smell that attracts the owl. That’s why the older generation called the owl the harbinger of death. Don’t be ridiculous. It… It must be here because of these mummies. Hu. We’d better go now.

You’d better stay here. Be careful. I’ll go up and take a look. Um… How about we all stand to the side? Let’s go. Okay. The head has seven holes. The face has twelve palaces. The seven holes govern life. The twelve palaces govern destiny. [Wealth Palace, Health Palace, Friends Palace]

[Property Palace, Happy Palace] It’s the Seven Orifices and Twelve Palaces. Hu. How do we get out of here? To strengthen the Life Palace, one must have a powerful Health Palace. The Health Palace is on the bridge of the nose. Come here. Come on. One. Two. Three. Professor. What’s this painting about?

Why are you so absorbed in it? This group of murals should confirm what I told you before. The legend of the Queen of Loulan. This must be the temple of the Gumo tribe. Professor. If this content can be published, I believe it will definitely cause the biggest sensation in the field of archaeology.

Everyone, gather information separately. Mr. Ma is missing. What? Could it be that the Queen of Loulan was killed by this sword? So the Gumo people considered it a holy object and worshipped it here? Look, this place is so spooky. Did the old man get captured by a ghost? I… I’m just kidding.

Then stop talking rubbish… Li Yaoqiang! Li Yaoqiang! Hu, why is the coffin placed upright? An upright coffin can suppress evil spirits. It means the owner wanted to suppress something evil. Where’s Uncle Lin? What’s going on? Who attacked me? Who? Anyone who dared trespass the Gumo Temple would be killed without mercy.

Who are you? You sure talk big. Want to kill me? Where are you? Come out! It’s so hot! Get away from the Holy Coffin. Don’t come any closer. If you dare touch it, I’ll kill you! Don’t come any closer! Don’t! I’m going to light a fire! Back off! Get back!

Where did he get the liquor? Get off! Get off! I’m going to light a fire! Where are our men? Did you guys capture them? Bring them out! Hurry up! Go! Shirley. Behave yourself! Shirley, help us! Siyu! Let them go! Let them go! Shirley! You! Go over there! Keep going. Go over there! Go!

Bella’s awake. You can’t escape. Who? Who’s Bella? I’m not afraid of anything! Don’t come any closer! Or I’ll throw it! Run! You go first. Take the others. Okay. Be careful! Pangzi. Hu, do something! We’re about to die! Stop working on your compass. Even if the tomb is full of tricks,

They’re all about Yin and Yang, and the Eight Hexagrams. Force and Field, the way to death is behind, and the path to life lies ahead. Jump! I’m afraid of heights. I’m scared! Hurry up! Go down! Jump! Jumping from such a high place, they’re dead. Bella has recognized the Loulan bloodline among them.

And they have the Jinglun Pestle. We can’t take it lightly. Be careful! Help! Hold on! You’re so heavy! Hu Bayi. Why did you step on my hand? If I didn’t step on you, you’d be dead already. That’s Mount Zhagelama. The ruins of the ancient city of Lop Nor should be nearby. Shirley.

Let me help you. Thank you, Siyu. How’s the Professor? He’s much better now. Shirley, do you think those stories on the murals are real? Will the Queen of Loulan really come back to life? Why do you believe in these legends? That’s not something a college student should say. Well… I’m just curious.

By the way, Shirley. Your father had always been studying the culture of Loulan and the Black Tower of Lop Nor. Did he have any discoveries about this? No, he didn’t. He never told me anything about his work. I even complained that he was always busy with work. Later, I learned

That everything he did was for me. I remember Professor Lin said, in the academic community at that time, no one believed in the existence of the ancient kingdom of Loulan. But your father… He never gave up on unraveling the mystery of your family bloodline. I truly admire you

For having such a good father. He would do anything for you. But I wish that he could always be by my side. If it’s a father who’s not capable, even if he is with you every day… Sorry. I was trying to say,

It’s only natural for a father to be good to his child, right? Here. Have some water. You’re done. Pangzi caught a sand rabbit from somewhere. He’s roasting it with Mr. Wu. Siyu, you’ve done a good job. How’s it going? Today, you got scared a lot. I’m fine, Hu. Do you think

We can find the ancient city of Lop Nor tomorrow? Yes, we can. Shirley and I have been through a lot in the last two years. Besides, our Trio of Tomb Searchers has never failed before. That’s great. Then we’ll be able to find out the whereabouts of Professor Yang,

And our journey to Lop Nor will be complete. Right, Shirley? Actually, I know that even if my father did come here, it’s been more than ten years after all. If he could come back, he would have returned long ago. As long as there’s a tiny bit of hope, we can’t give up. Chu.

Siyu. Thanks for your help this time. If you hadn’t deciphered the parchment, I might not even have this opportunity. Be careful with your wound. Take a good rest, Shirley. I’ll go first. Go ahead. We really can’t go any further. If we keep going, I don’t know what kind of danger we’ll run into.

Then what should we do? You want to quit? That’s not what I meant. I mean, we can’t risk everyone’s lives for this. We’ve worked so hard to get here. There’s no way back. But… Now we have nothing left. Even if we enter the ancient city of Lop Nor, what can we do?

Don’t worry about that. There’s always a way out. What are you doing here? I’ve been looking for you for a while. Come on. Let’s go eat rabbit. What’s going on? You look gloomy. It’s nothing. He’s trying to raise the price. Pangzi. You’re here just in time. Judge this for us.

She said I was here to be your guide. But now I’m almost dead. What the hell? Siyu. I have to criticize you for this. You can’t be so unkind. He’s quite old and has risked his life with us. What’s wrong with paying him a little more? Right? Be generous. Don’t be stingy. Fine.

I’ll talk to Professor Lin and request some funds later. Right. Isn’t this fair enough? Let’s go. Eat the rabbit. Go. Come on. Professor. According to you, the Gumo people attacked us to prevent us from looking for the ancient city of Lop Nor. According to legend,

The Gumo people have been guarding the Black Tower Temple for generations and preventing outsiders from getting close to it. That’s impossible. In history, Gumo was a small country. It’s been over 2,000 years. They should have disappeared long ago. I think someone is just playing tricks on us. You can’t say that for sure.

There are no absolutes. The monster that chased us today must be the Groundhog, a sacred beast worshipped by the Gumo tribe. Luckily, we had a narrow escape today. Thanks to Hu Bayi. Otherwise, we would be dead for sure. It’s all Pangzi’s fault. If it wasn’t for him, that beast wouldn’t have chased us

To the brink of death. Li Yaoqiang. Even if you’re not strong, you’d better watch your mouth. Let me tell you something. If it weren’t for him today, you’d be dead already. Well. But he… What are you talking about? You seem so happy. Li Yaoqiang is excitedly waving his hands. What happened?

We’re praising you. You’re the best today. You’re so brave. It’s nothing. You’re welcome. As the saying goes. One can’t achieve things without others’ help. No matter how brave I am, I couldn’t make it without your help and support. Right? Siyu. Why did you come back with him?

The three of us came back together. Didn’t you see him? Why are you jealous? Alright. Be quiet, everyone. Now that we’re all here, I’ll say a few words. Everyone, along this journey, we’ve been through a lot of difficulties and experienced life and death. But thankfully, we’re just one step away from victory. Tonight,

Have some good rest, and recharge our energy. I’m sure the ancient city of Lop Nor will be the most important discovery in the history of archaeology. Everyone here will be witnesses to this history. Good! Hu. Did you make a mistake in your calculations? That’s impossible.

As the saying goes, Feng Shui has its turns, and the earth has auspiciousness. As the kingdom’s capital, the ancient city of Lop Nor must have been built on an auspicious Feng Shui spot that matches the Dragon Vein. It can’t be wrong. Could it be that the trend of the Dragon Vein has changed? [Field] We’ve got six out of Eight Hexagrams. Two left. Ground has no support, and Force has no heart. [Force, Field, Shake, Ground, Gorge, Bound, Radiance, Open] The ancient city of Lop Nor is right here. But apart from the sand dunes, there is nothing else. What’s the hurry, Professor? Just watch closely. It’s coming. It’s here. As recorded in the parchment, when the wrath of the Black Desert covers the sky,

The ancient city of Lop Nor will return to the earth. Hu. You’ve figured it out long ago. It’s been 2,000 years. This magnificent civilization, which was buried under the desert, has finally resurfaced! Professor, look over there. Shirley, Hu. Come quickly! What’s the matter? This is… Men die in pursuit of wealth,

And birds die in pursuit of food. May you guys incarnate into better families in your next life. Don’t do such business again. These grave robbers deserved to die. I’d rather you proceed onward than spend time caring about them. Professor, let’s go. Sir. Let’s go. It’ll be fine. We just need to find it.

The devil. The sheep head. The servant. The one-eyed guardian. All these stone statues are arranged according to Loulan’s social classes. They’re guarding the Queen, who is in the highest class. Professor! – Mr. Wu! – Mr. Wu! Zhiyuan! Zhiyuan! The Four Spiritual Creatures of Heaven and Earth balance the four directions.

It’s the 28 Constellations. Stop. Endless abyss below, boundless souls beyond. This is the Nether Bridge. So, all of our efforts were in vain? If so, let’s head back. Mr. Wu is already gone. Stop spouting nonsense! You were the reason Mr. Wu died! How should I know that the stone statues could move? You should blame

Hu Bayi for that! He didn’t remind us that there were traps here. Mr. Wu died because of him! To hell with you! I’ll kill you… – Pangzi. – Don’t fight. Don’t start a fight. The Nether Bridge is also known as The Bridge of Will. It means, when there’s a will, there’s a way.

I’m sure we’ll find another way out. As fish leap into the netherworld, flowers bloom on the land of the dead. As fish leap into the netherworld, flowers bloom on the land of the dead. As fish leap into the netherworld, flowers bloom on the land of the dead. Shirley, give me the flare gun.

The witch’s eye gazes northward into the abyss. Seems like the Queen’s Mausoleum is located below these nether stairs. Professor, you guys should stop here. Hu is right. You guys may be in danger if we proceed onward. Pangzi, you can’t avoid sacrifice on the way of seeking truth. Mr. Wu sacrificed his life

For his career in archaeology. We have to inherit his will. We cannot let his sacrifice be in vain, so we have to keep moving forward. Even so, we can’t just die here. We’re here on an archaeological expedition. We’re not here to die. You can head back if you’re afraid of death.

Anyway, Professor and I will never give up here. Alright. Chu Siyu, you better know what’s good for you. I’m saying this for everyone’s sake. You should just shut up. Did you forget what you did earlier? Siyu, heed our advice. You and Professor Lin should head back under Uncle Ma’s lead. Shirley,

You won’t give up before you find your father, right? Mr. Wu’s lifelong wish was to locate the Loulan Queen’s Mausoleum. As his student, I cannot afford to let him leave this world with regrets. Siyu is right. Zhiyuan is gone. All the more, we must not stop. That’s Zhiyuan’s mission.

It’s also our mission as archaeologists. Professor. Let’s continue. You guys can go ahead if you wish to proceed. I won’t stop you guys from seeking death. But I don’t want to die. Old chap, you should head back, too. There’s no need to risk your life together with us. In such a desert,

If we can’t find water, there’s no way we can leave the place alive. I’ll die from starvation or thirst eventually. I would rather stick with you guys. At least I can lend you guys a hand if you guys are in trouble. Professor, I gave it some thought just now. I felt

That I’d let Mr. Wu down. I should stick with you guys. This way, I can lend you guys a hand and do my part. Look at this coward. He’s a true coward. He’s worse than a coward. Pangzi, let’s go. Brother, you were right. Not only did they survive,

But they also found the ancient city. I hereby swear a vow upon the Holy Blade. If the witch of Loulan is resurrected, our tribe must stop her resurrection. If we fail, we shall pay with our death. This must be the Queen’s coffin. Zhiyuan, our grand wish has finally been achieved. It’s a shame

That you couldn’t see it yourself. Professor, locating this coffin is considered a consolation to Mr. Wu. Hu, let’s open the coffin then. Don’t you guys need to report this to your superiors first? I don’t think that’s necessary. Siyu, what are you up to? Where did you get the gun? Professor!

Don’t make me say it again. Don’t try anything funny. If not, I’ll aim for something else besides your arm. Siyu, don’t do silly things. Pangzi, light the candles. The cock crows, and the candles extinguish. Such tombs cannot be touched. Those who are greedy enough to open the coffin shall die. We cannot

Open this coffin. Fine. If you don’t open the coffin, I’ll open fire. The candle was extinguished. It means grave danger. The coffin is either a trap, or contains unholy beings. If we do open it, all of us will die here. So, you guys want Professor Lin to die then? Is that so?

Let’s save Uncle Lin for now. Even if there’s something wrong with the coffin, at least we can fight our way out of it. One produced Two; Two produced Three. Three produced All things, which are mystical. Life and death are difficult to perceive. To search for treasures, grope bones and observe appearances.

– You mustn’t open it! – Li Yaoqiang, what are you doing? Siyu, didn’t you hear what Hu Bayi said just now? All of us will die once the coffin is opened. We’re still so young. We cannot afford to die here. The others can seek death all they like. But we must survive. Okay?

What a nuisance. Open the coffin. Hu Bayi! Put the gun down! What’s going on now? You still don’t understand? He was hired by Chu Siyu in the first place. Move. Don’t move! Put the gun down! Move. Go up. Hu. What should we do? Move. I assume Chu Siyu knew

How to open the door all along. I was wondering why she threatened us to open the coffin lid. Hu! Professor! Professor, get up! Let’s go! Hu! Are you okay? Hu, are you okay? Shirley. Let’s go. Oh no, those guys are here too. Professor. What kind of ferocious creature was that?

That’s the Wetland Red Denglong. Its existence was recorded in Qing’s “A Sequel of Censored by Confucius.” At first, a corpse will turn into a drought demon. After that, it’ll turn into a Denglong. It’s a ferocious creature. It can hibernate for a long time. And it has an extremely long lifespan.

Where’s the descendant of Loulan? What exactly are you up to? What am I up to? I’m helping your father to fulfill his last wish. Your father has always wanted to find out the relationship between the bloodline of Loulan and the Black Tower, right? Actually, you’re the answer. Miss Yang, I don’t want you to die. However, I can’t just let my daughter die. Your daughter? It just requires your blood. Just a little. Just think of it as doing us a favor. Stop resisting, okay? Don’t waste your breath on her. Speaking of which, it’s all my fault.

I shouldn’t have told Chu and the rest that Shirley is a descendant of Loulan. Darn it! Chu Siyu intends to use Counselor Yang as an offering. That’s impossible. No one could be resurrected after being dead for over two millenniums. According to my tribe’s prophecy, as long as one offers the bloodline of Loulan

On the Black Tower’s altar, the witch of Loulan will be resurrected. And war and carnage will descend upon the world again. Are you saying that they’ll bring Shirley to the Black Tower? The Black Tower is the witch’s coffin. The witch can only be resurrected if they sacrifice your companion there. It’s a shame

That the only path to the place has been destroyed. Bella is sensing that the witch’s tomb is being opened. With our blood, we pledge our oath. With our blood, we pledge our oath. Bella? Bella. Let’s go. We have more important things to do. Siyu, what are you doing? What am I doing?

My condition deteriorated to the point where there was no cure for me, all because we were penniless and incompetent. I’m fine with the fact that you’re not helping me out. But now, I’ve finally found a cure. Are you going to stop me? You told me

That we only needed a tiny amount of her blood. You didn’t tell me that we needed to use her as a living sacrifice. Why don’t we think of another solution? Think of another solution? We’ve been looking for a solution all these years. Had we ever found one? But…

It’ll be too late for you to turn back if you kill another person. Father. Look at the state I’m in. How long do you think I can survive? If we don’t kill her, your daughter will die. So, will it be me or her? You make the call. Yu! Yu! Shirley. Hu is here.

Siyu wanted to resurrect the Queen of Loulan. I know. Let’s get out first. Let’s go. Your Majesty! I was the one who resurrected you. Please save me! Yu! Leave now. This is our battle. Ba Tu’er. Let’s attack her together. With our blood, we pledge our oath. If we fail,

We shall pay with our death! Ba Tu’er! Brother! Yi Ta’na! Brother. With our blood, we pledge our oath. Forget about me. You guys should go. Destroy the secret tunnel. Do not let the witch escape. Even so, I can’t just let you die here! This is the mission that has been passed down

Within the Gumo tribe since two millenniums ago. Leave! Just go! The Holy Blade… The Holy Blade… You can kill her with it. Do not let her escape. We’re buddies, aren’t we? We will live and die together. We are the Trio of Tomb Searchers. United we live, divided we die. Pangzi! Shirley. Here. Hu.

What exactly is going on? Are you okay? The Queen of Loulan was resurrected right in front of me. I’m fine. What about you? It’s because of those corpse flowers. So, the sorcery of the witch of Loulan was just a hallucination created by the corpse flowers. Hu Bayi, you ruined my life!

I’m begging you guys. Please don’t… Please don’t kill my daughter. I’m begging you guys. Please don’t… Please don’t kill my daughter. If you have to kill someone, kill me instead. It’s all my fault. Father! Go home. Father? Run! Yi Ta’na! Let’s go! Come on! Come on! Are you guys trying to die here?

Let’s go! Shirley, let’s go! – Run! – Let’s go! Alright. Even if I see you off for a long way, we will have to part ways eventually. It means that since we’re friends, we will meet again eventually. So, there’s no need to be disheartened when we’re parting ways. My friend! Alright. My friend!

What’s with the jarring action? Take care. Professor.